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  1. A general warning about this company and a request for some advice. We ordered and received a tap worth £77 and decided to return it in line with Tapsaver.co.uk's returns policy some months ago. We have yet to receive a refund as the company claim we did not return the item in the same packaging as we received it. Now we did return it exactly as we received it.. ..but it seems like the manager at Tapsaver, is trying to pull a fast one. The box we received it in was rather flimsy and the tap would have been jumping about on its way to us. So to make its return back to Tapsaver.co.uk a little more secure I taped up the box very securely. The manager is claiming the box arrived torn and that as a result we are not liable for a refund. I tried to reason with him several times via email and on the phone, but he doesn't seem like a very reasonable man. I have made an official complaint to Lancashire Trading Standards and Citizens Advice in the hope that they can help enforce the Sale of Goods Act (1979). Is there anything else I can do?
  2. Just received an e-mail that looked legit (well, apart from the html coding that was all over the place but that can happen to any e-mail) saying that payment to Skype for a 3 mth subscription via Paypal had been made for £39 etc. It also said if you hadn't authorised the payment to open a dispute with Paypal here (click link)... Because I wasn't born yesterday, I actually went to my PP account *not* clicking on that link but separately, and lo and behold, there is no payment made to Skype at all. So I went back to the e-mail and scrutinised it, and then realised they'd done it the simplest way of all, so easy to miss: the e-mail address used is skypes.com. I swear I had looked at it about 10 times before I spotted it, and only because I was looking hard! So there you go, if you get a strange e-mail apparently from Skype about a transaction you don't remember carrying out, be very careful where you click next. Actually, that applies to all e-mails, not just Skype.
  3. Hello Everyone, My 18 years old is starting full time college next week. I had no warning from the child benefit or the child tax credit the payments has stopped can someone please give me telephone number that don't start with the 0845 as it's impossible to contact them on the main 0845 number they just cut you off. Usually I get a letter to tell me if my child will still be in full time education this year I had nothing. If anyone has a telephone number for the child benefit line that I can get through I would be most grateful. Thanks very much helen
  4. Hello All, In 2011, I took out a one year warranty for my dishwasher with Domestic and General. This would cover me for any repairs needed in that period. I paid monthly instalments and had paid in full in April of this year and my year policy ended shortly afterwards. I checked my direct debits in August of this year and I noticed that D+G were still taking payments from my account. I contacted Domestic and General and I was told that the warranty auto renewed and that is why payments were still being taken from my account. I never wanted the warranty to auto renew and I never did expect it. Domestic and General told me that they had sent me auto renewal documents in March of this year. I NEVER received them and if I had received them I would have cancelled the policy. Last week. I asked for the warranty to be cancelled. (I never used their services in the period of unknown auto renewal I did not know a warranty was in place!) and I was told it would be and enquiries would be made with respect to direct debits being taken for a warranty in which I did not know existed. I then cancelled my direct debit arrangements - (I know I should have checked and cancelled the DD earlier but knew nothing about the auto renew!). Today, I received a very worrying letter stating I owed D+G the full amount for the year and no refund. I again contacted D+G. I was told the letter I had been sent was in error! However, I would not be sent a refund for auto renewal and payments already made. A complaint has been made. Here is the warning: Domestic and General WILL auto renew domestic appliance warranties even if you NEVER receive renewal documents. Its in the VERY SMALL small print in their terms and conditions that you will receive auto renewal documents and if they do not hear from you, they will renew it. If you never receive the auto renewal documents and do not contact them as a result - Domestic and General WILL take your money. Customer Services from Domestic and General apologised for the worrying letter sent in error. However, they refuse to pay back the money for a warranty that I did not want and did not get notified about. I did not receive any renewal documents. D+G state that their warranties (because not worded as insurance policies) are not regulated by anyone (not even the FSA/FOS) and as such are taling money from customers even after renewal documents are not received by the customer. Shocking customer service and I recommend D+G are AVOIDED! Thank you for listening.
