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  1. Hi guys and gals Got myself in the mire again. I put three transactions thru paypall which did not go thru my bank due to insuficients funds in my account but were backed up by my credit card so no problem. Or so ithought till i got my bank statement from santander and they want to charge me £25.00 per transaction £75.00 in total just to pass it back and say NO ..... Do i have to swallow this or is there any way i can say NO. haha HELP PLEASE. My goodness i should have learned by now.
  2. I would be grateful for some help in how to respond to a county court summons issued by Santander's solicitors. The summons is for £902 plus solicitors and court costs and I need to reply to it by Monday. The amount is made uo of £690 on a Debenhams store card (originally through GE Money), late/missed payment fess and interest. I do owe the money but have had to give priority to my secured debts, council tax and utility bills leaving nothing for credit cards (all defaulted) and this one credit card. I haven;t requested a CCA or queried the late fees etc. - have I left it too late to do so? Should I reply online or by recored delivery? How should I respond to the summons? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I have not had to answer one before. Many thanks, Ruth
  3. Hi guys 4 years ago i took a loan out for my car i borrowed £7,500 paid it up last september, they asked me if i wanted to take out ppi but i told them no, is there still a possibility they could of added it without me knowing ? is it worth me checking to see if im owed anything
  4. Hi , I hope someone can give me some advice.. I recently entered into a debt management program with Step Change as I can not afford the repayments on my personal loan with Santander. I cancelled my d/d online (my bank is Natwest) filled in the income / expenditure form a nd sent it to Santander after my April payment went out(giving them notice) a nd sent an offer letter of £1 a month subject to review in 6 months and enclosed a cheque for said amount for my initial payment. I received a letter asking me to telephone Santander however I wrote to them asking for all correspondence to be in writing. They sent me a letter towards the end of April agreeing to my/Step Changes Terms and I felt like all the weight had been lifted!! Today I have checked my account and Santander have re-instated my d/d and taken£189.00 (original repayment) leaving me potless!! I guess what I want to know is can I get my money back and how I approach them?? Thank you in advance.
  5. Hey guys, I took a 1 year loan out with them last year and I also hold a bank account with them. The loan was paid into my Santander bank account and repayments were made via Direct Debit from that account. Some time last month I had a letter off them which showed what amounts of my loan has been paid off. Repayment date was always the 13th and I think I had this letter before the 13th March. I had a quick read through it and it said all had been repaid, no missed payments. I checked on my credit report which updates every 30 days (last update was 9th April) and it shows Santander loan, all payments up to date this year, no missed or late payments. I had enough in my bank to cover March's repayment but due to the letter saying all was clear and paid I took that money out and bought myself some things. On the 13th march it showed in my bank account that they tried to take the direct debit out but due to no funds it was "unpaid". Santander have put a £25 charge on that unpaid direct debit. I checked again on that letter I had off them, checked the months and noticed the last payment was due in March, however this letter was received before the repayment date and it shows that March's payment was paid off. I think this is down to their computer systems. What I think happened was March 13th was indeed the final repayment date. Their systems detected I hadnt missed a payment of my loan and assumed I wouldnt miss March's repayment. They sent the letter before the repayment date which at a glance showed no outstanding payments due and showed the loan as cleared. Then I took the money out and bought things thinking I didnt owe anything but a few days later on March 13th the final repayment did come out and it bounced so theres that "unpaid direct debit" £25 fee (which I was only made aware of today via pre notification of charges that their ebanking system gives) Since the 13th March they have made no attempts to contact me. It seems that due to their system they are probably not even aware that I have 1 outstanding payment or otherwise I guess they would of tried to phone me or sent a letter saying the payment was missed and so theres a charge + extra interest to be added on. At very least it should have shown up on my credit report as a "missed payment" rather than showing as paid and up to date. The worry now is that it's the 13th again today so no doubt their systems will automatically try and take that payment again + interest and their charges (no idea what the amount will even be) and since I don't get anymore money in my bank until the end of the month its obviously going to be another £25 "unpaid direct debit" charge and also they will add another missed payment charge and interest onto the loan amount. A complete shambles because had I not received that letter saying all loan repayment amounts had been paid, I would have left the money in my bank in March and the loan would of been cleared back then.
