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  1. Hi, I currently have an ongoing complaint against MBNA with the Financial Ombudsman Service. It is awaiting a decision from an Ombudsman and has been for a number of months. I have had no contact from MBNA since the complaint was made. The complaint is regarding harassment from MBNA and them ignoring offers of payment on a credit card debt. Today I received a letter from Arrow Global telling me they had taken over the account and would be instructing Wescot to collect the amount from me. A letter from MBNA was also enclosed, which stated that they have terminated my agreement and have decided to sell the account to Arrow. I was wondering, can they do this whilst a complaint is ongoing? And if they can, any advice as to what I should do. Thank you.
  2. I'm not gonna ask "how long until I get a decision?" because that's unfair and no one here will know. What I wouldn't mind knowing is if anyone has currently got an outstanding complaint, how long it's been ongoing and what stage it's at? Mine is approaching 15 months since I complained to the FOS and is still awaiting allocation to an adjudicator...
  3. HI Quick question my eight weeks are up since submitting my questionaire, the last letter I had stated I would have a reply by the 6th September, nothing has come through do I put this to the FOS now? Or give them a couple of extra days. I phoned today and they could give me no indication when they would respond.
  4. Sorry for a rather rambling post This is regarding a claim which I began in July 2011 - sent to the FOS in Oct last year. I received a phone call from FOS in Sept stating that (or so I thought ) my claim had been upheld and that they had written to the company concerned. When I received the letter it would appear that it was actually the assesor's recommendation was that the claim should be upheld. It stated that they had written to the company and had given them around 10 working days to either agree to settle my complaint as the FOS suggested, make me an offer or write to the FOS with further information. After about three weeks I rang the FOS as I had not heard anything and I was told they had not heard anything and they usually gave the companies a bit of leeway for replies as they were inundated with claims. I rang again after a couple of weeks and again they had not heard anything but had written again to the company asking them to reply soon - by this time I was getting a bit stressed about this. I left it another couple of days and rang again - still nothing but this time the call operator told me to contact the company direct and even googled the phone number for me ! So I did, obviously I assumed what the FOS told me was correct.......the company did not know anything about the Sept letter and said that they had not agreed with any assessment...............obviously I know realised I should not have rung them ! I rang the FOS back - very unhappy. They said to leave a few more days and ring again and that the previous operator should not have told me to ring the company. So I did and yet again I seemed to get someone who did not seem to be very "on the ball" about things and kept saying that they were still waiting to hear and that they would ring the company whoch they did and rang me back to say that they had left a message. I rang again a few days later to see if they had heard and yet again they hadn't. I KEPT ASKING HOW LONG DO YOU GIVE THE COMPANY's concerned but no-one seemed to know or be willing to tell me. I made one final phone call last week and finally got someone who after looking at the case and I think they also spoke to someone else said that they would pass it to an Ombudsman athe company had not replied I knew it would take a while but again no timescales............ I received the letter saying it had been sent to the ombudsman saying that if I wished to give them more info then I had till the 25/11 to do so.................it also said that the Ombudsman could arrive at a different decision than the initial assessment. I have three questions - I know that no-one can give me preceise answers but I am just asking those of you who have more experience in this field. 1. Do I write, fax or email them saying that I have no further info and can I request that it is passed to the Ombudsmam forthwith - or are we waiting for the Company again ! and what form of post is best. 2. How long can it take from this stage; I know that everything is different but I naively thought that as soon as I got to the phone call I received it was sorted. 3. How often are the Ombudsman decisions different to the initial assessments ? Sorry don;t really want to name the company on the public forum ! Thank you for reading
  5. Hi all, If the Fos deem they will not take interest in a dispute because it predates the credit consumer act what options do I have? Is it simply that I must appoint a solicitor? It's quite bizarre because the actual loan was pre credit consumer act; but the actual 'dispute' is after that date i.e. there is no issue with anything previous to that. Equally its debatable if the 'loan' exists in it's current form.. .. i.e. as confirmed by a few solicitors it's a rather grey area... Any help appreciated Cheers
  6. I have recently received a reply from FOS regarding my PPI complaint. They have turned down my appeal for miss selling against a large building society. The claim goes back to 1991 when we originally took out the mortgage and all the add on`s that the building society strongly recommended at the time. I stated that at no time were we offered the option to purchase these products elsewhere should we wish to do so. The FOS mention in their reply that the building society sold these products on an advice basis only and that the building society were under no obligation to make us aware we could have purchased alternative policies elsewhere!..................Is this correct? Many thanks in advance for all replies
  7. after nearly 2 years of reclaiming my PPI from GE Money, they referred me to Pinnacle. Guess what Pinnacle, claim it is with GE Money. GE Money say no and that is their final decision. To go ask the FLA. Obviously, I did not wait for that, I thought I would be smart and ask the FOS for help. at the same time, they asked Pinnacle, and 9 months later, they say, they need to wait on Pinnacle´s decisions. Because, the Insurance advisor is not in their jurisdiction. Any advise, gladly welcomed. Tired and fed up!
