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  1. I have a contract with Tesco mobile I am only 3 months into this contract. there network has got increasadly worse I cant get a signal about 80% of the time . I have complained and been told that they can not garentee a good signal in some types of building . My type of building is a bog standard 3 bedroom semi. I also cant get a signal when out in the street . I commplained again they said it must be the sim and they are sending me another sim. I asked it I could reduce my tariff so I could afford to get another phone they said I cant reduce my tarif for another year. so I am stuck with this phone and net work that is no use to me . Has anyone got any idea's , could I challenge this as a breach of contract as they are failing to provide me with the service they said they would in my contract. Really ****ed off
  2. Hi, I went into Tesco yesterday and purchased a 6 pack of Ella's kitchen Fromage frais for my little girl who is 7 months. This morning i went to open them and thank god i looked at the packaging again as it said the use by date was the 16/9/2012. I purchased them yesterday at 12.14 so they were 2 days past this then. I feel sick given its dairy and how little my young one is, if i hadnt of noticed i could have made her very ill. The store is 11 miles away and i dont have the car so have made contact by email and sent them pictures of the item as well as my reciept. But cannot help but think should i do something else this is after all baby food. Any advice welcome x
  3. I can't explain how or why but yesterday I was caught shoplifting in my local Tesco. I can't stop crying, didn't sleep last night, feel sick to the stomach and so so ashamed. I have never been involved in a crime or with the police before in my life. I went to do some grocery shopping and needed some small toiletry items. So stupid I know but I put thes four items in my shopping bag to save them falling through the trolley (have done it so many times before.) but for some reason, I cannot explain, forgot to put them on the conveyor and subsequently didn't realise. As soon as I left the store via the underground carpark, the security men came after me. I straight away tried to explain but they were having non of it, especially the one guard and as I had my works school uniform on (was on way to work,) he was stating whilst I was escorted to the managers office how the police would be called and I would lose my job, etc, etc. furthermore, I would be banned from the store. I was just so stunned and in shock, I couldn't speak. I did ask if I could phone work as I would be late but was told no. I cooperated fully and offered to pay for the items, total £14.99 to which they refused. According to the store manager and security guards, I was intent on shoplifting as I put the items in my bag as they viewed the cctv and they were "luxury" items and the look on my face apparently told it all. They stated they had been watching me since entering the store. I can assure hand on heart this was not my intention. The police came and didn't feel the need to pursure further. However the security guard felt different. Everything was so much of a blur, I cannot even remember fully what I was told. I know I signed a form stating I would never enter a Tesco store or petrol station again and I am pretty sure I was given a caution. I wasn't issued with a fine. I was also give a RLP form by the store Manager. Finally I was asked to pay for the goods. I did this and then was escorted off the premises. I don't know the police station the officers came from. Is it worth finding out? I was late for work and in such a state but couldn't say what hat happened (so shameful and embarrased,) just that an incident had occured at Tesco. I haven't told anyone what has happened, I can't even tell my husband but know people that work in Tesco so am worried sick its going to come out. My hubby will also start asking questions when I don't shop in Tesco as this is our nearest supermarket and convenient so this will pose a problem in itself. Today, in light of things and due to lack of sleep and I cannot stop crying (even as I type this,) how will this affect my job? I already have a CRB and don't think it is due for renewal but will my school be notified of any changes? The police advised me to tell my employer but if there isn't any need then do I really need to? Will I be charged by the RLP? Has anyone still shopped in Tesco after being banned? My head is spinning today and I struggled to get out of bed this morning to sort the kids. Its just not like me and i have cancelled all my appointments today, I feel like crawling in a hole and never come out again. Please someone advise me.
  4. When visiting my local Tesco, a few days ago, I was approached by the store manager and asked to leave. When I asked why, I was told I was banned for shoplifting. I asked for any proof of this claim and again, was asked to leave the store. I left, promising to take this up with their Head Office, which I did by email and letter. I received a response from them thus: "you have been monitored for the last few months and as a result, he had banned you from entering the store." I find this a mystery as I've never been accused of shoplifting before, nor have I stolen anything. If they suspected me of shoplifting, then why haven't I been arrested for such? What rights do I have, if any? Thanks.
