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  1. Hi, this is my first post on this forum loving the information on here! I really need some advice regarding a couple of parking tickets I've recieved at work. I'm a nurse and work in a hospital I have a staff parking permit which I pay £10 a month for to park in staff parking zones. Due to my shift times I and many other staff have no choice but to park in pay and display zones as the hospital does not provide enough spaces for all the staff. Staff who have parked in residential areas nearby to avoid getting tickets are regularly getting their cars keyed and a couple of staff have been intimidated for parking in residential roads so that is not really an option for me! A couple of times in the past months I've recieved 2 parking tickets which I have ignored as they are never usually enforced. However I have just recieved a letter stating I need to pay a £90 fine within 14 days relating to a ticket back in January, the parking company is called Apoca. Do I have to pay this fine if I had a valid permit at the time issue? I eagerly await your responses! Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi all, I recently received a parking ticket from UKCPS. I was parked in a private car park, however it was around 9.30 at night with nobody else around ! The ticket was £60 in a certain time or £100 in 2 weeks. I havn't paid and now recieved a letter threatening court action if not paid within 10 days, where do I stand on this ? Thanks !
  3. Hi, When I parked my car the ticket machine was not working. I left a note on the dash (clearly visible) with words to that effect). When I retrurned to my car I found a parking ticket stuck to my windscreen. After ignoring the initial ticket found on my windscreen I have now received a 'formal demand' sent to my home address. Am I right with the following presumtions? 1. Is not a legal fine 2. Unless LDK find out who the driver was (the driver was not the vehicle owner) it is very difficult for them to persue a legal challenge 3. If they do take me to court they can only sue for lost earnings which, as the machine was not working was the price I should have paid if it was possible to purchase a ticket. Basically just ignore it and it will go away. Thanks for the advice.
  4. I have just received a so-called parking charge notice, complete with black-and-white checkered border, from Parking Eye for overstaying their limit of 90 min in the carpark of a local supermarket by 17 min. Their extortionate charge for those 17 minutes is £40 if paid within 2 weeks, £70 and escalating threafter. There is no charge for use of the carpark, though a limit of 90 min is stated on signage. How should Parking Eye's parking charge notice be dealt with? trappist
  5. I parked in a council carpark in Darlington but my mam put her disabled badge picture facing upwards. When we returned to the car i checked the parking board and it was free to park but then we realised what she had done. She is 76 years old and had a senior moment. I now have a £70 parking ticket. Is there any way i can get out of this as she displayed the badge upside down and the clock which we were in time. Please help.
  6. Hi All, My Wife has been issued (on 23rd November) by Bolton Council with a PCN for parking in a standard car parking space as a disabled driver. She did not read the signs correctly and did not realise that she had to pay if she was parked in a "none disabled" space. Admittedly, there are a number of signs that have been put up around the car park, but in the car park "terms and conditions" sign, there is no mention of the condition requiring disabled drivers to pay if in a "standard" space. The disabled car parking spaces were full at the time she left the car. I emailed the council on the 23rd November requesting a copy of all documents / photos / video footage (from body worn cameras) etc and have not received anything except an automatic acknowledgement, and a "Read Receipt" and I chased them up on 12th January as we have still not heard anything from them. Where do we stand on this?? Is there anything we could appeal on in this situation? Pictures of the car park, signs and a photocopy of the ticket is available on request. Many Thanks, Ste
  7. My wife parked in the Priory Fields Retail Park in Taunton which is isolated from the town centre. She spent 3 hours 26 minutes shopping only at that retail centre and had not realised there was a limit of 3 hours. I find it highly unlikely that this would stand up in court as we can prove by receipts that she never left the retail park. ParkingEye have clearly been employed to catch out people who just use the car park. My wife is considering writing a letter of appeal to them but I feel that we should write and tell them that we will not be paying as we can prove she never left the site. Does anyone have similar experience of this scenario?