  5. Hello, thought I better put this on CAG as an urgent warning to people! I have just discovered that a relation has signed up with this shower, and they ARE a shower They have 1 debt, of around £1500 and are on benefits - Employment Support Allowance and max DLA. This shower has signed them up, and guess what, specific figures and fees were glossed over very quickly. I have discovered that the relation is paying as an example, (I have changed figures for the moment) £100 a month to this Company. This company, for managing just the one debt, is taking £50 a month in fees, which if the relation was to stay with 123 debt solutions for the full term of paying the debt, means 123 will be making over £2k in fees, DOUBLING the debt, effectively. I am absolutely (insert extremely rude words) furious. The relative is in fact extremely ill, and is unlikely to even survive the length of the repayment term - heart and liver failure being only 2 of their health problems, but the company sold this to them as "doing the right thing" This is an absolutely disgusting disgrace, and I am going to war. To add to the insult, the relation, today, received an extremely unpleasant letter from the creditor, because 123 Debt have not, despite their claims been in contact, and so as far as the creditor is concerned the relation has simply stopped paying anything. So far, 123 debt solution have taken over "£100" and not even handed anything over to the creditor. 123 Debt Solutions also seem to be trying to box clever here, no direct debits etc for them, they have taken the relations bank card details and security code, and have given themselves a Continuous Payment Authority taking payments every 14 days. So my list of action is: Get the CPA withdrawn at the relations bank 123 debt solutions told to.... go forth and multiply, and that they are welcome to attempt to go to court for their "fees" I would love them to explain just exactly what they have done to a Judge, given the personal and health circumstances! The Creditor contacted, and offered £1 a month - the company involved does I believe have a bit of a reputation so screw them, from what I can see this has gone straight to a debt collector, after 1 missed payment. And every single regulatory authority who oversees debt management I can get my hands on contacted and formal complaints issued.
  6. Hi, My father had a meeting with his ESA advisor today where he was told that as of last Friday his ESA WRAG had expired and that he would need to re-apply in order to continue receiving ESA. He hasn't received any letter informing him of the changes. This was only the second appointment since his WCA last July in which the medical clearly states that he would not be fit to work in the long term. His condition has deteriorated since then and is scheduled to have two spinal operations over the next twelve months. In June he contacted DWP to inform them of a change in bank details and he asked them about reporting the changes in his condition as he had received his scan results and had more info - he also asked if his ESA would stop in July as he was aware of the 12 month rule - he was told that it wouldn't and he should explain the changes in his condition to the adviser who would be able to sort things out. Has anyone else been treated like this? Once he reapplies how long will it take for a decision?
  7. I have recently moved address and as a dutiful citizen advised car insurance company of change (Kwik-fit) I was informed that underwriter (Royal and Sun Alliance) were not prepared to insure that address (a little strange since More Than insurance will) Anyway was informed by KWIK-FIT that another underwriter Aviva would insure me for 3x times current premium £1500 (bear in mind i'm over 30 have never had an accident and 4 years no claims) and apparently I would need to sign up for a new 12 month renewal. If I decline and cancel then I have to £70 cancellation charge What rights do I have (if any) given that reason for cancellation is underwriter not me... Surely if I need to take out a full new policy then original is terminated and there is no cancellation fee?!? Or have I technically terminated the agreement by moving address therefore owe the cancellation fee? Technically who is the contract with is it Royal and Sun Alliance as the underwriter or Kwik-Fit as the broker Could someone give me some guidance
  8. Heads up anyone wanting to eat Cockles: Cockles from a Lancashire estuary have been found to contain dangerous levels of E.Coli and environmental officials have warned they should not be eaten. Trade in Ribble cockles has been banned until further notice by West Lancashire Environmental Health Department. Foulnaze Bank fishery, which was closed due to large numbers of unlicensed cocklers, had been due to reopen on 25 July. It will now remain closed until contamination levels decrease. More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-18838022
  9. I can confirm that if you have a problem with Parcel2Go then YOU HAVE A MAJOR PAINFUL PROBLEM. They are truly the most useless incompetent company I have ever dealt with. I’m sure there are those of you who have used Parcel2Go and not had any problem with them and would say they are great. But I have learnt that you cannot judge a company until you have had a problem with them and then see how they go about resolving the problem. This is when you get to see if they really care about their customers and want to resolve things as quickly and as painlessly as possible. I arranged a collection of a parcel from my place of work for the 18th January. It was collected. It hasn’t been seen since. As it was insured for only £20 (item worth £150) I didn’t bother putting in a claim for it as I hoped it would turn up one day and if you take the £20 you have no further claim to the item. 19/06/2012 (5 months later) I receive an email from Parcel2Go saying the parcel had been received at their depot and they want £6.50 + VAT for them to send it anywhere in the UK or they would destroy it. I phoned them on their rip off phone number 08713308066.I explained the situation to them about how I have already paid but the parcel has been missing so I should not have to pay again as you haven’t actually sent it anywhere yet. They said they would return it to me (the sender) free of charge. 