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  1. Hi - sorry if this is repetitive to what has already been written but my case a little different to parking longer than allowed. I parked in a Disabled spot at a Shopping Centre and distracted with my 87 year old mum, forgot to display Disabled Badge. Came back to a PCN on window. Having a quick read and not wanting to upset Mum, thought I would just appeal, as mentioned on rear of notice. However, when going into their website/appeal, I got this message: The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. I then went into their 'Contact Us' link and emailed them to ask how I appealed. I gave my name and email address but did not quote the PCN No. etc. It was then I started to google and research, finding this forum with the Ignore, Ignore, Ignore advice (then some maybe 'Do Not Ignore advice). Meanwhile I received a reply from a 'Tito Ponzetta of TPS' giving me an alternative website address to appeal to: 'For appeals please visit parkingappeal co uk (I've written it in this format as I am not allowed to post links) and enter your vehicle details'. So firstly, have I made a mistake by giving them my name and email address? Should I follow through and make the appeal about my Mums Disabled Badge? Or should I now ignore? I am a little confused after reading that some feel it is best to enter into a dialogue with them in case of new legalization. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  2. I parked my car in a Disabled parking bay in a car park off Wilmslow Road, Didsbury Manchester. I put my Disable Badge on the dash board. When I returned, I found a Parking Charge Notice on the windscreen. Charges payable £50 within 24 hours, £70 if paid within 7 days going up to £117. I have sent an appeal by email (Not giving my address). I feel this is a [problem]. Manchester City council say this company "Stop Illegal Parking" are not registered with them. Any ideas what I should I do next???? Help would be appreciated
  3. I have recently started a new job and found that I could park in the short 'dead-end' lane on the side of the building. This is in glasgow. A colleague has been parking in the lane for years and has had a few parking tickets. However, she has a lawyer and is refusing to pay the fines. This is because, although there are double yellow lines, it is a lane owned by the railway and not the council. The council, or anyone, do not maintain this lane. It is possibly about 150 years old and is cobblestoned so would probably cost a fortune to maintain. I have spoken to several traffic wardens when they walk down the lane to inspect our cars. One told me he was told not to touch the lane as it was private. Another said he would not give us a ticket ever but to be careful. Another one told me to move the car as she would give me a ticket for potentially obstructing fire engines!! I can think of a thousand streets where fire engines can not drive down as they are too narrow etc so I dont see why this is an issue in this case. I have checked the law on obstruction and I believe that the only way you can be ticketed for causing an obstruction is if it is a through road onto another highway. Meanwhile, a cafe owner next to our workplace decided to get himself a pot of white paint and paint parking bays for two cars which cover the yellow lines. The concerned fire hazard traffic warden told me this was being investigated and they were in trouble for painting the lines. However, she was unable to give them a parking ticket because she couldnt see the yellow lines. So I said I would paint white the yellow lines where I park and she said this wasnt a good idea. I dont know if the road is adopted or has a TRO on it but I will ring the council tomorrow to check this. Anyone any suggestions about why there is such confusion in this dead end lane!
  4. This may be a silly question, I have a letter from Excel Parking regarding a surprise surprise PCN. My parents over stayed in a 'privately operated car park' which is 2hrs and they stayed for 2hrs 39mins the fine is for £30 and to pay up within 14 days otherwise they will go up to £60 following up from my last one from parking eye. Do I, ignore as usual? pay up? or write to them. I'm not sure do Excel work differently
  5. I had a parking ticket last year, however, the 'traffic womble' has put my colour of vehicle down as blue, when it is infact, green! I posted a copy of my log book as evidence, which was rejected. Is this a legal requirement regarding colour? (If not, then I will call the colour black, when really it is green!) Now they are threatening me with 'ROSSENDALES bailiffs'.....Any advice please? I have informed both parties they are denied access to my property & belongings.
