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  1. Hi, Wish I had found this forum way before now, looks like it's full of good good people. Ok here's my current situtation. I was working as an IT consultant but have been suffering from serious depression and anxiety and have been on Employment Support Allowance since March 2009. I am receiving the standard £64 per week. My Wife is currently the director of a Ltd. company and runs a restaurant which is barely making ends meet since opening September 2007. She has been unable to take any form of wage since around March 2008 due to there being no funds available. She worked 60 hours per week 6 days a week for nearly the last 2 years. This in turn means that she has not been able to qualify us for the income related ESA component, or council tax benefit or assistance with our mortgage repayments. I have a 2 year old son who is receiving all the love and attention that he could possibly want. So right now we are living on my ESA, Child/Working Tax credit and child benefit, all of which totals around £870 per month. THE PROBLEM We used to have 3 accounts with RBS, all of which we have now defaulted on with each of them being in a negative balance (overdraft). We received contact from Anderson Fyfe (RBS Solicitors) stating they would be taking us to court if no contact was made. We made contact with Anderson Fyfe (as we had done already to RBS) to explain our dire situation. We offered them £40 per month (obtaining assistance from our parents), which was flatly refused by Anderson Fyfe. We were told that the minimum monthly payment that RBS would accept would be no less than £100 per calander month. We explained to them that this was not financially possible from any angle, at which point the call was wrapped up stating that a court action would be raised against us. I have just had the court documents fall through my mailbox this morning and I am starting to freak out. We have already explained at every step to both RBS and Anderson Fyfe that we just do not have the money available they are asking for to pay them, and now this Citation is the result. I have just discovered that this is classed as an "Ordinary Cause" debt, total is about £12,000. I would really appreciate any advice from anyone regarding this as to say I'm freaking out would be an understatement. We can't even go and sell the house as we would receive no benefit from the negative equity of a sale, getting a council house would be a fruitless task also as we are receving no benefit from the council either. Please help me! Yours very worried, Paul.
  2. hey guys , what it is i have few debts which has 2-3 years left till statue barred as they become 5 years without payment (i live in scotland). is worth me paying them small payment every month or just ignore the threats of the debtcollector's and so called solicitor's letters .they are all under £700 being most only between £200-£500 as i cant pay them in full and trying to support myself partner and 2 dogs on £1200 wage every (security job doing abt 60 hours a week) but it seem few i havent heard from a while is now demanding plus adding interest ? especially capquest who bought my barclaycard student visa from 2005 but defaulted in october 2008 abt £520 they are threathing me with court for ccj as they said they did a credit check found out i havent got any ccj yet trying to get me to pay up.i heard somewhere they might not be able to enforce the agreement due to it was signed in 2005 if they have it ? but something todo with an 2007 act etc on credit card agreement any enlighting would help cheers
  3. I have 2 credit cards with a combined debt of £14,000, I also have smaller debts of £150 which can be dealt with As well as the debts I have a £30,000 mortgage, with repayment s of £210 per month, with NR, which I am trying to move to my bank RBS. It seems banks are only giving 70%ltv, this only gives me a small amount to maybe clear one small debt; are there any banks that go to 90% which could allow me to clear most of my debts, and make them manageble In the last year, my health has not been that good, so I dont work as much as I used to, used to work 40 hrs pr wk, but now I only work 26 hr per week. I am hoping this year I can claim tax credits which would go some way to applying of my debts, as well as an increase in hours to meet conditions to claim tax credits Since I am starting to struggle with payments, for credit cards, elec&gas bills, council tax, I find my self falling behind, but somehow manage to make the payments; currently I pay out £240 to barclaycard, £150 to Halifax. Just had my Ele&gas bill of £320, which I just paid I am looking for information on trust deeds in scotland, and debt plans, it more I am looking for who I should speak to in the glasgow area
  4. Hi I have been following this forum for a while and need some advice. Last year after a sales call from mbna, I asked verbally for no further calls to be made and for them to stop phoning. This year due to the current market, my income fell and I could no longer afford payments. I started receiving a number of calls from mbna. Each time I asked them to stop calling on my phone, and to put any correspondence in writing. On the 27th April I wrote to them using the data protection subject access request. I also asked them in writing to stop calling. I have since written to them and asked them again to stop calling after one of their representatives stated that they could call me anytime on my phone despite my request for them to stop calling. They wrote back and asked for £10 to provide the information requested under the data protection act. They finally sent thistome on the 1st of July 2009. (Outside the 40 day legal requirement) I have logged a complaint with the information commissioner regarding the fact that they refuse to remove my contact details and have passed it on to aegis. I issued them on the 10th June (received and signed for on the 11th) a request for a copy of my credit agreement and relative documents under the consumer credit act (sections 77- 78). In the information they sent me was a copy of my application which they claim is the credit agreement. I have attached this, along with a copy of their reply to my complaint about my contact numbers not being removed. There was no oriiginal terms and conditions or anything else relating to my consumer credit act request. Any advice or counter letter would be appreciated. To date they still keep calling me and sending me their postcards saying they will be calling me.
  5. Hi there, I have a business banking issue with HBOS. I understand that this is a consumer forum, and therefore does not advise on business banking issues. However, does anyone know of a similar forum in the business arena - or are there any legal eagles out there that might like to take on a juicy case against HBOS? Many thanks, SD
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