25/06/2012 I receive an email from them again with a link to their website where I can pay the £6.50 + VAT for them to send it back to me. Taking slow deep breaths I phoned their rip off phone line and explained the situation again. I was told they are sorry and they sent that email by mistake and the item will be returned to me free of charge as already stated. 29/06/2012 Suspicious this company is in fact doing nothing to return this parcel to me I phoned their rip off line again to ask of the parcel status. After a long pause I am told they are waiting for the parcel to be collected and it would be collected within the next few days by Yodel. 04/07/2012 (today) Once again I phone to see what, if anything, this company has done to return this parcel to me. I was told I will have to pay £6.50 + VAT and they will send the parcel to me. With my chest about to explode and gasping for breath under the weight of the incompetence that this company dumps on my face I calmly restate everything that has already been said about my case and how I have been told 3 times now that the parcel will be returned to me free of charge. The guy on the phone tells me he will speak to the warehouse and phone me back within the hour. Obviously he doesn’t bother phoning back so I once again phone their delightfully helpful 0871 phone number and am told that a request has been put in for the parcel to be collected and returned to the sender and she can give me no further information at this time. I asked if she has a non 0871 number I could phone on in the future as I have had to phone them 5 times now and am still nowhere near getting my parcel back. Can you guess what the answer was? Well I’m glad I’ve got that off my chest….. So to sum up. Parcel2Go have had my parcel at their depot for 16 days now and even though they are “the biggest best most fantastic parcel company the world has ever known” they don’t seem to be able to arrange a simple transaction to have a parcel collected from their depot and sent to me. What an absolute joke they are. If anyone is interested I will let you know when there is another exciting chapter to this riveting saga of mine. Basically I want to tell as many people as I can about what this company is like. They make it intentionally difficult to get in contact with then. They don’t even state their rip off 08713308066 phone number on their website. I had to find that on an online forum (full of unhappy customers). They prefer to hide behind their “Live Help” which really is an even bigger joke than speaking to them on the phone. I would strongly recommend you look elsewhere for a parcel company. There is a reason why they are the cheapest….it is because they are the poorest quality. The cost of their insurance is incredibly expensive (more than the cost of sending the item in my case). I can recommend Parcel Monkey. I have sent about 10 parcels with them since learning about how Parcel2Go treat their customers. I haven’t had any problems with them and their insurance is far more reasonable. What they are like at resolving problems I am yet to find out.
  10. Hi Guys, I recently had an illness which prevented me from working for almost four weeks. The start of the illness coincided with the Bank Holiday Easter Weekend. As a result of the holidays, I was unable to get a doctors certificate until the Thursday after the weekend, ten days after I first called in. In the meantime I had been in regular contact with my employer, e mails, phone calls, but come pay day I was docked ten days wages without any warning. The first I knrew about it was when I logged into my bank account to pay my bills. I have had a meeting with the manager who made the decision. He couldn't justify the deduction, nor the amount of time I was deducted (salary cut off date was less than the time deducted). My question is, legally, should I have been told of the forthcoming deduction? The meeting was very acrimonious due to the very distinct lack of apology and the threat to put an entry into my staff file, to which I would have no recourse. Future prospective managers would see the entry and make assumptions about me, ie, troublesome. (I'm not, but I do stick up for unfairness at work). If I wanted to see my staff file, would it be a SAR or an FOI request? Any help/suggestions would be very much appreciated Buncrana.
  11. If you get an e-mail advising that you can catch Swine Flu from tins of Ham – DELETE IMMEDIATELY! It’s SPAM!
  12. I recently booked a holiday to Portugal and due to having 2 young children, I chose the flights that were at the best times, rather than the cheapest. This meant outward flight with Ryanair and return flight with Easyjet. I chose to add insurance to both flights. Unfortunately our son got chicken pox and we had to cancel our holiday at the last minute. When I rang the insurance company to reclaim the costs, I was told that my Easyjet insurance was not valid because I don't live in Portugal!!! When I made the booking, they had my address details so why did they offer me a policy that was invalid? I wonder how many people have bought that insurance and not had to claim, meaning that Easyjet have pocketed the money knowing full well they would never had to pay out. I am writing to their CEO to complain about this and will also be copying my letter to the Ombudsman because this is not the way to do business in my view. Loads of people use easyjet because it's more affordable than the bigger airlines but that does not mean they can rip people off. Not impressed!