  5. Is anyone else being pursued by Tesco Mobile for £690 when they have never had any connection with them? If so, take a look at TheGuardian money pages 29th June (online) "Fraudsters sail past Tesco Security". Like the unfortunate Mr Firth in the article I am being pursued for exactly £690 and like him have never had an account with them. Like him I found Tesco complaints dept. ignored my letters and like him I got a letter from their debt collectors Frederickson International. Like him, Tesco know my name and address and date of birth and say they will continue to pursue me unless I tell them a lot of personal details. This is clearly because they don't have them already. So they allowed someone credit on a monthly account without making reasonable efforts to verify their identity. And because of their carelessness they have to pursue ordinary people for money which they do not owe. Tesco Mobile has put a note on my Equifax credit report showing I have 2 overdue payments. According to the article someone went into a store and took out an account in Mr Firth's name, and, it seems, probably mine as well. So I suspect that there are a lot of other innocent people out there in the same boat and if you are one of them please post a reply. I've found that there is quite a lot you can do, but firstly :- -- don't tell Tesco Mobile any of your personal details, no matter how much they threaten, they aren't entitled to know and the fact that they don't is going to show them up badly later on. -- deal with everything in writing, you will need all their correspondence and yours at a later stage. Will post more later if there are any replies to this.
  6. Hi guys I have recently moved from Wolverhampton to Birmingham. I know I need to let Tesco know about it, but haven't had time yet. I know they will want to charge me an admin fee for it which I can sort of understand. I have done a quote check for the new address on their website with exactly the same details as with the original quote from Wolverhampton and it came out nearly £200 cheaper. Will I Tesco refund me the difference? Am I entitled to it? Obviously it would have to be pro rata cuz it started end of April. Also, I paid upfront for the whole thing. Will be grateful for any tips. Cheers
  7. Took a policy out with Tesco 11th June. Paid £286 as an advance payment and then £155 per month after that. July's payment went out as normal on the 11th via DD. We've now moved house and upon ringing Tesco discovered they won't insure the area I've moved to, so they're cancelling my policy. They've given me 7 days to find another insurer and my policy ends on the 3rd August. Will I get my advance payment back? I'm going to have to pay another company now another advance payment.
  8. Hi any help will be much appreciated, last week I purchased a triple bunk bed for my childrens room aged 3 and 5, from tesco direct (item number 204-5436), anyway when it arrived I opened it checked all the components were present and in good condition, before dismantling and throwing away my children's old beds, after assemlbling the product I realised that the beds could not be detatched into two seperate beds as stated on the website, and as such the bed is no good, as children under 6 should not use the top bunk, and I can not let my 3 year old climb on the ladder, I rang tesco direct who offered a refund but this leaves me without a bed for my children what can I do? Thanks in advance Chris
  9. Good morning people,I hope you're all having easy Sunday rest. I went into Tesco cafe yesterday for a white coffee, and on the board were all these poncy lattes, cappuccinos, mochas, espressos etc. You ask for a milky coffee, and they look at you in confused bewilderment. Worst of all was the new price list, £2.35 for a supermarket coffee:mad2:. On inquiring, i was informed that Costa Coffee`s tentacles have now spread to the supermarkets. Explains why there were few people there. Says all there is to say about Tesco really,as I would't be going there anymore
  10. sorry I think I have posted this in the wrong forum earlier. Just discovered that I cancelled the PPI on this credit card in Jan 2008. I had been paying PPI since 2005. I believe that I paid off the credit in 2008/9 and then started using the card again sometime in Jan 2010 with a current outstanding balance of £1700k. I want my PPI money back cos I was paying around £25 pounds monthly as premium. Do I do a SAR first before hitting them with the mis-selling claim?Has anyone got any joy over Tesco's or are they like Barclays and others?.Please help.