  6. I have just read an interesting article on Wreham. Com involving the perth based private parking company Town and City Parking limited. I understand that ASDA management were contacted and asked if the demands being sent are legal parking tickets or just speculative invoices and they replied“the car park management company issue a parking charge notice (PCN) which are not fines, but civil penalties.” Correct me if I am wrong but I understood that penalties are ulawful not only in England and Wales but also in Scotland
  7. It's a legal [problem] that is out of order... My sister parked her car in a car park and this is her mistake. She parked at 10.45am. She returned at 3pm to find her car gone. She tried over and over to phone PCM to get her car but there was no luck. The lady kept insisting that she needs to speak to a guy via mobile number, but noone was picking up on that mobile number. We could not obtain the address of the car pound or any other details. The next morning we start heading to slough, and again we still cant get in touch with this mystery man at the car pound. I phone PCM main number again and scream at them to find him because we want the car back. Eventually he switches on his phone (10.30am) and tells us we need to make an appoinment to get the car back. He offers 1pm, we insist 11.15am. He caved him when I blagged "Are you a memeber of the BPA, are you following the guidelines". He gives me the post code and door number. Cant find the place. My sister phones back and he says there is no door number, and that we need to look for Glebe Farm. It wasn't easy, but we found it. There are no signs anywhere in or around the pound to tell people they are at the right place. Just two guard dogs, and no staff. We wait, he shows up. He says they clamped her car at 11.30am, and they towed it at 2pm. Total charge £350. We insisted that we couldnt pick the car up same day because he wasnt picking up the phone. He insisted that shes incurred 2 days storage charge. We asked for some official ID that can tell us he is legally allowed to tow cars, he presented an SIA licence. Now, this is the clever [problem]. They pick up cars, but its IMPOSSIBLE to collect the same day. They either wont pick up or they can say 'appointment only'. Their operating hours are 10am to 5pm, which makes it impossible for working folk to get their cars unless they take a day off the next day from work. Another part of the [problem] is that they dont want you to find the car pound. He clearly lied to me about the address, and theres no indication anywhere that there is a car pound there. This particular pound is located in Ruislip. Are the DVLA out of their minds? Is this all according to BPA regulations? Also, the pricing is insane. If they pick up a car at 2pm, close their office at 5pm, and i pick up the car the next morning at 10am, they can charge me for TWO DAYS storage. Even though I've only had a 3 hour window to get my car, which they would never let happen anyway. He explained they charge per calender day, but i said "you dont even operate per day, you dont even work normal office hours". Out of order. Further more, when you ring the number on the website, a message tells you to ring a mobile number if your car has been towed. But noone picks up this mobile number!! And the number given to me the next day is different. Its like a legal paradox that is out of control in London.
  8. Hey guys, I have read as much as I can and am in need of some help still... In brief and the usual, I had a parking fine about 6 months ago after doing a good deed for someone and believed I shouldn't have been given one, anyway thats another story really as I never got around to disputing it and now it's at the Baliff stage. So the baliff which is Bristow & Sutor must have sent me a letter which I dont recall or have the dates of saying I owed £112 which I must have ignored. I then see this old guy lurking outside a few weeks ago and notice there's a letter been put through the door saying that I'd have a visit and this visit cost me £42.43 even though no attempt was made to knock the door or ring the bell. So anyhow I then rang them up straight away (17/05/12) and quiried this and stated I was self employed and on a low income which I am. I said I would pay the original debt and I could only do this at a rate of £40 a month. The woman on the phone said I would be sent a letter outlining the payments. A week later so the 24/05/12 I received a letter from them saying the payments they wanted were £57.78 followed by two of £55. I honestly can't afford this as me being self employed is relatively new and things arn't exactly rosey right now. It would have been a push to get the £40, so I left it quite simply. Anyhow the other day the 6/06/12 I get a vist from one of the wolves who this time did knock the door. I'm stood there talking to him saying yeah OK whatever and chewing it over how injust the whole thing was and blahblah with him believing what he the company and the council was perfectly reasonable etc etc. He then informs me I owe £332 to my amazment :O So the conversation continued and I said well now it's so high I can't even afford £40 a month and what a means form to fill in. To which he gave me and I filled in stating I took home £50 a week. So whilst he's saying its all my fault and I should have paid and this and that I brought up the fact that I had rang them and said I could afford £40 a month and that they'd sent me back a letter stating a higher amount so what was I supposed to do. This kind of stopped him in his tracks and I said thats a good point I want to explore it further etc. Like I thought if you offered to pay what you could and it was reasonable it couldnt be refused? He also said something along the lines in response of that just becuase thats what I said I earnt didn't make it fact and I would have had to fill out a means form ( well yeah hence me asking for one) also that the company would check my NI records to see actually how much I earnt and I said which is true they wouldn't see anything on there recently as I have only just applied for self assessement etc. So I basically have to pay them around £210 extra on the orignal amount for him to come over and give me said means form :sss Anyhow I dont know and hence me asking. He said OK I'll put some paperwork through the door which he did, stating his costs for that episode and earmarking my car which was sat outside to be seized :S He said before he left I have 5 days to ring them :S Ring them and say what now... I can't afford it more now than before, I filled out this form and what am I to do :sss Any help greatly apprecited. Its quite unreal how when you owe the council £25 you can then lose your car for it.
