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  1. Long story short, someone stole my card uk driving licence. Now the police arrested the person and got me my card back. Unluckily for me the person snapped it in half, but the police taped it together and returned it to me. It's that destroyed in the middle that I look like dracula or frankenstein. i've got some points coming off in august and i got told that i'd have to pay and send in my licence then to get the points removed. is it worth me just waiting until then to send the licence back? Just i'm going to spain on the same day and ideally wanted my licence so that I could hire a quad with my friends there. i just wondered would I have any other options ? or is paying for a new 1 the only way.
  2. I took my citroen xsara into local small garage to change headlight bulb mon am (have to take bumper off and headlight unit out to change a bulb!). everything else was working properly (drove back from hols day before in snow/dark plus mechanic admits was all working). quoted approx £20 depending on time taken. went to collect later in day to be told was having problems - no horn, wipers,sidelights. next day he got auto-electrician to check and said he'd wired sidelights to headlights so at least i could use (no good for mot though). anyway, on checking i found no indicators so couldn't drive it. he took my car to auto-elec. now being told i need new part of circuit board in electrics brain which he can't source as only made for 2years. may have to go citroen for recoding and fault finding. this is 53reg so not worth much but i live in village with a toddler so essential. now friday. no car. no idea when i'll get it back. no courtesy car. what are my rights, please? i only took it in to change headlight bulb. i've owned car only 4mths but used daily and been well looked after before me. no talk of money yet but surely i can't have to pay for this work?? any advice as to my next move greatly appreciated. this is one-man business but been there over 30 years that i personally know of. i've only been pleasant to him so far but running out of patience. thank you
  3. Hello all, I'm just looking for some advice/opinions on where I stand with this. I send a parcel from UK to Los Angeles with Fedex. A few days later I got an email from the recipient to say that the contents was damaged and that the box that I sent the items in looked more round than square, was dirty and looked as if it had been kicked all the way to its destination. Shocking, especially giving the amount I paid (£140) with full declared value of £2500. The total value of the damage amounts to around £1000. I have contacted Fedex to complain about this and to submit a compensation claim for the damage. I emailed them photos of the damaged parts along with the email correspondence from the recipient of the parcel. However they now say that they need photos of the box and the internal packaging used. By the time they asked for this, the box/packaging had already been binned by the recipient. I think they are trying to blame me for not using adequate protective packaging. I have no photo proof of the packaging that I used, however I have invoices/receipts for packing materials such as bubble wrap and foam 'void fill' which was used in the parcel. This is clearly a case of heavy handed incompetence by fedex. The once square box was beaten round and dirty! Any advice on how I should proceed with this would be very much appreciated as I feel like an underdog taking on goliath. Is there a regulatory body that I can appeal to if fedex refuse to pay compensation or are they totally self regulating when it comes to paying out insurance? Many Thanks. Dan X
  4. Hi I had a sofa delivery date for last saturday after waiting 14 weeks. Delivery men unloaded it and hallfway through putting it together I noticed a spilt in the leather back cushion. I pointed this out to them and told them I wasn't signing for it and to put it back on the truck. They tried telling me that as it was a saturday they couldn't leave me without something to sit on even though my old sofa was still there! Eventually they reloaded the truck but 5 minutes later knocked my door and informed me that the store manager insisted I take the sofa. Again I refused and off they went. within minutes the store manager phone me and asked what the problem was and I explained it was damaged, he said I should have taken the sofa and he would have come to my house to inspect the damage himself as that was the store policy. I told him I didn't want to sign for damaged goods but he then pretty much suggested it was my fault and that he was going to look at the sofa himself on monday and contact me if he thought it was a manufacturing problem or not! Tonight I received a phone call from the store, (not the store manager) who said they would send out the damaged sofa for me to use whilst they reorder another as it will take another 12-14 weeks. Do I have to accept this as I really dont want anything to do with this company any longer? any advice would be helpful x
