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  1. Hi, Im a little curious for any advice or knowledge from others in the same situation. Whilst I was not at home today a person knocked my door. He told my husband he worked for provident and he has bought one of my debts and would like to speak to me about repayment. My husband asked to make sure if this was a debt that I had with provident and the man said no it wasnt. About two weeks ago a provident advert card was put through my door with my name on it offering me a £100 loan if I called the number. I have not called them. I have never dealt with provident in any way. Can they just buy a debt in this way? I do have a debt with another company but that is one that I disagree I owe and am disputing with them. Something here seems fishy though. Thanks in advance for any replies.
  2. Hello, as many people at the moment we are struggling to the point of absolute dispair financially, which has now been worsened still when I answered the door to a bailiff last week. We had difficulties with council tax (Bromley), attended the council tax surgery and made an arrangement - to be fair they did say that as the case had been passed on to council bailiffs they did not know if it would be accepted but said to leave it with them to confirm which we did. We got a letter on 9th July saying £1427 was required immediately, we spoke to the council who said it was passed to council bailiffs an we would hear form them in due course. 9th September I answered the door to the bailiff saying that he had a court order to collect the outstanding debt of £1451. We didn't know it had been to court, we didn't get the letter he says was sent after either. My husband called him and offered to pay £251 immediately and £100 per month after - to be honest this would be hard but i thought they would accept it being covered. They said no, to make an arrangement the debt goes up to £1737, we have to pay £300 cash on the day we sign the contract and 5 payments of £287. There is no way we can pay £300 per month - if we had this money we would never have missed the £120 per month in the first place, and he told my husband if its missed they start to take things from the house - and we don't have anything of worth anyway! This is the only bill my husband is responsible for, we have struggled with all our bills and i've rung and arranged payments and pinched peter to pay paul etc for the last year but i've not let any of the other get out of hand this far, so its fair to say right now i'm gunning for him. I need any advise I can get as the bailiff is due with the paperwork on Monday morning. I understand he has to be 'invited' in and our car is in my name so hoping this is ok. What is our worst case scenario and what can or can't we do - what I want to avoid is hubby agreeing to £300 per month becuase he will just go along with what he is told (instead of checking anything) which we don't have and in a months time we either owe loads more or our possessions are taken. Is there anyway of doing this with the council directly still. Thank you
  3. Hi, I guess like a lot of people I was scared when I got my notifications about the lapse in my payments to council tax. I was two months late and hid and then it went straight off to me owing the full amount (£1200ish) which I really couldn't afford to pay. Now it's got to the stage where I had a bailiff leave me a letter today saying he came to work out how much my stuff is worth and take it away from me. I'm so scared. I realise entirely what I have done is wrong and i've left it too long for recompense. I'm not denying the fact I owe them money (I believe they're saying around £1400) and I do want to work it out. I've had a read on the forum and the web and for sure i'm not going to let them in to my house now. But i really really really don't want to deal with this through the bailiffs. From what i've read they're intimidating and will cheat me out of a lot of money. I'm not worried about saying no to them when they visit but I'm really worried about them taking my car. The car is my car, and in my name, but it's registered at my parents address. (it's also owned by me outright with no debt / finance on it) I'm worried they're going to clamp the car / take it away. I don't really have any where else I can store it in the mean time to stop them doing it either (which a lot of people are advised to do) I plan on phoning the council on monday and offering to pay £400 a month to clear the debt quickly (which is every last penny of what I can afford to pay a month towards this debt. But from what I've read, they're unlikely to accept this offer and will want me to deal with the bailiff which I really don't want to do. I know it's my fault i'm in this situation and I've screwed up big time. However I genuinely want to get it sorted. Is there any advice you can offer to stop them taking my car, and to help make the council take what I say seriously and agree to call back the bailiff. I'm happy to pay the £24.50 fee for the bailifs charge for visiting me. Thanks
