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  1. Following the recent successful outcome of a couple of PPI claims (that went on for ages!) I now realise that I have done nothing about the charges, so now I'm ready to get these claims started. 2 cards, lots of charges. Just want to make sure I get this right 1st time so have done may hours of research -So this is what I'm planning to do:- Fill out the CIsheet v101 with all the charges with a start date of the 1st charge, setting the interest rate to an average of their rate taken from my statements ' Put my claim to date as today Put the total amount of charges plus compound interest into the statintsheet v101 with a start date of today. Send my preliminary letter to Lloyds enclosing the CIsheet schedule of charges requesting a refund within 14 days after which time I will send a Letter before action to include the CIsheet and the statintsheet. I'm not expecting Lloyds to payout straight away, and realise I will probably have to start a county court claim, but I need to know I'm doing this claim correctly so any advise would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  2. Up until last year I was insured as a driving instructor and had my own car and paid my own insurance and accumulated 6 no claims years from the insurers. I had decided not to continue as an ADI and looked elsewhere for insurance. I received my NCD and uploaded it to the new insurers who refuse to accept it as it was earned, they say, on a commercial vehicle. I have phoned my previous insurers and they said they have never had a problem like mine, and suggested I give permission for the new insurer to call them. The insurers I have now have said I can alter my policy on line (have tried with no success)I want to cancel within the 14 day cooling off period and look elsewhere now, for which they will charge me a fee of £25 as the policy began on 2/1/2016 and charge me for the days of insurance on a daily rate. Quote me unhappy !! Any advice appreciated. The insurers I have are the same Aviva
  3. Hello, please can someone help me. The freeholder of my flat pursued me for unpaid service charges through small claims at the county court. I settled the first charge with at the court as a gesture to try and get things sorted. I was also under a lot of pressure has a family member had just passed away. The second charge was more substantial and included major works. This was transferred to the LVT. The LVT ruled that the service charges were not currently payable because the freeholder hadn't fully complied with Section 47 of the LTA 1987. However, they also said that i would have to pay once he issued the service charge form correctly. I have paid the outstanding service charges, though he still hasn't done any work to the property and in fact he never has. The LVT did not rule on the legal costs and transferred the case back to County court to make the determination. These legal charges are for over £6k, more than the service charge demands. His solicitor is relying upon the following clause, to recover the legal costs, in my lease which states: 'To pay all costs charges and expenses including Solicitors Costs and Surveyors’ fees incurred by the Lessor for the purpose of or incidental to the preparation and service of a Notice under Section 146 of the Law of Property Act 1925 requiring the Lessee to remedy the breach of any of the covenants herein contained notwithstanding forfeiture for such breach may be avoided otherwise than by relief granted by the Court' Please can someone help. I saw that under CPR 27 legal costs in Small Claims are limited to £260 but there has recently been a case where legal costs were awarded because the lease took precedence (Chaplair v Kumari, 2015). In addition, i have just sold the property and it completes tomorrow. This is before the hearing is set to take place. I have also just asked for the claim to be struck out as the Claimant has not filed the statement of costs which were ordered to be served over 3 weeks ago. Please can someone help me. Many thanks in advance
  4. Can someone please clarify exactly what Form I am supposed to complete for a section 214 claim against a landlord for non-protection of deposit monies. Is it N1 or N281? I obviously need to do it the cheapest way possible. I am also representing myself. Thank you.
  5. Child diagnosed with a disability at age 4, made a claim for DLA a few years later and has been receiving it to date, child now 16 and has made a claim for PIP after being invited to. With an unrelated issue, contact was made to GP to ask proof of disability, GP's can't find medical notes so were unable to help, all records computerised, there are notes relating to his disability though not an actual diagonsis - child has very rarely seen GP and his difficulties have been dealt with by his family. Fast forward with regards claim for PIP, child would not go to an assessment so Atos writing to GP. we understand its going to be very hard to get PIP, so are not holding out much hope - it's not a problem. Now to my question, if GP can't provide confirmation of diagnosis, can Atos/ Decision maker ask that previous DLA awards by repaid? Forms have always been filled in correctly and child has never been asked to attend an appointment for assessment prior to this, we assumed DLA would have already contacted GP, especially given the amount of times the award has been issued.