  5. Apologies if something similar has been mentioned already, I've searched and found no similar situations mentioned previously. Moving home to an unfurnished place so needed a sofa. My other half saw one she liked on eBay and we used deliveryquotecompare to arrange a courier to collect from the seller and deliver to our new place. Checked reviews and made sure the courier had GIT insurance before accepting a quote. Arranged to collect and move the sofa. It arrived with a small tear on the rear near the floor which not really visible wasn't too big a deal. However, the courier succeeded in tearing another big foot long hole on the top of the sofa when unloading due to carelessness. He then tried to claim that it's not his responsibility, he is only responsible for damage whilst 'in transit' and that as he was stationary and it was at our address he is not responsible? He tried to offer free delivery (£60) and re-reimbursement of the fee we paid to make the damage 'disappear' and end the issue right there. Re-upholster a chesterfield for £60 can you?, my wife not unreasonably wasn't happy with that so he drove away. With our Sofa... 2 weeks later he still has it, is refusing to repair it, to deliver it or to re-imburse us the value. Hangs up on calls to try and sort it out and last time I spoke to him he said that he is going to charge us for storage. Driving away with the sofa is not far off outright theft and now has the audacity to even mention charging us for storage? Beggars belief! Does anyone have any advice for what I should do now? Thanks.
  6. I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience and can advise on the best approach. I sent three Christmas cards, including some Euro notes, in a larger envelope to my kids in France. The letter was delivered in a Royal Mail "Damaged post" plastic envelope but my envelope had obviously been steamed open, the contents removed and then been re-posted into the system. Not registered but I'm not sure that would have prevented this or helped apart from compensation, which I will go for anyway as the Royal Mail clearly stated it to have been damaged in transit. The Royal Mail site doesn't even acknowledge the possibility that such a thing could happen: loss - yes, damage - yes, delay - yes but theft? No. Any advice welcomed thankyou:|
  7. Hello everyone, I would be extremely grateful for any help or advice that any of you may have regarding a recent incident in which my car was damaged by a shopping trolley. I will try to make this as clear and simple as possible. Earlier on today I parked my vehicle in a council managed car park that adjoins the local Waitrose supermarket. Not liking supermarkets very much I decided to wait in the car whilst my partner went in for a few bits. The space I chose happens to be next door to a marked trolley bay. Whilst I am waiting a customer pushes their trolley in to trolley bay area. At this point, the trolley deflects of another trolley and protrudes through an opening in the barrier and in to the side of my car. The barrier is one of the scaffold bar types which has large openings. Getting out to inspect my car I find a nasty gouge that will sadly require body shop repair. My contention is that Waitrose, the local authority or in fact both parties have a duty of care and that duty of care has been breached. I believe this to be the case because the purpose built trolley bay does not adequately contain trolleys which in turn exposes car park users vehicle's to risk of damage. I would be very grateful for any thoughts on this matter. Kind regards, timetoshine
  8. As requested by Argos, the delivery damaged Zoostorm computer was returned to the supplier (CMS) who didn't want anything to do with it either, in the end my daughter had to take the parcel to the courier herself. The parcel was received by the suppliers (CMS) on Wednesday 17th October and was told that she would be fully reimbursed within 5 working days, it is now 18 working days, numerous emails and telephone calls later and still not been reimbursed! I've just been passed from pillar to post, what are your views?