  6. Hi I could do with some advice. I'll try to keep this as straight forward as possible. Ok, I had a personal loan with Santander over 36 monthly payments. It was due to be settled in December this year, however I decided that I was going to settle it early at the end of March (2013). On the 11/03/2013 I called Santander for a settlement figure - I was quoted £2061.38 (I only called here to get an idea of what the settlement figure was, I don't get paid until the end of the month) On the 31/03/2013 I called Santander and explained that I would like to settle my loan early, the nice lady on the phone said she would get me a settlement figure, put me on hold for a short while, on her return she told me that the settlement figure would be £1828.60 - asked me if I would like to pay now, I said I would, she asked how I would be paying, I replied "with my Debit Card" - she then took my card details. Now, she did say after this "not to cancel my direct debit just yet" - to this I argued that "why would I need to keep my direct debit open? I have just settled the account!". To this she replied "yes, your right sir, feel free to cancel the direct debit whenever you like" - Thanks good bye. £1828.60 was subsequently taken from my account. The end.... or so I thought. On the 18/04/2013 I recieved a (rather nasty) letter from Santander saying that they are unable to close the account as I have not made all the payments and I still owe £232.78. I have 14 days to pay the amount or the £1828.60 would be refunded to my account, minus what payments should have been taken and the loan would carry on as normal. Thinking there must be a mistake I went down to my local branch the next day (19/04/2013) to try to find out what was going on. I was taken into the back of the branch with a member of staff and we tried to get to the bottom of what was going on, the member of staff was on the phone for around half an hour and the upshot of the conversation was the reason that I still owed the £232.78 was because my direct debit had failed on the 01/03/2013 - I disputed this as I got paid the day before and I had received no correspondence from anyone about any failed direct debits. they were adamant that this was the cause and that was pretty much conversation over. The girl on the phone asked me if I would like to open up a complaint - "YEP!" I then went to my local Halifax and asked them about any failed direct debits for the beginning of March, as I suspected there was none. I was provided with a printed statement of my account clearly showing the loan direct debit being taken on the 01/03/2013. Back to Santander. I spoke with the member of staff I had been dealing with earlier, showed her the statement from the Halifax, she took photocopies, then said she would sort it for me. She had someone to see but would phone Santander back up for me that afternoon. Great! everything's sorted. She then took my mobile number saying she would give me a ring later that day. Nothing... Bearing in mind here that Friday 19/03/2013 I was on a days annual leave from work and I spent the entire morning sorting this mess out. Today (23/03/2013), you know when you get that feeling that "something's not right" - I gave Santander a call. Sure enough, apparently my complaint had been rejected and I still owe them £232.78 I tried to explain that I had taken proof of the direct debit to the branch, however now, it wasn't 01/03/2013 direct debit that had failed it was the one on the 01/04/2013 that had failed... Even though I had settled the account the day before. I tried to explain that I had called for a settlement figure, Santander had given me a settlement figure, I paid said settlement figure in full. She was having none of it. Refused to listen to any of my previous phone calls saying that she did not have the facility (which I highly doubt) and now I hadn't made a "settlement payment" I had simply made a "card payment". The conversation then descended into argument. "If you don't like it you can take it up with the financial ombudsman" - so I did and the forms are in the post. Basically, whats happened is someone had ballsed up with my settlement figure. They wont admit it and want the rest of the monies. I was all set to pay them the two thousand, when they gave me the 1800 figure I thought bonus, another payment must have gone on since I last called. As I had 200 quid spare I then treated myself to a few bits. Plus I've wasted half a days holiday already sorting this mess out. Thanks for reading all that. Do I have a leg to stand on here or should I just stump up the 232 quid? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Steve.
