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  1. Barclays is set to move around 2.3m savers on to a new type of Isa which for two thirds of them will mean worse interest rates. The bank has already closed 11 of its cash Isas to new customers and will now be withdrawing them from existing customers too. The new Isas will pay less than the two per cent annual interest, meaning more meagre savings rate for 1.6m customers, with 740,000 benefitting or remaining unaffected. Barclays has said that it has been urged to simplify its Isas. Lee Chiswell, head of savings at Barclays said: These changes will make it easier for our customers to understand their products and easier for staff to serve them. We are writing to all impacted customers to let them know how these changes will affect them, and we have worked with our colleagues to ensure they can support customers who have any questions about these changes. http://www.cityam.com/1407333497/barclays-isa-changes-hit-savers http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-28675631
  2. I am looking for help with the issue of First Plus interest rates on a loan. Has anyone else tackled these people over re negotiating their loan to a fairer agreement? Thank you.
  3. recently myself and my partner were in Poland and used our Barclays debit card to purchase flights back online. The bank then blocked the card, when the automated machine at the airport went to validate the card it wasn't valid, I have then spent a considerable time on that day trying to contact Barclays who constantly couldn't understand me and kept putting me from person to person, upon asking to be put through to my branch in Northern Ireland, I was told that Northern Ireland was a separate country and not part of the UK, when I said my local branch they told me no branches in Northern Ireland existed, having spent a considerable amount of time arguing they finally gave me a number to branch that "didn't exist". The branch informed me that the card was blocked and that I needed to call the fraud team to unlock the card, I rang them straight away to be placed on hold for close to 45 mins and the phone being cut off on 3 separate occasions. finally that day I rang the branch again, and they weren't able to lift the block themselves, and told me to try again tomorrow. As were denied check-in, and with no access to money from our debit card, we asked if they would increase our credit card, to which they said that wasn't possible from a non-UK number. we were left in Poland with no access to funds and very little money on us, we continued in vien for the next couple days to no avail, and finally concerned we had no way of paying a mounting hotel bill, my partner who is Polish, was compelled to take a loan for us to get home, in between this I contacted the complaints team, and gave them my Polish number to call and liase with me to resolve the matter, to which they spent 5 days trying to ring a UK number!!! I personally ended up in hospital with stress from all the drama, and having made a total of 11.5 hours worth of phone calls to Barclays from a Polish phone, contacted the branch again who said that we were to keep all the receipts from everything and bring them back and that Barclays would put us back in the position we would have been in had this not happened. This was also confirmed by the complaints team, and finally when we got home was told to head to my branch and take all evidence of everything with me to show the catalogue of catastrophes, and firstly they tell us the complaints handler they have assigned us is on annual leave, and no one knows when he's back, when we asked to speak to a manager, were told Managers' aren't here to talk to customers. From the branch appraisal of the situation we were out of pocket by 5117.49 including the loan and over 500.00 on phone calls. Finally it was upgraded to Level 2 in complaints and she was very helpful and listened to me and told me that they would get things sorted out as quick as possible. I explained that obviously we have bills to pay now and are so out of pocket I had to sell my Ipad, she agreed she understood the urgency and would take steps to resolve with me asap, finally today they ring back and tell me after the complaint has been in for over 4 weeks that as a gesture of goodwill we would like to credit your account with 300.00. I argued and said after everything that had happened this was unacceptable, and threatened to speak to the legal team, then she went on hold, and said well we could do 600.00. I then asked was this the final response to which I was told that it was a gesture of goodwill, and that in actual fact nothing had been investigated at all. After the offer of 600 I telephoned through to our local branch, who told me "they weren't surprised" as Barclays hate admitting they're wrong, and that I would have a long fight on my hands to my money back from them. And that owing to the amount we were down I should ask to be moved to Level 3 complaints for a decision, I upon recieving a further call from complaints told them I wished it escalated to Level 3, she asked me why? I asked the question after everything that had happened, would you accept 600.00?? she said no.. .Then I was asked what was the minimum I would accept..... We have banked with Barclays for a while, I feel totally abused by this "bank" it's dishonest practices and treating customers like dirts is unacceptable in todays unstable banking world. Would love some advice. T
  4. I have had a degree of success with claims against Barclays Masterloan PPI. One of the accounts I submitted is still ongoing from April 2013, the first letter I received back said that they had been unable to find a PPI policy in my name so the complaint has not been upheld. However, if i can provide further information relating to this policy eg Policy number, document, your complaint will be re-opened. This letter is our final response to your complaint and we hope that you are satisfied with the outcome. Re-sent all the paperwork copy of credit agreement with the breakdown of the Premium Loan (PPI) shown clearly on it again. Various letters and telephone calls transpired (account numbers and their references not matching) up until 16.04.14 when i wrote again asking for an update. Received a letter 1st May 2014, wanting to reassure me that they were dealing with the complaint as quickly as possible. Called them on the 16.06.14 to see what the hold up was. I was told that the paperwork was in place and that they were just waiting a case handler, because of the back log of claims could be mid-July before it was looked at. Received a letter 24.07.14 (14 weeks later) which said that the evidence I have provided shows that PPI was not present on this account. I really was not happy about this, if there was something else that was not right then I would have accepted it, as I have said I have had claims upheld either side of this one. So I decided to call them and hopefully get a constructive reason why this had not been upheld. The arrogant individual on the telephone told me it was obviously something else I had took out and was not PPI (whatever else it was I have no idea), I explained about the other upheld claims, to which he said that I did not understand the banking industry, if I had a problem with that then I could contact the FOS. I have wrote a letter of complaint and asked them for more detailed explanation for the reason why an agreement with the PPI on it, somehow shows that PPI was not present on this account. If there is anything else I can do meantime then please let me know
