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  1. Hi, On my credit file there are two defaulted account associated with a linked address. I have no link with this address at all, it is a apartment block up the road from mine that is often mistaken for mine as the addresses appear similar. However, the accounts are mine and they are registered in my name. I know it is a long shot but before i contact them to rectify this would i have anything to argue to try remove these defaults on this basis? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  2. Hi guys, my local auth issued a council tax bill which did not show a single person discount, i refused to pay until the bill was corrected. in the meantime i was notified of a summons to which i replied account in dispute and sent LA another letter to remind them to change the info on the bill as it was incorrect. A liability order was issued on the basis that the incorrect amount was not paid. Was the LO issued unlawfully? is it unenforceable? can the bailiff that attended but did not gain access legally charge fees on the basis of the LO that should not of been issued? I have not contacted the bailiff in question and have no desire to do so and i fear that time is short now (my fault) before he makes another appearance. Any suggestions? Regards, Tiny.
  3. Seems CAB have no idea when it comes to parking on private land and offer incorrect advice in my opinion. Have a read here and see if you agree.
  4. Hi everyone some advice please, to try and cut a long story short I purchased a brand new vauxhall movano a year ago now 12 reg no previous owners. The sale was agreed over the phone in view that the dealer was 300 miles away, The van was a standard van, standard spec etc . So i never viewed tha van it was brought from information contained in vauxhall brochure and the van was the dealers physical stock so no factory order. When i arrived at the dealers to collect the van it was damaged large scratch down one side the fiasco that followed to reject the van and pentagon register a new one again from stock took all day, so there was no time for a proper handover let alone a test drive. Part of ther standard spec is a fully adjusatable drives seat which quotes as being tiltable, when the van was handed to me it was dark and by this time i just wanted to get home i asked the sales lady wheres the seat adjustment she did not know, i did not arrive home that day until midnight there were other issues more to do with money owed on my trade in etc, but i phoned the dealer the next day confirming the seat did not adjust as it stated in the brochure, they confirmed the van was the standard spec so thats all they could do. I also copied vauxhall customer service at the same time. for several weeks i discussed option with the dealer ie replacing the seat etc becuase clearly i was not getting on with it, i did confirm that the vehicle was not as described and i wanted to reject it. vauxhall then confirmed my contract was with the dealer and not them so its thier problem, pentagon maintain its a manufacture problem ie incorrect specification in the sales brochure and not thier problem this has been going on for a year with now with Vauxhall i have confirmed on several occaissions the vehicle specification is incorrect in the sales catalouge so the veichle is not as described and i want a full refund under the sale of goods act etc. They have confirmed the specification is correct but will not confirm the adjustments to the seat as noted in the specification and focused areas in the sales brochure, instead they have used differnt discriptions being carefull not to mention tilt action as the sales brochure. I have also been told i should have test drove the vehicle, Vauxhall can change the specification without notice, no one else has complained,I have been using the vehiucle so therfore i accepted it, basically all the excuses under the sun and given the complete run around by Vauxhall and the dealer. vauxhall has now issued a new movano sales brochure and suprise suprise they have altered the wording on the seat adjustment and there is now no mention of any tilt action at all. I have confirmed this to vauxhall in email as i have everything else, propbably about 20 emails so far i have threatened court action and now have no alternative as they state they will not take the matter any further any advice
  5. Hi All, I returned to my car after picking up a load of wood flooring and I had a PCN on my windscreen, however they have detailed my volkswagen as a vauxhall. Can I dispute/appeal the PCN as invalid on the grounds of the mistake on the document or do I need to argue the toss on the grounds of the loading/unloading rule. It was single yellow line and I was observed at 14:59 and I returned to car at 15:08. Any advise welcome Thanks
  6. Hi. Can anyone help here. I ordered some flooring from a company. I ordered a solid floor and the company sent an engineered floor by mistake.. I received and signed for the flooring on the 25th Jan and it was fitted on the 4th feb. I did not tell the fitter what he was fitting and he carried on and fitted half the floor. We stopped him doing this when we realised it was the wrong floor. We informed the supplier who said they would have immediately exchanged the floor if the fitter had not fitted it. they offered us £500.00 pounds compensation and said they would change the unused boxes but would not change the boxes that the fitter had already fitted. Can someone tell me where i stand Many Thanks
  7. Hi, I had received an N5B. The first three pages are correct, the last page with the statement of truth, etc, is missing and replaced with another page 2. Therefore I don't even know if the landlord signed it. I went to the court and the copy they have on file is correct with the last page there. The lady looked at mine and said I should fill out the defence form and say the form we received is not served as it is not complete, and exhibit the form we got as evidence. This would mean that the judge "might" strike it out and they would have to do it again. We have a separate defence about the serving of the Sec 21, so should I just go with the N5B being incorrectly served or add everything else as well. Is is normal for a judge to strike out because N5B incomplete when served? Thank you!