  7. Hi all, I've been browsing this site for a while, and although you guys know your stuff I haven't been able to find a relevant solution to my issue, so I signed up and here goes.. I took a £4500 personal loan out with Santander in Oct 2011 and after losing my job in April 2012 I haven't been able to keep up with the payments, which resulted in my loan stacking up with arrears. I've recently found a new job, but by this point it was too late, (and much to my shame) I started to ignore the bank when they called with threats of bailiffs and the like. I received a letter from Santander stating that the loan was being defaulted, and at the beginning of this week I started receiving phone calls from Westcot. I haven't answered the calls or called them back (as most of you said not to) but I received a letter yesterday from Westcot saying that they were instructed to collect the debt. I can't afford the monthly payments of £250 (which is what I was expected to pay with Santander) and I'm really in a pickle over this! Any help would be much appreciated Thank you!
  8. I have a Burton card issued to me in late November and paid all the outstanding amounts on it by phone on the 13th of December. The Santander officer informed me by phone that my outstanding balance on the account was zero at that time. Immediately after, i went on holiday and wasn't back till 25th of January. By the time i got back, i found letters from Santander telling me i have late payment charges on my account, for which a default notice had been issued. I settled this late payment charges on 30th of January, but I am worried that this may now have a long term impact on my credit report. What are some options available to me to have this default notice removed from my file?
  9. Hiya, My partner & I are having a bit of trouble with Santander, My partner got a ring in a jewellers in 2011,the credit was with Santander,he paid the deposit,there was then to be 9 additional payments to come out by DD,we missed a payment around 4 months later so double the amount came out the next month by DD,and a charge,so all was up to date..we opened a santander joint account around when the last payment was due, the DD was changed to the new account,along with TV licence etc.. But nothing came out of our new account as it wasn't set up properly,luckily the ring payment came out of our old bank which had enough funds to cover it, so all payments were made and our credit report reflected this, two months later,when we had stopped using the new santander joint account as it was more trouble than it was worth,Santander (ring DD)..tried to come out,even though it had been fully paid..this took us into an unnaranged OD with the joint account,at £25 a day charges and returnded DD fees...we didn't find out until weeks later as we never used the account and it had no money in it,so we didn't log on to online banking ever..Santander (ring DD) ..repeatedly tried to take the payment which wasnt due.. we then had bank charges which were around £400..by the time we found out and got to the local branch and cancel the DD..the Santander bank charges now total £500 because of interest, also Santander Cards (for the ring)..have repeatedly sent collection letters since september 2012..adding on charges,we have had several phone calls with them requesting our monthly statements showing that we don't owe anything,as the person on the other end of the phone has also said, they have no idea why the DD was re-set up when no payment was due,3 times they have promised to send the statements proving we still owe an payment...we hear nothing for 2 weeks,then get collection letters again,and no proof or statements have been sent,after several phone calls they have repeatedly said they will put the account on hold whilst it is investigated..that wasn't done,my partner now has a default..and the account has now been passed to the Lewis group ..Santander are now saying they can no longer discuss the account because it is with Lewis group..the Lewis group are saying they can't get our statements from Santander..and we have 14 days to prove we have paid the money, before they send a bailiff or we get a CCJ..we are looking to get a mortgage in the next few years so obviously we don't want this to happen..we also have no disposable income at all at the moment to pay the disputed amount to avoid this as we are struggling with existing payments now my partner has just had an accident at work and i have been on maternity for a few months.. We can't get the bank statement to prove we have paid the full amount as that account is now closed,they said they can't accept our credit report showing 10 payments (it actually shows 12 ok payments,then it turns into a default after having some late payments on there) we also can't dispute the £500 charges with Santander bank until we prove that the DD was taken as a mistake so the charges are escalating quite quickly.. the joint account late payment is now showing on my credit report which i am worried about as i can't have any DMP's,arrangements with creditors,IVA's etc because of my job... any ideas what we can do next? ..it is very difficult to visit banks or post letters as my partner is unable to walk now for a month or two because of his injury,and i am still recovering from a ceasarean section, Thanks in advance for any advice,