  8. Hi Due to extreme laziiness and mislaid letters I have managed to have my car seized from my drive for non-payment of a parking ticket. I was away at the time and only discovered 5 days later. Basically the debt is approx £550 (plus whatever gets added on by the car storage co.) and baliffs have threatened to auction my car. They do not have my keys or V5. My car looks more valuable than it is to a baliff, but I would assume at a car auction it may not raise that much. They even suggested on the phone that if I gave them the keys and V5 it would help raise the value. Anyway, simple question: Do I pay and move on (assuming extra charges) or if I let them sell at auction will I be clear on any debt with them ? Thanks Grazbo
  9. Hi, I received a private parking charge yesterday from a company called OPC and it had official stamp saying BPA approved operator. I had used a car park a couple of weeks before, one that I have used regularly for past 4 years, and is a free car park, and I had stayed for less than 20 minutes longer than the maximum stay. The letter confirms that they have photographic evidence of me entering and leaving the car park which proves that I had stayed over the maximum time. The PPC is for £100, £50 if I pay within 14 days. They state if I do not pay they will take me to court and I may have to pay up to £400. I had never took any notice of the signs in the car park previously and so I honestly did not realise there was a time limit for parking there. I re-visited the site and there are quite a few signs in the car park showing maximum stay and confirming you will be fined if you overstay the maximum time, I do not know how I failed to notice this, although the signs are quite small - but you don't expect to be fined if parking is free? My question is should I pay up quickly to avoid higher fees, but the fee seems very high especially as it is a free car park and it was not busy the day I parked anyway. I am an honest person and I do not want to get into trouble, the thought of court is scary but this seems very unreasonable to me. I am concerned as I am the only person insured to drive my car so it is obvious who would have been driving it, so I do not think I could argue this as suggested in other posts. Please can someone offer advice, even if it is to pay up! I have heard that they can only sue for actual losses so if it is a free car park wouldn't that make the losses nil??? I am very frightened about just ignoring this as I can not afford £400. Thanks
  10. I'm in the process of appealing a clamping charge levied by the infamous Premier Parking Solutions [PPS]. I've read all the stickies and spent a lot of time getting my head around the BPA's Code of Conduct and Approved Operator Scheme and, as far as I'm concerned, PPS fall a long way short of the standards demanded. I'm well aware they will, almost certainly, turn down my appeal at which point I will, happily, initiate proceedings against them in the small claims court. In the meantime, I was hoping some of my fellow CAGgers might share their thoughts on the signage pictured in the above photo; as you might imagine, I have my own thoughts but I'd like to know what you guys think. Thanks in anticipation of your help and co-operation Fred_Funk
  11. Today I received the letter from a solicitor claiming that was my final notice before they might take legal action towards me and make the claim. They have mentioned tin the letter that the claim has now more than doubled since they will look to charge me for legal fees etc. I have already had letters x3 asking me to pay + debt collector letter x1 and now the solicitor letter. Should I need to call them to say that this is a clear case of discrimination as they have sent me one less threatening letter? I am presuming others have received this as well and it is normal?
  12. Hi, Guys, I rented a car when I was in Norway for vacation a week ago, and I get a parking ticket. But my bank could not transfer money to that account to pay for the fine. Do you have any ideas that is there anyway that I could pay for it use credit card or something? I am desperate. Best Regards. Larry.