  9. Afternoon all, I am posting in anticipation really of what I might expect next week when the SCS Inspector comes to inspect our sofa. I have a number of complaints about it and its quality and dont want to get fobbed off with a stupid excuse. We paid £1000 for the sofa last December on 12 months interest free and we also took out their 5 year warranty. Ironically we received a letter from Creation to settle the account before the end of next month the other day. We have the funds to do this but I am very reluctant to pay for the sofa in its current state, and dont really know where we stand. We bought the 3 seater diablo recliner in black leather. After about 2 weeks the sofa is so light than when reclined it tips up really easily which meant that the connection at the bottom of the 3 sections of sofa have all broken off. So now I dont have a 3 seater sofa, I have 3 chairs pushed together This though we could live with and did for many months. Until 2 weeks ago I lost the remote down the side of my arm and went searching. I couldnt believe it when I felt springs! What? I looked down I saw the cushioning sticking through the side of the seat I cant quite believe the material the side of these cushions are made of! Its not even cotton! As you sit on the sofa it beds the seat down forcing the material to rip through this flimsy material at the side! I checked my wife's side and it was even worse than mine. I have attached a pic to give you an idea. Not only this, where I sit the springs are very noisy and the seat has become uncomfortable. TBH its just a terribly made sofa. What options do we have? We ofcourse want and need a sofa. We dont want this one repairing.....how can they repair that? Not only this, its just not built to last evidently. I just cant see it being as easy as "Yes thats fine, come in and choose another one" but I wont pay £900 for this! Thanks in advance for any help or advice (I was going to add the pic but I cant until 10 posts sorry, I will try and make that up soon so I can include it)
  10. Hi I try to present the case in a nutshell as it has been running for a while now: I booked a shipment at the beginning of July through a courier booking agent. Carrier was UPS. I declared its value correctly - approx £1120 at the time of shipping (due to exchange rate) and purchased additional insurance cover of up to £1500 when I booked the shipment. I followed the shipping agents packing advice guidelines 100% (bubblewrap around the item, fixing the item in a large corrugated cardboard box and filling the remainder with poly chips and other suitable packing material). The item arrived damaged abroad and the recipient declined payment. Since then the nightmare has started - first the booking agent forwarded the claim to UPS which were supposed to carry out an "on site inspection" of the damaged item at the recipient's premises. This has never been carried out, instead they relied on the recipients photographic evidence and verbal description of the damage. Then, some weeks later, after much chasing, UPS suddenly declined - suggesting inadequate packaging. One customer service representative even went as far as claiming the air-cushioning packaging used isn't fit for purpose. I rejected these claims by forwarding a technical failure test from one of the manufacturers, without any success. In the meantime some searching on the internet also revealed that UPS seems to be somewhat notorious regarding rejecting any claims. Anyway - then the shipping agent promised to raise it through their own Goods in Transit Insurance which turned out later to be a bit of a lip-service, as their GIT usually bases their decisions on UPS' decisions because they seem to attempt to reclaim the money from UPS then. As the shipping agent rejects any further action in that matter, despite already having pointed out negligence (based on the Sale of Goods & Services Act), I can only take it further through the small claims procedure - I would very much appreciate advice on: What to highlight in the "Letter before action"? How much detail to include in the letter before action? Which documents to ask for from the shipping agent? Whether negligence on their part - as in previous examples on CAG voids the T&C of the initial insurance purchased and makes the shipping agent liable for the damage in any case? Which timescale should I give the shipping agent to respond - obviously the whole process has already taken 3 months since the incident - can I simply set 7 days to respond or would that be seen as unreasonable? The booking agent also claimed that according to their GIT the item has to remain at the recipients premises till they have reached a conclusion - their published T&C did not state that in the first place and now that they rejected compensation it should not matter if I reclaim the damaged item, or not? Many thanks!!!
  11. Note sure if this is the correct place to post this! On Tuesday afternoon I parked my car outside my house as usual and noticed a lorry up the street delivering goods to Council sub contractors who are doing work in the area, its a residential area not really suitable for HGV vehciles. At around 1:30 I saw another lorry coming into the street, cream in colour and it looked as if it was struggling to make a right turn into the opposite road, I heard a bang and notice the back of the lorry was close to my car as it made the turn. However, my pregnant girlfriend phoned me at that point and distracted my attention away from the lorry and my car. After an hour or so I noticed the lorry had gone and noticed glass near my car, I checked my car only to find the drivers side had been ripped open like a sardine can and the rear side window was smashed, basically the car is a write off now. I know only 3 lorries made deliveries in the street that day, I know one of the three was not involved. I don't have a reg number for the lorry and the only thing I know is that it was a cream coloured vehicle and it has left some of its paint work on my car. What I would really like to know is can I make a complaint for compensation with the Council, the Sub Contractor or the Delivery company or do I have a choice or no choice. My insurance wont do anything until I get a reg number I've been in contact with two of the parties and they just seem to be telling me that they are trying to contact the delivery company for the reg number of the lorry, but I know it doesn't take all day to do that. Any ideas what I can do to get these shower to get something done?