  8. Hi, I have an issue regarding defaults. Basically for about a year i have been trying to get a loan and mobile phone contracts i was getting refused all the time i didnt know why because in the past i was always getting a loan when i needed it and i have never defaulted on payments and always been good with my repayments. Im not to clued on with the whole credit score and credit report i only recently found out you can actually check all this information, so i made an account with credit expert and gained access to my online report. There are 4 defaults on my credit file which at first i didnt know nothing about three are from Lowell portfolio for mobile contracts and one is from 02, i have never defaulted on any mobile contracts!! After carefully reading the credit report i noticed something, when you read the details of the default it gives the date of birth, the date of birth for all the defaults isnt my date of birth i then realised it was my brothers date of birth, i asked and he did say he had contracts and didnt pay!! These defaults have been placed on my credit file by mistake and its really frustrated me because i was desperate for a loan a few months back for my wedding and got refused when i shouldnt have and had to settle for a low budget wedding. What i would like to know is how can i get these defaults removed and i was wondering if i could try and get some compensation for the companies putting the defaults on my credit file when they shouldnt have, the date of births are completely different how could they possibly have put them on my file it doesnt make sense. If anyone can help please reply, thank you in advance.
  9. Hello everyone - I hope somebody out there can help me! I recently ordered a second hand Laptop screen from eBay (Business Seller) at a cost of £40. It was received faulty so they asked be to return it – It cost me £10 in postage. The shop said they would send me a compatible replacement. Unfortunately, the one received could not be fitted properly and it did not fit the description of the original item I ordered. This screen was returned at a further cost of £10 At this point the staff were very helpful and, although I had to wait a couple of weeks, they finally refunded me my original £40 payment. I requested that in view of the full circumstances they should also refund me the total cost of return postage (£20) for the faulty/incorrect items. The shop replied: We do not cover return postage... see our site for T&C. How can we refund what we have have not received? You asked for a refund, you have a refund – Please be aware that the Sale of Goods differs as the items were second hand. I response I said: Second-hand should not mean second-rate Even if the item's second-hand or reduced, it doesn't mean you get second-rate consumer rights, except where the seller points out the specific problems before the item was bought. As you have sent faulty/wrong items then I’m entitled to 100% refund of cost and postage! The shop said I’m talking rubbish and if I took it to Small Claims I would lose and I will be responsible for their legal fees. My question is... are the shop right in what they are saying or are they just trying to scare or intimidate me? I know it only £20 but that is a lot to me at the moment! Kindest regards,
  10. My name is Mustafa, and I was a customer of Vodafone until November 2011. My credit score has been messed up by Vodafone, and it has ruined my life completely. I failed my loan application and mortgage refused. I made an upgrade in November 2011 with Vodafone and never received the handset, because at that time there was a waiting time log for Iphone 4s handsets. Therefore I cancelled the upgrade. Vodafone staff also cancelled the order BUT never reversed the upgrade. It therefore showed as if I continued the contract for another 24 months even though I never received the device. On the same day I went to another network provider (Three network) and transferred my number. I have received a bill for £790.00 from Vodafone (2 years line rental). I have on the same day spoke to Vodafone and they promised to sort this error and reverse the order, and send me the final bill. It took them 6 months before they cancelled and settled my account. I have received a bill for £35.00 in June and the account is now closed. However; I am keep on getting refused for my credit because on my reports it is showing as if I defaulted to pay Vodafone for 6 months. I have contacted all credit rating companies and explained the situation to them. I have spoken to Vodafone many times and the payment history are still showing as defaulted payments, and as if I missed out the monthly payments of incorrect £790.00. I need to get this fixed as soon as possible as it is severely affecting me financially. I couldn't even re-mortgage my property because of this error. I need them By the looks of it Vodafone is not doing anything at all.