  9. Hi All, Does anybody think the above bill will be of benefit to the private parking robbers?
  10. Is there any legislation covering parking at motorway service stations and are any "tickets" issued enforceable? Is the land private or is it covered by motorway legislation?
  11. My boyfriend and I parked today in his taxi using my blue badge, we returned after 30 mins to a parking ticket stating we have gone over the allocated amount of time allowed, we were only gone 30 mins. There is a sign saying disabled are not exempt from parking on yellow lines, which although was close to the car, i didn't see it before parking, they want £60 within 7 days or it goes up to £100, where do I stand please. thanks
  12. Hi there, I would really appreciate some advice on weather my parking ticket will stand up in court. I was driving along a road and there was an unmarked police car directly behind me. I pull over into a disabled parking space, the police car pulls along side me and aggressively shouts "where's your badge mate" and then proceeds to give me a ticket for "parking" in a disabled parking bay. I claimed that I pulled over to look at the street numbers to find an address (I'm a taxi driver) This is not strictly true but in all honesty I was not aware it was a disabled bay, if I had got out of car the first thing I would have done would be to check, and then after discovering it was disabled I would have driven off. I wish I had said this to the police as this was the truth! Anyhow, my query is does stopping constitute as parking? I had litterally been there for about 6 seconds when he made contact with me. Am I being done for 'intension to park' or for actually parking? Any help would be fantastic:)
  13. Can any one summarise what will be happening regarding parking on private land, i.e. supermarket car park etc? Will PPC be able to enforce their "tickets" as from October? Will clamping be totally outlawed except for councils? If you are parked on a NHS car park and exceed your time, can a "ticket" be enforced through the courts? Many NHS car parks now require a BB holder to pay a parking charge so what happens if they don't pay for a ticket or exceed the time after October?
  14. I have read a lot about these speculative invoices, and was keep ignoring all these PPC papers, just wanted to confirm something... I parked in a Morrison's car park, which is it states free for two hours but no payment option whatsoever for overstays, just says if you over stay you will be fined kind of statement... I overstayed and surely they started sending me their invoices, which I m ignoring at the moment. This is a Free car park, and no way to pay if you overstayed... My question is, if PE to try the court option in the unlikeliest option, what would be their most likely claim against me, in a free car park with no payment option other than their desired Parking Charge Notice value? Also any court case/reference about free car park with no payment for overstays receiving Parking Charge Notice from these clown PPCs? win/loose/no pursue? Thanx in advance...
