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  1. So here we go folks. Ive been on the forum long enough to know that we don't condone debt avoidance but certainly help those who need it. Well its time for me to turn to you guys for more help. I appreciate that you guys are the best forum on the net for this sort of thing so here we go. My job Im in requires me to get SC clearance. Now I love my job and its the only thing holding me back is my credit history. Ive been very lucky in the past to avoid CCJs / Bankruptcy Proceedings due to some of the amounts, however i want to finally face up to the facts and hit it hard. Ive attached my current credit report of defaulted debts and I am going to hit these hard. I would like to £100 a month towards them all an take my time to clear them out. Now i know that for SC clearance they do a credit check and im worried about the level of debt i have. How could this affect my Chance at getting SC Clearance? [ATTACH]48351[/ATTACH]
  2. Hi, Two years ago (2012) I was placed in the WRAG ESA group for a year then this time last year I received my ESA50 form for review......I filled it in with all evidence and details of docs, social workers, support worker etc and I was then moved into the support group (2013). It is coming up for the time of the year when I last received my ESA50 last year. Should I expect another one soon? I don't know if I can be faced with all the stress and hassle again especially as I have just moved to a different doctor............ Thanks
  3. I found out today I have won my mandatory reconsideration and have been moved over to the support group. I was so shocked, happy, relived I burst out crying. Truly cannot believe it. The pressure release is amazing.
  4. I am a 62 year old man,who has osteoarthritis in my cervical spine and most other joints.After a recent ATOS medical,I seemed to be cured of my incureable illness with a stroke of a pen and was placed on W.R.A.G. I then attended an interview in my local Job centre and was told to appeal as i was to Old and unreliable to get a job.I have appealed and they sent me another form to fill in since then nothing. Surely they should put an age limit on these ATOS medicals. I for one would dearly like to get back to work however i am a realist. If the Government want people of my age and condition to work then at least support us until we get work.
  5. Hi. I just have a question regarding ESA. My husband had spinal surgery in October and has been on ESA since the end of September. He has received a letter saying he has to attend a medical on the 13th February but thats the day he is due back to work and all being well he will go back that day. Do I ring and tell them that he is back to work that day and they should cancel the appointment for the medical? Many Thanks
  6. Is Consumer Action Group run by Marston Group? Apparently a Marc Gander was a founder of this site?
  7. Hi everyone. Heard great things about this forum and have been a lurker for a while but now I have joined the ranks of the many that are being harassed by TNC. I'll give a background on my situation. A few years ago my partner bought some collectible dolls off Bradford group. (I warned her not to but hey, who listens to me?) Anyway, all was fine the first few times she got stuff then she ordered a single collectible doll and we paid for it up front, as we'd done with the previous ones, however, shortly after it arrived, another two packages came (about a week later) We contacted Bradford Group by phone and told them we only ordered one thing but they claimed it was part of a set. I told them that at no time in their catalogue or website was that mentioned and that we didn't want the other items. They said it was part of a set and that we had to accept and pay for them. I asked to speak to a supervisor who agreed that seeing as we'd paid up front for the first doll, we could just send the others back and that would be that. She said they would even send out a freepost return slip and that it would be there in the next few days. Two weeks later and it hadn't arrived, I called them again, had to go through the whole thing again, it was the same outcome, send back unwanted dolls, case closed, wait for freepost return slips to arrive. Another week went by and I had to phone them again, had to through the whole thing AGAIN! This time I told them that I was just going to post the dolls back myself and consider the mater closed. They claimed that it couldn't be done that way as the processing address for returns was different and it wouldn't be acknowledged as being received. So, again, I agreed to wait for return slips BUT, I asked who I was speaking to and and asked for a reference number for my case. About a month went by without any word, I phoned again quoted the name and reference number, explained the situation and asked for a note to be put on my file that I had on 3/4 separate occasions, requested return slips/offered to send back dolls. I agreed, for the last time to wait on them sending out return slips, after I offered to send back the dolls, at my own cost, by special/recorded delivery to the correct address but they wouldn't give me the address. I told them that this would be the last time I contacted them and I now consider the matter closed. I asked for all this to be put in another note in my file. The agent agreed, said they'd speak to a supervisor and they had agreed that if no retun slips were sent out, the matter was closed. Forward on a year, I get letter from Bradford group telling me i owed them money for the dolls and that if they didn't receive it within 14 days, they would pass it out to creditors etc. I phoned them, told them the whole story, quoted names and references but the said they had no record of it. I again offered to send the dolls back and had to go through the whole thing ANOTHER time! 2 weeks went past and two letters came one after each other, one from BG another from their creditors I can't remember who it was at the time but by this stage, I was sick of it and just ignored it. Nothing happened for about two years or so, then I started getting letters from TNC recently, threatening all sorts of action. After getting advice from people I knew and off t'internet, I ignored the letters, maybe two or three in a few months but i got one a few days ago saying I had 7 days to settle the bill or they were instructing their solicitors to go to court. This one has me worried....should I ignore it? There is no way I'm paying £179 for two dolls that were only worth £50 and that I had tried to send back numerous times...but should I contact them and explain....or is this all just BS scare tactics in the hope that I might be frightened into paying up?
