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  1. Could this be a seasonal present to become a reality in the new year. Been with this bank for over 40 years and had several personal loans over that time, back to 1991, all with PPI. Following a SAR request they have provided information on all the loans and the amount of the PPI premiums added to the loans, in total over £15k. I intend to apply for refunds of these premiums as I did not require them due to the fact that I would have received full pay at my work for over 26 weeks (minus SSP) and I was advised that not to take out the PPI could influence the outcome of the application. Am I right to think that I could be entitled to a full refund of all premiums paid (no claims made) plus interest and interest at 8%. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hello, I was the victim of a [problem] on craigslist for a holiday rental in san francisco. I have gone through every fraud form imaginable, my bank and even reported it to the san francisco police but had no solution. I was told by the "owner " of the property to pay the full amount for the rental into a bank account (of which I still have all the details). I did so and upon receipt of my email, the "owner" said that the account was closed and I needed to cancel the payment and pay into a new account which had a different name. This is when alarm bells sounded for me and I started to question the "owner". I paid through an online bank transfer from my bank, Natwest, to the Wells Fargo bank account details I was given. I have been trying to recover my money since August 2013. Natwest are adamant that they cannot do anything as they were following my instructions and paid the money into the account. I made a complaint through the financial ombudsman regarding this and they could not offer a solution either. I decided to call Wells Fargo and speak to them and was happily met with the information from an agent that I would be getting my money back as he could see that the account was closed and my money should not have been accepted. That was on November 1, 2013. As a month had passed and the money had not been returned to my account, I called up Wells Fargo again to be met with several rude customer service agents, all who could not help me and told me that they needed to speak to the account holder. Since then, I have done my own investigative work and found the bank account owner who says he was also a victim of the "owner" and set up the rental pages on craigs list and then had his social security number taken away and bank accounts closed.I have asked him to call teh bank and speak to them about it so they can return my money but he seems rather odd so I'm not sure if he is to be trusted. I have sent all of this information to Wells Fargo and they still will not return my money. I'm not sure what I can do but as it is around £450 that I have lost, I'm not going to walk away. Any advice?
  3. I am being chased by Capquest for a debt of £550 which came about due to bank charges with Natwest from 2006. Back then I had no income and was unable to pay the bank charges. Natwest closed my account in 2007 and I never heard any more about it until December 2011 when a demand letter arrived from Capquest. I ignored the letter because I had never borrowed any money from Natwest and therefore considered that I owed them nothing. Many more letters arrived threatening me with all sorts of terrible things but nothing happened. In Feb 2013 after 15 threatening letters from Capquest I obtained my credit reference agency credit report which showed the alledged debt and Capquest were the owners of the debt. I noticed there was a default date recorded of 23 May 2007. Therefore the alledged debt would become statute barred on May 23 2013. Sure enough at the end of May 2013 this default was removed from my credit report as I expected. Despite this, Capquest continued to send letters but offered a large reduction for prompt payment. I ignored them so they recently passed the debt onto CCS Collect who have sent me more demand letters. In their latest letter thay say if they don't hear from me they will pass the debt back to Capquest for further enforcement. Seems to me that these DCA's are barmy. I wonder why Natwest didn't take me to court back in 2006 and also why Capquest didn't take me to court before the statute barred date. Maybe because the alledged debt purely consisted of bank charges there would have been little chance of them obtaining a CCJ against me. I have recently considered sending the statute barred letter to the DCA to stop them bothering me. However, I find it quite amusing how they are happy to keep wasting money on paper, envelopes and postage charges chasing statute barred debt. By ignoring all their letters they must surely realise that they can't frighten me into paying, so why do they continue? I know they are legally entitled to chase statute barred debt but surely by now they would have realised they had bought a lemon. Well they say you can't educate pork.
