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  1. morning to anyone that can help! I have a bad credit rating and so my sister financed a new car for me back in October last year. I went for the Peujeot 'just add fuel' offer and got the entry level 207, it included 3 years free car insurance and 3 years free tax. Im in financial hardship and so for £200.00 a month this was perfect. My sister did not visit the showroom at all i made all the enquiries myself and told her the details on email. She told me to be sure of the free insurance deal as this is really what clinched it (my current car insurance costing me £70 a month). I spoke to the salesman twice about the insurance and he was well aware that the finance was going in my sisters name ; I asked him if i would qualify for the free insurance as Id had an accident 3 years prior which resultedd in a claim. He said that this was not a problem proving i could provide proof of no claims bonus. I had 5 years protected no claims and so this wasnt a problem. Before I called up and paid the £500 deposit - I spoke to another sales rep and confirmed what i had been told about the insurance deal and they confirmed what the other guy had told me was correct. i paid the deposit. As it was a brand new car I asked if i could pick a registration and they told me it was too late for that once had already been picked which i was a bit annoyed about. they provided me with the details to call up and arrange the insurance. My sister contacted them and sorted the insurance out. They told her that they wanted her no claims not mine - she assumed it was a problem at the sales office and made a note to sort that problem out later. Then she received a letter from the peujeot insurance company stating that unless my sister could provide her proof of NCB then the insurance policy would be cancelled. I complained to the sales man who sold me the car (all be email) and he didnt really understand what the problem was and in the end just said - 'yes your sister needs to provide no claims' this is NOT what he said when he sold me the car - him and his colleague confirmed it was me that need to provide the ncb as i was the one who had the accident. I have not had to take out seperate insurance policy for this car which is cost me £65 a mont h - so rather then the deal costing me £200 a month iots now £265. Completely not what i budgeted for. I was driving round in old bangers with my newborn baby these old cars kept braking down and my sister kindly offered to help me finance a cheap new reliable car so the fact im now paying £265 is not what i budjeted for. Is there anything i can do - i have nothing in writing about this as i made the confirmations over the telephone, all I have is my emails to the sales rep arguing the fact that he had misinformed me. Thank you for your help
  2. Hi all, OK, I had a job offer in writing, unconditional which I accepted and had email response confirming the fact . This is with a multi national organisation with more than 40,000 employees. In the unconditional offer it stated that the full contract would follow in 7-10 days, after chasing the full contract and being 3 days from my start date I had a call saying that they are withdrawing the offer due to other areas of the business making redundancies and not being able to take on my position due to those being made redundant needing to have other positions offered to them. As I said I have this in writing, including a confirmation back from them after the acceptance. The actual offer stated the Role, Location, Salary, Start Date (28th October), additional benefits along with attachments of the "Welcome to XXX company" and private medical benefits etc.... No conditions...... further to accepting the offer I have an email saying that the full contract has been raised and completed....then further telephone conversation's (up until yesterday) saying everything was good and contract would be with me. My understanding is that a written (un-conditional) offer that's accepted and also confirmed is a contract and that the company is liable for breach .... Anyone advise me on this ? Also this is a high paid job +£70k basic and also with a £70k+ bonus..... no notice periods were specified and .... I stopped all other negotiations with other companies including turning down another offer.. Advice please.... Cheers