  8. Its been a while since I posted so heres the outcome. The fos have received an offer from Minicredit to settle the debt. Basically it is the original loan+interest+the 2 default fees less what i have already paid. The fos adjudicator basically said that in his view the second default charge was fair enough as I didn't contact them until after that date.In his view their offer was fair and correct. I am going to accept the offer as Minicredit said they would be willing to negotiate a payment plan if I wanted one. Also the Ombudsman could still find in there favour and I really don't want to take that chance! KEEP AT IT PEOPLE! You can EVENTUALLY make them listen!
  9. Hi All. This morning I got my final decision from the Ombudsman after the file was passed beyond a case worker. The FOS have rejected my claim which I feel is a no brainer and has left me a bit confused about the whole FOS purpose, as the company are recorded giving false and inaccurate information. I have all recorded calls which proves beyond doubt a loan I had was sold to me with features which do not exist and also using expressions which lead me to believe the loan was fixed rather than variable. ie them using words like "remainder" and "thereafter" in relation to monthly payment amounts. The FOS have said as I have signed the agreement, the fact the advisor failed to mention in EVERY call the loan was variable and did not point out payments could go up or down was okay. The FOS seem to think they did not need to mention this. The FOS have failed to comment on why the adviser told me I could over pay each month when this is not a feature of the loan. Almost as if they have not read my complaint and listened to the actual recordings. It seems they are just relying on the signed agreement. I can imagine its easy to sound hard done by here, but the recordings are so clear in what was said and what was omitted I need to know what the next best step is in order to ensure the recordings are listened to and justice is done. Does anyone know if am I best employing a solicitor or just going down the court proceeding route myself as it is so black and white the incorrect information sold to me and the numerous breaches of the CCA and OFT rules. This really is not just my imagination but the FOS rejecting my claim has left me confused. Thanks in advance for any help and pointers. RP
  10. Hi, Sorry to start a new thread but can't find any of my old ones! So, following on from my previous post which was something along these lines: I sent Egg my FOS Questionnaire and SOC and they responded very quickly with a "NO". I had some fab advice here and DX wrote me a template which I sent telling them to prove the box wasn't pre-ticked and that I could have continued if I'd un-ticked, respectfully refer them to the news article of them being fined blah blah. well the 8 weeks is up and still no reply to my "prove it" letter so shall I send a LBA or go straight to FOS?? It's only £300 so was hoping they'd cough up rather than me take to FOS. Citi paid me out and the PPI was same time and same reasons given. Citi and Egg are SAME COMPANY! even the addresses that I write to are exactly the same and the same person always signs for my recorded letters. Is there a template to send or is FOS my best course of action?? Thanks in advance
  11. Hi After a lot letters Egg have finally sent me my SAR information. It appears that I had been paying PPI since I opened the card account in 1999. However, it mysteriously stopped without my having cancelled it in March 2005, I am not sure how I would have asked them to stop paying something I didn't know I was paying. I closed the Egg account in 2007. It says that I applied via the internet for my card, I cannot remember ticking any box saying that I wanted PPI. I was reading something about this box being pre ticked on the Egg website in the early days, do you know if this happened in 1999??? If so did this mean I was mis-sold? I have calculated the amount to be £2277 paid in PPI on my credit card so you will understand that I am keen to pursue this claim. Can anyone help me with my case, I have got this far with the template letters on this site, but just need a bit of help. Many thanks
  12. All Just wanted to let everyone know how I dealt with some these companies. I had loans with Payday Express, Quick Quick, Speed-e-loans, 1 Month, Mr Lender, CFO Lending, Txt Loan, PDUK, 247 Moneybox, and Wonga. Right, after a a few email exchanges, Wonga, 1 Month, Mr Lender, 247 Moneybox, Txt Loan, and PDUK, all agreed to repayment plans, freezing interest and only charging the amount in the loan agreement of initial loan + 1 months interest. Quick Quid, I had advised them that I was in financial trouble, but they kept lending to me. So when I defaulted I wrote a complaint and threatened to go to OFT and FOS. After over a month of email negotiations and me standing firm, they reduced my balance by nearly £1,000. The remainder was repaid on on a repayment plan. CFO Lending and Payday Express, both