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  1. I've seen a few forums about paypal debts but they're always too unique to the situation. I sold a couple of expensive items on eBay (£1000~ in total), I sent them off with a website called Parcel2Go with a company called MyHermes as I was recommended by a friend to do so. They both cost £3.50 each to send off which apparently came with "tracking" and "recorded delivery", this was my first mistake as now 10 days later MyHermes have no record of collecting from me and the tracking number does not exist. The problem is that I withdrew the cash to pay for a holiday and the buyers are obviously complaining about not receiving the item so now my PayPal account is in -£996.43 debt and I have absolutely no idea where my items are. The main thing I'm scared about is what will happen to me now? How will I pay back my debt with PayPal? I don't have that kind of money laying around the house. Cheers!
  2. Lost my job for health reasons, Nothing life threatening but would make working a set routine impossible. I had major debts on credit cards which i didnt really think about as i could easily make the minimum payment plus extra. What i did not know or think about was the fact it would take manymany years to pay them off at that rate. I only found that out after reading posts on the internet. The credit card companies were a right pain in the backside to try and arrange payment plans. Insisiting i paid them a figure i just did not have to give them. I snapped on the phone and told them to get lost in a few choice words. A day or two later i get a letter saying they are trying to help me and are not there to wind me up. That was it i flipped. I sat there with scissors and cut the cards, bills, letters up into tiny pieces. Letters arrived i tore them up. Phone calls go so bad i had to turn the ringer off. They sent text calls to the landline as well. So the calls arrived later than they are legally allowed to call you. I had fake parcel cards. Promotional leaflets, emails offering me cheap items & loans. Obvious they were from these people as i used single email accounts for each company. Mix up with useless staff at the social office who never gave me all the correct paperwork. I ended up owing council tax and rent. I took advice and everyone said these must be paid at all costs. I offered them £2 a week. Which sounded silly to me but having nothing left at the end of the week broughteven that amount into reality. They called me into an interview and said they could get £3 if they took me too court, I gave them a list of my incomings and outgoings and they said thats fine carry on. I am ebarrassed to admit but i have debts with 8 different companies totalling around 50,000pounds. These have been passed onto countless different companies all offering to help but asking for figures i just could not afford. I read that whatever i pay one companmy i should also pay to the others as you cannot pay them with a preference. I think thats right. Some of the debts are far in excess of the original credit limits. Things went quiet for a while, phone calls for a few days then the odd letter. I was advised to file for bankruptcy but cannot afford to pay for it, I was told let them make me bankrupt which is no worse. I dont care about my credit file as i have learned a big lesson here. I never want credit ever ever again. This has been going on for nearly 4 years now and nobody has yet taken me to court, In the past week i have been getting letters every day sometimes more than one letter from mackenzie hall, The phone has started ringing at all hours again. They are threatening to send people to my door to collect on these debts. What am i to do. I just cannot see a way out of this situation, Living on IB and income support. No other income. ANything of value has been sold to pay bills. Help please what do i do next.
  3. Hi, I wonder if anyone could offer me some clarity on our situation, I have read through various posts but am now totally confused and not sure what to do. We moved to NZ 6 months ago, we left the UK with £50k of unsecured debts split between 8 different dcas. We have been running a dmp via step change for the last 3 yrs and paid on time every month, in the uk we did have property which we were fortunate enough to sell with equity before leaving. We used the equity to move to NZ and also paid back money friends and parents had lent us in the past. Now we are struggling to keep up payments in the UK and step change is advising we go bankrupt - which we dont want to do because the receiver will want a breakdown of how we spent the equity from our house sale. We are concerned if we tried to declare bankruptcy the receiver will find us fraudulant due to spending the proceeds of the sale. We followed the advice on here and advised all DCAs of a po box address in NZ in writing and in fact have received the usual default notices here in the po box. All the while we continued to honour the dmp agreement. However we are now considering stopping payments - due to not having any remaining assets or disposable income. We know we do not have any CCJs and assume from advice here they cannot issue CCJs now we are non resident in the UK. Can the UK DCAS sell these debts to NZ dcas and if so can the NZ dca enforce them? Also can the UK dcas enforce bankruptcy as we have only been out of the UK for 6 months? Any advice would be appreciated, this is starting to really concern us as we have a young family. Thanks
  4. I am in nearly £5,000 worth of debt with 8 different collection agencies. Some of them being Lowell, Marlin, Quikcbridge BCW, Capquest. I honestly don't know where to turn to for advice, so I am hoping someone on here could help?!?! I have set up payment plans with a few of the companies but many of them keep hounding me to up the payment and even though I have sent them forms and proof or incoming and outgoing they wont let up. I have heard about asking them for my contract, can I do this? If so how ? What is the best course of action to take with them ?