  4. I've just had the forms from NatWest for PPI on loans going back as far as 10 years. I'm a little confused as I was told (by NatWest) that there was a time limit of 6 years on making these claims. There are a number of reasons why I believe I'm eligible to reclaim the PPII was told repeatedly that not taking PPI meant I was more likely to be refused a loan My employment over that period changed between employed and self-employed, the staff who completed my loan application knew this and didn't imform me that this would mean I might not be covered by the PPI A staff member told me to always put 'employed' as my employment status even though I changed between statuses & advised during one application I would soon be changing employment status - they didn't mention any of the implications regarding self-employment I have a number of debts outstanding with NatWest that I am paying in an informal debt management arrangement as well as a number of debts with other providers. My NatWest current account has been closed in so far as I can no longer use it. However it is open in the sense that I can still use the sort code and acc number to make payments to pay off the overdraft I had when I closed it to begin paying off my debts in an arrangement. What I'd like to know is: Can NatWest force me to use the money to pay debts I have with them or can I request they pay me by cheque? (I have debts with other companies so I would be required to allocate the money equally between them if I was to use it on my debts) Am I best giving all the reasons why I think I was mis-sold or just to stick to one and keep my answers on the form brief (they're a bit of an essay currently!) Thanks in advance.
  5. Just thought Id put this post up after an incredibly frustating phone call to NatWest. Background to phone call is Last month I went approx £300 overdrawn with natwest due to a short month pay wise and 2 payday loan repayments that I couldnt get out of.. However I knew the same siutation would occur the follwing month so spoke to the bank on 4 different occasions to see if they could help in any way.. I was told each time that as long as the payday loans were paid off in full then the bank should be able to assist by creating another account and transferring the costs of the overdraft and payday loans to this account and then i pay it back over say a year.. On each occasion I spoke to the bank I made it clear that I had spoken to the payday loan firms who wernt willing to negotiate apart from just to take interest instead of the whole payment and that IF the bank couldnt help then please tell me so i can make arrangements to move my pay out of this account the second it went in. ( I am on nights this week so could sit and monitor the account to move the money the minute it went in ). But on every occasion I was told no we will be able to help. .they even went through a income and expendidture form with me to see what I could afford to pay back on the expected borrowings of around £900.. Payday came and as expected all the payments went out and my overdraft was cleared.. my rent went out and I was overdrawn by £90 and as such all my normal DD's bounced ...council tax, gas/electric, mobile phone and the water and tv license due on the 1st will also bounce.. I spoke to the bank today to see what help they could provided and have been told in no uncertain terms that they cannot and will not help at all regardless of what I was told in the past.. I explained that I have to pay these bills let alone buy food etc and if they cannot now help the only avenue open to me is yet more payday loans that i really really dont want too do.. They refused to let me speak to a manager or the complaits dept and I was told that basically tough.. I find it astonishing that they can now say all this regardless of the numerous conversations saying otherwise......
  6. Can someone help with this Today cash genie took out £170 from my partners bank account for an unpaid loan last year. The money was actually mine and was two weeks benefit money that I had asked the dwp put into her account as I do not have one and they will no longer pay by Giro Cheque. Natwest bank won't act and the loan company will not reply to my E-mails. Where legally do I stand ?. Thank you
  7. Hi all. We have a loan from natwest for about 15k. Due to unforeseen circumstances i am now behind with payments, offered 120 PM but they demanded more due to arrears. Opened a parachute account, closed my natwest accounts, kept up with 120 pm, which is fair from our point of view. Now the telephone calls have started. Its a joint loan, but they keep asking for my wife, wont give me thier full name and refuse to deal in writing! Not bad after 30 years of banking with them. worse thing is, it was them that advised us to take out another , consolidation loan.. ...like a fool i accepted. phone now unplugged ! Please advise best course of action cheers all
  8. Quick one cos my minds gone blank. Charges on a current account @ 25 notes a time due to a dd failing. What's the protocol for asking mr natwest for them back. Cheers.
  9. I apologise if this is in the wrong place: please let me know and I will move it. I have banked with natwest for about 9 years and have two bank accounts, a select account with £50 overdraft and a graduate account with an £1800 overdraft. To cut a long story short, my problem is twofold. Natwest informed me of the following via email: That they are changing the charges on the select account: basically charging for anything and everything they can. £6 Just for USING my overdraft, even though it's an authorised overdraft 19.89% interest on my overdraft balance £6 for any direct debits that bounce £6 PER DAY if my account goes over my agreed overdraft. Furthermore, they have informed me via email that my graduate account will be changed to a select account on december 17th. So I will be charged 19.89% on my full 1800 overdraft unless I pay it all back, which I can't do. Also the only time I ever go over my overdraft is when natwest takes out fees, so basically they cause the problem and then charge me £6 a day for it. In light of this I would like to approach them and explain that the charges, on the graduate-cum-select account in particular are unacceptable and will bankrupt me and I would like to make a payment arrangement to get the overdraft paid off without incurring any further charges. Two months isn't enough notice for me to pay such a large sum of money. I don't want to close the accounts, but I can't afford to have my salary paid in there so I have opened a basic account with another bank which I will have my salary paid into if necessary. However this account doesn't allow standing orders or Direct Debits and I have to pay my rent by standing order, it's in my tenancy agreement. Could anyone help me write a letter to natwest? And does anyone have any experience contesting this sort of thing?