ended up with the FOS. I got a repayment plan agreed with CFO and Payday Express, whilst my complaint was being investigated. Basically, mid way through investigation, I made my proposal and it was accepted to my surprise, both over 12 months. All interest frozen/charges frozen. My guess is they wanted to be seen as wanting to help. Initially, they were adding on silly charges, not freezing interest etc...Speed e loans, are a funny bunch. They would still would still want to add on charges. It ended up with FOS, I then decided to withdraw my complaint (as they were just about to investigate it), and sent the complaint to the BCA, which is still ongoing. Right in regards to FOS, I have found them to be, quite frankly, useless. They mainly favour the payday loan companies. Also they make huge mistakes. In regards to my complaint with Speed e loans, 8 weeks had already passed, therefore they should investigate my complaint. However, they ended up writing to Speed e loans asking them to respond to my complaint and gave them another 8 weeks!!! I submitted the complaint to FOS in March and in August, they were still no where near investigating the complaint due to their mistakes - hence why I withdrew it. On another occasion, I submitted a complaint in March to FOS regarding my insurance company (incident happened in Jan and I gave them 8 weeks), after 3 more mistakes by FOS, I am sitting here in October, wondering when it will begin being investigated! Overall, the FOS are not brilliant, after communicating with 6 different people on different complaints, I have only met one that seemed to be clued up. However, dont expect miracles from the FOS, but use them to get what you i.e. the repayment plan, as the payday loan companies do seem to be far more cautious with them than how they would deal with you directly.
  13. The FOS report that they are currently receiving 1500 PPI related complaints every day. In the August issue of their news they give some examples of cases they have upheld,and also those rejected.Worth a read. http://financialombudsmanservice.newsweaver.co.uk/Newsletter/1nqfti6z0ss1ejplibozya?rss=true
  14. Hello Everyone I would like to share my terrible experience with you all... HSBC and then the Ombudsman.... My concern started in October 2009... personally I am a Financial Analyst and decided to invest some money in a HSBC Invest Direct (share dealing) account, which is DD to my HSBC Plus account, which means I have got 2 different contract with HSBC. I made quite few thousands in couple of years... In October 2009 unfortunately I was diagnoised with swine flu and could not manage to get out of the bed, in the meanwhile few days before couple of my orders were executed and which made me overdrawn £5,750 in my HSBC Plus current account but considering I have got £1,500 authorised overdraft limit and appx £15,000 worth shares in my Invest Direct account.... HSBC started to charge me around £398 in 2 months and then decided to sell my shares and suspend my account... The contract says: HSBC Invest Direct: If you do not have sufficient funds in your account, HSBC has got rights to sell your shares.... HSBC Plus account says: I have got an authorised overdraft limit of £1500 and excessive use of this limit will be penalised with daily interest + fees (which does not state any kind of how much unauthorised you can go up to) Wait for this... I was overdrawn around £5,750 from which I have got an authorised overdraft limit of £1,500 and they sold a total of £6,145 worth shares in 2009... and also they suspended my share dealing account for around 10 days in which I had around another £9K worth shares.... I tried to contact HSBC and proceed my complaint and of course dont be naive... NO result.... when has anyone seen to get a result with their complaints in the first step... I tried to contact the person who authorised to sell my shares, and asked him why he sold more than even the overdraft? his answer was: "We left you a budget for your daily expenditures" I asked him if he has ever seen me paying any bills from my account? he said "No" I took this case to the Ombudsman.... Great big Ombudsman... only 500-600meters away from HSBC headquarter.... 3 adjudicator amazingly found HSBC within their terms and conditions.... I appealed and requested a "Final Decision".... in August 2010.... Mr Ombudsman took my case as the adjudicators are not allowed to give the final decision.... He took his time and in February 2011... he gave a "Provisional Decision" of fair compensation for me his words were: "A = Total amount sold B = Unauthorised overdraft (which means - £1,500 of authorised overdraft) C = A - B So I was supposed to be getting C amount of shares in todays value as compensation .... When I proved that my C amount of shares are worth £6,750 in todays value (current BBC prices), I think they did not like that... Then what happened.... Final Decision came in October 2011... NO COMPENSATION given and HSBC has rights to do so??? I took it further and went to