  11. Hey guys... didnt know what section to put this in but there has been a massive mistake by someone. I started my old job over 7 years ago. When joining the company they required national insurance card to make a copy of as well as some other documents. I put my national insurance card away in a safe place as it is not something I use every day of course. I left my job back in August, had P45. After an accident at home I phoned up the ESA people to claim that benefit. They asked for my national insurance.... I gave them the NI number that shows on my wage slip and also my p45.... however... they said the national insurance number doesnt match my name. After I was certain the NI number was correct they continued to fill in the application and said a copy of my correct number will be sent on my confirmation of the application form. Just after the phonecall ended I dug out my NI card.... and guess what? The number on the card is completely different to the number on my P45 and all of my wage slips. What can I do? The company I worked for had clearly made a mistake when copying down and putting my NI number from my NI card onto the forms... Effectively for the last 7 years of working there my NI number has been wrong and nobody has told me... even my P45 shows my name but the wrong NI number.... Thanks
  12. I will try and keep this short: I had a rep come out to me to sign me up to services with VM. This meeting was at my previous address (his choice to come early) but services were for my new address i moved into 4 days later. It was all agreed and a date set for installation. When the engineer came to install he could not as there had never been a cable from the "box" to the property... the rep told me that previous services had been at that property as a "debt had been run up there" Anyway a month later we finally got it all installed after being fobbed off twice. The broadband is slow and we are simply not happy with any of the services. I did receive a contract through the post to sign and return but the start date was incorrect, over 3 weeks earlier than it should have been so i put that down to being null and void and did not sign it or return it. If I was to cancel services now would it be breaking the contract? Is there actually a valid contract? Surely to be a valid contract VM would have to provide proof that I was aware of early cancellation fees and that I had agreed to them by signing the contract? I have a billing issue also. The rep said he could give me free installation just like the online offer. He said he would ring his manager to apply it on the first bill.... guess what, we got charged and when I contacted VM about this they siad I had to provide evidence of this, how can I when it was done verbally? So did the rep lie to me? I contacted him again and he said he would sort it but if it is lies then a formal compalint will also be on the way as part of the condition of us signing up was free installation that the rep promised. Any views on this? Thanks.
  13. Hi all, If the Fos deem they will not take interest in a dispute because it predates the credit consumer act what options do I have? Is it simply that I must appoint a solicitor? It's quite bizarre because the actual loan was pre credit consumer act; but the actual 'dispute' is after that date i.e. there is no issue with anything previous to that. Equally its debatable if the 'loan' exists in it's current form.. .. i.e. as confirmed by a few solicitors it's a rather grey area... Any help appreciated Cheers
  14. Hi I recently switched supplier from Eon to another company. I received a call from Eon retention dept to ask why - ive moved to a capped deal and also because their monthly DD has now gone up to £270 (combined) and I cant pay that! Their rep was very helpful. She said my usage is enoromous and made the assumption that I lived with loads of people. She said that last year I used nearly twice the average household amount of gas. I asked her what I had used during the summer and she said 18000, which is half the average annual household useage. This set the alarm bells off for me. I havent used my central heating all during the summer. Even now the kids are moaning for me to put it on and because of the increase in my DD (was previously paying £170, now gone up to £270) I wont put it on. im a single parent, 3 kids, work full time so house is empty all day.In the winter, the heating is only on 6hrs maximum per day. I only have gas boiler, everything else is elec. After many many problems with my not very old but very unreliable boiler (18mths old) I replaced it last September with a Worcester Bosch 30CDi combi (which I understood to be most economical version...) When I have looked on the Eon energy tracker, it shows that my usage is increased by over 700%!!!!! on last year. I had an engineer call round to check that I dont have a leak. Thankfully I dont! The company that installed the boiler have been back and checked that same thing. They also then fired the boiler and then went to check how much - and said as expected, it was using a minimal amount...... Ive been taking meter readings for a week, but to be honest, Im not really sure what to do with them. Can anyone advise me where to do from here.