  11. I purchased a laptop in March from Tesco and it failed today with a fatal IO error which, having asked a few IT buddies who guided me through some testing, appears to be a hard drive problem and is in all likelyhood not repairable. I took it back to Tesco this evening and was told by the electronics counter assistant and the duty manager that I have no choice but to call Toshiba support and go through them and once that has been comnpleted they will refer me to Tesco tech support who will in turn provide a reference number to take to the store if they cannot fix the problem where I will be offered whatever solution they decide to offer. I have a problem with this as it is going to take some time to go through it all and the machine is just 3 months old with minor use. Am I oblidged to go through Tesco's process or can I insist that sale of goods unfit for purpose entitles me to a refund or replacement?
  12. have large debt with tesco bank....9k, ...token payment 2.00 am on benifits and rent therefore what is a likely offer they would take if can sort 3rd party funds, rbs seems very reluctant to offer f/f ,,,now tesco gone alone could it be better to get f/f?
  13. Hi, question is as title. Have Tesco (visa) Credit Cards changed their payment processing site and company? As long as I can remember I was sending payment to southend on sea at a set rate ( pre arranged ) My latest statement from them is on poorer quality paper, looks to have been inkjet printed ( or poor quality laser printed ) and the payment processing address is pre-printed on the envelope rather than the usual clear window blank one I've always had in the past. The address on the new payment envelope is Tesco Bank Credit Cards IPSL Camberley, PO Box 1020, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 9LB. With an 'if undelivered' return address of PO Box 27027, Glasgow, G2 9FS. The last and all previous payments have gone to Tesco Credit Card, PO Box 5747, Southend-On-Sea, SS1 9AJ. The other strange thing is that the giro slip says HSBC Bank plc, Head Office Collection Account, Tesco Bank. ( I've never noticed that before so it might always have been that ) I cant check the payment slip sort code and account number against a previous know to be good slip as I don't have any, they get sent with payment via post. Apart from the sudden change of payment destination and 'if underlivered' return address, poorer paper and printing quality, without warning and for no obvious reason to me, they are no longer asking me for my regular £5 payment, but over five thousand pounds, to reach them by 22nd June 2012. All other details re balance etc appear correct on the statement. My worry is... am I about to be fleeced? or HAVE Tesco changed where payments get processed and they've not bothered to tell us? and if it IS legitimate, why on earth would they just decide they want so much and not tell me what they where going to do beforehand? it was quite a shock. My circumstances have not changed at all. ------ Is there something in the water lately? TSB did the nasty on me recently also by passing my account with them onto Credit Security Limited without warning even though I had an instalment agreement in place with them ( I posted previously here about that )
  14. Hi, I sent my SAR request to Tesco Bank with the £10 fee using requesting copies of all information, relating to any matter etc etc. After just over 40 days I received: A letter which contained a monthly statement from earlier this year, a photocopy of the first page of the application form with nowhere to sign so there is no signature and a copy of the latest terms and conditions dated 01/12. The covering letter states that this is the information they hold and was located using the information contained within my request. does anyone know what to do next?