the Independent Asssessor.... No result..... upppss sorry, I should not say like that... here is the result I got: The Great Big Ombudsman sent me a cheque of £100 as an appology as it took 21 months to come to this conclusion (if you consider average handling time for each case is 6 months) ... I call it as "Consolation Prize" Keep quite son! we give you £100 go and have a glass of wine, which will cool you down What I dont understand is; if I used my credit card and bought lots of stuff and gone overdrawn, what would have happened? I dont expect HSBC would come and cease my clothes or the stuff I bought? Even if they were right (which they are not) why did they charge me £398 for an unauthorised overdraft fee + Interest + daily charges? It is a service that I have not received and why did they sell my shares? I dont really know what happened between Feb and October 2011 but it is not really surprising especially if you consider HSBC HeadQuarter and Financial Ombudsman is only 2-3 street far away each other.... May be a nice lunch break in an expensive restaurant or a small coffee shop will be a great place to negotiate??? What do you think???? Anyway I really dont know what to do??? I tried to contact the media sources, tried everything... Sky, BBC, ITV Daily Mail, FT, etc... even Daybreak and Lorraine no response.... I would really appreciate if anyone can help me as I ran out of my options... Btw European Ombudsman is not even bothered about it, they are more interested in Euro then GBP Kind regards
  15. I have done a claim for my Father, who was a policeman at the time - both Santander AND the FOS have declined his claim partly saying that it was ages ago and have also said that he could have claimed on the policy had he been made redundant. I don't really understand how they can say that when he was a policeman at the time (now retired) and also had high blood pressure. I guess the next stage is court? The problem is, the claim was made a few years ago - can I just send the prelim letter to them now threatening it, or do I have to start the claim again?
  16. avoiding catalogue chaos 2 August 2012 the latest issue of Disability magazine features the ombudsman's money tips on avoiding problems with catalogue credit
  17. Just sent off a SAR for info on an account from 2000. Have been told already they can't locate the agreement. However, they were good enough to send a copy of my application which I found had PPI selected. On the application I had requested a transfer of balances to this card of £2,000 at the start. I had noticed with Lloyds they were trying to calculate any PPI payments based on estimates as they said the info of statements etc was no longer available to make an accurate calculation. They quoted the FOS guidelines to calculate on these accounts without information. In preparation to this bank saying they no longer have details of my account statements does anyone know how to calculate a monthly amount with a starting balance of £2000 going up to say £4000 for a period of 2 years?
  18. i know i am cutting this fine but i have been very ill and only have the chance to address this now so i will try to be as brief as possible i took a loan in 2000 - in 2002 i was finding things financially tight i was working 10 hour days and trying to finish a degree after rent and childcare my loan payment was the biggest expense i had so i contacted the bank and asked if they would extend the loan term to reduce payments they flatly refused and said if i didnt take a "managed" loan they would turn the loan i had over to debt collectors when they did the managed loan they put in the credit card balance i had and overdraft (which i was having no trouble in paying) so 10 odd years later i am still paying this loan and worked out that on an original £5,000 loan i had paid back nearly £12,000!!! in with this was the ppi which i was told i had to take or they wouldnt give me a loan - i wrote to hsbc and complained and said that surely i had paid enough but they ignored me and put the outstanding balance with debt collectors - not knowing then what i know now i went to the FOS - the muppet who was supposed to be helping me ignored what i had to say about the loan and there being no terms or conditions sent out so the bank acted illegally when they took my money but he focused on the ppi issue - after over 3 years i get a call saying they are finally going to look at both issues seperately - only to recieve a decision letter offering the £500 back i paid on the ppi plus 8% simple interest (whats the difference from interest and simple interest?) so i rejected the offer as they would not refund over £500 the bank charged in admin fees cos the ppi did not run its full course - i waited again for a decision which i recieved a couple of weeks ago - they are completely ignoring the issue of the bank taking money without giving me terms and conditions and are trying to make out how helpful the bank were to give me the deal they did and also said they would not go into the