  15. I am not sure how common this is for the indigenous students of London? Almost two years ago, I studied for a Masters (Msc) degree at a leading London University in a Mathematics based subject. 99% of the students on the course were overseas Indian students. For some unknown reason I was charged the exact same tuition fees as the overseas Indian students. I should have only been charged £3,000 but I was charged £12,000. I complained non-stop to the universities finance department and they attempted to correct the mistake but failed to do anything to resolve it. I was then officially suspended from the university for not paying the £12,000 tuition fees within the agreed time. This meant I could not attend lectures, sit exams or hand in project work. I complained to the course tutor but I was ignored. I complained to the head of the finance department but I was ignored. I complained to the head of the Mathematics department but I was ignored. I have never received a reply from anyone at the university. I wrote further emails and letters to the university finance department. None have ever been acknowledged. I then received a letter from the University bailiff company demanding I pay £12,000 plus their administration charges. I decided to change my approach by escalating the matter to my local MP. My MP managed to persuade the university to see its failures. I received a revised bill of £3,000. No explanation was given for their mistakes. I was still deeply disappointed at the way my education and time had been wasted. The university expects the full tuition fees to be paid. Why should I pay for a course which I have not received? I should have only been charged for the six weeks I attended the university. None of this was my fault. I find myself in a situation where I have been issued with a county court judgement for £3,495. How can I reverse this or even fight it?
  16. Sorry if I post this in the wrong forum. 4 years ago I relocated to Asia. For this reason I sold my car and cancelled my insurance. I left £1600 on my Barclay's bank account. In December 2011 I attempted to transfer £44.000 from Asia to my bank account, but the transfer failed. I couldn't figure out why. I relocated back to UK in February only to find out that my account had been defaulted and closed. After some investigation it turned out that Tesco car insurance had opened a new direct debit against my account to insure a car I no longer owned. The £1600 had been spent on this. As a result of this the £1600 was gone, and when the overdraft wasn't paid the account was closed. My Experian credit report was struck by a defaulted account with Barclays. The amount is £315 The dept has since been "sold" to a company by the name "Lowell Portfolio". Lowell didn't have my address since I was living in Asia, but that didn't stop them to register a defaulted account with Experian. The defaulted amount is £316. Lowell has also registered one more defaulted account with Experian, this amount is for £913 After talking with Lowell, I have announced my willingness to pay the incorrect alleged dept if they agree to remove the defaulted account from Experian, but they refuse to do this. I have also agreed to pay if they are able to provide details of the dept in question, but so far they have not been able to provide ANY details that shows exactly HOW this alleged dept occurred. I don't have any financial difficulties or problems paying this dept, but I feel bad about paying something I shouldn't, especially since I am being penalised for it in my credit report. Should I pursue this legally? How do I do that?
  17. I recently got a PCN however the attendant rushed to fill it in and added a 0 or O into my number plate when I don't have anything similar to that... Should I pay it or hope that they won't trace me???