  15. Hi, I am seeing advice on whether to pay a Parking Charge Notice issued to me by Parking Eye given my particular circumstances. I parked in a private car park operated by this company, bought a ticket for 1hr, but have since been provided evidence that I was in the car park for 1hr 31 minutes, and issued notice of a £60 fine. I have viewed other threads on this forum, as well as on google / moneysavingexpert, and it seems the general advice is to not pay, as the 'contract' is between the private landlord and driver, yet the notice is issued to the vehicle's owner who was not necessarily driving the vehicle that day. Unfortunately I did not know this at the time of my initial response where I confirmed I was driving the vehicle at the time. I am wondering if my admission strengthens their case, meaning it is more likely they will pursue if I choose not pay? Any feedback / advice will be very gratefully received.
  16. Where I work on an industrial estate, I have to park on the roads as there is no place in the company's car park, double yellow lines have been painted in the last few weeks. I work nights so when I started last night I parked on the yellow lines, when I finished my shift, I had a ticket. The ticket states 'Parking in a restricted street during prescribed hours'. Now I have checked the road, Charlton Mead Lane, Hoddesdon, and there are no signs at indicating the regulated hours, no yellow bars on the kerb. Do I have grounds to appeal?
  17. Hi there, I was parked on a yellow line on FARRIER STREET NW1 while I was getting a hair cut. I specifically asked my barber to cut my hair so that I could see my car at all times. When I saw the officer approach my car I immediately ran up to him and said please stop don't give me a ticket and he responded saying he had already processed it, as his motorbike was parked across the street and he was writing everything down. I didn't see him from the barber shop so I didn't know that was happening. But then he said he felt bad as I was just there watching the car too, so then what he said was that there was nothing he could do for me as he had already printed out the ticket and put it in the yellow slip and handed it to me. So he said I should appeal this ticket by saying I was carrying boxes from the building and into my car (Loading) and that he would also right in a note in the system that he witnessed me carrying the boxes and I was indeed loading. So I watched him as he wrote the note down and he showed me it too. Then he went up to the car again and wrote something else down which im guessing was the road tax number and then he took two pictures one of the front of the car and another from the back. Can he print out the ticket without the road tax number? Because like i mentioned before he printed out the ticket, handed it to me and then went back to my car to note down the road tax number. When he took the pictures it didn't have the ticket on the window, is there any way I can use that to my advantage? Also what do you think about appealing with the story that he told me to say. Is it good enough to stop the penalty charge or could they possibly come out with something like, Loading is not an excuse for parking on the yellow line. Any advice or information about previous tickets would be so helpful. Many thanks Diego
  18. Much to my surprise i recieved a letter today from Roxburghe debt collectors, acting on behalf of Vinci Park Service UK LTD claiming an unpaid parking charge notice of £154.00 the unauthorised parking event is "F- on yellow lines" and took place at Parrs Wood Entertainment Centre back in 25/02/12. But here's the funny part... I was the owner of the car at the time of the offence, I may have even been present at the site of the offence, but I have NEVER received any parking charge notice whatsoever, this is the first I have heard of about the whole thing, which took place 3 whole months ago! I am now being told to pay the £154.00 within 14 days. I am a law-abiding law student, whenever I have had a penalty charge notice I have paid up straight away, so right now I am confused as to what my next steps are, I have just completed a law degree but unfortunately parking charge notices never arose! Do I contact Vinci Park Service UK LTD first, or the debt collectors? Surely I cannot be found guilty of a motoring offence when I haven't been given a warning or any parking charge notice WHATSOEVER? Any advice on what to do would be most grateful, since I only have 14 days to sort it out it seems! Tim
  19. Thousands of people facing parking fines may be let off after a judge ruled that one firm did not have the power to pursue a motorist for an unpaid penalty. Ronald Ibbotson was taken to court by Vehicle Control Services (VCS) after he left his car at a Wickes DIY store for 35 minutes. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2150551/Thousands-beat-parking-fines-judge-tackles-766k-Mr-Clampit-landmark-penalty-claim-case.html