  10. Hello all...This is my first posting on this site so please forgive my shortcomings. Any help, advice or suggestions offered will be hugely appreciated by this old insomniac. I have been reading a bit about MCOBS and how it is unlawful for customers to be treated unfairly or communicated with in an unfair way by Banks. a Firstly, I have a mortgage with Santander (previously Abbey National) and I am presently being threatened with possession proceedings due to mortgage arrears. I was forced to give up work 3 years ago due to serious ill health and since then, my only income has been a DWP benefit called ESA (sickness benefit). The benefit contributes to my mortgage (SMI) at the rate of 3.63% . but Santander charges me the Standard Variable Rate, hence the shortfall. I feel I am being treated unfairly as Santander are offering mortgages at the rate of 2.39% to new customers. I've explained my circumstances to them and asked about a lower rate on numerous occasions, but to no avail. Santander state they cannot reduce my mortgage rate because I'm in arrears. I have been upset, distressed and felt harassed by the content of some of their letters and their numerous phone calls over the last couple of years. Just between January and mid March this year, I have received 15 threatening letters from them. The situation has caused my health to deteriorate hugely and if I do decide to take action against them, I will be able to provide medical evidence of this. Can anyone advise if I should sue them through the County Court for 'unfair treatment' and 'unfair communication' for the above. Also, I would also like advice about another issue with Santander in which they owe me money. In December 2011, whilst wading through mountains of Santander/Abbey National paperwork, I found two hand written receipts, showing different dates a month apart and identical amounts, £469, for Mortgage Arrangement Fees in 2003. I should have only paid them one amount of £469 but my mistake occurred because each receipt had something different written on it. One said "Survey" and the other said "Valuation". I wrote to Santander, to claim back £469 and provided evidence to show I had paid twice and that the same amount had been deducted twice from my bank account. They responded that they were unable to consider my request as they held no paperwork outside 6 years. I pursued a claim through the Financial Ombudsman and they took nearly a year to make a decision. The Ombudsman decided "Under the DISP rules I am not permitted to consider a complaint if it has been referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service more than six years after the event complained of". Can anyone advise if I could claim this money through the County Court and if so, could this include compounded interest etc? The mind boggles, well mine does anyway. Thanks in advance.
  11. I sent a very detailed emaill to Santander asking f them to refund me fees and fines for the last 5 years as I am really suffering right now. I am self employed, had a drop in income, am not paid regularly and have been diagnosed as depressed for the last three years due to financial stress. by the time I am paying around £100 in fines to Santander every month. They have refused after looking at the transactions on my account and referencing things such as the fact I purchased clothes and do not have things like Payday lenders on it! They also took a detailed look at my credit card transactions, even though my hardship case was based on my current account. (I can't understand why Santander allowed me this card with £6000 credit when my credit rating was dismal then). they have offered me a loan instead, for which my account will become a basic one and I will not have a debit card. Considering my wife, two teenage children and I are existing on our tax credits mostly (as by the time I get paid I can barely pay one or two outstanding bills), does the fact that I need to clothe my children mean I am not suffering? what should I do?
  12. Hi ALL I have recieved this letter from Santander,I will type it out as it is in letter as scanner is not working.. Dear xxxxxx NOTIFICATION OF TERMINATION Finance Bal....... Outstanding Bal...... Date of termination........ Despite our previous letters, including a default notice, you have not paid the arrears. ( approx £500.00 ) so therefore we have today terminated your agreement, the unpaid balance above is now due. The agreement provides that we may take back the goods, the subject matter of this agreement, from you after termination, However, as you have paid more than one third of the total monies payable, we are not entitled to take the goods back,without your consent, unless we first obtain a court order allowing us to do so. We now require immediate return of the goods. To avoid legal action being taken to recover them, please contact us on the number for us to arrange collection of the goods. IF THE GOODS ARE NOT RETURNED IMMEDIATELY, WE WILL TAKE LEGAL ACTIONTO RECOVER THEM. YOU MAY BE LIABLE FOR THE COSTS OF THIS LEGAL ACTION. After the goods have been recovered and dispossed of them, we will also require payment of all remaining monies due pursuant to the terms of this agreement. You will be liable for costs etc. P T O. Please be aware that as a result of this termination, any credit protection insurance you have taken out will be terminated with immediate effect. Yours Sincerely Denise Armitage. So then guy's what is my next step, oh I have never cca'd them, but I dont want to rock the boat anymore, if they are coming to remove the family car? Mr W
  13. I had a current account with Santander without an agreed overdraft. I went over by approx 140 - which was made up purely of their charges ("there wasnt enough money in your account to pay XYZ so weve had to had to pay it for you and charged you the earth for the liberty") Now I got myself in such a mess with Payday Loans, i opened a brand new account with Nationwide and switch to them. Santander are chasing me for the outstanding balance, however they are ignoring all my letters and the balance has now bumped up to £583!!! What can I do about this? Obviously I'm upset as it was all made up of charges and fees and I'm already up to my neck in debt as it is!