  5. Hi i am in debt to aberdeen city council for non payment of rent because we just could not afford it. We also got hit with about a thousand pounds of overpaid rent and council tax because they lost a leeter we handed in a year ago about my earnings.They already take ten pounds off our benefits to pay that arrears but we just went in and tried to make an agreement to try and payoff arrears but the court person we talked to said its still getting logged in court because after we pay our rent, which is now an extra ten pound because they are taking 10 off our benefits which we then have to make up again whatis left of what we said we can afford to pay is only about a pound odd, but they will not accept anything less than five pounds a week before they make an agreement. Can they do that or are they stopping us from paying things off just to get more money. Please help.
  6. Hello all, Sorry if I am not using the correct terms. Three of my debts from credit cards have been sold to debt management companies (my finances are managed with the help of the CCCS). As I am pursuing PPI claims, if they are found in my favour, will the award come to me or do/can the original creditors pay the rebate directly to the companies that have bought the debt without my say so? Kind regards,, Hx
  7. I wrote a while ago and stated that i was going to have to default on some credit cards, namely aqua card and cap 1. I had written to aqua in December asking them to freeze the interest as i was struggling to meet the payments, i actually wrote twice which they ignored. Basically the interest and charges were putting me further in debt and my debt was not going down at all and in my circumstances it was unlikely i would have ever been able to pay them off. Aqua balance £2600 at time Cap one balance at time £2000 I have not paid now since December and would have thought that the account would have been frozen by now. However the aqua card now sits at £3100 which is very alarming. The cap 1 is at about £2200. When are these companies likely to stop piling on interest and charges and pass the debts on to DCA's. So that i can negotiate a repayment plan or possibly offer some sort of full and final settlement. I am thinking that if i offer full and final that i should offer 50% of the credit limit balances as i did state that i was struggling to pay and think it was unreasonable for them to continue to charge me interest & lots of charges while in that situation. I am also hopeful that in full in final that i could repay over 3-4 months. Can anyone advise me what i should do now. I am also planning in claiming my charges back from both companies once they stop adding them.
  8. I am currently in a DMP and looking to tackle all my debts and try and get out of this mess. I keep seeing on the forum advice to request CCA from the DMC. Please could someone tell me what the next step would be after doing this. I am a bit confused what requesting this would achieve. I currently have an Aktiv Kapital debt for £5000.00, after adding £3200.00 interest to the original MBNA debt of £1800.00, which I am trying to sort out with them. I requested a copy of my credit file(s) but it does not show anywhere. Thank you.
  9. Hi, I've read a lot on this site about MMF and we have been receiving messages from them on answerphone since May. I'm not entirely sure of the best way to proceed after having seen a lot of really useful information here. They have never mentioned my name on the phone, and we have not received any emails or letters. We also have no debts and never have. I am presuming they are phishing for victims but I would like to stop these calls as we have young children who I don't want answering the phone to them. The message has gone on to the doorstep collection and that someone will be round soon. However, they don't seem to know my name and presumably not my address so I would rather not give them any of this. They have given me a reference number to phone back with. Do I call them back? I don't want to give them any info and don't really have the time to deal with this! Any bright ideas would be really appreciated. Thank you!
  10. Hi, I first came to the UK in 2004 and was here till 2009. During my stay in d country I had a lot of credit agreements i.e bank loans, credit cards etc (as long as i remember about 12000 in bank loans and 4000-5000 in credit card). I left the country in early 2009 and could not pay my debts. I was away for a few years and came back in late 2011. Since i now have come to the UK i have been trying to lay low. then i started getting emails in march 2012 from collection agencies to pay back one of the debts i had. which I did. But still i have a lot of debts left. but i have been avoiding them. But it has always been at the back of my head that i need to do something about my debts but i have been avoiding them as i have been saving up money as me and my partner are trying to get a house which i know is not possible due to my credit history. And I have decided that i cant be living like this anymore. I want to tackle my debts i know it is a lot of money but i will have to do it for futures sake. I dont know where to start. I can start with getting my credit report but then i am scared that if i get the credit report done for with all d address from 2004 till present i will be inviting collection agencies to my doorstep. i am confused and scared. How can i go about tackling my debts which i dont know how much it is as have no clue who i owe to and how much i owe them. Please help.