  13. I do a lot of work on private managed estates and as such would have endless permits ranged across the dash in my van I now have an aggrement with managing agents (names hidden by asterists )to park on their managed sites , but I KNOW the brainless goons that are nominated to watch over parking on these estates will shoot first and ask later , so I have this laminated and on display in the window of my van , just waiting with angle grinder poised for the first idiot to try clamping my van .My Legal position ? Be aware , This vehicle is authorised to park at this location without permit by **************** and ******************* Should any attempt be made to immobilise this vehicle . You agree to the driver removing any immobilisation device This may result in damage to said device. The driver accepts no responsibility for any damage
  14. My company has gone written warning crazy! Dishing them out left/right/centre. Can I refuse to accept a written warning on the grounds that I don't agree with it?
  15. Hello All! So I am in the process of dealing with partners debt, liaising to negotiate reduced settlement etc. I had thought them very suspicious but all the paperwork is in order and he owes the money. So today I visited my bank to open a (second) business account (my credit file is now thankfully squeeky clean) only for it to be 'referred'. I was told (and shouldnt have been but he was trying to help and has known me for some time) that it was because my boyfriend is showing as potentially fraudulent as as we live at the same address I am now implicated! He couldnt tell me anything more than that, and thats come as such a shock. Yes we knew he had debts but when I applied for his credit files the CIFAS section was totally empty. I have my boyfriend writing a comprehensive list of all the addresses he has lived at for the last ten years so that I can go back to the CRAs and ask for any and everthing flagging up, I will then also run CCJ checks on every address. My question is why is this happening and where can I go to get help? We have pinged an email to CIFAS themselves, even though his file appears to us empty of warnings. Any ideas who to approach? Do I need full on legal help? Should I put through a notice of disassociation, even though we live together we do not share bills. I'm really very worried, as the bank did say that somtimes if they think I'm also 'up to no good' it may trickle back and affect the currently very good relationship I have with them and the head office may re-evaluate me being a customer of theirs. To be frank, I'm panicking...so anything at all I would be very grateful for...
  16. Hi, I have a question pertaining to background or reference checks. I had an incident at my current employer. I had used an USB device to connect to my work laptop to the internet at home. My intention was to perform some work from home. Internet connection is necessary to connect to my work network. However, the USB device was a counterfeit device, it didn’t work and instead every time I tried to use it, it ran sum inappropriate programmes and files. I had no idea of this till HR told me that they found some inappropriate activity on my work laptop. My employer tracks all activities on work laptop. In light of this finding my employer took disciplinary action and after a disciplinary committee meeting, they gave me a final stage 3 written warning. Now I am considering resigning from my job moving to a different company. I have an offer. But I am worried about the background check that the new employer will conduct. My entire career and academic history is spotless and excellent. I will also get strong reference from all my previous employers and educational institutions. But I am not sure how the reference from my current employer will appear. Does anyone know if my current employer will reveal this disciplinary warning to my future employers during background/reference checks? Any thoughts in how to approach this situation is much appreciated. Thanks, Jason
  17. Hi All, Basically its like this. I work at a military establishment with a woman who is starting to drive me nuts, basically. She has obsessive compulsive disorder - don't get me wrong, I fully respect she has the condition but she's making my working life that much more unbearable. She's even confiding in a work colleague that she went to see a psychologist because she said that I stress her out at work and to hear that second hand from a work colleague was not too pleasant to be honest. I have had a problem with pen chewing and putting things in my mouth, chewing my nails etc. as far back as I can remember and there seems to be no signs of it letting up - despite my best efforts, I find myself relapsing and every now and again, which has become a bit more occasional of late, find a pen or something else in my mouth, be it my fingers for biting my nails or whatever. However whenever I have been at a workstation using the keyboard or been somewhere else and this is usually some while after I have bitten my nails, for example, then she is there cleaning the desk area and I am made to feel like a dirty person - don't get me wrong - I fully respect her condition but I'm being made to feel that I can't even put my hands near my mouth or pick up a pen in fear she's going to put in a complaint and I think that I am going to be on the receiving end of something unpleasant and the fact that she has a mental illness will work against me. Furthermore, she is rather cold toward me in the office and I feel the tensity in the office is going to reach a peak before long. We have been open and honest about our feelings in the office as well. I can't help what I do at the end of the day and as I explained, since I've been a nipper, its been a recurring problem for me. Can someone offer me some advice as to what the best solution is as I will not take kindly to an official complaint from my supervisor as I feel I've done little wrong and am trying hard to work on a problem I've had difficulty in resolving in the past. Regards
  18. Hi - if one had a secured loan with PPI would it be statute barred from claiming back the mis-sold PPI after 6 yrs (as claimed by the lender)? Also, amongst othe things wrong with it the cover is for only one person yet a joint loan - this is wrong isn't it?? thanks in advance:)
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