  4. A bailiff visited my home yesterday and asked my name which I confirmed, demanded my DOB and NI or he would seize my car but refused to give me any other information and said he was going to make a phone call. As he was blocking my driveway I could not go anywhere but loaded my support dog and shopping in the car. He then backed his car on my drive directly in front of my car which happenes to be a big american 4 x 4. I then asked him again for paperwork (as I knew I had no debts) he refused, I told him to move his car off my drive and he refused. I told him if he did not move I would move him, he said I couldn't and I informed him my car was twice the size of his and I most certainly could:oops: Anyway I told him I was calling the police to have him moved which I did. Obviously at first they said 'civil matter' but I told them there would be a breach of the peace if they did not attend and that I am a disabled pensioner who cannot get around without my car while I might point out still wondering what all this was about. He obviously knew he could not be on my drive so he left and clamped my car. Even when the police got here he still said he had no paperwork but told the police the 'order' was for unpaid business rates in Cardiff. I have never lived or had a business in Cardiff and could prove (fortunately) to the police that I had lived in Nottinghamshire for the past two years and before that was in Hong Kong. They told him, he called someone and agreed to unclamp my car. However, the bailiff left saying there would be a warrent for my arrest made or a bankruptsy order, I told him I looked forward to seeing him in court (as I used to be a lawyer 20 years ago) I then called Cardiff City Councils business rates who told me as we spoke the file 'had been taken back by them' - there appears to be a business still operating in Cardiff under the same name as mine but how they made a connection to me is difficult to see. The council said they had been 'pointed in the wrong direction' and they did not know if this business was still operating or empy and the landlord (who they knew of) would not have notified them when he became responsible. My issue here is if the council believe the person they were looking for lived at my address why was no correspondence sent to me? Surely there must be some rules that govern this sort of thing, send correspondence to an address they know is the wrong one is surely bending the code of practice if there is one. My other issue is that now this has happened I am sure I can expect other debt collectors and bailiffs to be attending my home. I am not stupid and today I will be transferring all my assets including all my household goods and title to my car to my friend (whom I trust) so should someone attend with the intention of obtaining a WPO I will own nothing. As I am retired and rent my house I have no need of credit but it is annoying to say the least that I feel under attack with little hope of convincing anyone that the person they want is not me (Rip of Britian yesterday one lady had been trying for 5 years). I could not be that stressed for anything like that length of time. Has anyone got any other suggestions on how to resolve this in all honesty they could make me bankrupt as it would make absolutely no difference to me or my income and bank account but the bit of fight left says no way. I was conforting to read on this forum other people are having similar problems and I hope I posted this in the right place.
  5. Got a note through the door from Equita Bailiffs for a council tax liability order. Letter reads as follows: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name & address - printed on the letter Date - handwritten Time - handwritten Delivered By Hand BAILIFF REMOVAL Payment due in full - 24 hours I have attended today with the intention of removing your goods and chattels as are necessary to discharge the outstanding Council Tax Liability Order and additional Enforcement Costs incurred. PLEASE NOTE - No further arrangements are acceptable and payment is now required in full by CLEAR FUNDS ONLY. I will re-attend your address with immediate effect and may REMOVE goods even in your absence. Should you wish to avoid this distressing course of action, contact me immediately on the telephone number below to arrange prompt payment of your debt. No contact will be taken as your refusal to pay. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was nothing about the amount or actual costs. I contacted the council immediately, because this is the first I'd heard it was being kicked to the bailiffs. I knew I had a liability order but I had assumed my previous payment arrangement (made with the council) for last years order was continuing on, as I had made all my payments on time, and I'd heard nothing else from the council. After 10-15 futile minutes trying to get the council to take it back from the bailiffs, I got them to confirm the amount of the liability order. I borrowed the money from a relative, and paid off the liability order directly to the council via their automated telephone system. I then paid a further £45 (via automated system) to cover 2 bailiff visits - letter above being the first visit, and one more visit should they actually come in 24 hours and my account isn't clear in time, OR if they claim this wasn't the first visit. Is the letter above the standard first visit letter from Equita when you've got a council tax liability order? It doesn't sound like it - aren't they supposed to give you a payment arrangement option? When do bailiff costs get added to your council tax account? Do they maintain a separate account with the charges that the council doesn't have access to, cos the debt at the council was just for the liability order. I'm worried about them adding mystery costs to my account and/or that they've levied my neighbours cars (who are fond of parking outside my house). I have no intention of contacting the bailiffs, but I'd like to know this is finished and I haven't got to worry about more bailiffs charges, relatives parking at my house and hiding in my house to avoid contact.