  3. Hello, First, post sorry if I break and rules, I have read through other posts but not got a clear understanding of my issue. Any help greatly appreciated. I have taken 2 loans with RBS £25000 2005 £25000 2007 I decided to apply for PPI personally rather than through a company. Although it was a hard decision because I'm rubbish at this sort of thing The second loan paid off the first loan midway through 5 year term so not a total figure. There is currently approx 4K left on the loan. No arrears or anything like that all in good order. RBS have accepted my PPI claim and offered me £862. Is this in the right ball park? how do they come to that figure. I put the numbers into some ppi calculators and the result was several thousands. Should I accept the good will offer or am I owed more? Cheers
  4. Hello to all! I have received an offer from Egg regarding a PPI dispute on a loan that they originally rejected. They have not stated why they have now decided to uphold my complaint, but given all the problems I had with them and the underhand tactics they used, I just get the feeling that the offer they've made does not accurately reflects what they owe me. I would really appreciate some help in working out the figures, I have read Citizen B's very helpful info on the various types of PPI scenario but have got rather confused! lol Egg wrote in their letter: We will be refunding you all premiums charged to your account, together with contractual interest. An additional compensatory payment will also be paid on the total of those amounts at the rate of 8%. Your new calculation comprises the following elements: Total PPI Premiums which you have paid (a) £3220.35 Plus interest on premiums paid (b) £305.68 Plus 8% interest © £1256.50 Subtotal £4782.53 Less any previous rebate paid (d) £1887.12 Total award of compensation £2895.41 I am not convinced that Egg have calculated this correctly and that their numbers stack up to scrutiny! I noticed that Citizen B said that rebates are rarely calculated in the customer's favour, which leads me to wonder if the contractual interest, 8% interest and the rebate are accurate? I should also add that the principal loan was for £15000, the PPI was £3220.35, total was £18220.35 over 72 months. Monthly pmt was £316.49. However, the loan only ran from 28/01/2003 (first pmt date) to 28/03/2004 (last pmt) as I paid the loan off. I would really appreciate some guidance with this, as I would like to get it sorted out as soon as possible, but I am perfectly prepared to issue Court proceedings if it turns out they are not offering the full amount they owe me! Many thanks in advance! Regards, Figgydoody.
  5. I just had a letter 10 mins ago from Santander to say they are offering me £2340 ppi on my overdraft, which I wasn't even aware they were taking til last month. WIN! But on reading further down the letter (dated 24th September and sent 2nd class post) they will deduct 20% of the interest, £132.50. due to new tax laws which came in to force on 1st August. The letter states that if I accepted this offer before 1st October I wouldn't have to pay the tax. So how could I accept it if the offer was only received today because it was sent 2nd class post? I rang the ppi complaints team about it and was told that as it would have taken 14 days after the acceptance was received to make the payment this wouldn't matter anyway as it would have passed the cutoff date. Very sorry, blah blah blah. But that's not what the letter says. It is if my acceptance was received after 1st October, not payment made. So should I fight this or what?
  6. Please could someone offer some advice. My fiancee has been working as a receptionist for a company for 9 years (since 2004). Four years ago (2008), she fell pregnant with our first child, and had nine months maternity. She could not work as a full-time receptionist, so they offered her a part-time weekend job, which she accepted at a reduction of her salary (apparently her responsibilities were less so they reduced her wage from £7.50 an hour to £6.80 an hour). Last year, she fell pregnant and has taken nine months maternity again. This time, she has had a couple of meetings, and they have told her that they cannot offer her the weekend job back, but there is a role in the canteen (which are at awkward hours). They have also offered her redundancy, but apparently they can only offer her redundancy of her new job, since she's been part time, so they are only paying her 4 years redundancy (£750). Are they in their rights to offer her a redundancy to her new job? I would have thought it's when you have been employed, regardless of what role?? It seems to me that they want to get rid of her, and they want to pay as little redundancy as possible (hence paying part-time wage than full-time). Any help would be appreicated.
