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  1. Hi All, Just wanted to share my experience with everyone. I'm hoping that someone somewhere will pick up my story and this may aid ofgem and other authorities to put pressure on certain (you know who) energy companies to conduct business in a much more ethical manner. Recieved a call from a young lady pretending to my current supplier (eon) telling me they had sent a few renewal letters to which i havent replied. I had been away for 2 weeks so thought maybe the staff havent updated me and agreed a contract over the phone which turns out to be with BES through a closely linked broker of theirs. I think everyone is probably aware of how they opperate so this post is more about what impact it had on me and my family.... Wife suffered from depression and was diagnoised with cancer a few years prior. Im sure the stress of loosing our business after just 8 months had a huge part to play in her death 1 year later. Like I explained my business had to shut down, in the process i lost my home as we couldnt afford the mortgage. My 2 daughters eventually had to move back home in a small rented accommodation as i could no longer support them in their studies at uni. This has not just had and impact on me but its had an snowball affect on the whole family who have nothing left, everything has been taken away from us. I just hope some of the people involved with this company and some of the dirty tactics would just stop and think about the impact they are having on peoples lifes. Although i got bes off my back now and am trying to rebuild my life. I have a friend today who is currently in the same situation and i hope this story will help him and many others who are in the same situation. Cj M
  2. hope some one can help me i got a parking charge notice on my car window while parking at a hospital the notice was given on the 18/09/2014 i have just got 2 letters today to at same time 27/11/14 from TPS 70 days later the first dated 22/11/14 ? on the envelope the second 20/11/14 i can not understand this as they both came in the post today , the dates on the envelopes are not the post office stamps but there own ? i have been told that under the freedoms act they must send a notice to keeper first with in 56 days or i do not need to name the keeper is this true ? also the first letter says charge notice reminder and the second final reminder also they have the wrong address not sure why or how ? i think they are trying to pull a fast one , i will not go into the reason why the car was parked there as its a long story but i feel this is wrong and i am willing to fight to the end ..... ... thanks everyone
  3. BES closed my business Back in 2011 having decided to invest in a small bar restaurant to the tune of £120k from money i got from a life insurance following the death of my wife, i was conned by BES and its associated companies (who BES denies any affiliation with) proven by some considerable investigation linking names to leases on premises occupied by such companies. I was monied and had good credit. After the second invoice of nearly £700, (british gas was £289 at this time) I knew I had a problem, thats when i had to find out what the state of play was with this company, one word sums it up,, say it with people I changed the legal entity of the business, BES ignored this, they continued to bill me, they then took me to court under the ltd company status, (doing this, they legally acknowledged the cOt= change of tenancy) BES then obtained a warrant to disconnect the original business, not the ltd company, the warrant was granted and the power was cut, my business was over that day. Can you all see what BES did wrong here?, its easy to see, if any of you had this happen , you are in a strong position to action against them, along with other breaches they committed against me of course. To date they have filed for bankruptcy against me for none payment of invoices, umm. let me see now I am a father to three young kids, I have no income anymore (thank you BES) No assets and Im on benefits with no money, BES incurred many of my debts by their action and have the audacity to send me bankrupt. I am now putting my case together with legal help to sue for damages and like i mentioned I need just ten more victims of BES to initiate a class action, we can stop BES if we pull together.
  4. Hi, I parked at the PPS car park opposite didcot station and forgot to pay. I realise that it is my fault for not paying but I park there via the ringo app every day. I appealed the fine as its £60 and thats 10 days parking!!! Surely they can't charge this as thats a penalty? I did offer to pay for both my car and also another £6 for any car that would've taken my place. They have since rejected my appeal and sent me this: "Thank you for your appeal which we will respond to below. Firstly, however, you should be aware that as you have not given us a full serviceable address for the driver of the vehicle we will be making a request to the DVLA for details of the vehicle keeper so that we can establish the identity of the driver according to Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act. Further to your email of appeal received on 23/12/2014 regarding the above parking charge, I have now had the opportunity to review this case and my findings are below. Whilst we appreciate and sympathise with your situation, we are unable to take mitigating circumstances into account. Parking at this site is only for vehicles that are parked in accordance with the site instructions, as detailed on signage on site. This signage is clear, in excess of industry standards and clearly details any charges that may be imposed should these restrictions be contravened. The amount sought as the parking charge notice is a term of the contract. Vehicles must be parked only in designated areas with a valid pay and display ticket clearly on display on the dashboard of the vehicle at all times or have an active RingGo session in place. There was neither a ticket displayed in this vehicle or an active RingGo session and I therefore uphold our operative’s decision to issue this parking charge notice. It is your responsibility to make sure you have either a valid pay and display ticket on clear display or an active RingGo session in place for your vehicle at all times. If there is neither a valid pay and display ticket displayed in your vehicle or a valid RingGo parking session then your vehicle is not authorised to be parked at this site. There is no active RingGo session at the time the charge ws issued to the vehicle and therefore the charge was issued correctly. We are therefore unable to cancel the Parking Charge Notice as it was issued correctly. Please forward a payment of £60 to reach us by 20/01/2015 or £100 to reach us by 03/02/2015 in order to avoid Debt Recovery proceedings; incurring additional costs. Please be aware that when appealing any further the charge will not be placed on hold. Payments can be made by cheque or postal order - payable to PPS Ltd, or on our website - If your appeal is unsuccessful, you have the opportunity to go to an Independent Appeals Service known as POPLA (Parking on Private Land Appeals)." Is there anything I can do? Am I likely to get out of it? Cheers!