  5. Hi Folks, Does anybody know if Barclays are legally allowed to charge £30 for Paid Referral Charges on a business account? I have month on month been hit hard with these charges and every month its getting harder to get out of the hole they are creating for me! My personal account has the occassional Paid Referral Fee but this is charged at £8, although still a lot of money it is much more reasonable than the £30 on the Business Account. How do I stand if I decide to go after them for a refund? B
  6. Dear all, The Friday before last (4/7/2014) I went to make a debit card payment for dinner with clients and the transaction declined. I checked my account on my phone (Barlcays App) and my two barclays personal accounts (current and premier) 4 savings accounts and 2 business accounts were collectively showing to be overdrawn by £5,000,000. On 7/7/2014 all available funds in the account were sent to reconcile to Coventry OPS 05 ADV. I logged a formal complaint on (4/7/2014) and after countless calls to customer service advisors who gave excuses ranging from a technical error to an account review and no resolution I sent an email to senior executive at Barclays. Later that day I was contacted by a member of the Barclays customer relations team at their Head Office in Canary which was on Thursday of last week (10/7/14) however he has not been of much help at all, he has not provided any clarity as to what is going on or any time frames as to when I can expect to have my funds released. I have gained an understanding myself and believe it is a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) that has been filed to the National Crime Agency (NCA) or similar however I have nothing to hide and although its been a good year for business everything is above board and I do not understand why they can't simply ask me for clarity... This freeze on my accounts/blocking of funds is causing serious problems for me and those dependant on me/my business. I was wondering if anyone has experienced a similar situation and if so when the issue was resolved and if there is anything I can do to speed up the process or any other information that might be helpful. It's so frustrating being in the dark and having hard earned money taken away from you with no explanation ! Thanks.
  7. Good evening guys, I was wondering if I could seek some help. My partner has been off work on SSP for 7 months now and I am the sole breadwinner in the house. Our income and expenditure looks relatively OK but Barclays have been making things much worse for us. Both of us have had suspect transactions to EE/T-Mobile on our statements, even though I am with Three and other half is with o2. They've refunded these amounts to us as and when we've noticed them, but it's got to the point where I've had to go into the bank to sign the forms as they're just taking too long to send them out and in some cases, not send them at all. The form in question asks pointless questions such as "Is your Debit Card in your posession at all times" etc, which I have to answer "No" due to the fact that when I'm at work, it is in my wallet, not at my workstation. They've now sent about 40 copies of the same form and no sheet at the back to tell me which form is for which and it's all really confusing, worse than that, they've been charging me for DD being bounced because the money has been taken from my account without my authorisation. They refund me the amount, but then take it back after a few days because I don't return them in time, even though I haven't received them. It's driving me crazy, I've probably amassed and paid enough charges to do my monthly shop since my partner has been off sick and I just can't manage it. I don't earn much money but I do like to have enough to eat, fuel the car and pay my bills. They're taking so much that my car insurance is defaulting and then I'm being charged a £30 late payment fee on that, which I have to pay or I'll lose my car and both of us will be stuffed. Can anyone help me with where to start, please? Thanks Yukiko
  8. Hi - New member, so I hope I'm doing this right. I had a letter from Barclays this morning outlining the new overdraft charges they are about to introduce. I understand the basics, but I wonder if there's anyone out there who can help me with some confusion I'm having about my account setup? Basically, this is my problem - I have an Overdraft Limit of -£800, and an Emergency Borrowing limit of -£500. The confusion is, I would have assumed that Emergency Borrowing would be set at a limit higher than the overdraft limit. At the moment I'm £720 overdrawn, and have been for some time. I have two accounts at Barclays, and the one with the overdraft is topped up from time to time to keep it under at least some control. With my Emergency Borrowing set at -£500, would this mean I'm already into my Emergency Borrowing phase? If so, what about my Overdraft Limit of -£800 ? How does that fit into the situation? Or, does it mean that I can go temporarily -£500 overdrawn on top of my -£800 overdraft limit? As they will be charging By The Day instead of the usual interest on an overdraft, this could get expensive very rapidly. To confuse the issue further, I also pay a monthly PPI Overdraft Protection. Does anyone know how this will affect the above situation. I've tried contacting Barclays before with questions like this, but to be honest, I'm always put through to another country that never seems to fully understand any issues that need sorting out, so I'm hoping someone in the know has some simple answers. Any help on clarifying this situation would be very much appreciated.
