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  1. Hi I appreciate the APR is high etc but that is for another debate. I have a Vanquis Card. ACCOUNT BALANCE Balance carried forward£110.01 Credits to your account£0.00 Debits to your account£125.57 Current balance£235.58 CREDIT LIMIT Credit limit£500.00 Available to spend£263.42 Your Next Statement Next statement date22 Jan 13 Payment due date17 Jan 13 Minimum payment£5.00 Last payment date Last payment amount£0.00 I'm confused with the whole procedure to say the least. If I pay the outstanding balance owing of GBP 236.00 then I assume my credit limit is backup to GBP 500.00? or do i have to pay GBP 110.01 ? and then the debits of GBP 125.57 will be carried forward to the next statement ?? What charges do i get? Will I get charges? Also, if I use the card from now until the 23rd Jan 2013 then the GBP 500.00 (If I am correct) is available... I will then pay the full outstanding balance at the next statement date? Do i get charges? Cheers Matt
  2. Hello Could someone confirm please when the 3 month period to submit a claim under the ETA commences (unfair redundancy dismissal). Is it when a notice of redundancy is first issued, or the date when you actually become redundant. My notice period has been extended, does this make any difference? Many thanks. C
  3. Serious question. I can't find any evidence and wonder if anyone can help. (Yes I know the web site is non-compliant with the law and openly admits it's not independent and merely a monkey to the usual organ-grinder, but that's not my question)
  4. My daughter and her boyfriend have recently split up. A few years ago she took a personal loan out for him to buy a car as he was denied finance. The loan was taken out with Citroen garage and up to 2 months ago he has been making the repayments from his bank. As they have now split, he says that he is not responsible for the loan repayments and the car belongs to him as his name is on the log book. The loan will not be finished for another 18 months. How does my daughter stand with this
  5. Hi Is it for only under 25's, what about people on ESA with illness & over 30's? Why don't the tax millionaires & the very wealthy as opposed to the young?, i agree that people doing nothing as regards work is bad if they just don't want to do anything, but it will surely make more people homeless!
  6. Hi I took a loan out from SpeedCredit. I thought I would get the option for 28 days but it seems I have only got the loan for 14 days. Today I received a letter stating Please note: IF you need to EXTEND this loan to 4 weeks you do not need to contact us I don't understand. Do I have to pay the interest after the 14 days period and the original amount plus interest in 28 days ? Confused! Thanks Matt
  7. two weeks ago a vehicle hp agreement was voluntary terminated after reaching the settlement figure {1/2} the direct debit was then cancelled before the next payment was due. there is a seperate agreement liabilty of £1,392.55 for ppi, yesterday she was told that she must keep paying the full monthly agreement of £342.29 until the ppi is cleared. is this correct as the statement of price reads payment protection 48 months at £57.43. I believe she has been mis sold this ppi on a couple of major issues. {1}she holds 2 jobs both over 17 hours a week and the finance was given on the added figures of these jobs, she would have to loose both jobs for the unemployment part to kick in. {2}She is a civil servant 35 hours a week so gets paid while sick so there was no need for sickness part {3} she was told it help her case for finance if she took out insurances does she have a valid case for claiming back the ppi thanks for any help peeps
  8. Hi everyone, I am currently receiving ESA,I was awarded it in November 2011 until May 2013.I have now received another ESA50 form which they say has to be filled in and returned by the 14th October.Why are they sending me this when I still have 8 months left on the current award?I would be grateful for any thoughts on this please.
  9. Thanks for this forum. This is my first post so i hope that someone can help me. I recently received an A2 income support review form, which isn't due but not unusual in itself. The strange thing is that it had a "GI/CI" stamp on the first few pages, and a cover letter which isn't from my usual jobs/benefits office. On the envelope i'm supposed to send it back in has a particular persons name on it so i am getting anxious that i am under investigation . It also had this GI/CI stamp on the envelope. Does anyone know what this means? TIA
  10. Hi there, Just looking for some advise really. I took my Peugeot 1007 into the garage as the Air bag light was on. The garage ran a diagnostic on the car and told me that there was a fault with the actual Air bag and it needed to be replaced which apparently is a big job. They told me the diagnostic said 'Permanent fault left side modules and left side curtain airbag' When they looked at the wiring under the passenger seat they found a fault which they have fixed. They then replaced the airbag but the module is apparently still registering a fault. 'left side module'. They have now told me that I need a new module panel as they they can't reset it . The most recent diagnostic says 'permanent fault. left side module triggers and left side curtain airbag in production. open circuit.' It just sound like the same problem we had the beginning and i can't help thinking that maybe the module was the problem all along and the airbag didn't need replacing. I don't want to make assumptions though because i really don't understand it enough. Can anyone advise me? I have attached the garage paperwork which they emailed me if this helps!
  11. My SSP ran out on august 8th - i have a letter stating i will receive ESA fortnightly, does anyone know when I am likely to get the first payment as the letter doesnt say? Do they pay on a certain day of the week etc?
  12. I have been searching for a phone package for evening time or daytime calls, but it seems impossible to get a good deal without broadband. She goes to library some days and does not want daytime calls. She use the internet in the evening but still cannot find a package that would be suitable for her limited budget Any ideas please
  13. If your JSA is sanctioned you first submit a reconsideration form, then if that is rejected an appeal form. So i submitted my reconsideration form 2 weeks ago, i forgot to ask at my signing today if there was ny news though, but I've heard anywhere between 2 weeks and 6 months. But I've also heard that the reconsideration should be quite quick as it's the appeal that takes forever. I was also told that i would receive something in writing as to the decision, but i also appealed for hardship and was told over the phone when i was inquiring about something else that the hardship request was rejected even though i have nothing in writing about the hardship as of yet. I guess they will come to a decision one way or another but just wondering time scales? Well all these new(i assume) JSA sanctions for missing back to work appointments will certainly keep the DWP on their feet, that's for sure they must be inundated with paperwork.