  11. Out of the blue yesterday I got a number of letters (sent to my previous surname) from MAX Recovery chasing several old debts amounting to £13,000 with MBNA from years ago. In 2005 I took out a joint IVA with my then husband. When it failed in 2007 I wrote to the IVA company to tell them of our change in circumstances (separated & then divorced) and asked them to let me know what happens with the IVA. No one ever got back to me, no one has ever made contact with me since - not the IVA company nor any of the (many) companies we had debts with. The IVA has long since gone off my credit file, as have all of the old debts. So what's the deal with this new debt chasing? The letters said the debts go back to 2001-2005, but the latest statement from this Max Recovery bunch is dated 3rd September 2013 demanding settlement. Will they have recorded this as a 'new' debt on my credit file as of September 2013? Can they chase these debts still considering the IVA failed and subsequently ended in 2007? Any advice on what to do would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks
  12. Hi guys, I am here for some advise and help before I go completely insane... I have a number of CCJ's which are being enforced by AOE orders and also child support to pay out each month, however someone mentioned on the bus today about I should have protected earnings. Doing searches for the past hour and I cant find any solid answer to my question of what is my protected earnings rate, because to be fair, I think I am being deducted FAR too much money. To outline, my payslip reads as follows... (I get paid 4 weekly) (yearly salary £11631.89) Income:- Basic pay £892.31 Deductions:- Tax £32.80 N.I £29.05 Pension £58.00 Unison £7.44 Court order £54.08 Admin fee £1.00 Court order £35.92 Admin fee £1.00 Court order £41.00 Admin fee £1.00 Child Supp £225.30 Admin fee £1.00 NET PAY £404.72 That's a total of £360.30 paid out AFTER tax, NI, pension and Unison... £404.72 doesnt leave me enough to live on (Rent £360) so basically I have 44.72 or £11 a week to live on. What is my protected earnings and are they taking too much from me? Thanks in advance guys and girls. Jason M.
  13. Hello everyone. I have a family situation on-going and without going into too much detail, my sister has left her home and 5 children (been gone a month now). After visiting the house and taking away piles of unanswered post that were hidden, my family have uncovered debts of approx 20k. These consist of utility bills, council tax, phone & broadband bills, nursery bills, and many, many PAY DAY loans. The family home is a housing association property and a 'notice to quit' has been issued. The three youngest children are with their respective Father's and the eldest has found accommodation. The only person remaining at the house is my 18 year old nephew who we are currently helping to find a home. My question is should we IGNORE the letters regarding the debts OR contact every single one of them explaining the situation? (contacting them would be my normal response to getting into difficulties) but we are not sure by contacting them all if this would open a 'can of worms' - ie. could anyone else become liable for my sisters debts? Only her name appears on the letters, invoices, etc. Thanks for any comments/advice received. Stuart.