  18. Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me with this issue. I had a loan from Egg which I couldn't afford to pay back when I lost my job back in 2005. The account went into default in 12/05/2006 and was passed onto Cabot Financial. The default from Cabot was due to be removed in May 2012, which it was, however, now the default has been relisted by Egg dated 30/11/2010, meaning it will not be removed from my account until 2016! My partner and I were waiting for this default to be removed before we try to get a mortgage to buy our first home. I have no way of paying it back so the default is satisfied quickly as the default makes up around 15% of our deposit. Now I know for a fact that this was originally defaulted in 2007 with Egg, but I have not kept any paperwork or proof of that being the default date. Is there any way of getting this default removed, or proving that the default date of 30/11/2010 is incorrect without having a hard copy/proof of the original default? Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated by myself and my partner. Thanks in advance Mike
  19. I have just replied to a letter from ebay regarding an item that I purchased (cost less than £4 including delivery) but the fact that I had updated my data after moving last year and they still had my old address in their system, which they issued the trader with as the postal address prompted me to take this issue further. Requesting advice comments regarding when to put the brakes on as know I can get carried away, and When I do get my data from them, what are the options regarding taking this further to recover all cost Below is The reply I got Followed by my reply back to Ebay .. As they are winding me up now all I originally wanted was an apology... But they seem to want to play the blame Game Hello xxxxx Thank you for writing back to eBay with regard to old address provided to the seller. I apologise for the delay in replying to your email, and any inconvenience this may have caused. I have reviewed your account and found below registration address & postage address: From March 08, 2010 - July 19, 2012: xxxxxx From July 19, 2012 - present: xxxxxx As the item purchased on 8th July, 2012 system will not display your new address to the seller. If the item has not been accepted at your old address, it should be returned to the seller. You need to contact the seller to see if they have received it back. I hope this answered your question. Kind Regards, .................................................... Dear xxxx That information is from the page hidden behind the page with the 3 parts that are updated when entering the change of address page... Even in your initial contact reply sent out when the issue was first raised shows the area the data was taken from with your std email template would not be changed Subject: How to change your account information - SR# xxxxxxxxxx - If your primary postage address is different from your registration address, update it as soon as possible. Here's how: 1. From the "Account" tab in My eBay, click the "Addresses" link. 2. Click the "Change" link to the right of the information you want to change. You may need to sign in again. 3. On the "Registration Information" page, update your information. 4. Click the "Save Changes" button. 5. Review your changes. If you need to make any corrections, click the back arrow on your browser to return to the previous page. 6. Click the "Submit" button. --- Note --- -- If you have a PayPal account, make sure your account details are up to date. -- Make sure your postal address is correct. -- If you have multiple eBay accounts, be sure to change your registration information on each account. Follow the above and you end up with the following:- Registration address: - Updated Last Year 2011 xxxxxxxx Primary postage address: - Updated Last Year 2011 Your main postage address for purchases xxxxxxx Primary return address: - Updated Last Year 2011 Your main return addresses where buyers can return their items to xxxxxxx All changed 2011 ... using the CHANGE link on the right of each of the addresses The Address that you pointing out was found after finding out that the Item was posted to the Old address under the link view all postal addresses... The 8 Principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 Includes Accurate and kept up to date - data subjects have the right to have inaccurate personal data corrected or destroyed if the personal information is inaccurate to any matter of fact. Only create and retain personal data where absolutely necessary. Securely dispose of or delete any personal data which is out of date, irrelevant or no longer required. Hold regular reviews of files and discard unnecessary or obsolete data. Keep all personal data up to date and accurate. Note any changes of address and other amendments. If there is any doubt about the accuracy of personal data then it should not be used. As the information was updated in the 3 front end visible areas in the account address area of your web site this makes Ebay responsible "If there is any doubt about the accuracy of personal data then it should not be used." "Hold regular reviews of files and discard unnecessary or obsolete data." Hence why I now require ALL information relating to me including all Data and Date time stamps as I am certain that you have breached the Data protection regulations. I have been to the old Address and the people living there advised they have not received any Items in our name - we also paid for Mail redirect for a year after moved (which expired beginning of June). The Item was for under £4.00 and your customer service policy appears to be Put up a wall, the customer requires educating... send them a guide which basically mentions part of the issue...they will go away. If they continue look reasons they you can blame them or the trader. Without even checking the full history. I am about to spend a further £10 for the ALL the Data held on your systems (nearly 3 times more than the Item that has caused this issue to be raised) and probably less than the cost of Ebay investigating and replying so far. This will now need to go to your legal department for investigation as I am taking this issue further with the governing body the ICO as the Data policy EBAY has in place does not appear to be compliant with the data protection act 1998, when it comes to regular reviews of files and discard unnecessary or obsolete data For the future the word sorry would have gone a long way!! and cost far less Regards
  20. So after making an idiot mistake, I've got a PCN with incorrect Location on the ticket. The tickets state I am parked in Charlecote Road, but I am actually parked in Warwick Gardens, indeed there own photos of the location show the end of the road and the beginning of mine - so do I have grounds to contest?