  14. I'm trying to gather evidence that Santander uses applications for set-asides as a matter of course -i.e. this is the way they do business. Any pointers to cases would be very useful Ta Very Nuch
  15. I have a personal loan that I had with Santander for £4200. When I lost my job due to an accident at work I was unable to make the payments. After speaking to them regarding my prombles in paying the loan, they agreed to freeze the interest and accept a payment of £1 per month which I have been paying now for three and a half years. I wrote to them three years ago to advise them of my change of address. I have now received a statement sent to my old address showing that interest is still being added to the account! I now owe £5120 and at the current payment of £1 per month will continue to ac-cur interest. Any information regarding how to deal with this would be appreciated.
  16. Hiya, My partner & I are having a bit of trouble with Santander, My partner got a ring in a jewellers in 2011,the credit was with Santander,he paid the deposit,there was then to be 9 additional payments to come out by DD,we missed a payment around 4 months later so double the amount came out the next month by DD,and a charge,so all was up to date..we opened a santander joint account around when the last payment was due, the DD was changed to the new account,along with TV licence etc.. But nothing came out of our new account as it wasn't set up properly,luckily the ring payment came out of our old bank which had enough funds to cover it, so all payments were made and our credit report reflected this, two months later,when we had stopped using the new santander joint account as it was more trouble than it was worth,Santander (ring DD)..tried to come out,even though it had been fully paid..this took us into an unnaranged OD with the joint account,at £25 a day charges and returnded DD fees...we didn't find out until weeks later as we never used the account and it had no money in it,so we didn't log on to online banking ever..Santander (ring DD) ..repeatedly tried to take the payment which wasnt due.. we then had bank charges which were around £400..by the time we found out and got to the local branch and cancel the DD..the Santander bank charges now total £500 because of interest, also Santander Cards (for the ring)..have repeatedly sent collection letters since september 2012..adding on charges,we have had several phone calls with them requesting our monthly statements showing that we don't owe anything,as the person on the other end of the phone has also said, they have no idea why the DD was re-set up when no payment was due,3 times they have promised to send the statements proving we still owe an payment...we hear nothing for 2 weeks,then get collection letters again,and no proof or statements have been sent,after several phone calls they have repeatedly said they will put the account on hold whilst it is investigated..that wasn't done,my partner now has a default..and the account has now been passed to the Lewis group ..Santander are now saying they can no longer discuss the account because it is with Lewis group..the Lewis group are saying they can't get our statements from Santander..and we have 14 days to prove we have paid the money, before they send a bailiff or we get a CCJ..we are looking to get a mortgage in the next few years so obviously we don't want this to happen..we also have no disposable income at all at the moment to pay the disputed amount to avoid this as we are struggling with existing payments now my partner has just had an accident at work and i have been on maternity for a few months.. We can't get the bank statement to prove we have paid the full amount as that account is now closed,they said they can't accept our credit report showing 10 payments (it actually shows 12 ok payments,then it turns into a default after having some late payments on there) we also can't dispute the £500 charges with Santander bank until we prove that the DD was taken as a mistake so the charges are escalating quite quickly.. the joint account late payment is now showing on my credit report which i am worried about as i can't have any DMP's,arrangements with creditors,IVA's etc because of my job... any ideas what we can do next? ..it is very difficult to visit banks or post letters as my partner is unable to walk now for a month or two because of his injury,and i am still recovering from a ceasarean section, i have also posted this in the general debt group aswell, Thanks in advance for any advice,