  7. Hi guys I am new here so please don't bite! I will cut a very long saga very short. In a nutshell I have a non secured loan taken our with a large high street bank for £15k. Shortly after taking out said loan in 2008 - for which they did no checks to verify my declared income - I became ill with cancer and was unable to pay them or anyone else. I have been paying £1 a month for 3 years. I asked the bank to write off the debt as the stress and worry of this debt was making me even more ill, but the said NO. They have however given me a glimmer of hope and asked me to make a formal offer to settle the debt. Having never been in this position before, I don't know what to offer them, but it will mean selling my car in order to raise any money but I would rather do that if this debt can go away. 2 questions. Is the bank in any way at fault for lending me the money without asking for any proof of income? (I was self employed at the time and just had to guess what I might earn that year) Lastly, of an outstanding debt of £13k still, what would a bank deem acceptable by way of a settlement figure to clear. I was hoping to offer them £3k as that is what my car is worth, but I don't want to do that if they just say no again. Many thanks for any help in advance. Very depressed and recovering from cancer still.
  8. Can you please help I am going to send F&F letters out. Do I send them to the original creditor (credit card company) or to the Debt collection agency (DCA) who I have been making lesser payments to for some time. e.g. Original Barclay Card, DCA is Mercers. I know fundamentally they are the same but I wanted to check Also would you have the address for the following DCA if I need to send to them? 1. CL Finance (HSBC) 2. Link financial (MBNA) 3. Mercers (BARCLAY) Thank you for your time and support in advance
  9. AMEX have written to me offering full & final settlement out of the blue and unsolicited. The offer taken from the letter : "If you pay just 40% of your outstanding balance still owing, we'll waive the remaining £0.00 of your balance in full and final settlement. In order to accept this offer, please call Amercian Express on 0800-etc. This opportunity allows you to repay a reduced amount from which you otherwise owe us. From Michelle Upton Manager American Express Address Amex House Brighton." They call this a 60% Balance Forgiveness. In brief this concerns an Amex credit card taken out in 1995 inclu. PPI and is in dispute since 2009. They closed my account July 2009 after i tried to make a claim on the PPI. They then had many different DCA's chase me as the debt was passed around without notification . Each DCA have been dealt with via CCA letter etc following the correct time-lines none have provided the information requested hence all are in dispute. Further oddities they lost my details on a laptop believed stolen, have had Amex letters advising i contact there insurance people only to be confronted with AIC and a rude aggressive French lady who told me PPI will not pay out until i am bankrupt etc etc Then all went went silent for many months until the settlement letter arrived this week. I need advice on dealing with this development please help
  10. I had a car loan through First Trust bank approx. 18/19/20 years ago. I know I paid PPI on it. I tried to reclaim the PPI off the bank, but I kept being put off for longer and longer periods of time, so I contacted the FOS. This complaint is pending with the FOS. I bounced a direct debit with the bank a few weeks ago, and eventually got sick of the nuisance calls coming from the bank about when I was going to pay the outstanding amount. I penned a very cheeky letter, explaining that , at this time, THEY owed ME considerably more than I owed THEM, and if they would hurry up and sort the money that they currently owed me, I would certainly forward any arrears owing to them. I wasn't really expecting a reply, it was sent just to get them off my back for a while. I then got a reply saying they had checked the loan in question and had found they were NOT at fault, however they had reviewed ALL my loans and discovered I had been mis-sold policies on two different loans from the same era. That I had a habit of clearing loans early and should have been sold a monthly policy, rather than a lump-sum policy. to that effect they had calculated the difference between what I SHOULD have been sold and what I WAS sold, and were willing to give that as a settlement (with interest) for ALL of the accounts. I have 2 questions from this;- 1. I have paid bank fees in the period in question, that I would not have been subject to, had I have had that money in my bank account. Am I entitled to a refund of bank fees for that period? 2.They have admitted I was mis-sold PPI on two loans, they have offered a settlement figure for the policy I WAS sold minus the amount for the policy I SHOULD have been sold. Is this the correct way of calculating or would the FOS have a field day with this? To be 100% honest, I don't even recall HAVING these loans and certainly don't remember knowingly taking PPI on them. It's all very suss to me. Any thoughts guys?? Thanks in advance
  11. Tesco fined over 'half-price' strawberries claim Tesco has been fined £300,000 after admitting it misled customers over whether strawberries on sale were genuinely "half price". Trading standards officers said the £1.99 strawberries on sale in Sheldon, Birmingham, in 2011 had not been for sale at £3.99 long enough. The store charged the same amounts at its other stores in England and Wales. Tesco admitted four counts of unfair commercial practice at Birmingham Crown Court. Judge Michael Chambers said the case was "shocking by its very nature" because consumers had a "high degree of trust" in national chains. He said the promotion was "patently wrong and misleading". Tesco has apologised for what happened. The supermarket was told it would also have to pay £65,000 in costs. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-23755528
  12. I have received an offer from Lloyds Tsb for misold PPI's, this was after it went to the fos. What I want to know is will I receive the amount they have stated or will there be any deductions. I had a loan with them which is now being dealt with by Cabot financial, not sure if they bought this debt or will Lloyds use this money to clear the loan. They have stated a cheque will be sent or money paid into my account. (I dont have an account apart from the loan account now with Cabot.