  15. Hello all. I'm ashamed to admit the below, but it has happened, and I can't turn back time. Basically I bought a bottle of wine from Tesco a couple of weeks back. The bottle though, fell through the bag on the way home and smashed. I kept the receipt with the intention of going to the store to tell them that their bags weren't strong enough, and to ask nicely if I could get a replacement. Anyway a couple of weeks passed. I am unemployed and I never got my benefit in time this week, so I have been struggling to even get some food. I picked up the receipt today and I am afraid to say I went in store, picked up the bottle of wine from the shelf and took it to the customer services with a couple of other things. Once I got there, I told the lady that i had purchased the wine a day or two earlier, and asked for a refund, and do an exchange with a couple of things. This is when the security guard strode over. He asked what the lady what i was doing. She said I was doing a part refund, part swap. He said something along the lines of -'You mean this one which you have taken from the shelf' (in front of customers) I obviously panicked and said that i didn't and was promptly marched off to the back room. The back room was not a security guards room in itself, more a staff room. I asked the guard whether we can go and talk somewhere in private and he said this was not possible. So the whole questioning was taking place in front of other members of staff, some of whom knew me by face as I go in to the store almost every day. The guard had to receipt in hand, which was partly ripped so the date of purchase was not showing. He then proceeded to ask me when and where I had bought the wine. I initially repeated what I had said at the till - that I had bought it in the last couple of days. He asked me how much i paid, what time it was etc Basically he was suggesting that I had picked up the receipt from outside and was pulling a [problem] I eventually told him the real story, which was that it was in fact my receipt but that the purchase was made on a specific day (or two days, as I couldn't exactly remember if it was one day or the next day) The Guard told me that he can go through all of the transactions there and then. He was grilling me on how much exactly I pad for the wine, did I buy anything else, what time I was in the store? I told him i honestly couldn't remember what time I was in there but that It would have been from 2pm onwards. As I told him, I am unemployed and therefore my day is not structured like others, so i could have popped in there at any time. Anyway I asked him to go through the transactions and I guarantee him he will see mine there, paid with cash. - note - I realise that the actual offence was not in doubt as he said he had me on cctv taking the bottle off the shelf and going to customer services.The reason I am focussing on the receipt issue is that this is what the guard was doing. He barely mentioned anything else other than trying to prove that I had picked up the receipt myself and had not bought the bottle of wine originally. Eventually the guard produced a letter for me to sign, which has banned me from going in to any tesco store ever! The letter was signed by me (under duress) - I told him I didn't agree with it- and he said my name and face would be sent to every store in the UK.. Whilst i am glad that the police were not called, I can't help thinking that this was not necessary. I did ask him to go through the till transactions to prove that this was purchased on the day I said but it seemed as if it was easier to just get me to sign the letter. I am frankly ashamed that my name and face is to be sent around all of the tesco stores and wondered if I had any recourse at all. Does anybody think it would be worth me writing to tesco, or should I just let it lie given the police were not called? Also - in terms of my data - can this be legally shared around anyone other than tesco? Any help appreciated. I know it is tempting but I would appreciate not to be judged on this. I know I have done wrong.
  16. While doing a shop at Tesco's I purchased an item costing £11.66. While checking my receipt I discovered I had been charged twice for the item. I immediately returned to customer services who were most helpful. After a lot of toing and froing and consulting with different members of staff I learned I was going to be refunded. I got double the cost of the item, £11.66 x 2 = £23.32 plus the item. So as my site name reads, itpays2.
  17. Apologies if this subject has already been covered but I couldn't find the information. I had PPI on a loan that I have now paid off. Have seen in a couple threads that you can fill in a claim form and send this back to Tesco, could anyone tell me where to find this form? Or how to go about a claim from scratch? Many thanks in advance
  18. Ive been sent 2 letters from Capquest advising that they "may be passing on my case to their solicitors" and "to contact them to avoid litigation." The debt was originally with Tesco personal finance ( a credit card ) but i was unable to pay it as i lost my job around 4 years ago, they were actually really good and froze the interest for me and took a minimum payment for about 6 months but then got fed up and passed my debt on, I decided not to pay any other company as i thought they did not own the debt and if they did they bought it for a couple of quid, i was also struggling for money. I now have a job and have around £50 spare a month but i am unsure of what to do, should i pay Capquest and try and resolve the debt with them?? I dont want to end up in court!! Ive signed up to the CreditExpert to try and view my credit rating and possibly who owns the dept but im waiting for a pin number to arrive in the post before i can access it. The amount is £2094.17 owed i am unsure of any extra charges or late fees added on as it was 4 years ago. Your help will be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.