  6. The letter said he has a lodger(he has never had one) he uses the house for immoral purposes which is really wrong as only we, his family visit him. The council has also been looking through his windows snooping. He is 64 and has heart problems. He goes to court in January but he's done nothing wrong. This is not the first time someome has reported him, last year someone reported him for his hedge. As soon as he came out of hospital after his operation he was reported for the hedge and the grass being too long. Well he couldn't walk without losing his breath, he has COPD and arthritius. He's being reported for *His house being untidy *His garden being untidy(he doesn't have the money for a lawnmower, yet the council will mow the lawn for someone with a family in the same street. *Using his house for immoral purposes *Having a lodger *A washing machine in the front garden which was gone in January *And dog mess near his front garden, he hasn't had a dog since about November when his dog died. Would CAB help him?
  7. The Financial Conduct Authority has published its consultation paper on plans to bring in a 2018 deadline for PPI claims FCA research shows 74 per cent of people know what PPI is, but some have not got around to claiming yet because of the 'open-ended nature', which the watchdog says has created inertia. The FCA believes that introducing a deadline – alongside a high profile campaign to highlight it – will prompt many into action. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/saving/article-3334759/PPI-claims-deadline-likely-2018.html#ixzz3uJ3GJTaG
  8. Probably bit late in day to ask this. I am in a County Court tomorrow in respect of a small claim against a large company. The amount I am claiming is around £8,000. I am acting for myself and the Defendant appointed a large legal company. I was offered a Commercial Offer of £1,000 to basically go away which I refused. This afternoon I received a email from the Legal Company with a statement of costs which they have provided to the Court. They intend to claim around £25,000.00 in costs. A. should I be worried or B. top myself now thanks
  9. Hi all, Im at a complete loss. I got a ccj claim and thought id filled it all in correctly - wasn't entirely sure what the debt was, Im thinking a payday loan that I abandoned. I filled in acknowledgement of service and defended the claim using information I found through researching my problem and using an appropriate template from here or so I thought. I got a Notice of proposed allocation to the small claims track and have to reply in a few days and I don't know what I have done. Or more importantly what to do. Ive buried my head in the sand and Im just at a loss with it all. I think Im getting somewhere with my debts and then I go and mess it all up (sorry I know that is very woe is me) Having a really tough time at the moment with home life and anxiety and this is just pushing me to the edge. Just sold our home to move into rented accommodation and the last thing I need is a ccj causing me issues with renting a place Can anyone please advise? Many Thanks
  10. Could anyone advise if doorstep lenders (i.e. Shopacheck, Provident ) can be included in a claim for unaffordable lending? I had 13 payday loans when I applied for a doorstep loan, but unsure if I can claim with this?
  11. Good evening all, I've just renewed my insurance policy and moved from Churchill (Who wanted £1400 to renew me) to Hastings Premier, who wanted £400 to renew. I've informed Churchill that I'll be leaving them and my policy lapsed on 14/11/15. At this same date, my policy with Hastings has come into force. I had a bit of a grumble on the phone to Churchill, as I don't like change, and said that I think it's disgraceful that my insurance has gone up by £1000, especially seeing as I'm now 25 and have five years NCD behind me. None the less, I've left them. But do you think I can get them to send me my NCD proof? I've had at least four phone calls now with promises relating to my NCD letter, but nothing. Then, today, 18/11 I get a letter saying "Your motor insurance policy is due to expire soon and we recently wrote to you with details of your renewal. Please therefore take a few minutes of your time to discuss your cover for the next year"... etc. If they can fire me a letter out dated 13/11, then why the hell can't they get my NCD out to me when I called them and told them I wouldn't be renewing about 3 weeks ago! I don't know what to do, as Hastings Direct aren't exactly the most sympathetic of companies, I don't want to annoy them by chasing my NCD around and around, and risk having my policy cancelled! What's the crack? Where do I stand? Cheers, Caeleb.