  12. Hi, I was doing a left-turn onto a road when all of a sudden I heard this loud bang and scraping noise on the botom left side of my car. I stopped the car a few metres in front of a restaurant and got out of my car to check what happend. I noticed the bottom part of my left front door was dented and the left side bumper damaged. I looked back at the pavement and I saw there was a small uprooted bollard which was protruding from the pavement and was the actual cause of the damage. Apparently the bollard was not sitting properly on the pavement and was protruding onto the road and could not be visually identified at the time of the turn and that is what has caused the damage. I understand the Borough or the Local Council has a part in ensuring that all bollards are safe and properly maintained but how do I go about contacting them. Do I march down to the Local Town Hall, see Citizens Advice Bureaux or contact a No Win No Fee company to pursue claim for damages. The cost of repairing the damages is approximately £700. Also the owner of the restaurant has also told me that this has happend to a dozen other motorists. I appreciate any advice and thank you for readng this.
  13. Yesterday our postman "delivered" a package to my house. It was a box containing a hair oil treatment. The delivery was made by throwing the package through the open bathroom window, it landed on the bathroom floor causing the contents to break and spill out of the cardboard box and onto the tiled floor. My wife discovered the package when she stepped onto the tiles and slipped narrowly avoiding a fall but jarring her hip (she has had a hip replacement). The oil had spread for some distance and when we cleaned it up it ruined my wife's slippers and a polo shirt which I was wearing. All in all quite a disaster for an item costing less than £10. We have got pictures of the damaged package covered in it's contents but still unopened. My question is how do i deal with this with Royal Mail.
  14. I'll make the story short..... Basically I bought a tv off someone I know for £350 and they paid for delivery via Parcel2Go using TNT next day delivery with insurance. It arrived the next day and the courier carried it into my house and asked me for my name and asked me to sign it and went. I noticed TNT reseal tape all over the box and I opened it and noticed it was damp and the tv has got damage on the frame and back of the tv came apart and there were few dead pixel where it must have fell out of the box due to the box being soaked(tapes easily come off) Parcel2Go refused to pay up for the tv and only offering 50pounds after a week of calls/emails/facebook/live chat. I am deciding to take it to small claim and I am stuck with filling in the N1 form the particulars of claims. What am I meant to put on that bit? Thanks Bob
  15. Hi, My car was in a local dealership having the air-con gas refilled. When called in to pay for the job, I was notified that they had found another fault. Apparently when lowering the passenger front window, the cable used to open/ close the window snapped, causing the window to drop. Citroen has told me it'll cost £380 to replace the unit that raises/ lowers the window. Do they have any liability whatsoever? Thanks in advance...