details of the case because the point of law over the terms is not for them to answer!! they gave me the original offer over the ppi ignoring the £500 taken in admin fees but are allowing the bank to take bank the outstanding loan balance and send me the rest - which after waiting for over 3 years is not worth having!! and above and beyond what the FOS would expect the bank to do when they have taken the money to pay off the loan they will remove all reference off my credit file - like they are doing me a huge favour!! i am so angry that the bank can rip me off like this and the FOS pat them on the back for doing so but to the reason i need help - i want to know if i can take the bank to court over the fact they took my money without terms (i have an email from the FOS where they admitted the bank told them they had no terms) and get my money back - if i turn down the FOS offer would this affect the court action i am taking? and how would i go about taking hsbc to court do i have to write and inform them before doing so? i would really really appreciate some advice and pointers in the right direction - as i say i am on a tight deadline to know before i write to the FOS telling them to stuff thier offer and a few other home truths about thier biased service thank you to anyone who can help
  19. In 2007 my Father made an investment with an IFA. The IFA mis-sold the investment (unguaranteed Skandia bond) as they had critical flaws in there Risk Analysis Customer Profile Scoring Syestem - it is printed incorrectly! He should have been "Conservative" risk but incorrectly scored "Balanced" (The FSA will not tell us if they have investigated). A complaint was made to the FOS by myself on behalf of my 80 year old Father who made the investment (£80,000). To cut the chase, we protected the investment by my Father transferring all rights and ownership of the bond to me and my sister who are his only children (thus if he died, the bond would not "die" with him). The Ombudsman upheld the case, but in doing so, asked my sister and I to sign a form from them "to keep their records up-to-date". It turns out 3 years on, this form put the complaint into all 3 names (against our primary wish - it was always my Father's complaint). The FOS said that now 3 people were involved, the current value of the bond would be used as the point of compensation. The problem is, I had worked the bond for 3 years and managed to increase the value by around £12,000 (when my father transferred it to my sister and I it was worth £58,000 - we had also contributed by coicidence around £13000 by private arrangement toward "buying" his bond from him). The FOS informed the IFA that they had to compensate for the current loss (now £10,000), plus interest at base rate ONLY, not the base rate +1% as shown in their fact sheets. I asked that my sister and I be removed form the complaint. The FOS advised that if we did that, my Father would not receive compensation. That was the final decision. If my sister and I DID NOT sign the decision, my Father would not receive his compensation. We were advised by the FOS we had to sign as we were part of the complaint, yet we only signed the original form as the FOS instructed us to do so, with no explanation given as to the ramifications! My Father was now 83 and has waited long enough for the FOS decision. Although we signed, my sister and I made it clear we did not agree with the FOS making us part of the complaint. We complained to the Chief Ombudsman and the Independent Assessor. The Assessor acknowledges that no reason or note was given at the point that my Sister and I were told to sign, but that as we were now part of the complaint, the FOS were right to use the current value of the bond, although my Father had not owned it for 3 years, so we effectively lost the time and effort put into increasing the value as this was awarded to the IFA so they did not have to pay compensation based on the £58,000 bond value when it was transferred. To add insult, we then argued with the FOS for 8 months as to why the +1% was not used on the base rate. There were no reasons given, but it turns out the IFA's insureres DID PAY the extra 1%, according to the FOS, without being instructed to do so!! (WHY)??? Good news for my Father, but my sister and I lost our £12000 made on the bond as it was awarded to the IFA as a current value of my Father's Bond, even though he hadn't owned it for 3 years. The FOS stated they assumed we would come to a suitable "arrangement" with my Father! Our MP is now involved but has been fobbed off with the FOS refusing to answer any of my concerns. We are hoping to take this to the Treasury Select Comittee. I cannot afford to go to court. Is there anything else we can do? Please advise..... By the way, the IFA kept their £6000 commission and management fee...... The FOS said they could as it was a Private Arrangement between the IFA and Skandia - but we couldn't with my Father (despite the FOS acknowledging the evidence that we had contributed £13,000)!