  10. Hello everyone, new here so sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section. My problem spans across a number of years and also relates to my times as a student. While in my last year in university i took out the 9 month student deal with virgin media for there internet package. I was only at the property 10 months and before i left the property the phoned to make sure that the contract had ended. I believed it had ended, and seeing as it was only a 9 month contract i believed that it would end after that amount of time regardless. That was around 3 years ago, iv recently bought a house with my girlfriend and while sorting our finances out i discovered that they had been taking out £20 a month for the past 3 years! I quickly got on the phone to them to resolve this issue and explained my situation, they said they had no record of me cancelling the contract and that if i didn't phone to cancel it they it would carry on, hence the 3 years of £20 payments. They had trouble finding my details on their system as i didn't have any account numbers or letters off them but eventually found it. They cancelled the contract and told me that no more payments would come out. So far they haven't. Now my girlfriend works for a bank and told me about a direct debit indemnity, i am yet to speak to my own bank about this but was wondering if anyone has any experience with this, or has been in a similar situation and what was the outcome? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Daniel.
  11. Hello all and thank you for taking the time to read my post. I was a university student from 2005-2009. I had a student account, with £1400 overdraft, with Natwest from 2005 until September 2008 (When a notice was issued under section 76(1) and 96(1) of the CCA 1974. I saw foolish enough to apply for a £5000 loan in October 2007 from Natwest, which I was approved for, despite being unemployed. I could not afford to pay this loan and a default notice was issued in October 2008 under section 87(1) of the CCA 1974. The last payment I made to either of these accounts was 25th July 2008. Other pertinent information: Default date for loan on Credit Expert says 12/2008 despite Default Notice saying 10/2008. Default date for overdraft on Credit Expert says 12/2008 despite Overdraft Notice saying 09/2008. Both accounts not updated on Credit Expert since 08/2010. My Questions: Should the overdraft receive a default notice like the loan? As I have not acknowledged either account since 07/2008, will they become Statute Barred in 9 months? Will Natwest wait until the last minute and then file for a CCJ? How common is it for them to not update an account for over 3 years? Thank you for reading. I hope somebody can help.
  12. I opened a Natwest account in branch about 8 years ago and was very much guided into getting this account that had a monthly £12 fee. The associated policies were 'sold' as an aside really, just a bonus of that account and I was told that this was a very good account for my credit rating. In any case I had mobile phone insurance and breakdown cover elsewhere and nothing much else applied to me but I didn't know I was paying for insurance policies every month, I thought the £12 a month was what the account cost. a year ago I stopped using the account as such although it was still open and forgot about the £12 fee each month to the effect that when I finally opened some post from them I now owed them nearly £1k in charges due to the fee pushing my account into the red. I managed to clear the £1k, I couldn't face much of a fight with them at this time, I had major surgery in the summer and have spent all this time since recovering. Then I read about these packaged fees and they were unjustly sold. Am I right in thinking I might be able to reclaim these fees?
  13. Please Help Since the credit crunch and its effects on my business (Insurance), over the last couple of years my finances have nose dived to their current problems. I had taken a Nat West "Secured Loan" (£90k) to help the business, which I now can not afford the monthly payments and Nat West have passed to Ascent Legal to commence possession proceedings. We current live in the property with 9yr old son. I have also defaulted on my Nat West "Overdraft" (£10k) which has also been passed to Ascent Legal, who in turn are demanding full payment or "Court Proceedings" Nat West terminated my banking facilities. I also have a couple of credit card companies chasing for settlement, but it is the Nat West that I am concerned about. The Secured Loan is in joint names and the Overdrafts in my name only. Currently my earnings are not guaranteed, preventing a repayment plan. After discussion, we intend to sell our property in order to clear the debts and move to a smaller property. With the "Secured Loan" attached to our residence, surely the bank know they will be paid. At present our home , mobiles and work telephones are being rung repeatedly by Ascent 7 days a week. In what is a stressful situation, I am not denying the debt, just looking for the correct way to handle the situation. I have had a spell in hospital recently and Work/Business is struggling resulting in lack of cash. Do I request a SAR from Ascent ? or Nat West ? Do I acknowledge the Ascent Legal letters ? Where do I start ?