  14. Hi all Seeking advice and opinion for my battle against huge personal debt. Lost my job a few months back and stopped paying back my credit cards. Even though I found employment now, I am earning just enough to survive and cannot afford to pay the minimum payment anymore. I have written to inform them. As expected , the phone calls started (3 or 4 times everyday), daily letters etc. This went on for 6 months. Then this morning I received a letter from Mercer regarding a Barclaycard for the debt of £4745. It reads as follows A FINAL OFFER OF HELP Barclaycard have agreed we may offer you a repayment opportunity to avoid the need for further collection activity. 1-Barclaycard is prepared to accept 60% of your outstanding balance in full and final settlement of your debt. Alternatively if this is not an option 2-Barclaycard will allow us to offer you a range of reduced payment options, Please call us to discuss. We feel it is important to stress to you this is the final offer we can make before your account is closed and passed to an external debt collections company to arrange repayment of the full balance. If this happens the full balance will become due immediately ............................................. What do you guys think of this letter and offer ? My dad is willing to bail me out on this one. Should I try to reduce it to 50%? Is it a genuine offer? How do I respond to them ? What safeguards do I need to made sure there is no comebacks? Thanks kingston1234
  15. Hi all I am new on here. Please be gentle with me. I have posted on other sites seeking advice. In a desperate situation and in desperate need of some advice. My mind is everywhere at the moment but will try to explained fully my problems. Just recently closed down our business. Ceased trading after nearly 16 years . Its a partnership or rather was a partnership and that is the main problem to my problems. Really did not expected it but the day we ceased trading my partner basically walked away and wanted nothing to do with the business.......leaving me to deal with a real mess of everything and the partnership debts. Because she has no assets when she sold her house 3 years ago to settle her personal debts and is now renting, I know I am in a really disadvantage position (I am fully liable as a partner). Whereas, I still own my property with a sizeable equity. She has avoided all communication and may have moved again. After getting over her treachery and shock of it all and with very limited funds raised through friends and family, I have slowly been trying to sort everything out. Managed after much negotiation to settle the debts with various suppliers. After returning the remaining stock to them, I settled only 50% of the debts owed. Result is I am no longer liable ( all this is in writing ) and the creditors retain the rights to pursue my ex partner for the other 50%. Then there is the HMRC , the VAT and other many various matters I suddenly I had to deal with. It has been very stressful for me and I do not know how much more I can cope especially the thought I might lose my house. I have 2 young children and I really cannot and do not want to sell my house My problem now, probably the biggest problem is the unsecured overdraft and loan debt with Barclays which I am hoping to find some advice here . Its about £26k which I do not have. I wrote to them enclosing a financial disclosure,explaining my situation I am in and also that I am now in a low wage employment.I offered them £7700 on a pro rata basis. Unfortunately , this was rejected This is the extracts from the Barclays reply........"In your letter the sum of £7700 is a pro rata offer but you do not say much you are raising to settle your various debts or whether your other creditors are prepared to accept a pro rata settlement. We have not received full financial disclosure from you to include full details of your property and our records suggest that you have substantial equity in your property. We would be prepared to consider a greatly enhanced offer of settlement but if this is not forthcoming......." Do you think I have messed it up with the offer? Any suggestion/ advice on how to reply......worried on how I should reply to them without making a mistake. Do I disclose full details of my property? Any idea what enhanced offer they looking for ? Do you think I can come to an arrangement with them like I did with my suppliers and that Barclays retain the right to pursue my ex partner? Also, I have personal credit cards debts which I am trying to arrange a dmp with them until I can I come up with some settlement. Just pointing out , the funds raised to settle the partnership debts was raised after the business ceased and before my ex partner decided to do a runner. It was on the assumption / expectation she would come up with her half. As you can see , I am in a real bloody mess.I would be very grateful for any suggestion or advice. Thank you Regards
  16. Not sure if I've posted about this or if this is the best place to post so please move it if it's' not. Apart from my success for my son via the FOS (separate post on that board) I also had success with two other bank accounts for him. The first was NatWest and as I was just trying anything to get the debts written off, I approached them with the facts (again) about my son's disabilities and minimal prospects of any meaningful employment. The upshot with my first attempt was that I managed to get an agreement to have the debt written off for I think something like 12%, which we managed to scrape together and it was marked as fully paid and closed. The last one I went for was Lloyds and with this, buoyed up by the success with Santander plus the very helpful info from the Ombudsman, I was able to get the debts written off on both accounts (one current and one an old Student Loan account which was more than 50% bank charges anyway). I don't know if that one was marked as paid in full on my son's credit record, but it's not something that is going to affect him that much. The most important thing is that now he is no longer being hassled and struggling to keep the payments going (having to remember to pay, getting confused and paying twice etc) he is managing his finances much better and more confidently. So, there are ways to go forward and to have debts written off and whilst it may not be completely clear on a credit record, if it helps someone to get their finances under control, then that has to be a big step forward.
