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  1. Hi everyone I got into some trouble in April after I mistakenly used my brother's Oyster Card and was caught by the bus inspector. After that, I contacted TFL and offered to settle out-of-court and paid the £250 fine before the deadline. I was subsequently sent a letter from TFL personally telling me that the case will now be withdrawn from the court. However, I received a letter from the magistrates court today with my details and the court case despite all that. Now I am scared that I have a criminal record and will need to pay more on top of that. What should I do? I have already contacted TFL but I will need to wait until Monday to get a reply. The letter did not say that I can appeal to the case or anything. Any help and advise is much appreciated. The letter looked like this. Richmond Magistrates Court London Collection and Compliance Centre PO Box 31089 London SW1P 3WP Payments 0300 790 9901 ww.direct.gov.uk/payacourtfine Information 24/7 020 7556 8500 website AP31714 Division:...... Account number:......... My details Notice of fine and collection order The amount you owe is £337. Time to pay: total amount on or before 16 July 2012 The court has made a Collection Order to collect the sum due. Application for further time to pay can be made to the court in person or by post stating fully the grounds on which the application is made. Alternatively you can contact the Fines Officer on the number above and speak to a member of the Fines Team. Failure to pay as ordered will make you liable for further enforcement. This could include Deductions from your earnings or benefits Increasing your fine by 50% Clamping, removal and sale of your vehicle Registering the account in the Register of judgement, Orders and Fines (affecting your ability to obtain credit) A distress warrant being issues to the Court Bailiffs for the seizure of goods (incurring additional costs) Continued default - imprisonment
  2. Hi. I've had problems with a company where they delayed sending a replacement of a newly purchased product. They have now sent me more than one! Can I keep both without paying for the extra item and accept it as a gift? Or an apology for poor customer service? Both items seem to be slightly faulty too.
  3. Hi, Help needed for my neighbour , he bought a van & the dealer said he would send on the V5 & Mot as he had only just taken the van on a part ex & was waiting for docs . So he took him at his word, bought van on the 31/5/2012. As of yesterday & 3 phone calls the dealer is saying he posted the docs on 7/6/2012 , last Thursday second class. They have still not arrived. He will need to get tax at the end of this month & needs the the docs, any ideas what he can do? Thanks Middxx
  4. Hi, I'm a bit annoyed currently so I thought I'd vent and get advice. I originally claimed JSA at the end of April I was given a date to attend the Jobcentre but phoned them as I had an interview that day and the next time they could arrange it for was 8th May. I went in and there was a problem with my online form so they got me to fill in a clerical form and told me that my claim would start from 8th May. I didn't argue so I filled in the form and also a LTF1 (I have a housemate). I waited the 14 days and hadn't heard anything so called up and someone said they BDC stated they had not received an LTF1 form from me. I went back down and I filled it in and asked them to send it across which they promised to do urgently. I phoned up 3 hours later and nothing had been done but the advisor promised me a call back within 3 hours. That didn't come so I phoned up again and was promised a call back within an hour. A lady (who's name I took), did call me back from the BDC this time but she wasn't from the DM team and just told me that my case had been sent to compliance and I needed to call them. I phoned compliance and the lady was nice but can't see me until 3pm Friday. I'm annoyed in that it's gone over it's scheduled time, I didn't receive a promised call back (and the girl who did phone me actually asked if I'd had the call back because she said the other person had marked it as cleared). My original LTF1 form was lost between JC and BDC and that I am not going to receive my scheduled payment until next week at the earliest (I signed on last Thursday) This is going to cause me real hardship in that I owe that money out for bills. I worry in that I used to work at the BDC and really didn't get on with one of the DM's but I can only hope no one would be that petty! My LTF1 contained the following. Live with a housemate, we'd been friends before and decided it was cheaper to rent a place together. it's a 3 bedroomed property and we have separate bedrooms. We do share use of kitchen and bathroom and occasionally living room though I use that more often. We do separate food shopping, cook separately, have separate utensils, do our own housework (ie I will clean my bedroom and any of the communal rooms after I have used them but never his room or the rooms after he has caused mess). Water is in his name but he gets money off me to pay. Electric and Gas is in my name but I get money off him to pay. Cable is in his name but I give him half of base bill and any extra if I've used any services (phone calls - rented a movie etc). Moved in January 12. Intend to Move out Jan 13, 1 year tenancy only ever intended as short term thing. Both have girlfriends and will probably look for a place with respective girlfriends after the tenancy is up. I have been awarded HB so fortunately can pay my rent (due on 1st) However my CTB was applied too late so begins from 1st July so missing out on this means I can't pay the £56 I owe for CT this month on time. I also owe my half of the Cable bill and if I can't borrow the money my housemate would be within his rights to stop me using the services (due by end of month, I've been putting him off for a few days). Does anyone have any advice about what I should do now? I know I'll need to attend this meeting but I really don't think I've been given decent service and I don't know why I have a compliance officer referral without even getting a call from the DM looking at my LTF1.
  5. Hi all, Sorry that my first post here is a question - I hope I'm in the right place I ordered a thermal binder through an Amazon marketplace seller a few weeks ago. The seller sent the wrong item, so I asked for a refund. They instead sent along the correct item, but I had already purchased it elsewhere, so I pressed the issue and demanded a refund, which I have received. In their last e-mail they made it clear they did not want the two items back - they asked me to destroy them. My question: I have made every attempt to return the items to them, but they explicitly said they don't want them back. Destroying and disposing of them will cost me money. Are these items now my property and can I sell them, for example on eBay? Thanks so much in advance to anyone who can advise me! edit: After looking around some more I suspect this may have been better on the "general consumer issues" forum. My apologies if this is the case. I'd be grateful if an admin could relocate it if necessary.
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