  17. My husband is a santander customer (unfortunately). A few weeks ago we sent a letter to the CEO (Ana Botin) of Santander requesting all our bank charges be refunded due to financial hardship. these totalled over £5000 over five years. We outlined the many reasons we were in hardship and the detrimental effect these charges were having on our daily lives (inability to pay bills etc). We also detailed my husband's depression, and the fact that his psychiatrist had identified financial stress over the last six years being its primary cause. This was passed over to the CEO's assistant, who swiftly rebutted any notion of financial hardship due to the fact that I shop in Zara and there are no payments to payday loan providers. even though I have two teenage children who are growing, one of whom is already 6'3 and so only certain brands fit him. she claimed to have sent a letter, which still has not arrived. To cut a very long story short, she refused to halt the charges unless the account was turned into a basic one, and a payment plan was arranged to pay off the £1000 overdraft. Someone from collections then called and discussed expenses. She decided we would pay back £50 each month. We were given 30 days to decide if that was what we wanted, or we could keep the od and pay charges. Meanwhile, without any notice, they froze the account, and we were left without any access to money over the weekend. Ana Botin's assistant insisted we had agreed to the arrangement (we had not), and had a terrible exchange with my husband, accusing him of using money we did not have etc. I was shocked at this, as I had forwarded a psychiatrist report to her. My husband has since plunged in mood, and the psychiatrist has written another letter to our doctor highlighting his concern. At my request a review was made of our expenses (not lavish or extravagant by any means, absolutely basic) and we were actually in defecit by over £100 each month. Feeling panicked, we said we still wanted to try to pay £50 each month. Sorry about the rambling. Basically, Santander have removed my husbands od facility, imposed a basic bank account, refused to refund any fees, put us on a repayment plan of £50 a month despite their own assessment being that we cannot even afford daily living expenses. They have backed us up against a wall, even though I have made it clear that the repayment will me made from my child benefit. By taking away the od facility I am so worried how we will cope.
  18. I sent a CCA request to Rockwell four months ago. No response at all, though no further attempts at chasing the alleged debt have been made - by telephone or in writing. Either they're dragging their heels in the hope of eventually obtaining something or they simply don't have a valid CCA. I haven't yet sent the Account In Dispute letter, although, by the lack of response, it can be assumed the account is in dispute. Is it advisable to send the In Dispute letter or just let it lie and see what happens? If I send a letter, it might wake them up and initiate continued action, but my feeling is that I should send the letter, because they'll probably pass the account on and I'd like to be able to tell any future DCAs to just return the account to Rockwell as it's officially in dispute. Any thoughts welcome and thanks. H. x
  19. Afternoon chaps. The story goes a little like this. Back in 2004 I was a wreckless youth with no regard for money or its true value. I got a loan out with A&L at the time, whom are now Santander. Due to my lack of responsibility I defaulted on the debt in 2005. Shortly after this default my account was passed onto Capquest. Whom at the time setup an arrangement to pay £20 a month which I have been doing so via standing order until last week. Now firstly I know I should have kept an eye on this debt and its remaining balance but until now the £20 a month silenced them and that made me happy. I received a letter yesterday from Santander regarding this account stating that my debt has now been passed onto Wescott. I phoned them instantly requesting my balance of which £1500 remains of a £2000 debt! This has prompted slight concern that all of this time I have been paying capquest with no real gain. Now the debt, the default, everything have dissapeared of my credit file and have absolutely no other debt other than a contract mobile phone, after years of struggling i have myself a good job and have cleared all my old shopping accounts, credit cards etc but now I want to take control of this final niggle. Where do I start, what have I got to stand on etc? Thanks in advance knowledgeable fellows. Sherlock.