  21. Hi hope someone may be able to offer advice, my son has been insured with endsleigh for past six months, previous to this with insurance company for two years with no problems, he has never had an accident nor made a claim, as his mum I am named as additional driver, I rarely use the car and I have no other car and therefore no other policy, I have never had an accident nor made any claim, I just drive very occasionally. Today my son has received a letter from Endsleigh wanting an explanation as to why when they have searched the Claims and Underwriting (CUE) register, the information supplied by him at time of taking out the policy does not match suggesting in the letter, nothing specific but stating that " they have searched this register and can confirm that claims have been supplied to the register by other insurers in relation to previous insurance experience on another motor insurance policy for a driver on your policy" this made no sense to him at all, but as they were asking for a written explanation within 14 days or they would cancel his insurance from inception, he rang the number provided, when he explained , they stated the reg of car involved and my son realised this related to my husband, his dad, they have both got same christian and surname but different middle names and certainly different dates of birth. My son explained the error , however Endsleigh state it is my son who needs to prove it wasnt him and that they dont have access to dates of birth to search this register, when it was suggested to Endsleigh that this was a breach of Data protection, they then said the additional driver was my husband, therefore that is why his information came up, however I am the additional driver different christian name , date of birth etc from hubby, who by the way is appalled his son now has been given this information, Endsleigh have given my son the name of insurance company (hubbys previous)again hubby furious, to contact as they say my son must sort this out. Question is how ? and why do insurance companies have access to personal information if they are not able to protect it ? help anyone ?
  22. Hi, I have received a letter from BPO collections for a final demand for council tax. It is for a 2.5 year period from 2000-2002. I only rented the property for 3 months. I moved back to my parents afterwards so have no council tax payment proof for the following years. They asked for bank statements but I dont have these and am no longer with the same bank. They dont have any lease agreement in my name and admitted they dont know who owned the property at the time. They advised me to set up a payment plan to BPO for the three months that I do owe them and when they have proof they will recalculate the bill. I dont want to do this because it will look like I am accepting liability Can anyone help?
  23. Hi I crashed my car - unfortunately totally my fault. Called my insurers, got recovered. All great! Then I got home and looked through my policy, this is when I noticed that my car reg no is correct, the car make is correct, part of the model is correct but the year of reg and the sub model are wrong.... What should I do? Do I call the insurance co and tell them? Or is it not a big issue? I'm now so worried I'm not insured I feel sick Not helped by the fact my cars now in recovery and the guy I hit got out of his car holding his neck! And I've read some reviews on the IC that are less than favourable. I'm in fear this is going to cost me a lot! I also now know I should have been more vigilant on checking my CN (checked reg no. & start date) but at the time I didn't have the car or the log book in my possession (I was getting it in the next cpl of weeks and just wanted everything in place) Bit of purchase backgroud... When I brought this policy, I was just about to go ahead with a DL quote but was called on the back of a comparison site search asking me if they could try and do cheaper. So I agreed, ASDA coming closest but not beating DL. The caller said if I spoke with Asda direct they might be able to lower it even more. So through to Asda I go, give all my details again and the chap says he can go lower than DL not by much but still cheaper. I agreed and brought the policy there and then. To finalise this deal he had to have his supervisor authorise it and it went through no problems....till now! When ever I use my reg number to look for insurance/tyres/parts ect the details come up spot on so I don't think this is a database error rather a definite human error. I've just checked my old quote from DL (Done totally online) and its details are perfect. Thanks for reading and I hope someone can help me out..
  24. Hi If I wrote to every bank in the country saying someone had been a late payer and they weren't then I would have thought they could sue me. If this is the case then why is the only thing a bank can offer when a late payment is clearly wrong is to remove it? Shouldn't they also pay compensation for this? I have an issue with a bank who said they would close the account and I should pay an amount each month to pay the amount due which I did because I will ill and couldn't deal with things very well then. At the beginning of this year I found out the account hadn't been closed but was still opened and they accepted a payment into the account. I also had a savings account with the amount due in it at the time they originally called me but they didn't mention this and I was too ill to deal with financial matters, my argument is that they had a right of appropriation and that if the account wasn't closed then a payment plan shouldn't have been marked on my credit file and if it was it should be when the account came under the overdraft limit rather than when it went back to zero.
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