  20. Hi All A couple of weeks ago I parked at Chippenham station bought a ticket and on my return the was a Civil Parking Notice under my wind screen wiper, the ticket had fallen off the dashboard on to the seat. I appealed to APCOA and have recived a letter stating that my vehicle was parked without a valid payment and the notice is being upheld. What can I do about this ? Thanks in advance Oldone69
  21. Greetings guys, I hope that someone will be able to help me shed some light on to this situation that I consider theft. Today I parked at Ely station, I parked in a clear space in the car park, not in a painted bay as they were taken, but on the side against the curb, no yellow signs, no do not park signs etc etc. I came back and received a yellow 'Parking Contravention Charge Notice'. The reason that I have started a new thread is that it seems the NCP have changed their wording now and have taken a new stance. My ticket says ' Notice Of Breach Of Terms And Conditions Of Parking At A Car Park Owned Or Managed By National Car Parks Limited' I had a look for their terms and conditions, I walked all around the car park that I was in, no terms and conditions, I exited my car park and went into the next larger car park at Ely station walked around and nothing, then I walked to the entrance by the main road, some distance away, lo and behold there were the tiny Terms and Conditions. "failure to park in a bay will result in a penalty' etc etc. This sign would never be passed by anyone on foot who parks and then goes to the train station, they simply do not need to pass it, it is completely in the opposite direction. My case is that even though the Terms & Conditions are printed way back at the initial entrance, I am considering challenging on the grounds that they are simply not appropriately placed. I would like to ask your advise please. Today there were 4 cars with these tickets on. It is robbery. In a previous brilliant thread, contributors kindly guided people through and said to ignore, however, as they NCP have changed their stance and have T&C in one place, is it worth the fight. I had paid a full days parking and as I said 4 other cars got a PCCN too. To me it shows an inadequate sign placement. Any thought and advise would be greatly appreciated. I have made a film of the station layout and placement of signs and distances etc and will be uploading to Youtube and will use it in court if necessary. Many Thanks in advance. H Garden parking ely 1.pdf
  22. According to a report following FOI requests to 71 councils. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-2149731/A-parking-fine-handed-4-6-seconds.html
  23. Hi, Yesterday I received a PCN for parking in Northumberland Avenue from Westminister council with intervention code 21U for 'parked wholly or partly in a suspended bay or space- mobile phone parking" Like you did I called parking helpline they advised first 5 bays are suspended and I parked on 6th one. When I reached location I saw officer already stamped ticket and took photos. He said 5 bays suspended and he did not agree to me that I parked on 6th. Bay parking is free here monday-friday after 18.30 and my PCN issued at 20.20. Now is there any grounds where I can appeal? I have photos taken showing location of car parked. Could you please help me with a template guidance for appeal ? Many thanks.
  24. so I got a call this morning from my mother who's had a letter from Worthing council bailiffs delivered to her house for some reason, she opened it under my instruction and I was staggered to hear that I owe £400 on a parking fine from last year! obviously I knew nothing about the fine in the first place, I sold the car last september and this has obviously been rattling about in the system since then! I moved at the end of last year too so this probably hasn't helped matters! sadly when i moved I used my Mums house as a forwarding address as I was between places and didn't want post going missing so the new people have more than likely supplied it to the bailiffs which is fair enough but what do I do? I haven't had any correspondence on this up till now and all of a sudden BAM £400! I don't mind paying the fine etc but clearly most of this is unfair bailiff charges! I'm Worried! any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance
  25. As above, received a letter from a private company who patrol a retail estate on their "clients private property" "Reason: on roadway/pavement/grassed hatched or coloured area" they state they want "£75 or reduced to £65 if paid within 7 days" an extra £5 to pay by credit or debit card! £10 for photographic evidence on reading this site and elsewhere, ive decided its best not to appeal, ignore a few letters then throw bill of rights acts letter etc at them and anything i can to do with contractual law etc i know when the car was at the retail park, it was when the wife ran into a store to get something while i waited in the car with my sleeping child in the carseat, probably about 5-7mins tops, and although not in a designated parking bay, i wasnt in a throughroad or anything like that, i think there may be double yellows, but didnt see any wardens, or told to move or anything like that, not that any of it matters, but would you still suggest i just keep ignoring the letters etc? thanks M
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