  6. Hi Guy's Just in the process of finishing with Equita and 1 week later I have Rossendales knock at the door. This is for 2012-13 council tax. Work has been very poor, for the last 2-3 years. Self employed. My crime is making sure I have a roof over my head (renting) and feeding my family, Well I had 1 weeks break, Rossers called today. The wife spoke to he Bailiff, But this time did not let him in, She is a foreign National, The Bailiff left a sheet of paper as follows. Notice of attendance Magistrates Liability Orber Dated 10/07/12 Address xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Amount£xxxx Plus Costs I have atended today with the intention of seising your goods and chattels as are nessecary to discharge the above debt If you can not pay this Bill in full you should be aware that even at this late stage, with an inital payment of £ 150.00 you can pay in installments Yours sincerely Mr XXXX Bailiff in charge I miss read the letter when I posted on my other thread, I thought he ment I had £150.00 in charges. Well I do not believe the person who attended today was a bailiff. Was not pushy when he spoke to the wife, when she told him to speak to me. just handed the letter to her and walked away. I'm sure the council informed them I had paid up the first LO and the set the Rossers on me . Just starting to get back on my feet and attacked again 2-3 weeks would have been nice so I could build up the funds. No cash flow no work!! I feel like giving up and tell them to empty the house and let the state take care of the family one step forward two or three back. I've had enough!!!!!!!!!! Leakie
  7. Hi I wonder if someone can help. We have today received a letter from Marstons regarding an outstanding debt. I am not disputing the debt and more than happy to come to an arrangement to pay it. The problem is we have moved 3 times in the last 18 months and the debt (for £500) was at the first address. This letter is the first I have heard about it having gone to court and them having obtained a writ. The debt is now over £1300 and they are coming on Wednesday to remove property which will also increase the debt. Is there anything I can do to stop this based on the fact I didnt know about the court action? I had actually been emailing the company the money was owed to some while back to try to resolve but they never replied to my emails. I dont even know which court this is in as this letter is the first I have seen. Any advice greatly appreciated. Many thanks
  8. I've been wandering around the site, and have a question/s and they kind of cover various subjects Statute barred debts do not appear on CRA's - is that correct? Only debts that are currently enforceable should appear on CRA's. When they become statute barred they come off CRA's When someone has DWP overpayment debt, do they appear on CRA's? - I know there is this whole thing of whether they can be statute barred, or not, or that they can behave different to other statute barred debts.. as they can take money from you when you next claim any benefit. But surely, if it can be statute barred, then the DWP when using DCA's should be obeying to all the rules.. not harassing people, make threats, being misleading etc.. as in what DWP is one thing (being a government department and what DCA can do is another).
  9. Hi, I am having a visit on Monday 13/8/12 from a Doctor about my DLA claim I suffer from Fybromyalgia and depression. I have been unable to get out of the house for about 3 months now as I am unable to walk without being in severe pain and if I travel on a bus I am in agony and then the day after I can not move. My Fybromyalgia causes me to be tried continuously and in severe pain from head to foot. I need my hubby to help me make meals and everyday task. I forget where I am going and I have once or twice stopped in the middle of the road (full of traffic) because I have forgot which way I am going. Some days I do not even want to get dressed and my hubby has to convince me to get washed and dressed. My life has become like being in prison I am absolutely petrified about this doctor coming on Monday as I feel that it will be a total waste of time. Do they actually care that I am unable to get out and that I am unable to do things I used to do and I am becoming a burden on my family . Does anyone have any helpful hints for me or am I wasting my time xxx
  10. I have had a visit to my house today from an enforcement officer. I was not at home at the time and the notice was handed to my son. The notice is for a debt of £ ****** for my business which I run from my home, my business is a limited company. The debt is from a CCJ I had imposed on me and a payment plan was set up to pay in 3 No. equal instalments. I was unable to make the first payment due to cash flow issues. The notice now totals £******* (£ ****** Original Debt; £ ***** Cost of Execution; £ ******) I spoke to the enforcement officer on the telephone and he told me I must pay the full amount immediatley. He told me there is a van arranged to seize assets and could arrive at my house at any time to seize goods to the value of the notice. In which I will incur additional costs of £ 420.00 for the van plus £ 120.00 per hour for each person loading it. I do not have these funds available at the moment and I am now very worried ! I have put him off until 16:00 hrs tomorrow to try and arrange the funds. He said he would help me out by cancelling the van until we have spoken tomorrow. He said that the claimant has paid to fast track this collection and they will not accept another payment plan. Can he just turn up with a van without seeing what goods he can seize ? Can this happen so quickly, is there a way to slow the process so I can raise the funds ?
  11. Hi all, I filled the esa form in a few weeks back, got a letter back saying I'm having a home visit by a doctor. So I'd like to ask a few questions on what'll happen, firstly I never asked for a home visit, is it dependant on what your disability is? The letter doesn't mention "medical", it says appointment and assessment, it also says a doctor will be arriving, it names the dr and gives a time, what will this dr do? Should I ask for identification/qualification. Anything alse I should know, seems strange after seeing my gp, doctors, surgeons, professors at the hospital, that they need to send a doctor, what does this doctor know that the others don't. Thanks.