  13. Hi, Just looking for some advise, i have a debt with natwest. it is made up from overdraft, visa and loan. They have an enforcement order on my house which was done around 4 years ago, i paid £100 per month for a year then (long story) payments stopped. No payment or correspondence has been made from me for 3 years I start uni in september and plan to use some of my bursary to pay of the debt. i owe £5100. How much should i offer them, bearing in mind my bursary is £2K and with no other income for the next 3 years this is there only chance of getting anything from me in the foreseeable future. Any thoughts?
  14. Hey there, I have been on a debt management plan with CCCS for a number of years, paying a total of £48 each month to five different companies with a debt totaling around £15800. I have a mortgage on a house with negative equity, which I can currently renting out as I am living with my girlfriend rent free. She has offered to give me a lump sum of money to clear this debt (she's an absolute belter!!!), however I am a little bit worried about explaining that I am living with her and she has money. My question (number 1) is if I tell them this, is there any way that they can try and get the money from her as we are in cohabitation? (question 2) I spoke to CCCS and told them I was hoping to make a settlement offer and asked their advice for how much I should start at. They told me it should be however much I have and they would not advise on a specific percentage. The problem is that I don't actually have any money and will be relying on my girlfriend, she says she's happy to give me it but I don't want to completely wipe her funds out, after all she has her own bills to pay and children. Can anyone suggest what sort of percentage I should offer? Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi, I read on the forum a case of a conditional job offer being withdrawn by the employer even though the individual had met the 'conditions' of offer, ie satisfactory references etc. and was not given a start date before he had been told the job offer was withdrawn. My situation is the same, a start date was to be agreed. I had been persuing it for the past month only to be told today that they were withdrawing the job due to restructuring in the NHS. They kept me waiting for 2/3 months undertaking references etc..Criminal records checks etc., leading me on.... and now this which has left me with now no job in the foreseeable future and no income to continue paying my mortgage etc., They said they had no other job to offer me in its place. I know after reading the threads on a situation that was the same that it was 'like nailing jelly to the ceiling' to obtain compensation and all the business about county court and ET to attempt to obtain compensation for my losses, that of other opportunity (ie other jobs I had been shortlisted for), loss of earnings since April, the emotional impact. However, can anyone tell me if they have been successful in obtaining compensation, ie even 1 month's salary etc..) I have emailed the senior bods as I have lost opportunity of earnings for the past two months and in the foreseeable future so I have asked for compensation for my losses.. I am waiting a reply PS, for information I did have an indepth interview and a written conditional offer letter with salary, position, hours etc. so I am aware that although it forms the basis of a breach of contract there is little I can do in regards to legally acting on this. I would be interested in your views and comments. Thanks:help:
  16. Hello Can anyone advise . I am trying to help a friend. Its regarding an old fine at a midlands magistrates court that has just shown up out of the blue A bailiff turned up this morning with a distress warrant for an old fine of approx £600 plus £ 300 charges that are not detailed. The bailiff says he will not discuss the matter and will turn up in the morning with the police and a locksmith to enforce the warrant. I have phoned him on my friends behalf to try to make an offer of payment but he was not interested at all. My friend lives with a partner in a rented house [ partner only is the tenant ] and has very few worldly goods and no vehicle of his own. The bailliff stated to me that he is an ' enforcement bailiff' subcontracted to Marstons. That I would not be able to phone Marstons and that they would just refer me back to himself. I explained my friends circumstances and said could an arrangement to pay be made. He said no only full payment because ' its gone past the stage where arrangements can be made' I have checked on the Bailliffs register and cant find the name on his card. Please can anyone help. I think he wants to attend and try to enforce even though the circumstances have been explained just so he can add more charges. What can my friend do ?