  12. Looking for some advice please on whether this is allowed before I respond if a claim has been issued and a hearing date set, at the stage at which witness statements are sent can the creditor rightly and legitimately double the value of the claim within their statement and will the court allow this/take this into account when hearing the case? Cannot tell that any formal application has been made just the request within the statement...
  13. I am posting this on behalf of a friend so please bare with me when im answering as I have to double check before I post replys. A letter came through the post this morning from County court money claims centre giving claimants name and address and listing myself trading as my company name with my address as the defendant. I knew nothing at all about this. They are claiming £414.90 plus £50 court fees for services rendered by the claimant for advertising charges on menu booklets. The defendant has failed to make the payments due on their account. The particulars state 'The claimant contacted the defendant on a number of occasions regarding the balance however no payment was recieved'. This is where it gets a bit odd. They claim I am the defendant and that I signed the agreement , they have contacted me on numerous occasions requesting payment. However, on the agreement they have provided as proof it has my company name and my company email address (which I have only now got back because my ex changed all my passwords), my ex girlfriends address, my ex girlfriends name, her telephone number and her signature signing herself as company sec. She has never been company sec or had anything to do with my company may I add. I contacted her and she admitted taking it out and signing it, she had even paid the first two payments out of HER personal account and has offered her statements to show this, she said she was trying to be nice and get more business for me. I knew nothing of this and because we have split up she has stated she is not paying no more and refused to deal with them so this has now landed on my doorstep . Do I owe this money seeing as I know nothing of it?, I didnt sign anything, I paid nothing etc. I have sent in the acknowledgement of service stating I wish to defend this however the place where they have registered this claim is over 300 miles away from myself and I cannot travel up there so will need to do it all online. Thanks
  14. Without getting into the fine detail, I am the claimant in a small claim against an organisation and in this case a named person within the organisation as they hold a particular role as a sole person. The organisation are intending to defend the case and it will be one of their legal services people attending court in person. In the directions questionnaire the legal services person is named in section B and in section D3 they have indicated 1 witness including themself will be attending court. This witness has submitted a statement of evidence and the copy I have been provided is not signed or dated. I have two questions. 1) As it will be legal services attending court and they only indicated on the directions questionnaire that there is only 1 witness, does this mean that ONLY the statement or ONLY the legal services person can be heard by the judge ? 2) As the copy of the statement of evidence that I have been provided with is not signed, does that mean it is not valid (the person who wrote it is not attending court) or is it the copy of the statement lodged with the court (if signed) that decides this ?
  15. please help, case for expenses due not disputed, case to make a claim not disputed, case dismissed as not done on correct form using information of journeys completed eg post code to post code and dates. all information on electronic diary, no paper copy of visits used by any employee, accurate mileage claim relied on access to diary at work which was refused. My estimated amount discussed for over one hour, gave calculation of how I had got amount, ex employer asked to produce figure for court of their estimation of amount. case dismissed due to not applying on the correct form or producing post code details proof journeys. how can employer get away with knowingly agreeing to accept expenses claim when there intension was not allow access to do so in the manor they want it. The judge I fell did not exercise discretion, the claim should have been allowed and the amount only decided, really would like to appeal, the person left after bullying and this is the only thing she got out of raising the mater with district manager. She now has to repay overpayment of wages that she had originally thought her expenses. the judge himself, did disclose the firm he works for does work with this company but she was happy to go ahead, but I cant help feeling all the talk about the amount mislead her into thinking she would get an award of expenses
  16. We had a quote for some wedding decor at a wedding by an events organiser. A formal quote of £2,000 was agreed and this was emailed to us. We agreed to this and sent a £300 non-refundable deposit by bank transfer. The organiser then decided to raise the agreed price to £3,000. We then requested that we weren't going ahead any more as the agreement had been broken. Initially the contact agreed to refund the deposit but is now refusing. We have made alternative arrangements and our argument is simple. She broke the original agreement by demanding a higher price after we had paid the deposit. She then agreed to refund the deposit. The agreement had ended. She is now saying that the agreement is still in place and she can either deliver what we want for £2,000 or not go ahead but the deposit is non-refundable. We say that the deposit is only non-refundable if we had broken the agreement. We are not using her as we have made alternative arrangements. All of these discussions are on text messages. I now want to send a formal letter before court action demanding that the deposit is refunded as our agreement ended when she raised the price after we paid it and later agreed to refund the deposit. One thing I'm not sure about is who I would claim against in the small claims court if it went that far. The events organisation isn't a company. Can we still issue the claim against the organisation or will I have to sue the individual we are dealing with (the payment was made to an account in her name)? If we have to target the individual can we use the business address as we obviously don't know her personal address?