  17. I have a number of debts as detailed below that I have been making reduced payments against, for a little while in some cases. My age and circumstances now make it unrealistic to expect to continue doing so, and actually clearing the debts impossible. I am about to contact all and advise accordingly requesting that the balances be written off. If they aren’t I will reduce payments to a token £1 per month. At intervals I have been asked to increase payments, and I have responded that I am unable to do so and have volunteered an Income & Expenditure statement to bear this out. I have occasionally been offered a reduced lump-sum settlement opportunity including writing down the £24K mortgage debt to just £1,200 however, so I hope they will see the reality of things which is that at current payment levels the c£4K debts would each take over 60 years to clear, the c£25K debts well past 400 years, and I will clear the CCJ in 2085 aged 135! I'm not sure at the moment what approach to take with the CCJ, or even if that is possible and the debt will actually pass to my family/estate on my death … still looking in to that. Details, if it helps … My debts date generally from early-mid ‘00s and span a business collapse (Sole Trader) from which I never really recovered despite a short-lived further attempt. There is also a CCJ. This all had a devastating effect, including eventually the repossession of our home just a few years ago since when we have rented our way in to retirement. We have no assets and just state pension income. All debts are with DCAs except for one which is with the original debt-holder Cheltenham & Gloucester/Lloyds TSB. These are: Intrum Justitia from Nat West, Business Loan, Bal now £3,931, paying £5/mth since ‘03 Link from ?? (need to check), Bal now £3,702, paying £5/mth since ‘04 Fredrickson from HSBC, Cedit Card, Bal now £3,862, paying £5/mth since ‘07 Moorcroft from Nat West, Personal loan, Bal now £3,118, paying £5/mth since ‘04 Direct Legal and Collections Shortfall on repo sale of home by mortgage lender, Bal now £25,852, paying £5/mth since ‘10 Chelt & Gloucs/Lloyds, direct. Shortfall on repo sale of 2nd property mortgaged to release working capital, Bal now £24,000 +/-, paying £5/mth since ‘99 Also a CCJ in '02 for £50K at £50/mth since then Some have been with other DCAs too so they actually go back further .... for example Phoenix Recoveries, Lowells and Robinson Way at times as some were reassigned, but because of moves and more I just don’t have all correspondence anymore and can’t tie them down now. So …. I think my plan is sound, however before making contact to see what I can achieve I'd welcome any advice/comment ... good idea or not, any best way to go about it, anything further I might do to help myself, anything I could say in order to help, or avoid because it would hinder … that kind of thing. I’d love these to disappear so I can breathe easy now. Thank you for any assistance.
  18. I'm hoping someone can help me with issues i am having with my catalogue account very and isme part of shop direct group. Basically i have accounts with both very and isme, last year in march i ordered a ipad 2 from isme on a buy now pay later basis, when i received the ipad there were scuff marks on the screen and on the corners of the ipad, it looked it had been used and it certainly wasn't a brand new ipad. Within 7 days of receiving the ipad i contacted very by email to complain about this, i received a response from very stating because i had turned the ipad on i had to contact an 0844 number to discuss this further. At the time i wasn't working so it was difficult for me to contact the 0844 number, however on several occasions i contacted the number but i was always placed in a queue and on hold for over 30 minutes, it got to the point i couldn't afford to call the number. I then decided to write a complaint letter, i wrote several letters to the customer excellence department and waited months for them to reply and go no response. At this point i was getting very frustrated so i decided to withold payments on both my very and isme accounts (a stupid thing to do i know), they were not responding and i wasnt going to pay them until they responded. At this point i was getting charged interest for the ipad eventhough it was supposed to have been put on a buy now pay later basis, but apparently it wasn't put on that basis. i then wrote a letter and sent via recorded delivery and finally got a response from them, this was in October last year that i got a response from them. Basically they stated they were not aware of any issues from apple and that they have noted the issue, as a good will gesture they offered me a £40 refund. I then wrote another letter to them stating i wanted all the charges that i was charged on both my very and isme account refunded because of how long this complaint took to resolve and that i wasn't happy with the refund offered as i could get a second hand ipad for a lot less, till this day i have got no response to that letter. In april this year i decided to take my case to the financial ombudsman service, i went through the process i recieved a reply from FOS stating they will be asking for all the communication and paper work from very, i spoke to a nice chap who advised me that i clear the balances first then pursue a complaint with them, from October last year up until May this year i witheld payments to both my very and isme accounts, i received a default notice demanding i clear the arrears on my isme account, i paid the whole balance off, i then went on to making a payment on my very account (Note i did not recieve any default notice for this account), i logged into my very account only to find i could not access my online account, i called customer services who informed i had to contact another department, i called this other department only to find they were closed for the day, this was on a friday, i called agian the following Monday but again they were closed due to