  13. Hi, I recently received a parking ticket from Manchester City Council. Details as follows: - Parking in a restricted street during prescribed hours - Time: 00:20 (Observed from 00:06 to 00:20) I was told by the flat block I was visiting it that was ok to park in this street as everyone else always did. I arrived at around 9pm and parked in the street along with 7 or 8 other cars. I returned at 7am the next morning to find the ticket, issued at midnight. I then took the photos attached. I feel I have grounds to appeal based on several factors: - Double yellow lines are clearly broken, no t-bar and certainly not visible at 9pm when it is dark (see photos taken in the morning) - No signs or notices saying that parking was restricted in this street - The van seen in the pictures is just one of the other vehicles parked in the street, in front of mine for the same duration and recieved no ticket I am going to put this in writing with pictures attached to state why I feel that the ticket charge should be revoked as for the reasons mentioned above it is invalid. Please provide your thoughts on my case... Thanks Photos taken shown below:
  14. Hello there, I'm new to the forum here, but it seems like the place to possibly get some advice on a rather strange matter. I cam home yesterday from work to find a PCN on my door-step claiming my vehicle was illegally parked on a red route in Croydon (Semley Road) in May. What's bizarre is that my wife and I were in New York City on the date in question, in possession of the only keys for the vehicle which was parked in the secure car park at Glasgow Airport. Now, I'm sure there are horror stories of cars being stolen or used by valet car park attendants illegally, but this seems wildly far-fetched to me since there were no keys left with anyone for the vehicle. We've NEVER even been to Croydon in our lives, being from Glasgow so I am 100% certain this is a misidentification of my vehicle. They've not provided any images or details of the vehicle beyond the registration number. My question is, how likely is it for these organisations to make glaringly obvious mistakes in identifying cars in these cases? I've immediately sent them an email challenging the PCN as they suggest on the letter and explained where we were, however, the best 'evidence' I could provide to back it up were my flight confirmations for NYC and the car park booking confirmation from NCP. I'm a little bemused as to why the onus is on myself to prove my innocence in this case as I would have thought it was first up to them to provide proof of my guilt. Any thoughts or suggestions about this scenario? A little concerned, despite being sure the car wasn't there for some reason. Thanks in advance.
  15. Have you been issued with a PCN (Penalty Charge Notice) because unbeknown to you your residents parking permit had expired? Did you know that it is your fault as you agreed to Camden's terms and conditions saying it is your responsibility to renew your permit even if the permit carries no indication as to the renewal date and if you didn't receive notification from the council that it was due? Do you think this is fair? What happens if you don't have access to the internet and can't check your permit? Did you receive a 'sticker' telling you the expiry date? Do you still have the email they sent you a year ago with the expiry date on it? How do you get a parking permit if you don't agree with their terms and conditions. If this has happened to you, please let me know as I'm am trying to collate information as to how many people have been caught this way. Thank you
  16. I have decided to take on a case to the Parking and Traffic Appeals service, and would like any advice that you may be able to offer? I have received a PCN through the post stating that my car was seen in a yellow box junction for 9 seconds in a particular location in the location line, but goes on to describe a completely different location in the description of the incident! I decided to contest this, and they sent further correspondence; apologhe evidence does appear to ising for getting this wrong and go on to state the correct location in the description. Do I have any grounds for a case against them?? As a fall back the photographic evidence does appear to show my car indicating to turn right, I am sure there is a law stating that you are allowed to be in a box junction if you are turning right, if anyone can point me in the direction of where I can find this statute it would be much appreciated.
  17. http://www.manchester.gov.uk/egov_downloads/200910_Parking_Report_to_the_Joint_Committee.pdf "One of the principle difficulties is that the driver of the CCTV vehicle parks is for anything up to five minutes while the operator points the camera at the offending vehicle. Appellants have questioned why the council CCTV car can park for five minutes on a double yellow line while they are having penalties imposed on them for the same practice. Adjudicators have noticed that in some of the correspondence the council has claimed that the TMA provides an exemption from parking restrictions for a CCTV vehicle. This is not the case - there are NO provisions in the TMA or any of its regulations that create exemptions to parking restrictions in TROs for vehicles engaged in camera enforcement."
  18. I got the following notice, having paid and displayed the ticket but seemingly parked in a permit bay on a SUNDAY when it wouldn't even be used by permit holders in any number. I wasn't aware I'd parked there and although they were markings on the floor they were not in a good state of repair. NOTICE OF BREACH OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PARKING AT A CAR PARK OWNED OR MANAGED BY NATIONAL CAR PARKS LIMITED Location: Shenfield Station SP Contravention: Parking in a permit bay without clearly displaying a valid permit Parking Convention Charge of £75 is now payable within 28 days. A discounted amount of £50 will be accepted as full and final settlement if received within 14 days. I'm sitting tight on the advice here, and successful conclusion it seems!