  16. Hi, I need some help with a Cowboy Mechanic, Here's the story, I advertised for a mechanic to repair my anti-roll bar links, i had a few replies and chose one who could do it on the evening that i requested. He came down and started to do the droplinks on the rear of the vehicle, he done the drivers side with a bit of trouble with seized nuts, so he bought an angle grinder to get them off, which i checked online first and this is the general solution with this. when he done the passengers he just used the angle grinder from the go and as he was cutting he caught my shock absorber, and cut through the cylinder that holds the hydraulic oil and it poured out. he was kicking himself, he then sorted the droplink out and put the wheel back on he said that he would price up the shock absorber and bring it down to me i paid him £30 out of the £50 quoted due to the mishap and said i would pay when he gave me the part, i have his address and his mobile number that was wednesday 4th i text him with no response so i messaged his partner who recommended him to me and this is what i got Me Please can you ask ray to get in touch please Her U owe him so get the part and get some else to do it Me um no he owes me if he is not going to get the part i will go to solicitors and take him to court for full price of the part and labour plus costs so all i want is the part off him Her **** off get a life and stop trying to rip him off u owe him money u cheecky git !!!! Me um so he ****s up my shock absorber and i owe him ok have it like that i will be seeking legal advice and taking him to court which will increase the amount that he owes me by 3 fold all i want is £40 off him so i can get the part he is the ine who ****ed up my car so he owes me Her What ever u r the one is ****ed up and dont treathened people u dont know dont text me again bye !!!!!!!! So I want to put a claim in for the work that needs to be done my car is now off the road due to unable to do MOT which expired yesterday. So I am paying insurance for a car i cannot use. The Part Costs £60 plus VAT and Labour £40 plus VAT What Can I Claim For? Thanks Dewiwayne
  17. Hi all, First of all, thanks for this useful website. It´s really appreciable to have website like this one, where consumers can access to information about their rights. Thanks! My problem is the following: I rented a car in Enterprise recently, The renting was just for one day. I consider myself a sensible driver, fortunately, I have never had an accident so I took the basic insurance. Unfortunately, that day, I was hit by other driver when I was getting home. Enterprise car was lightly damaged, it was not too much, the other car did not damaged even. The other driver blamed me of the guilt, but I think that it was her fault, therefore it was her words against mine. , so after giving us each other our personal details (Name, address, telephone number, etc ..) each one carried on its ways. Next day , I returned the car, I let them know about the incident, and gave them the details of the other driver, I make a statement and drawing of happened. That junction is recorded by cameras of Council so I told Enterprise that they could ask for the images. The thing is that Enterprise has not refunded my deposit (£200), after claiming for it, I have been said this: ****************************************************************************** Hi Oscar As mentioned when in the office, I was going to collect the £600 excess while we process the claim. I will check again for you later today and see how the claim is coming along, these things normally take time when dealing with multiple insurance companies. I have retained the £200 as your card declined for the remaining £400. We take this excess as this is the proportion of the repair which you are responsible for, you will receive a refund once the claim has been resolved and the third party has taken full responsibility. If you would like to call the DRU yourself you can do on number below; 08456042881 Thanks *********************************************************************************** I truly consider that it was not my fault, I was hit by the other car, my worry is that Enterprise insurance does not worry in defending my position, and maybe the easiest thing is assume the guilt and don´t refund the deposit, or even claiming me more money. What do you think? What can I do to defend my rights here? Does anybody happened this? Thanks all in advance. Regards Oscar
  18. Hello to all, I am new to this site and would appreciate any advice that you may have regarding my legal rights. I put my car through a car wash which included the wheel scrub, I have used this auto wash a few times previously with no problems. On returning home my other half pointed out large circular scratches on the paintwork behind the wheel arch of the front tyres and before the wheel arch of the back tyres (on the sides of my car), 4 sets of scratches in all. This damage appeared to have been caused by the wheel scrub missing the wheels of my car as it went through the wash process. My other half took photos of the damage and we have kept the receipt from the car wash. I wrote to the garage (Murco) advising them of the problem and they wrote back asking me to get 2 repair quotes. Given their response at this point, I thought it was all going to be a straighforward process. I obtained 1 quote from my local garage which seemed reasonable and wrote back asking if they wished to pay this directly or if they wished me to pay and then would recompense me. I heard nothing back and on contacting them again, they just advised me that they were investigating the