  9. I applied for a Barclaycard Platinum online a few days ago and I didn't get an instant decision. I rang to ask about it and they said I have been sent a letter requesting documents although they didn't know what and why. Any idea what documents they will be requesting and the chances of me being accepted? Noddle and moneysaving expert creditcard eligibility checkers rated me a 70% chance of being accepted and Barclays own said I had a 'good' chance. Only problem is I have a lot of searches on my file which is the thing that could get me rejected.
  10. WHAT DO YOU ADVISE I wrote to Barclays using a template letter from moneysavingexpert and got a no we don't owe you anything. a few months later gave my account details to Brunel Franklin who also got a no. then a couple of months later got a opps we made a mistake we owe you £800 plus 50 as a goodwill gesture from Barclays. cc Brunel Franklin. Now then if Barclays had been honest/done there job brunel franklin wouldn't be in the frame and wanting best part of 300 notes from me. secondly Barclays have paid the money into my defaulted account and I don't have access to it. so I would have to pay them from my own pocket. tempted to offer BF the £50 Barclays gave me as compensation and say well I applied before you. what do you advise people ?????
  11. Hi All, My dad has today received his SAR response from Barclays of which I am going through for him. Your help will be greatly appreciated in answering my queries. 1. On the Prequal PPI under BID policies my dad has one for First Plus, does my dad complain to Barclays about this? 2. On the retail account details it lists Barclay loans plus the First plus loan mentioned above and 2 monument visas. My dad had 6 loans with Barclays some with PPI. The Barclay loans show a "Y" or "N" under the account PPI Flag section, but the monument visas and first plus loan show "I" under PPI flag. What does the "I" stand for? 3. If my dad did have PPI on the monument visa which was sold to him in branch at Barclays, does that mean he complains to them and not monument? Thanks in advance
  12. Hi - have just received a phonecall and then a letter from BCW re a loan from Barclays. Story is took loan about 7 years ago paid regularly till a couple of years ago and then due to financial problems agreed a reduced payment plan (if we continued paying original amount loan would be finished by now), loan has been paid its just the interest we are paying off. Spoke to Barclays to find out why BCW are contacting us as they are still taking money out every month, last payment was on 20/05/14 only to be told that due to payment not being on time in Feb they have handed us over Payment was made in Feb but was late so not in arrears, they did not contact us to advise. have a couple of queries: 1) Can BCW use Barclays letterheads? Letter I have has Barclays logo and an their Collections and recoveries address in Manchester also Barclays telephone number, but in the letter they give another contact number and use a different address. Surely this is wrong as they are not part of Barclays??? 2) If Feb's payment was late and they have handed us over why are they still taking payment. Surely if they are still taking payments debt should not have been handed over? Please advise. Am a big fan of CAG have been able to help me out so many times over the years. Sharon
  13. About three weeks ago i opened an account at barclays with my NEW business Manager as it is a brand new business account (business has been trading for 5 year) After meeting with business manager and opening a business account we proceeded to trade as normal at my business. On the 29th of May i paid in some cheques from my clients, which was about 100K, i informed barclays about this even before i put the cheques in and i also told barclays what the funds would be for, Business manager told me that it was ok to put them ALL in as i had informed barclays before i even did so. On wednesday the 4th of June i went into the branch to see manager again about our online banking facilities and to add our staffs sort codes and account numbers to the account so that we could pay their wages. When i arrived there to do this i found that the account was at a minus and that the funds had been frozen. To my disbelief i asked Bank manager what was going on and she told me that barclays where doing checks on these payments. It is now Thursday the 12 of June. I have been unable to pay my staff from last month, i have been unable to pay my rent, I have been unable to pay my bills. Not only this but i have been unable to pay my tax bill to HMRC.I have also not been able to pay my business rates at the office, i have been unable to pay telephone bills at the office, I have no staff in my office, my business which i have built over 5 years is at a complete stand still. Every time i call them they tell me its opertional Difficulties! Ive raise complaints to head office... this is terrible. and you wouldnt believe how i am feeling....How long do we have to wait for these checks? Do they not realize that this is affecting all of my staffs lives and mine!!!!!! please dont tell me to go legal, fighting a bank legally is a long process, i just need my business back!!!