the bank holiday, and finally i called on the Tuesday and finally got through to someone, when i was discussing things they informed me that i shouldn't be discussing things with them and that my account was sold on to a debt collection agency and that it was no longer with shop direct group, the debt was bought out on a bank holiday. At this point i received response from the FOS stating they have informed very and i would receive a response from them. A few weeks later i received a response from the customer excellence department asking me to discuss my complaint with them, i gave my reasons as to what i was complaining about and that i wanted the account returned to very and the default removed from my credit file, my reasons were that i received a damaged ipad and it took over 6 months to resolve, i withheld payments because of this and i have been charged so much interest on both my accounts and that i wanted these refunded back to me, i received no default notice for my very account and if i did i would have cleared the arrears, when i recieved a default notice for my isme account i cleared it straight away. I have been arguing my case with the customer excellence departmetn for weeks now but they are not budging at all they have given me their final response, they are stating my complaint was resolved in october last year and that i was informed of the £40 credit along with ipad put on a buy now pay later basis and my charges were refunded for my isme account, they didn't state any of this in their letter that was sent to me in October but checking my account they did do this but i wanted my charges back for my very account as well, the FOS are waiting for to get back to them about the outcome, I believe i have a case this all started because of the damaged ipad. Can someone help me please, i apologize for the long essay but it was the only way for me to detail my issue.
  19. Hi, this thread is to deal with the Lloyds part of my bigger debt problem found here, it explains how I got in this position and the overall debt mountain involved: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?387784-Big-Debt-Problem...HELP This is for an overdraft, I am going to send a SAR request next week... These guys have just arrived on the scene this week… (Loan) (Credit Card) Shall I CCA them?
  20. Hi, I have been paying off some debts i defaulted on over 6 years ago via arrangements with 2 DCAs. As the debts are over 6 years old earlier this year they disappeared off my credit ratings and I have a really good score now. I am now in a position to pay both debts off but I am concerned that when they are marked as paid on my credit reports they are going to reappear and damage my credit rating. Is this likely to happen? I have done all of the usual stuff to verify they have evidence I signed on the line for the debts which they do. Any helps greatly appreciated. Thanks! T.
  21. Me and my business partner are the guarantors of the company's overdraft and loan of approx. £29,000 debts. Since the business is going downhill, the Bank started to chasing the debts we owe. We made an offer to pay back. They accept the offer my business partner made - £250 per month. but turn down my offer of £300 per month and they said;they have carried out a land search and determined that I am a home owner. They already instructed a Solicitor to write to me and asking me to pay the debts of £ 29000 within 7 days or otherwise obtain a charging order against my property in order to recover the full amount of £29000. My business partner is a home owner as well, why didn't they do the same to him? Should we bear the equal amount of debts i.e.£14500? What Happens When They Put A Charge On Your House?(my house is own by joint-name) Will they force us to sell the house? What should I do next? Please help? Urgent!
  22. Hi all, i wonder if some bright sparks can help me out here? I have 2 debts, a 10k loan and 5k on a credit card, ive been paying these off for a number of years and were much higher at one time, but i digress. Im about to hit a period where i will be unable to pay these so i wondered what the most 'efficient' thing to do is. Im thinking of not pay either of them, let them both put a default on my credit file, slap a CCJ each on me, send bailiffs round (that will get told to 'go away') and in 6 years time they'll drop off my credit file. Am i right in thinking this will happen and am i missing anything here? Cheers in advance.
  23. Hi, bit of a long story here. I got into a bit of debt a year and a half back. I've paid back around £2000 through stepchange in the last year and whatever, at £208 a month. The debt would have been cleared last month, until natwest whacked £850 of charges on my unused account (minicredit had taken £25 out which I didn't know about, and the charges racked up over 4 months). I sent letters to natwest, down the financial hardship route, which they just rejected. Now, I literally can not pay my debts anymore. I only get £1000 a month, and until recently I was on bi weekly pay. My boss switched me over to monthly pay, and lent me £1000 to tide me over. He'll be taking £250 off my wage for the next 4 months. My rent is £350. Out of the grand, I paid 3 months rent, and £100 for the fourth month, which means I owe £250 in the final month. Now, I had to pay £250 for my mot and car tax which I owe out of next months rent. This month I'll get a grand payment, I can pay stepchange £380 - which clears all my debts except £500 with natwest. I need to pay £250 for my car stuff, and £30 on my phone contract and £50 for my season ticket finance. From next month I'll be getting £750 a month, and I need to raise £250 to pay my rent whilst paying natwest back their £500. How can I remove natwest from my debt plan, and start paying them minimum payments? I just can not cope with all this money going out, especially to bank charges which were extremely unfair imo. Any help is extremely appreciated, I need money to get to work and eat !