incident. After waiting a few more days, I wrote to Murco stating that I was unwilling to leave my car in this state and I was going ahead with the repair using the local garage. Once again I asked them how they wished to settle the bill. I did not hear back from the company and went ahead with the repair assuming that they would settle, given that they had asked me for repair quotes. A few days later, I then received a letter advising that they had found nothing wrong with the car wash, denying liability and pointing out their disclaimer notice which states owners take their cars to the car wash at their own risk. I can understand that the garage cannot expect to be held liable for damage that may be caused due to the actions of drivers, but in my case my car was damaged due to the machine not working properly. We have advised Murco that they have until 22nd June to settle my bill (£150 for repair to the paintwork) or I will take further action to recover my money. Can anyone advise me on the likelyhood of any legal claim succeeding? I have been on various sites where owners have suffered damage to spoilers etc and they have been advised that owners have no rights due to the disclaimer notices. However I saw an earlier post on this site in which the person posting suffered the same type of damage. The response given told the poster to keep photos and write to the garage. The poster did not respond to this response so I do not know the outcome, but this response gives me hope that Murco may have some liability in this case. I am not sure what defence Murco would offer apart from tryng to claim that I must have moved my car during the wash process. I turned the engine off when I used the car wash so I know this did not happen, also I would have had to have driven forward and then backwards to have caused the 4 circular scratches that appeared on my car both after and before the wheel arches on the sides of the car. I would be grateful for any advice. Many thanks Sue
  19. Hi all, I bought my sisters 50" plasma TV off her. I arranged for it to be delivered frrom the UK to Ireland through Parcel2Go (Fedex were the delviery company). My parents had this thing tightly wrapped, covered and boxed up perfectly. All over the box they wrote the words "Fragile" "This way up" "do not rest on side" etc. When the item arrived, the box was definitely dog eared and ripped in a couple of places. Opening the box, the screen was smashed to pieces. In particular, there were 2 spots where you could see this thing was placed on its side and a heavy blunt instrument was placed on top. (there was a crack on the next layer past the glass screen). There was also several dents on the back near the top which shows this wasnt just a simple accident but constant disregard for the item. I did however, have to click a part which says that they arent responsible for damage, only loss of the item. I tried to claim but was told to go through P2G, where they immediately dismissed the claim and offered me £25 prepay goodwill gesture. My feeling here is that whilst I clicked the waiver, fedex clearly did not treat the item with any care or attention, in fact its almost as if they tried their hardest to break the item with all the damage on it. Now surely this is in breach of their customer charter/declaration/statement? Would this arguement uphold if I tried to take it down the civil courts route and reclaim my money that way?
  20. Hi All, Came across this forum searching Google to see if I've got any chance of getting out of a hole. I bought a fishtank for my Dad for Christmas. Ordered online; turned up via Fedex in the snow last Saturday. (I was really impressed at them getting through the snow. Driver was in a hurry, parcel was bulky and wrapped tightly inside a layer of bubble wrap.And inside the bubble-wrap, it was inside taped-up box. In hindsight - this feels a bit daft - but the driver just handed me the handheld device to sign so I did. Handed to my Dad for Christmas today (on Boxing Day as was at the inlaws yesterday for Xmas Day.) And of course on opening on the box, the tank is broken. Badly. Definitely hasn't happened at 'my end'. I've looked after it well since taking delivery. I've just got home and checked the online retailer in question, and they state: We have never and will never knowingly send a damaged item to you, but if you do receive a damaged item, please sign for the item as damaged (when the deriver delivers it) and then contact us for a replacement immediately. If when you open the package, having signed for it as 'good condition', you find the item is damaged inside its outer packaging then you can still contact us but claiming that it was damaged by the courier is more difficult. If you are unable to check the items before signing, please sign for them as "unchecked". You should check the contents of your order immediately and must notify us within 1 working day of receiving the package if there is a problem or we are unable to process the claim with Fedex and will not be able to send you a replacement/refund. This timeframe is very important and it is out of our hands if you do not contact us in time. I'm kicking myself for signing - I 've just read whilst googling around to always sign as UNCHECKED if that's the case which I shall always remember going forwards. But in this instance, am I up the creek without a paddle? Can they really just write off any responsibility like this if not reported to them within 24 hours as stated? I'll certainly be dropping them a mai in any event, bu would appreciate any advice anyone might have. Cheers Gareth
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