  14. Hi All, I am creating separate threads per debt (continuing from this thread: Will defaults be reissued if I am only making £1 token payments?) (to figure out how I can get defaults removed. OC (DCA) Amount Owing: Barclays OD (Credit Solutions Limited) £11,669 Last Payment: £2 on 6 May 2014 to Credit Solutions Limited as they are the ones chasing me for this debt, I last sent them acknowledgement in Feb 2014 to setup token payments. Per Noddle: Lender – Barclays Bank Plc Account Type – Current Account (Overdraft) Status – Default Account Start Date – (not sure and it’s not on report either but probably around 2010) Account Default Date – 16 Sep 2012 As this is a Current Account, can I start with CCA/SAR? not what other route do I follow please? How can I calculate Penalty Charges and PPI? Thx!
  15. Barclays Bank has been fined £26m by UK regulators after one of its traders was discovered attempting to fix the price of gold. The trader, who has been sacked, exploited weaknesses in the system to profit at a customer's expense, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said. The incident occurred in June 2012, the day after the bank was fined a record £290m for attempting to rig Libor. Barclays said it "very much regrets the situation" that led to the fine. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27536127
  16. Hi all. We received a sum of money into our bank account entitled "PPI & INT REFUND" we have not received a letter advising us which of the three current ppi claims this refund is for. I only have one reference number for one claim I have not received any letters about the other two. It could be all three if it is the amount is woefully short .I called Barclays the woman already seemed confused before I even started asking questions. From the information she gave me all three claims are still being processed. She did not know what the refund was for and was pretty useless. I had to keep asking her to repeat herself because I have hearing problems and her Indian accent was difficult to understand. She then said she would contact the relevant department and place me on hold. After 20 minutes she had not come back or even apologised for the wait. The call was now over 30 minutes so I hung up. I did record the call. We are still none the wiser as to what this refund is for I am worried they have made a mistake which I didn't even think about before calling them. We have spent some of the money on food and diesel. If they take it back we will be overdrawn. If it is a mistake can they just take the money back? If I visit the local branch will they be able attain any information? I don't want to call Barclays it's too expensive.
  17. 1st the weird letters and news following incorrect defaults now this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27321589
  18. Hi, I was wondering if anyone can advise me with a complaint against Barclays phone insurance provided by LSG. 2 weeks ago I filed a claim for a smashed screen on my Sony Xperia Z. It took over a week for them to tell me when and where to send it and it was 16 days before I got it back. It was repaired but they have done it with used parts. Now I have had the phone for a year but always looked after it, always in a cover and always with a screen protector. It was in almost new condition before I sent it away. When I damaged it, as well as smashing the screen there was a small chunk taken out of the surround. They replaced this surround with another used one that looks as if someone has been chewing it all the way around it. Also the back panel is pitted and there are 2 large scratches that weren't there before. I called them to complain and say that I wouldn't accept it but they said they don't cover cosmetic damage and they considered the phone to be in no worse condition than when I sent it to them. I am really annoyed about this and feel they are mugging me off especially as it isn't my cosmetic damage and the phone was near perfect before it went to them. I wouldn't expect to put my car in the garage for a bumper fixing and get it back covered in damage elsewhere so why should they be able to get away with sending me this? I have already logged my complaint with Barclays and LSG and also have the Financial Ombudsman to fall back on. I just wondered if anyone on here could give more any more advice as to where I stand or if I just have to roll over and take it. Any advice is very appreciated.
  19. Barclays Bank has announced a plan to boost the presence of Britain’s credit unions in the high street. These include: £1m cash injection for credit unions to help them grow and expand. allowing them to set up shop in its branches giving credit unions free infrastructure access to Pingit, the bank’s mobile payment service http://www.independent.co.uk/money/spend-save/credit-unions-boosted-by-bank-in-payday-battle-9304724.html http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/apr/30/barclays-branches-credit-unions
  20. I set up a standing order to pay someone £120 every 28th of the month. In January, they took out the money on 24th of the month instead, after getting charged for being overdrawn and calling them twice, they told me I had set up the standing order for the last friday of the month, and not the 28th of every month. The last Friday of January was 31st!, I told them this and they put me on hold, and then came back and avoided answering it. I told them I had my online banking on the screen and I can see it is set for the 28th, yet they just "good will" refunded, and asured me it wouldn't happen again.... Well it happened again, today, (25th), I'm overdrawn by £80 thus will get charged for it again. I don't wish to spend another 40 minutes of my mobile minutes calling them again, how should I go about reclaiming the charge, and my costs for all of this (an hour was spent on the phone last time this happened).