  20. Hello Folks, I have an interview for Santander Consumer Finance In Redhill this week and i wanted to do some leg work of what to expect from the consumer side... I have searched CAG and not really been able to filter it out... It will be for the Car element of the business but want to see just how bad they can be? Filee
  21. Hi Am very new to this, although i have read a few things and took advice to try and sort out our Debt problems. I have managed to sort out repayment plans with most of our creditors. The only one we are having problems with is Santander, who will only agree to a 6 month period for us to catch up on our arrears in the Loan my Husband took out in 2009, we have £3712 left on this loan. We have had problems since July 2011 when my job was made into a job share due to cuts at work therefore i became part time and my salary went down. We fell behind with our debts after a while. As i said we have sorted our other debts out, but santander are saying they will only accept £408 per month for 6 months to pay arrears and keep up to date with further installments (£240). Because we couldn't keep to this they then passed the account to Credit Style Limited. I have tried to deal with Credit Style and given them all the information they then came back with the exact same off Santander had because they are working on behalf of them and are governed by what Santander say. If i cannot agree and commit to paying £408 then Credit Style will pass the account back to Santander, and the lady i dealt with said they will do one of the following: If you are a home owner it could be a County Court Matter as Santander will look to secure the £3712.50 balance you still owe on the agreement against your property. I f you are employed it could be Court again to apply for an attachment of earnings or as you state, they may sell your balance to a 3rd party as they do adopt this procedure too. I am afraid I cannot guarantee which approach they will take as they have a department that deals with cases like yours but I can advise they will give you the chance to pay monthly / weekly and suspend all action unless you default with payment. My question is does anyone know what they are likely to do? We do not own our own home, my husband works but we don't have enough money coming in for them to receive the amount they want through an attachment of earnings order, and if it gets sold on are the other companies more likely to agree to a more suitable agreement plan? Am getting really worried as we are slightly behind with Council Tax and Gas/Electric at the moment and i need to pay these debts first. They are the only company that just wont budge on their timescale. Any advice would be really appreciated. Sorry if i've gone on for too long, its my first time doing this. Sarah
  22. Hi all, Been trying for ever to get a better deal from Santander on my mortgage (re). Am on the SVR @ 4.74% they are offering new customers 2.94%. They keep telling me that thats the only rate they can offer to me, because they look at peoples circumstances, credit rating etc. The FSA have told the banks that they should be viewing existing customers in a fair manner. I did in mid 2011 have some arrears put that was cleared up 14 months ago. I think they have something against me but need to advice on this because they are not telling me anything but taking my normal monthly payment. Always good for the money but better rates!!! Thanks
  23. Hi there Gulls & guys!! My account has been blocked by Santander as I've deposited £15,000 in small denomination of 1,000's but with in 2 weeks duration. Now its more than 3 weeks & they've blocked my account totally. I've gone to my main branch & a smaller branch & found them all very unhelpful. They keep on telling me that someone in the FRAUD DEPARTMENT will contact me but basically they haven't made any effort to contact me. I've launched an official complaint as well & got the reply that there is no time limit for the fraud department to contact me. I'm in a big fix as from that account my monthly mortgage goes out which now I've to pay manually. My standing order for credit card payment hasn't been honoured. The big amounts of money were my savings & commission spanning over a period of 2 years but am sick of them not contacting me at all. I need advice on how to deal with it as am sick of the bank's sick attitude. I hope to hear from you soon.
  24. Hello, I wrote a long email to Santander detailing their charges for since 2009. I also detailed my financial circumstances (dire), and the fact that I believe I should have these charges refunded. I fulfill most of the Ombudsman's criteria for this. they have responded by stating they do not think I am in hardship, as they have looked at my account for this period, and I have spent on clothes and such, and do not have things like payday loans on it! This is the only account I have, I use it for everything. I need to clothe my children and purchase only when absolutely necessary. They have instead said they are willing to give me loan, change my bank account to a basic one and take away my debit card. I do not know what to do. I do think their charges were/are unfair and excessive. Do I accept their offer fight on?
  25. Hello all, I need some advice, well actually my boyfriend does. He and his ex-partner took out a credit card with Santander, he tells me he was the main cardholder and her name was added as a second card holder. She has now buggered off leaving him with a repayment of £6000. Santander then took her name off the account, leaving him the owner of this debt!! What a bitch I know. Anyhow, can they take her name off the account without his permission? He wants to pay half and then pass the debt to her, but I don't think it will work that way? But I'm not sure? Any advice would be most grateful. Cheers lovely people.
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