  17. Hi Folks, I somehow missed a letter from Amex offering a 70% debt settlement. Now they have reffered the matter to debt collection agent. Can i still get chance of asking for the offer? Cheers
  18. Hi, I need your help people again! I decided after the advice of people on here regarding a number of grievances I had with my employer and statuary rights, that I would get a solicitor. I ended up resigning because of what ha[ppened and solicitor said with all the evidence I have got we should take my employer to a tribunal for automatic unfair constructive dismissa which l was told had a very strong case. Then after few letters and text messages back and fourth. My solicitor speaks to my ex-employer about a settlement. He said that he wants a figure asap and he would not give offer til we gave him figure and that he might put the company into insolvency. Now from what I understand I cannot take company to tribunal if they go into insolvency. So what are my options? Do i just ask for wages I was owed which was £5000. Do i ask for compensation? Do I work out what I would claim at tribunal and get figure from that? Do I put my solicitors fees on top? I'm hoping someone can help because I'm confused about what I should do as I think my solicitor thinks i should just accept the money I was owed. Not the fact that I cant get any more work or the fact of how he treated me, just for wanting the same as everyone (holidays and not to be paid short etc). Plus that I have no income since I resigned, so losing out on wages and future wages. PLEASE CAN ANYONE GIVE ME ANY ADVICE ON THIS SUBJECT.
  19. Nationwide have agreed to pay back single premium PPI we had on a loan in '99. Some £2600 plus only about 4 years interest of around £500. The reason they give is that the loan was defaulted on and the debt sold off. They say that to get any more interest then we have to go after the DCA. I'm sure it's wholly their (Nationwides) responsibility and not any of the several DCA companies it's since gone through. Am I right? Thanks.
  20. Hi all, this is my first post and may be a bit long winded so please bear with me. I complained to RBS about PPI on the 21/04/13 on a Mint c/c that I took out in Dec 2003 and 8 wks later received a reply along these lines, You will be pleased to know I have finished my review into your concerns about your PPI. Your concerns are important to us. In the circumstances, as a goodwill gesture and without admission of liability the bank is prepared to make you the offer set out below. To cut a long story short they go on to offer me £888.62 broken down as follows... Refund of premiums paid between 13 Dec 03 and 13 Jan 09 £532.43 Compound interest on premiums based on unterest rate charged on c/c £93.61 Total £626.04 Gross interest @ FOS rate £328.23 Less tax at 20% £65.65 Net interest £262.58 Total offer £888.62. Now, I have only just paid off an outstanding balance of £105 which has been there since Jan 2009 (messy reasons, business going belly up, divorce etc) but not sure this is relevant! On receiving this offer I phoned RBS and asked for a breakdown as it was a bit confusing how they had calculated it and this week I received said breakdown which showed nothing but the premiums id paid each month, so after searching this site for relevant calculators I did my own calculation. Using the FOSCISheet v101 for the compound interest, at 18.9% APR it calculated it at £1757.88, lots more than the £93.61 RBS have offered. So today I phoned them again to point this out to them and a young lady told me I had 2 options if I didnt agree with their offer. 1/ Provide proof that I had paid more interest than they had offered, or 2/ Take it to the FSO. I asked how I could prove it and she told me to provide bank statements which would show the ammount of interest paid!!! When I pointed out that bank statements would only show the single ammount paid off against the card and wouldnt show interest, she just said take it to the FSO!!! Now my question is do I accept the offer of £888.62 or do I take it to the FSO based on the FSO spreadsheet calculation being so much higher than RBS offer? Any help and advice would be appreciated and again I apologise for the long post. Claygo