  19. Hi, would appreciate some guidance its been a while since ive needed to go down this route but sadly i find myself having to stick up for my rights again. Been onto trading standards & they say there are some letter templates on their site which i cant find i know where are some suitable one on here but not sure where to look ? After a little over a year my lap top has fallen apart i contacted Dell & they washed there hands of it & say its ware & tare, as its cos cosmetic its not covered by the warranty. In my eyes which i consider myself to be right the lap top has not been fit for the purpose & i have been told i need to send a letter to the Tesco store i purchased it from & see what they have to say on the matter ? Where do i find a letter template to suit, needs to state the Act that fits the bill. Any help welcome, Regards
  20. Hi, I had taken out a loan 5yrs ago and the current balance is £17K. End of last year Tesco stopped taking DD and sent me a default notice. I believe default means you failed to pay.? However, they cancelled the DD it seems and cannot give me an answer despite several letters to them WHY! when there was money in account. This was way back in Jan 2011. They sent me copies of agreements etc but they still do not answer my question - Who authorised cancellation of DD. now they are sending me demand notices via third parties debt collection and I am worried what to do next. I am not at fault since I did not cancel DD. Tesco is demanding the full amount and I cannot pay them now. I can only pay £50 mth and may be once I have a job I can pay more. Please help me what i can do now. Can i stop debt collectors form taking any further action and what can I write to Tesco? What is my next move? Thanks.
  21. I placed an order worth £230 for delivery Saturday, 20th August between 2-4pm. This is not the only order I place with Tesco every month. I have had good delivery service for a number of years and have been very happy. Until last Saturday. At 4.05pm I had not had a call or a text, as usual, from the Tesco driver to inform me how late my order was going to be. I called cstomer services. They put me on hold for several minutes. They came back and said they were unable to get ahold of the driver so they would have to call the (Allerton) store and I'd be called back. 20 minutes later, I called back to ask again where is my order? Again, I was put on hold for several minutes, then told they couldn't get ahold of the driver and they would have to call the store and someone would call me back. Ten minutes later, I received a call from a supervisor who told me she was trying to track my order and she'd call me back, which she did at 5pm. This supervisor told me the van which my order was on had broken down and all the orders had been split for delivery onto 3 other vans and they weren't exactly sure which van had my order but i should have it by 10 after 6pm. I couldn't go out. I waited and waited and decided to wait pass 6.10pm to allow a little more time. No order. I called back to customer services and the woman I spoke to had a problem with her phone (I'm guessing) because the call cut-off and then my landline rang and cut off and then my mobile rang and cut off so I decided to wait a few minutes to see if she would try again and make the connection. She did not. So I called back and asked to speak to a manager/supervisor and the man I spoke to said he was a manager. I told him I wanted to call the store myself to see where my order was. He gave me the Allerton store number and I called them and after going through about 5 electronic phone lists, I finally got a real person who told me to call customer services. I said I wanted the store manager and he put me through. I talked to Mike. He laid the phone on the desk while I listened to him shuffle papers and make calls and finally he came back to me and said he had to talk to the call centre and someone would call me back. At 8.30 pm I received a call from a man who told me my order had been CANCELLED. So, I had sat in all day and waited 6 and a half hours for an order than was never going to come and I was not told it wasn't going to come. I had plans to go out Saturday night but I cancelled the plans to wait in for my groceries, because no one knew where they were or when they