  17. Hi I am a tenant living a block of flats. I have received at least 20 parking charge notices The main reason stated on the parking charge notice is" not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space within bay marking". After their initial letter and final reminders and DR agent letter, I have received a letter from their small claims solicitor stating: we act for UKPC and are instructed to recover the charges shown below incurred by you in relation to the parking of your vehicle The total is £900 ( 6 x £150) Im sure I will receive at least two or even three more of these as my notices are at least 20 ( ie a total of maybe £2700-£3000). Im panicking now. My worry is that I was parked on private land managed by the management company. I am a tenant not the owner of the flat. However, as we have two cars, but one car space, I parked within the perimeters of the property, but somewhere where I had never caused an obstruction. Whats really astonishing is that I have even received 2 charges on a single day, within 12 hours. I have also received 4 on four consecutive days inclusdng te weeknd when I was off work. I want to emphasise the difference between my case and others who have very kindly posted theirs on this site in that: 1. I was parked in a non designated parking area on the private property I live in, rather than the parking bay 2. I have not appealed any of the claims. The thought of £900, and even more, if they are successful is stressing me out. Cant sleep. Cant focus on work Tried citizens advice bureau, but not much of help. Tried calling some solicitors, but they aren't that interested. Tried rip off Britain and waiting. I feel all doors are closed o me and I will end up in court and lose. Im doomed and gloomed I feel. Pleas please please advise. I would really be very very appreciative. Many thanks Mo
  18. Greetings. I filed an N164 asking for permission to appeal about a month ago. I haven't heard anything back yet. I was wondering... is the N164 form, where you tick "I ask for permission to appeal", essentially a request to the district judge who has the case for permission? Or is the N164 with that option ticked essentially an appeal notice that will go to the circuit judge where they will decide on permission to appeal? I would like to proceed by filing an appellant's notice and ticking "No" in answer to "Has permission been granted?". Any thoughts?
  19. Hi All after seeing all the recent success stories on here I have decided to issue formal complaints to all my lenders this evening. I was desperate at the time however my credit file is ruined, it was apparent I could not afford the loans at time of issue, I accept I was foolish CashGenie – No contacting regarding redress Wonga – No Contact regarding FCA agreement PayDay Uk – Still trading Open Door Loans – Can’t trace contact details Swift sterling – No email only online form Peachy – Still trading 24/7 Moneybox – Still trading My Jar formally txt loan – My Jar trading Thl Direct – Not sure, Wage day Advance – Still Trading Uncle Buck – Still Trading Bonga – Still Trading Mobile Quid – Still trading? Website live 1 month loans now trading as Sunny.com – Sunny trading Quid 24 – No details found Pounds till payday – Still Trading Cash Generator – Still trading emailed head office Cheque Centre – Website live emailed head office Any hints or tips be appreciated as well as senior contacts for each company.