  24. Hi. I am a new user and would really benefitfrom any help and advice. Thank you. My name is Ian, I am married and with my wifehave been directors of 2 limited companies for many years. Company A for 10years and company B for 5 years. Each company had its own overdrafts with thesame bank and were run simultaneously. Our personal finances are a small mortgage, (40k)a small loan (2k) and a small overdraft (2k) all fully and properly servicedwith no failings or defaults at all. Indeed, these are still being serviced, ontime and as per agreement as we speak. Company A's overdraft was in the region of20k and company B's was in the region of 10k. Both of these were secured onPG’s. During the bank’s good times, funds were often offered without beingasked for. Now with things having changed for the banks as they have, with theawful bad press they are currently receiving, the bank withdrew its support, inmy opinion, without due care and attention and without proper negotiations.This made the running of both companies impossible and company B was liquidatedat the end of January. With trading for both companies being predominantlyseasonal, the bank wanted to reduce the overdrafts at an alarming rate, at atime when historically, we have little or no income. During the last negotiations with the bank Imade it clear that the removal of support at such a critical time would dountold damage to both companies’ finances and that of our personal. Following a final phone call the bank it wasagreed that they would only take 2k and the rest later. This was never done andon 24th December the bank called in 7k from one account and wantedto take 3.5k from the other before any substantial income Despite my protestations, the bank went aheadand withdrew its support. As it stands, we are on a debt management programmewhere all personal credit cards and our personal overdraft (2k) are beingserviced by an agreed amount. Our personal mortgage (40k) and personal loan(2k) are currently serviced and in order. Without success, we have tried to makecontact with the bank to commence negotiations with a view to offering arepayment schedule for both the limited companies. It would appear the bank wouldprefer to put all accounts together in one pot whether they are in default ornot. This I am loathe to do. Indeed, I am meeting great resistance to preventthis. The fear of losing our home is making me and my immune suppressed wifereally very ill. Satisfactory arrangements have been made forthe repayment of the personal overdraft, the personal loan and the mortgage butthe bank continues to harass for payment. On the 11th January I instructedthe bank to cancel all standing orders and direct debits from all accountsuntil further notice and still they continue charge us for failed paymentshaving not cancelled them. Despite continued efforts to inform the bankof our dilemma, they continue to absorb BACS payments from customers trying topay the liquated company in error. This is not showing on the bank statementsas this account is in the hands of the receiver. The bank has continued toinsist that it takes time to close the account despite the receiver havingcharge over it. So, I am desperately seeking 3 separatepieces of advice to my issues, please. Issue 1. The bank has prevented me fromcontacting a responsible person to discuss my unsecured company debts with and,I feel this is an attempt to secure a default allowing them to follow adifferent course of action. How does a default change the status of my debt andto what end? Issue 2. If, as I believe, the reason for the bank trying to group myloans together is the fact that my good loans are secured and my bad loans arenot. How do I prevent the bank from doing this? Issue 3. In view of my belief that the bankacted irresponsibly by removing the increasing overdraft when it suited themand not the service user, I feel I have cause to consider a court actionagainst the bank for damages. How do I quantify and start such a process?
  25. ok, my wife came out of work last year this meant we could not pay any non essientail debts. most have been defaults now although some are still in the process of going through now. we could not pay anyone anything, not even a pound a month as suggested by CCCS. she has now start employment again and we have started to pay everyone 10 pounds p/m until we have full income and expenditure details together. we owe around 30k spread across 8/9 creditors some are accepting 10 pound a month, which i will only arrange on a direct debit. some not accepting this. any advice please? should i cca, does this apply anymore? or sars request. i dont think we will be able to pay more more than 10 pound p/m to them.
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