  14. It's getting close to the SB clock on a number of alleged debts, I've sent 'prove it' letter with no reply they just transfer the 'debt' on and I get a new DCA to play with. I'm well used to the threat'o'grams but I have 2 large amounts (both over 10k) going SB in October and November, both are 'owned' by Lowell. Recently I've had a 'we found you' letter from Fredrickson, I sent a "Well done I was never hiding/prove it" letter, but before this has got there (recorded) I've had another letter, again 'considering' legal action. I'm going to post the 'prove it' letter again but wondered if they were to start legal action it takes a few months to get going and then there is the court date to settle. If they were to start formal legal action but by the time it went to court the SB clock had run out, would they be able to enforce the debt, or is that just bad luck on their part?
  15. Hi all PPI came into a conversation between my Dad and I last night and he mentioned that he has been paying it to MBNA for years. My dad is and always has been self employed as far as I can remember back. He has given me all of his statements since 2002 and he has been paying between £10-£40 per month in PPi since and still is to date and has asked me to deal with his claim for him. Will he hae a valid claim because he is self employed or is there a possibility that the policy may have covered him? Am I able to claim on his behalf or will MBNA need to write to my dad directly? Also I have sat this afternoon and have entered all of the figures from his statements onto one of the spreadsheets on here and it totals £5K but I am unsure about the interest calculations...what interest may he possible be due? Im confused about compound/8% interest etc? Many Thanks Claire
  16. Hello all - firstly, I'm sorry if this is not the correct sub-forum for this question! My mother has been trying to sell a property she owns in Europe, and early last year found a prospective buyer. The sale was agreed to be conducted by proxy through an estate agent near the property, and my mother completed her part immediately. She then heard nothing from the buyer for over a month, and I encouraged her to look for a new buyer. Before the sales process started again with a new buyer, however, the original buyer contacted her and said he was still interested in the property, and my mother agreed to continue with the sale. After being messed about and promises of action for a few more months, she again heard nothing from him for a while, and eventually called him to say whe would be looking for a different buyer, as she has been incurring bills every few months for the property. This was in September of last year, and the buyer said they were still interested, and said they wanted to transfer £2000 to my mother as a deposit (and so she didn't have to worry about the bills). Again, sporadic communication from the "buyer", and after he claimed he had sent the official papers to the agent, and he "thought he had sent the deposit but was unsure" (the agents deposit, not the deposit to my mother), he then became impossible to reach; my mother even called his business several times, where employees said they had passed on messages but she couldn't reach him directly as he hadn't been out of the office. The agent had heard nothing from him, and received no money, and she'd been unable to contact him for several months, so she then stopped trying to reach him and a few months later (earlier this year) she began the sale with a different buyer, with whom things seem to be progressing nicely.. Today, she received an email from the first buyer saying he would be taking legal action over the deposit he'd paid the agent and the deposit he'd paid my mother unless she immediately gave him the money back - the money has been used to pay the bills incurred for the property during the last few months, so only half remains. As I see it, if he has genuinely paid any money to the Agent, he'll easily be able to prove this and reclaim from them, so it makes me wonder why he'd brought this information up with my mother in such a way. Also, given his elusive behaviour, and having claimed to have sent necessary papers when he surely hadn't (how many times can the same documents get lost in the post?), and as bills were incurred as a result of his actions, I see no reason why he should receive any of the deposit he paid to my mother back? Furthermore, the only record of such a deposit is an email confirmation from my mother to him stating that the deposit had been paid to hold onto the house for a bit longer as he was dealing with a sick family member; once this had been resolved if he decided not to contact my mother or progress any further with the sale I think that was his choice? Can any CAG members advise where my mother stands legally regarding this issue? Thanks for help, and sorry for the essay!
  17. Hi New to the site so please forgive me if i have not posted in the correct manor. I was dismissed on Friday for gross missconduct.(to which i am going to appeal) During the investigation i raised a grievance. Before the hearing started on Friday i was handed a letter inviting me to a grievance hearing next Thursday. So my question is two fold 1) Am i still on pay now up until the time of the grievance hearing 2) Will i be on pay up until the time of the appeal hearing. Thanks in advance uksaint
  18. While we were on holiday at a holiday park, I was standing outside our caravan, with my dog on a lead. A woman came along with her 2 dogs, and they pulled her over to my dog, and one of them attacked mine, leaving a nasty gaping wound. The management at the park told the woman that her dogs were unable to stay on the park, and she removed them. We intend to pursue the owner for the costs incurred in treating our dog, but I was curious wether we could claim our costs from the holiday company, leaving them to claim from the dogs owner. Any thoughts gratefully received....
  19. Has anyone with a cat noticed how the smell of these pouches has got so bad that it almost makes one sick to just put it in the cats dish? It smells as bad going in as it does coming out the other end.
  20. I have been speaking to someone who suggested that I should check the defulat dates on my CRA, as sometimes it's not correct. I have indeed checked them and I think the default date is when I stop paying someone?, I hae stopped paying my bills (due to illness, loss of job and then moving home), in April 2008, but the default dates are July and sometimes even November of 2008. Does it matter? The person I spoke to suggested it does because, they count the the 3 years/6 years from when I have stopped paying and if that's not correct it will take me longer before I can get credit? I have payed everything back and have since opened a Co-op basic account, a Capital One card and a Virgin mobile on a monthly contract, so building it back up. Could someone help me please? Thanks Mariann.
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