  20. Hello TCAG forums, I currently have an ongoing dispute with VM over a Galaxy S6 home button manufacturing issue that has been denied exchange/repair over evidence the phone has been rooted. Most of my case has been documented here - hxxp://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Mobile/Repair-refused-on-days-old-handset-due-to-root-Galaxy-S6/td-p/2918695 To summarize for everyone on these forums, the home button was loose on delivery of the phone, but operating okay for the first few days. It then began to stop registering some pushes when the button was pressed on the right hand side. After contacting VM a few days in (within 14 days) I was offered a doorstop exchange. This was cancelled a day later and I was told I had to send for repair. Repair was refused under warranty for evidence of the phone being rooted and I was quoted £200. I refused. I contacted Citizens Advice who advised me to write to them and state the sale of good act and burden of proof. I also enclosed a copy of this article - hxxp://fsfe.org/freesoftware/legal/flashingdevices.en.html I stated it was a physical fault, and not anything caused by software. Today I was contacted and told VM are sticking to their guns and the reason for the exchange being cancelled was they wanted to inspect the phone first to make sure I hadn't misused it, dropping for example. I tried to argue that I shouldn't be held guilty to misuse until proven innocent and that other companies all exchange within 14 days and inspect the handset after exchange. I have now contacted CA again, and know the next step they will advise is raising with the small claims court. I contacted FSFE via email to seek more advice on their article and law as well. Has anyone else experienced issues over flashing an android device with other software? I've had a Nexus phone in the past sent back to Google with no issues, and even read many examples of people sending phones to Samsung under warranty with no issues. Thanks a lot.
  21. "They sparked uproar among newspapers and on social media, but on Friday the former Sunday Times political editor back-peddled significantly, saying the MP who tipped her off about the incident "could have been slightly deranged"." "David Cameron has pointed to the potential political motivations of Lord Ashcroft, who some say was frustrated for not being offered a Cabinet post in exchange for millions of pounds in party donation funds. " Article
  22. Hi, I would appreciate any assistance. I had a couple of CC's years ago and lost my job for a year and 4 months. No repayments were made as i could'nt afford it and ended up getting into real dificulty financially. This was back in March 2009. I did receive demands for repayment for a while after i had defaulted and stupidly ignored them due to worry. Now i have received a small claim summons from sheriff court for £2400. Can anyone advise me if this is time barred as it has been over 6 years? And also what my options are? I would be gratefull for any good advice please.
  23. Hi I'm in the process of a PPI claims I'm using a company called black pearl claims but wish I didn't now I've done most of the work well not much work really just answering questions Barclay card ask is there a way I can get rid of black pearl claims and continue conversation from Barclay card on a policy back in January 4th 1999 I can't remember the details of the policy and documents of employment or savings etc I haven't got can I claim by myself and get rid of black pearl as it's supposedly at decision makers and if I get money they want 30% + vat if successful all I know of the policy is covered illness as to what I don't remember it was 16 yrs ago Hi guys I'm in the process of 2 PPI claims one with Barclay card and the other Capital one both started by Black Pearl Claims Ltd . I was just wondering if I could pull the plug on Black Pearl Claims as they are charging me 30%+ V.A.T I'm the one in conversation with Barclay Card trying to answer Barclay Card questions like how much savings I had a the time and my employment status etc the claim is from January 4th 1999 and can't provide the documents for Barclay Card for how much money coming in and savings etc as to far back ,it's now at decision makers with Barclay Card apparently but still keep asking these questions after many phone calls giving this information while Black Pearl sit back and wait. All I want to know is two things 1 can I pull the plug on Black Pearl and 2 without the documents of money coming in and savings Barclay card asking for have I got a claim? Some details of claim is I had a £2000 credit card with some sort of insurance that covered me when I come out work policy took out January 4th 1999
  24. Hi We are currently based in Spain and do not have all our bank statements, a Company from Swansea called Claims Line Direct Ltd has called us (we have a uk phone number here) and asked for 495 gbp which they guarantee to return whether they are successful on our behalf. They claim we have approx 3500 gbp to come back but cannot guarantee that figure. Does anybody know of this Company ?
  25. Where do I start I presume the beginning so here goes......... Me and the wife over the last 16 years have had numerous cards, loans, two mortgages etc but I don't have a clue if we have ever had PPI. Some accounts have gone via the dust (lost job) over 6 plus years ago so how can I find out the companies involved etc. I know we had cards with various banks like Capital One, Abbey National (thousands in charges they hit us with) and various loans and that's where I'm stuck on finding the info. Is there a list of companies I can sent a basic letter to and go from their or a company that has records to search? Thanks.
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