  14. Hey all I've had a letter recently from solicitors representing Natwest over a current account (opened in 2001) that is in default. The account is in overdraft to the amount of £1600 approx. The authorised overdraft limit is/was £1500. I haven't received correspondence from them in a while - the last thing I can recollect is letters telling me there wasn't enough activity on the account and that they'd have to review it if this continued. I haven't really used the account for a number of years, it simply had interest deducted every month. A few years back I had quite a few unauthorised overdraft charges applied when I went over £1500, mostly caused by the interest & charges being deducted. Oddly, since the account last went over £1500 OD, there haven't been any charges, from what I can tell by the credit file - only interest until default. They basically want immediate repayment which is beyond my current means - plus I'm not thrilled by the £28 a time charges I paid them, basically for nothing. I realise that I should have maybe challenged any charges and interest some time ago, but I was working so hard to keep things afloat that these things were just pushed aside to deal with another day. It's only now that I can finally spend some time on sorting out my delicate financial situation once and for all. Now, further to this, I checked my credit file on Noddle and the address showing is not correct. The address listed is probably 200 miles away and has no connection to me whatsoever. How can this be? The letter from solicitor came to my current address though. I'd appreciate your advice on how to proceed. I have a letter drafted for the solicitor requesting that they cease any further activity until I can establish the exact details surrounding the stated debt, but thought I'd better seek some proper help from you guys first. Thanks!
  15. After my own success with a few PPI claims, I am now trying to help a friend make a claim against Natwest. However my friend has had 3 loans consolidated over a 5 year period. The first loan was £12,000 in 2000 with no PPI added. This then was consolidated with a second loan in 2003 for £15,000 but had PPI off £3782. In 2005, another consolidation took place at the cost of £17,000 and this loan was finally paid off in 2012. Natwest have decided to uphold the complaint but are only offering £1569.55 which is composed of £1205.98 total refund of PPI premium and associated interest and £454.46 of statutory interest then the deduction of £90.89 for tax interest. What I don't understand is why the offer so low if the £3782 was paid off when the loan was consolidated in 2005?
  16. Hello all I'm having problems with Natwest - I've informed them of a change of address and requested a new PIN code 3 weeks ago via letter and had no reply. I rang them on Thursday and was told they'd do it, and I would have my new code by today or tomorrow. I've just been online and my old address details are there still. Just checked with 2 CSA's and they've advised no details have been changed as I don't have one of Natwests card readers, so therefore do not have "level 2 access". They will not even provide a 6 digit pin to access the available funds in the account in the mean time Problem is, they'll only send a card reader/ PIN to my old address, which is useless to me, or I need to pop into their branch - my work hours are 8am-8pm Mon-Fri / 8am-3pm Saturday; so physically unviable for me to do. I'm getting a bit hacked off with it now, esp as I was told it was all taken care of on Thursday. With no reply to the written word for 3 weeks and seemling unhelpful staff, any way I can get them to update my details?
  17. Can you help or advise please, I complained last month to Natwest that I had been mis sold a mortgage package, they have written back saying they don't agree and "I have reviewed our records and I can see that you applied for a mortgage with us in 2006 and discussed your requirements with the PMA, who completed a "Your Mortgage - Our Recommendation to you" fact find to ensure the right mortgage product was offered to you." The copy they supplied me as proof is false and somebody has tried to forge our signatures, we have not signed this, what is the consequences for the bank. thanks in advance for your advice.