  12. hi, hope someone could be of help to me... i received a letter today dated the 5th july 2012 from scotcall instructing me of a pre-visit notice, the debt is with express gifts which i took out when i was 16, year 2000/2001, i also received in a brown envelope which was hand posted a card from scotcall instructing me that they have tried to visit 3 times today and requesting i should ring them back asap. i am unsure of what to do on this matter now and i dont want to be living in fear that they are going to be knocking on my door every five minutes and take my belongings. HELP!
  13. Can anyone advise on the validity of an imposed charge for a home visit that was not requested or agreed. Carried out by Barclays/Woolwich mortgage company, and appeared to be a cynical effort to apply charges for no benefit to either the lender or the borrower. Thanks .
  14. Hi I got a voicemail message left on my mobile yesterday from a man who gave his name and said he was calling from Motormile Finance UK Ltd 'doorstep department'. The message said they had been trying to contact me and now they were going to do a home visit in the next few days, (they did not specify date or time). The message asked me to contact them using the automated reference number that suddenly came on. I also got a txt message on my phone with a number to ring and the same reference number. Unfortunately I have few payday loan debts and not sure which loan is being asked for. I have no choice but to work something out with National debt line. I have also moved address but the creditors were not informed, which means they may have been trying to get me on the old address. The issue for me is that if they turn up at my current address which I share with landlord and two students, and speak to my landlord, i could end up being given notice to quit by the landlord and in my current financial mess, homeless. I work.
  15. Hi all having a few problems Had a liability order against me and the OH I accept no probs, I have defaulted on the agreement with the council as money dried up and had to choose between food and heat or paying, I have paid just over 1/3 £950.00 remains They have given me 14 days from 15-12-10 to pay in full.or they will pass to the Baliffs. they go on to tell be about the Admin & enforcement act amended 2006 From what I have read on the forum this does not sound right.( some is but not all) 1st no distress 24.50 2nd 18.00 leveying distress 24.50 for 1st 100 24% 100-400 4% 400-1500 no need to go on as £950 then Walking Possession 12.00 Close Possession 15.00 per day it says these are fix by law at the end it states If the baliffs are unsucessful, the council will make an application to the court for your comimtal to prison, It is not that I won't pay it's I can not pay at the moment until the money cones in. The other thing at the start of the letter it states Various properties year outstanding 2010. I don't have or owe for any other property, so what is that about. Questions 1- Can they charge all of the above, I undestand some of them, but not the close possession @ £15.00 per day. 2- And what of the chances of being sent to prison. 3-what is the variuos property's about? 4- do they have to give me more time as there are some bank hols in between. Hope some one can help, as just found out the OH is expecting, It's alright for these people in recovery they get there monthly wage, sometime I get no payment or very little for 2-3 months at a time. Thanks in advance Leakie
  16. Intro info-threads have been merged to give background to the issues. Basically its only £230 but its the principle + need a new van so this would really come in handy towards that. Wrote asking for the money back they declined, wrote again threatening court again a big fat no and a copy of the ombudsman book. They state that complaint has now been closed. Should I now put in a claim with the small claims online or is there a way of encouraging them to pay otherwise? I gather egg dont tend to do refunds. All are £16 standard default charges, dont know if this makes a difference? Any advice on my best route would be much appreciated
  17. My friend angel_1 introduced me to this forum and advised i might be able to get some help. Went to court on 25 March 2009 and Judge granted possession to the claimant adding at the end if we come into a lump sum of money or a buyer to purchase the property that would be our saving grace. The eviction date is on 24th April 2009 @ 12.30 and was hand delivered yesterday. Is there a min/max amount of notice that should be given prior to the eviction date by the baliffs as this turnaround seems pretty quick. I am in the process of typing a letter to send to the mortgage company asking for arrears to be added to capital as Norgan Law also incorporating PAP as well. Property has been on market for a couple of weeks so will add this to letter including relevant court law. What do you think? My friend has also mentioned Ell-enn for advice as she is pretty hot with cases as such. I would kindly appreciate some help please. Looking forward to your response. Thanks - survivor 13
  18. I have been in a long running dispute with Bristow & Sutor over a Council Tax Bill for several months now. They told me I had to pay £445 per month or else, at first i paid it just to keep them off my back, but I got made redundant and only had my partners income coming in, the £445 I was paying them became unsustainable . I have not let them into my property at any time, and have started to stand my ground with them, I have now refused to pay them and have said I will only deal with the council, my question is can they force entry now this new bill has been passed through government, or has the industry got to become fully regulated before it comes into force?
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