  8. As you guys know ive been dealing with Lowell and I though i had finally go the bottom of it. But was i wrong... After checking my credit profile Lowell have 16 entries for searching in the last 2 years... Dates below; 09/12/2013 17/11/2013 16/11/2013 15/11/2013 11/11/2013 04/11/2013 04/11/2013 01/11/2013 01/11/2013 29/10/2013 07/10/2013 09/09/2013 27/08/2013 09/08/2013 01/08/2013 03/07/2013 To me? This seems excessive...What do i do?
  9. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  10. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  11. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  12. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  13. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  14. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  15. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  16. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  17. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  18. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  19. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  20. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  21. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  22. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  23. CAG Flyer A4 CAG Flyer A4.pdf CAG Flyer A5 CAG Flyer A5.pdf
  24. The world economy is a stimulus addict. This year it’s going cold turkey. In China, keeping growth on track for the past five years has required ever larger injections of credit. The ratio of private-sector debt to GDP pushed over 200 percent in the first quarter of 2014, up from about 125 percent at the end of 2008. That presents China President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang with an unpalatable choice. China’s new leaders could cap loans and face a sharp slowdown in growth, or they could continue on the credit binge and risk a finance crisis. So far the choice has been option No. 1. STORY: China Pledges Major Stimulus Projects, Invites Private and Foreign Investors That’s the right decision, but the consequences are still painful. New lending is flatlining. Investment is fading. At 5.7 percent, annualized first quarter GDP growth was well short of Premier Li’s 7.5 percent target for the year. With a key gauge of factory activity pointing to contraction in April, the signs heading into the second quarter are little better. In Japan, the bursting of the credit bubble in 1989 left corporations saddled with debt and unwilling to spend. To prevent a lost decade turning into a permanent coma, the government was forced to rack up enormous debts. In 2013, an Abenomics spending splurge to kick-start the economy added to the debt load. With public debt at 237 percent of GDP, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe faced a choice no more palatable than that facing China’s leaders. Raising taxes threatened to strangle the infant recovery in its cradle. Continuing to borrow risked a sovereign debt crisis that would make Greece’s recent problems look like the first act of a larger tragedy. STORY: With Growth Slowing, Will China Launch a Stimulus? Abe’s solution for 2014 is a compromise. A hike in the consumption taxes—the first since 1997—will be offset by higher public spending. Even that threatens to stop Japan’s recovery in its tracks. GDP in the world’s No. 3 economy is expected to contract at a 3.4 percent annualized rate in the second quarter. Worse could be to come. If Tokyo wants to avoid a debt apocalypse, a budget deficit of more than 8 percent of GDP has to swing into surplus. That’s tough to do without taking a serious chunk out of growth. In the U.S., meanwhile, exiting an extraordinary period of monetary stimulus is proving less easy than entering it did. The U.S. housing market—a key contributor to the recovery—is hooked on low rates. Even a modest percentage-point increase in mortgage costs in the past year has caused tremors. New home sales fell to an 8-month low in March. STORY: Two Papers That Could Persuade the Fed to Prolong Stimulus The U.S. housing market is not the only one to suffer. With the cost of credit low, emerging markets from South America to East Asia became accustomed to capital inflows. In the years after the 2008 financial crisis, that buoyed stock prices and fueled a boom in real estate. As rates in the U.S. start to rise, emerging markets have been roiled by sudden reversals in capital flows twice in the past year. Past stimulus in the world’s three largest economies had a purpose. Massive loan growth in China and close to zero rates in the U.S. eased the pain of the 2008 financial crisis. In Japan, the government had to keep borrowing to offset the impact of corporate saving. Still, even well-intentioned stimulus can’t go on forever. As policymakers in Beijing, Tokyo, and D.C. are discovering, breaking the stimulus habit is tough to do.
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