were coming. I explained to this rep that I had no food in the house and I was desperate for the order because I had a church picnic to go to Sunday afternoon and I needed to take food to it. He said I could have the order re-delivered from 8-10am the next morning: SUNDAY and he would personally follow-up with a Tesco.com manager to call me about the entire situation. I agreed. At 9.30pm I had a thought to check my order details on the Tesco website. There was my replacement order scheduled for 8-10am MONDAY. So I called back to customer services AGAIN and spoke to a supervisor who explained the earliest I could get the order was between 12 and 2 on Sunday. This meant, I could not go to church because I had to wait in for the order. I explained I was desperate for the order because I had no food to take to the picnic. The order was delivered at 1pm. EVERY SINGLE CHILLED ITEM WAS WARM AND EVERY SINGLE FROZEN ITEM WAS THAWED. I had nothing I could use to make to take to the pcinic. I was upset. I missed the picnic. But wait, we're not done... I called customer services to advise that the chilled/frozen food was no good. I was told it would be passed to a Tesco.com manager to call me back because they had all gone home at 11am. WHERE WAS MY PHONE CALL THAT I WAS PROMISED FROM THE MORNING? The rep I spoke to Sunday told me the manager might want to arrange for a pickup of all the warm/thawed food. So, my fridge was full of defrosted, unedible food that I had to wait to find out if they wanted them back. I did NOT receive a phone call at 6pm Monday night as promised, so I called back to customer services and asked for a tesco.com manager whom I explained ALL of this to and asked what he was going to do about it He said he was doing it as we spoke: HE SAID HE WAS REFUNDING MY ENTIRE ORDER DUE TO THE PROBLEMS TESCO HAD CAUSED ME OVER THE WEEKEND. In other words, I was getting the order for free. He said I could throw out all the unedible food. He was very nice and said he hoped I would continue to shop with Tesco. I planned on it. Until today. I noticed in my bank account I had received the refund for the Sunday order, but I had been charged for the Saturday order: which was never delivered. I wrote to Customer Services. I got a call. I explained all this. I got another call from another Tesco.com manager who said I could NOThave a free order, that I could only have a refund of the chilled/thawed items. He offered me e-coupons. I refused them; I'm done ordering from Tesco. He said Tesco could not afford to give away food. Is that true? Because I read Tesco makes huge profits from regular customers like me. All I want is my £225.73 refunded for a CANCELLED ORDER. How can they charge me for an order that was not delivered? Because Saturday night when I was informed it had been cancelled, after I waited 6 and a half hours for it, I was told I had the OPTION of having it redelivered. Meaning, if I had said, no don't bother redelivering, the entire amount would have been refunded to me anyway. I was promised my refund was for the Sunday order for the spoiled food and the major inconvenience, frustration and amount of money and time I spent making phone calls to Tesco to chase my cancelled Saturday order. That wasn't my job, but no one else did it. I was not told I'd be charged anything, in fact, I was told the opposite, which I thought was fair. I don't want e-coupons. I want what I was promised! What would you want if this had been you or someone in your family?
  22. Hi, I was hoping somebody could give me some advice relating to a Tesco Personal Finance credit card debt. I received a defalut notice in Nov 2009 from TPF followed by account termination in Dec 2009. Since then I have been pursued by Triton Credit Services. In August 2010 Allied International Credit began to harass me o/b/o RBS card services. They too have ceased to chase me and now Bryan Carter Solicitors has issued a county court summons, quoting his client as Tesco Personal Finance Cards in correspondence, with the claimant on the summons being RBS re: Tesco Personal Finance Card. Can anybody tell me the legalities of ownership of this debt as I understand RBS and TPF are no longer in partnership ? In July 2008 Tesco bought RBS' share of the business for £950M. So who actually owns the debt ?