  21. Do you have an overdraft with Barclays? Well, watch out for their new charges, introduced in June, which could see some customers paying up to £93 a month just for using their authorised overdrafts. Under Barclays new charges – which will replace interest – if you spend most of the month in your overdraft but don’t exceed your limit, you could be a lot worse off than if you regularly go over your overdraft limit. Because that makes sense, eh? Barclays say that 70% of its customers will benefit from the changes, but an estimated 5.5million customers will be worse off. If you have an overdraft of over £1000 which you’re regularly in, (because you’re SKINT and Barclays happily gave you an overdraft in the first place), you could find yourself penalised with charges of between 75p and £3 a day. At the moment if you’re overdrawn by £1200 during 10 days a month you pay £76.14 over a year. But with the new charges, that will go up to a whopping £180. Barclays say they’re giving the customer what they want – more transparency on charges. They say that customers prefer a fixed fee rather than complicated interest charges. But many people will be worse off. And although they’re being nice and upfront about it, and introducing text alerts to keep you out of the red, if you’re already IN the red with no chance of getting out, it seems that it’s a case of the hand that once giveth is now taking away-eth, leaving us in the bleedin’ lurch. So if you’re a Barclays customer, please note- other banks are available. http://www.bitterwallet.com/dont-go-in-the-red-with-barclays-or-youll-be-shafted/73621 Barclays to introduce daily overdraft fees that could see customers charged £93 each MONTH Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/currentaccounts/article-2588983/Barclays-says-70-overdraft-customers-benefit-fee-changes.html#ixzz2yxH9DnZU Barclays current account fee revamp means big losers but some winners http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/banking/2014/03/barclays-to-revamp-current-account-fees--will-you-be-better-off
  22. In the seemingly never-ending paperwork trail of my mother in law's financial nightmare, Mortimer Clarke (initially via Marlin some 18 months ago) are now chasing her for a CC debt (originally Egg, then BC). No one had chased her for this debt in around 4 years so she'd just let it lie. We asked for CCA which was provided with missing terms. Wrote back and told them unenforceable with no details as to why. Today she has received a new reconstituted CCA, which has all prescribed terms from what I can tell at a quick glance. They have also sent a couple of statements but the balances are showing in US dollars and not sterling!? They have also sent an I&E form and requested it be completed so that her financial situation can be assessed. The CC account was taken out online in August 2002 and they are saying there are no signature documents available as it was taken out online. Statute Barred date is 11/2014 from what I can follow of the paperwork. Previous letter mentioned veiled threats of legal proceedings etc. Is a signed document required to enforce this debt? I don't agree with her not paying it back but she has absolutely nothing more than a state pension to live off and can barely make ends meet as it is so would be offering something like £5 a month (debt is £3.5k so she'll never clear it). Thanks for any advice.
  23. Hi guys, My other half, as detailed in another thread, is off work on SSP and is having direct debits bounce because I'm just not home enough to go and stick money into the account. This is incurring loads of bounced DD charges and interest on his overdraft. Is there a letter I can send detailing this to Barclays and possibly some legislation relating to this so I can stave them off for a little while? Until the legal side of things is dealt with, we've got no way of paying the overdraft or these charges as I'm the only one winning bread right now. TIA, Yukiko
  24. I took out £15k loan when I were 16 and gave it to my brother because he asked me to. Long story short, He paid me for a year or so, then lost his job. Couldn't pay me, then he went to prison for something else. My mother helped pay it for some years and bought it down to £12k. She couldn't help any longer and so I stopped the payments. I had many letters at the time, and get a letter every 6 months reminding me about it. But other than that, They didn't chase it since 2010. What is likely to happen?
  25. I have recently made a claim for misold PPI by Mercantile Credit for a loan from 1998 I contacted Barclays Partner Finance and completed the questionnaire they sent me. I also included a copy of the original agreement which details the loan plus PPI , received a letter this morning to say that they would not be upholding my claim as they are unable to locate a loan account in my name however if I am able to provide a copy of my policy/ credit agreement they may re open their investigation! I have absolutely no doubt that the PPI was misold to me. Can anyone please advise ?
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