  20. Have sent several PPI claims to FOS in September / October of last year and received correspondence saying it would be 12 months before hearing anything so I put it out of my head till then. But I received the latest newsletter and saw the article about the 64k offer (well done ! ) and when I read the thread it said that he had put the claim in to the FOS in late Jan and had a reply in June; so of course I am now wondering what is happening with my claim ? Can anyone give me an idea of actual timelines for FOS decisions for real claims rather than FOS estimates .............. Thanks GS
  21. Hi there, first post but been looking on here for some time and found lots of help. I have been chased by 1st Credit for a disputed debt. I requested a CCA and was sent a barely legible application form with no sig and no terms and conditions. They have continued with home visit threats and phone calls even after a recorded delivery letter stating that I do not acknowledge the debt and will only discuss in writing, I also stated clearly that I did not wish for a visit. This has led to me asking for their complaints procedure and telling them I am going to report them to the FOS for breaching OFT guidelines. They have replied stating that as I have not acknowledged the debt I am not considered a 1st Credit customer and therefore can not complain to the FOS. Is this correct? I have replied to them asking what exactly constitutes a 1st Credit customer and await the reply. Just wondered if anybody has encountered this problem. Many thanks and regards. tibar
  22. Over the last three years I have had six complaints with the FOS. All of them are unrelated and concern different companies. Out of those SIX, FIVE of them have been successfully upheld in my favour IN THE END. Here's the kicker... All of them were at first rejected. 6 out of 6 complaints rejected at first, then 5 out of those 6 complaints were later upheld in a process I have now become familiar with. On every occasion the adjudicator has at first rejected the complaint in an offhand manner that barely even addressed the point of the complaint. It was clear both from the assessment they had laid out, their view and findings that they had not even looked at the evidence I had provided or considered my side of the complaint or looked into the points made. The summary of their findings were just a lazy repeat of what the bank had said, with no bearing on my the consumer's side. Only after months and months of lengthy exchanges, repeatedly drawing attention and stressing the facts that kept being overlooked, having to ask countless times for them to actually look at the simple bank statement I had provided that clearly disproved all of the incorrect statements being relayed, and no end of other difficulties just to get a straight answer or with a focus on what the complaint was about. Very often where the bank had supplied totally incorrect information and I had supplied clear evidence to the contrary the adjudicator would just repeat the incorrect statement as fact, never even having looked at what had been supplied in hand, other times their response would be completely beside the point and bear no relevance to the content of my complaint. How can this service front itself as impartial and independent in its review of complaints? It seems the standard procedure for all complaints received is to automatically reject the consumer's complaint, and simply repeat the final response of the bank that may have no relevance to what you have complained about, your complaint and any other evidence you have provided, no matter how indefatigable or how easy you may think it would make it to clear up, goes unread. Then if you persist for six months to a year, through endless lengthy exchanges and delays, and refuse to go unheard, you may one day be fortunate enough to have your correspondence actually read that leads to proving that the point you had been making again and again after all this time was right all along. This service seriously mis sells to people, it seems there is both a strong favour towards the business over the consumer, and a disdain on consumer complaints that it's easier to reject the complaint than it is to deal with it.
  23. Just a bit of advice really. I have 1 table 1 search (outstanding debt) carried out by a certain finance company for a very old and SB'd debt. It isnt for much, approx 500 quid which they are chasing me for. I am about to respond with an SB letter, etc, however I will also ask them to remove the search from my CRF. Now given the amount, I wonder if I can use the FOS / ICO complaints charge to 'encourage' them to remove the horrid search since it is likely to cost them more than what the debt is actually worth. So my questions are this. 1. Do all complaints made to FOS/ICO end up with the 'poor' DCA having to pay an investigation fee? 2. If so, how much is it (read alot of conflicting info, somewhere mentioned £850) 3. How much of an effect does a table 1 search for outstanding debt impact my CRF, bearing in mind i'll have a total of 3 over a 18 month period. Appreciate anyones advice here. Cheers
  24. How we decide whether to tell a business to pay compensation to a consumer for “loss of use”. In this context, the term “loss of use” refers to circumstances where the consumer has been unable to use their motor vehicle because their insurer: incorrectly refused to settle a claim; “avoided” the policy (treated it as though it never existed) in error; or took too long to settle a claim (for example, the insurer took too long to carry out repairs agreed with the consumer). http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/technical_notes/loss-of-use-mv.html
  25. http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/technical_notes/debtcollecting-note.html
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