  19. I recently park in a shop car park an revived parking ticket`s " Parking charge notice" I was told that these kind of tickets you do not have to pay. so I did not pay about 4 weeks later i had a letter threating me to go court so I did not take any notice but a couple of weeks after that i have a notice to owner final reminder telling me i have to pay or else they will forward this to a debt recovery agency. they are also saying i ow £90 where as the fine was 30 if i pay in so many days or else it will go up to 60£ so where has the extra £30 came from what shall i do ? Please help me with some advice!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!
  20. Hi, this is a small but irksome niggle I've been trying to sort since October last year. I parked at Paddington Train Station in an APCOA managed car park. When I tried to buy a ticket at the pay and display machine, it took forever then said "Transaction Timed Out". I spoke to a very reluctant attendant who said I must try a different machine and assured me I had not been charged as the machine didn't issue a ticket. So I walked to the other end of the car park, bought a ticket successfully and went belatedly on my way. Sure enough when I checked my bank statement there were two charges. I've been emailing them and calling them to no avail. Initially they did enter a dialogue, asked me to send proof (which I did) and then they asked for my address and said a payment was being issued. I have not received it and now my emails and answerphone messages are being blithely ignored. It's not a vast sum of money but given the time and hassle I am determined not to let them off the hook. Any suggestions warmly received!
  21. I recieved a PCN on saturday 5th Feb when parked in Southwark (London). I was taking my Mum out for a day at borough market. It was the first time I have used her blue badge. I was considering challenging it on two fronts. I was wondering what people thought of this approach? I would be grateful of any advice as I haven't had to do this before. This is my draft appeal: I had a valid blue badge clearly displayed and I checked the blue badge parking rules on your website before I set out on our journey to southwark. Your website (link provided) says "Where blue badge holders can park: in pay and display or shared-use (permit holders and pay and display) bays for an unlimited time". I was parked in a permit holders bay. Your website indicates that this is ok with a blue badge: "permit holders and pay and display bays". The text on your website is very unclear. Additionally, it would be much clearer if you said explicitly where you are NOT ALLOWED TO PARK like other borough websites do e.g. Wandsworth (link provided). It is only because the blue badge parking rules on your website are so unclear that we understood we were allowed to park in this bay. It was clearly unintentional on our part because there was plenty of alternative parking space available on the yellow lines on Union street at the time. Secondly, the parking contravention that has been accused on the PCN ticket does not apply. It says: "Parked in a resident's or shared use parking place or zone displaying an invalid permit, an invalid voucher or an invalid pay and display ticket" 1. I was NOT parked in a "resident's" or "shared use parking place or zone". On your Controlled Parking Zone maps on the Southwark council website the bay I was parked in is marked as a "Permit holder only" bay whereas "RESIDENT permit holder" bays and "shared use" bays are marked in different colours to the bay I was parked in. 2. I was NOT displaying an INVALID permit or an INVALID voucher or an INVALID pay and display ticket. I was displaying a VALID Blue Badge. Thanks, Paul
  22. After ignoring a parking ticket by APCOA and a request of £20 for unauthorised parking (did not communicate with them), my mum has now recieved a follow-up letter from Roxburghe Debt Collectors asking for £66. Here's what was in the letter: ------------------------------ Our Client: APCOA PARKING UK LIMITED Total Amount Due: £66.00 You were recently sent a Notice to Registered Keeper to which we have not received payment, or satisfactory grounds for appeal. Please note that in the absence of payment or any valid appeal, we will pursue this matter to a conclusion. In a further effort to resolve the outstanding PARKING ENFORCEMENT NOTICE that was issued against your vehicle, please find listed below the relevant details: Vehicle: XXXXXX Registration No: XXXXXXX Contravention: L03 - PARKED IN AN UNAUTHORISED AREA Contravention Date: XX-XX-XX Location: (In a shopping centre's car park) PARKING ENFORCEMENTNOTICE Number: XXXXXXXX It is in your own best interests to get in touch with us so we can resolve this debt without recourse to further action. If we do not hear from you within 10 days, we will pass the matter to our solicitors, Graham White, who will review your case for potential legal action. ------------------------------ I'm telling my mum to ignore this as well but she's starting to get worried and is wanting to pay up. Anybody here who knows what they're talking about, can give some advice? Should she just continue to ignore? What are the chances of them taking legal action? Has APCOA ever taken anyone to court? Can they sue for anything other than damages? As I know they can't sue for damages because they didn't incur any loss. One more point that I don't know if it's relevant. It was my mum who parked there that day, but this letter is addressed to my dad. Is that enough evidence to suggest that they don't even know who the exact driver even was and so they can't sue us? Thanks in advance.