  23. Brief history - February 2010 I signed up to a monthly £10 contract with Tesco Mobile which entitled me to £40 of flexible credit per month. The account was Capped and therefore I could not run up any additional costs or make calls to premium lines - Between February and May 2010 I had no issues with this contract and due to the little time I used the mobile never used up my monthly allowance - Early June 2010 I starting receiving a message advising me that my credit limit was low, when calling friends, on numbers I had called many times before. My initial thought on receiving this message was that something had gone wrong with my monthly payment and hence I had not received my new allocation. I checked by bank account immediately, but all was okay. I then called the Tesco helpline on 16 June, to be informed by the operator that the number I was trying to call must be a business number and that my monthly allowance did not allow me to call this number. I explained that I had successfully called this number before, her response was that the cost of this call must have been debited from a topup that was on the mobile. I then explained that I had never added any additional credit, to which she responded that I must have! - 19 June 2010 was the next time I tried to make a call from this mobile, to call a friend on her landline (another number I had called many times), I was cut off during the call as my 30p of ‘top up’ credit time had been used up. As I had had no luck with contacting Tesco helpline previously and as I was about to embark on a 1200 mile driving holiday the following week and needed a mobile I could rely on to let me make calls, I went to Carphone Warehouse that day and got a new mobile - 19 June 2010, I emailed Tesco that evening to advise them of the issues I had been experiencing, their unwillingness to help me and that as they were not fulfilling their contractual obligations, by providing me with a fully functioning SIM, I had stopped my direct debit with immediate effect - 21 June 2010, I received a response from Tesco which included the sentence ‘I'm sorry you've decided to cancel your Pay Monthly account and transfer your number to a new network provider’. There was no reference to the issues I had been experiencing or apologies for the service offered As I stopped the contract half way through a month Tesco are pursuing me for £10. I have received a couple of emails and a letter to chase for the money but not once have they had the common courtesy to response to my complaint. I have now, this week, received a letter from Fredrickson International Limited stating that they have been instructed by Tesco Mobile Limited to collect the £10 debt and requesting an immediate payment. I realise that £10 is not a great deal of money but I am reluctant to pay out of principle as I am furious and frustrated that Tesco did not make any effort to resolve my issues and that they are charging me for a service they did not deliver. Can anyone offer any assistance on what I should do about this?
  24. I used to be a regular shopper at Tesco, but their arrogance, dismissive attitude in response to a long standing complaint drove me away, and, not to knock those who do work very hard to ensure a shopping trip is pleasant, the managers I encountered were just a pain to deal with. Power trips galore, arrogance alley, and just plain rude is all I can say about them. It should also be mentioned that although it was a long time ago now, I worked for them for a month and my supervisor was on power mode all the time she had a suit jacket on. She left shortly after I did.
  25. My complaint is simple. I needed a gym (York Heritage G102 Multi gym order: 35537822) delivered to my flat on the 3rd floor of a lift-less building and I needed to be called to organise a day, so I could be available. Having never used Tesco before I thought it would a good idea before purchasing to call and confirm if they could meet my delivery requirements. I imagined that would be enough, my gran used to tell me you can never be too careful. Tesco assured me that there would be no problem and that when I got to the order page I would be able to specify my requirements. Great, onwards to my gym. I made the plunge and ordered it. When I got to the delivery specification page I discovered a 50 character long field to specify delivery instructions. Bit short but never mind years of acclimatising to txt messaging leaves me more than up to the task. What do I type ‘Flat H, 3rd floor, no lift, call to set day’. Being a realistic lad though, and mindful of my gran whispering in my ear, I think perhaps just to be sure I should call Tesco to check that all will be well. Which I duly do, hoorah! They expect no problem and I await eagerly the call to deliver my gym. ... 4 days later imagine my surprise to arrive home and on the ground floor of my building my gym, no call and a very very far away from the 3rd floor. Let me tell you a secret....gyms when flat packed into a single box are quite heavy and reasonably unwieldy. Never mind I am persistent man and job got done, although I cursed a bit, sorry gran. You can expect that I called Tesco and had a word with them about their failure to deliver on their promise, failure to collect a suitable signature and failure to call me to organise delivery. I have been have assured though that Tesco has no responsibility and that it is the responsibility of the third party provider or courier company but certainly not Tesco’s responsibility. Interestingly, after I lost my marbles, the Tesco representative asked what I expected from them. To be honest I have no idea, perhaps responsibility or maybe an apology but certainly not indignation that I should even think to complain. I have asked Tesco to remove me from their database and have withdrawn any permission to hold any of my data, which they have agreed to. What a load of twaddle, they couldn’t delete me from their database if the Messaih came again. Still and all when I get a call or email from them offering some multicoloured pants I will at least have the satisfaction of losing my marbles all over again. Don’t shop with Tesco, they think are a bank and are too big to be concerned with the little people. I wonder what Occado is like? I hear great things about them, I think I shall give them a try. Rest assured I will be making a meal of this experience for as long as I can keep people attention. (My only wish is that I thought to check the blogs first) Cheers
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