  21. I have been receiving credit card offer letters from Barclays. I do not bank with them for almost four years now, I moved two addresses ever since and now I an receiving offers to my name at my new address. I am not interested in their offers but it is more concerning how they can find my address and use it to send me such offers? How can they track your address and get access to this information? (Needless to say I have had no debts or anything like that with them in the past, just an ISA account)
  22. Hi guys, Just looking for a little advice on the best course of action. I have a 2k debt with EON. I am with Payplan, and they sent an offer through of 80 per month. This was then rejected by Payplan. What would be the best thing for me to do here? Continue paying through Payplan despite them rejecting the offer? Should i contact EON directly? Will they just issue a CCJ? I really cannot afford anymore than i have offered through Payplan. I have moved house in the last couple of months and my current supplier is not EON. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. EON are the only company to have rejected my offer. KatySue.
  23. Hi, Hit a water covered pot hole on New years eve, it was in a country lane I was not familiar with, pitch black and raining heavily. Tyre blew, wheel dented, and upon trying to change it in the pitch darkness as nobody would stop to help me (I am woman by the way), couple of men stopped only to ask if i had a phone assuming I had break down cover, I didn't and the last time I changed a tyre was 20 years ago! As a result, put the jack slightly wrong place, because couldn't see the markers, cill crumpled and paint chipped. I have a mobility problems and on benefits, so couldn't afford to have it cill fixed or tracking which I was advised will be out. It took weeks before I could afford £96 odd for tyre, but did get fair estimate for damage caused to cill. I believe if the pothole wasn't there my car would not have been damaged, so sent a comprehensive statement and everything necessary for claim including pictures from immediately afterwards and in the day time too as well and the report I made of its existence (as well as the other craters which got filled in but mine didn't even a month later). The total damage was £587, they have come back with £106, my instinct is to say I don't accept that, but I thought I would check here first to see if anyone has pursued further and how or what they did. Would appreciate any advice.
  24. Hi this is my second claim against HBOS . The first one was last year and they paid me by cheque even though i owed them money . I made another claim for ppi on my credit card last june and it went through the fos and hbos have now given in and are offering me £13500 . I tried to make a genuine claim back in 2003 (broken an arm and a leg ) and they refused to pay me . my credit card went into default in 2011 and they will use the ppi to pay it off which is what i always wanted from HBOS . My question is I have asked them to remove the default as part of the settlement which they said no . I am just wasting my time with this . Also in the settlement letter they have not given me a complete breakdown of the ppi figure just the offer of £13500 .
  25. Hi, can anybody advise please? I currently have an oustanding debt with Vanquis Credit Card that totals £2812.42. I have an agreement with them to pay £40 a month for next 6mths then review the situation as i am currently experiencing dificulty paying all my bills. They were reluctant at first to agree to this but after threatning to pay £1 pm they have accepted this. This morning i have received a letter from Lewis Debt Recovery, a local firm i believe in West Yorks, offering me a 50% discount on my balance. They say if i pay £1406.21 in 7days to bring the matter to a speedy conclusion this will settle my account. My question is why? Is this a tactic to get me to contact them? Why have Vanquis themselves not offered me this? Should i contact Vanquis to check if they have agreed to this? If genuine, this is a fantastic offer and i would beg/borrow and try to raise this amount to pay this debt off and get it off my case forever. If i do pay this settlement can i ask them to remove any bad marks on my credit file as part of the deal? Any advice/help with this matter is very welcome.
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