  18. i had a natwest bank current account and default registered against me in 10/2009, currently the outstanding balance is according to the credit report £788. all what i have done is opened the bank a/c and issued a cheque and expecting a money transfer from my uncle, but he didnt transfer, so the cheque bounced. bank charged £38 and i dint have o/d facility and it went upto £788 purely for bank charges. during 2010 some debt colletor called and i paid £50 to keep them quite. (the reason was we had baby miscarriages and i didnt even asked the debt collector anything just paid.) now i got the credit report and seen this bank default. i have never received any letters from natwest and any telephone calls. can i remove this default from my credit file? please help me. many thanks
  19. Not to sure if I am in the right place. Recieved a letter in the post today from a company called CPP stating that I had brought a card/or indentity protection policy from them and i may be entitled to compensation. I bank with nat west but i can not remember having this policy. It gives me their reference number and my policy number It give details of why they are writing to me I.E the FCA as told them to. more details will follow in the next 12 weeks. as anybody else as had a letter like this and does anyone know the back ground behind it because I really can not remember having this policy. The letter also states that any monies from as far back as 2005 will be involved. I have got three years worth of bank statements and i cannot find any payments to these people. would it be better to wait and see what they say or should try to find out more details from nat west
  20. I am trying to assist my Wife. She has two debts with Natwest - an old overdraft and an old personal loan. Total value of these debts are around £6,200. For the last 3 years Natwest have been accepting £1 a month on each but recently they began to get a bit heavy. My Wife has offered to increase the payments to £2 on each but they have now said that they will get an 'external agent' to make contact with her. I have written to Natwest explaining that I am willing to assist me wife by the payment of a one off £1250 (which represents about 20% of the o/s balance). I gave them until today (31/8/2013) and they have not responded. I am a bit surprised I must admit. I told them that their only alternative was to make her bankrupt and then they would get none of their money. Any suggestions from anyone? Regards A
  21. I am trying to help a family member with a tough financial situation. She is an OAP and had a mastercard balance with Natwest which while still within limit ran into problems as she had quite a serious medical situation so lost track of things, I believe this was a long standing account and she still calls it her Access card. The balance is over 10k and was passed to Triton who are part of the same group. They are not professional and apply undue pressure to increase monthly paymenst even mentioning court even though no payments have been missed. Have Triton bought the debt for a fraction or is it still with Natwest? I ask this to see if they are likely to settle for a low amount. The only income the household has is old age state pensions and they are struggling with 100pcm. Triton have been paid over 3500 to date. I will send away for the CCA, as this was an Access card years ago would she have received a new agreement to sign when changed to Mastercard? Any advice appreciated,I am going to do an income and expenditure to see where they are at. Is there a minimum Triton have to accept, can they pass it on to someone else? Is it worth forcing them to pass it on to a firm that would buy the debt and then make an offer?
  22. Sorry for poor title, have to be a little careful on how I post this due to his current situation, long story short, my dad retired from his company about 3 years ago, but is still 60% share holder, he provided security in the form of property he owns to Natwest for loans taken out while he was with the business, since he has left his ex partners have caused all sorts of problems and he wishes to completely leave the business and disassociate himself with it he needs to sort out the security with Natwest to do this, Natwest will not deal with him regarding it as he is no longer a signatory on the account, his ex partners will not provide the information either and it is thought that they have quite possibly borrowed more money against the security without his consent, again unless Natwest will grant him access then there is no way to prove it, is there any way to get Natwest to produce the information required? thanks purp
  23. Hello, After looking over this forum and posting some threads people are telling me to claim back all my bank charges. How would i start to do this has anyone got any template letters i could use do i need to know how much they have charges me and how long can i claim these charges from? any help will be appreciated. Thanks manny
  24. I have had my Natwest current account for over 2 years, I have never gone overdrawn, I have at least £3k a month paid into my account but Natwest wont give me an overdraft. They can see I am trapped in the PDL cycle, paying over £500 a month interest, when i asked at the branch why they wouldnt give me a overdraft they said because I am using Wonga and Wage Day Advance. The cashier even went to say that the my risk factor with the branch was lower than hers. Can anyone suggest a more sympathetic bank?
  25. Hi All, i am fairly new here and was wondering if you could give me some advice. My bank charged me overdraft fees a few months back now because my account had become overdrawn due to rent being taken out 5 days early.These charges are marked down as UNNARRANGED OD FEE. Since then we have paid off the OD fee and they have charged us an even larger amount with the same unarranged OD fee a month later. Since that unarranged overdraft fee had put me overdrawn i expected another charge to be made so i left money in my account to cover the costs next month, but the charge was more than i had left in the account. So again another OD fee was charged a month later. I'm sure you can see the pattern here. I have been into the bank to ask them when the next OD fee would be taken out and how much it would be, but they claimed that they did not have that information, i have been in and talked to 3 different people in Natwest and they all say the same thing. I just received a new OD fee today and it is overwhelming, it is around half of my monthly wages and i just cannot afford to keep doing this with them. I have arrears elsewhere which i am paying off which doesn't leave me with enough money to cover these bank charges... What do i do? Thanks in advance for any help/advice you can give. Paul
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