  23. I have been reading up about Private Parking Companies (PPCs) on several forums (CAG, MSE, PePiPoo) for the last few days. There is an overwhelming body of support for the general advise of ignoring PPC letters until they go away. It is also nice to see testimony from numerous specific instances of people's success in acting upon this advice. Having recently received a first letter from Observices Parking Consultancy (OPC), I have paid particular attention to threads involving this PPC. There are two points/trends that I've noticed: 1 - none of the documented instances of successfully ignoring the letters involved OPC as the offending PPC. 2 - many, if not all, of the "help I'm being taken to court!" threads I've come across involve OPC. So the general impression I am getting is that OPC is not often successfully ignored. There are cases whereby OPC have successfully (or by default) been DEFEATED in court, but not simply IGNORED. I would love to hear some testimony of people successfully ignoring this PPC. A 99.9 percent chance of success in court is great. But a 90 percent chance (wild speculation!) of having to go to court at all (with OPC) may be enough to get people (me) to cough up the cash just to avoid the inconvenience. If it were any other PPC I am pretty confident I would just ignore. But I'm having real trouble finding any evidence that this tactic works against OPC. What do you say? 'Man up' and fight? Or pay up and flight?
  24. Please advise! Hi all... Worcester council Parking ticket was issued which i didnt want to pay (less than a third of my car over hanging double yellows in my dead end street) and the ticket went from £35-£110. This then went to Bristow & Sutor who sent letters... i think. At the time i had no income and didnt open my mail as i had lots of debt with other creditors. I am now on tax credits (£50 a week) which is my only income as my business is not making a profit yet. The fee's went to £320 in no time as a ballift left a letter at the door one morning at which time i made calls to them to find this out. I made arangements to pay this off at the lowest rate they offered (£25/week) and started making them. During xmas i missed 3-4 payments and then tried to call to make arangements to catch up. They informed me this would not work and told me i had to pay the full amount be day end or the account would be passed back to the ballift to seize goods etc. before this call i made a £50 payment online thinking this would show my intent... shouldnt have! A week later i made another payment of £70 followed by a call to them again to try and make arrangements to make the last "catch up" payments the next Friday (about £70) to get back to the £25/week. they told me it was all to late and it was now in the hands off there ballifts! Again my £70 payment to show my intent before the call... shouldnt have! I then decided the fact i had been advised it was with the ballifts to not make anymore payments since they WOULD come to my door. 3 weeks had passed without any door knocking or letter and i got a text from them. After calling them i found, to my shock, the balance which i thought was under £200 was now £430!!! i was told someone tried the door on the 28th jan (someone was in all day without a visit or letter) and this incured another fee of £230. At this i will not make anymore payments and would rather pay hundreds of pounds in lawer fees if this will end the nightmare. Sorry for the lenght but please help me. Regards HATE Bristow & Sutor!
  25. Hi I recieved a parking fine for parking in a permit holders only area- however I feel that this was very unfair as although I now know that there were signs (placed high above the drives eye line) at the entrance to the road only - which I missed due to looking at the road name sigh (which is placed underneath these signs but at a much lower level). The area is a culdi sack which is zig jag in shape- after turning the corner and parking my car - I actually made a concious effort to check the lamposts and road for parking restriction signs (as were I live thats were they are) - of which there were none. Due to the position of my car I could no longer see the entrance to the road where the original signs are (also I would have seen only the back of the signs - that do not have any info on). I therfore felt that the signage is very unfair - I did appeal but it was declined stating that I had to drive past the original signs to enter the road. But I do know these new VERY HIGH level signs have caught many people out. Is there anything else I can do.
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