  5. Hi all I'm aware this has been talked about a lot here but just need some confirmation. I got a PCN on Saturday (6th December) in the Staples/Maplin car park in Leicester. Didn't see any signs telling me about rules etc but they were probably there. The reasons for my PCN states reasons '1' and '6': 1 - "Unauthorised Parking" and 6 - "Did not use Car Park Providers Premises and went elsewhere at the time of issue of the parking charge notice" I did actually go into Maplins and have a receipt to prove it. the time of my receipt says 13:06 but the PCN was issued at 14:30 so I guess I must have parked too long. Am I right in thinking that the reason that says "Did not use Car Park Providers Premises and went elsewhere at the time of issue of the parking charge notice" is actually invalid since I did actually use the store and can prove so? There is an option '7' that says: "USED Car Park Providers Premises and went elsewhere at the time of issue of the parking charge notice", which would have been accurate but this isn't the reason they gave ... invalidating the ticket.. right? Do I have decent grounds for appeal? Should I just wait for the NTK like is often advised on these forums? Thanks
  6. Hey everyone, another thread about this company. I'll outline all the contact that's been made and what I have done so far and the hopefully you can answer some of my questions To begin, I am a student and last year I was living in a shared house with a Sky account under my name. I cancelled the account well before we moved out, in order to ensure that I would not end up being billed further. This was confirmed to me on the phone and I never had any more bills or contact from Sky after that. About 3-4 weeks ago, I received a text from Past Due Credit Solutions, saying the standard kind of stuff from what I have read. "Please contact immediately... you're account number is... etc etc", I ignored it because I had no idea who they are and they mentioned nothing about this supposed debt in the text. About a week later, I got an email saying pretty much the same stuff. After receiving this email, I sent them a reply - "Hello, I shall not be contacting by email or telephone regarding this subject. I am unaware of any issue I may have and if there is one, I kindly request that you send me the full information by post. Thanks" Now a couple of days ago, I got a phone call from my mum saying I have received a letter from this company, stating a debt of £89 that I owed Sky.. Great. The letter also says, you must make payment by 03/01/2015 or they will recommend that Sky take further action against me. (this is where I have got a tiny bit worried). Finally, today I have received another generic email asking me to contact them. Here are my questions: Should I contact Sky, ask them to bring up my account history and find out if I owe them money? Is there anything to be worried about when they say "You must pay by the 3rd....." Also, I can't afford to be a credit check, yet alone pay for this bill.. Thanks! EDIT: The letter they sent to my parents house detailing the debt, also mentions the CORRECT address where I had Sky.
  7. Hello. Today i recieved a letter from "advantis" looking for my whereabouts.as british gas had passed debt of £370 to them. i phoned and spoke to an agent at advantis.i explained to him that i would contact british gas and pay the debt to them directly,set up standing order etc.british gas told me they could not recall the debt,as not in their policies.this debt was from a previous address,not where we live now. so basically i owe the debt to advantis.things are tough at the moment with being out of work,though got 2 interviews next week. guy at advantis said they would continue pursuing the debt unless they heard from britsih gas. guy at british gas said i didnt owe them anything now,as debt has gone to advantis. any advice please ?
  8. I partly completed a small load application form with the above company. As there were questions on the form which I was unable to answer (mainly employment questions as I have been retired for 6 years) the form was not completed or submitted. But it seems that important details on the first completed page were still transmitted to them, and 67.88 was taken from my bank. On my membership page with them, it quite clearly shows this incomplete form. I have screen shots of this. I wrote to them, recorded delivery, to cancel this, and have screenshot of their postal receipt. Eventually, I received an answer to say that the refund had been made, and although I realize that this can take a few days through Visa, it is now almost 3 weeks and no refund. Since my refund application, they have a new address, and I have written to this address also. It is impossible to speak to anyone on the phone. I have contacted Citizens Advice (as a first step in putting this matter before Trading Standards) as this company are quite clearly flouting the 14 day refund rule. I want also to confront this company over the way that they obtained my bank details, as this seems to be quite usual going by previous threads on this site. It does not seem legal at all...should I contact the police on this, or can anyone advise me the best course of action ?
  9. Hi all Had a lovely letter from these charming people - want me to stump up a load of money by tomorrow - I don't think I owe it all but hey its HMRC (tax credit) right ? Anyway was going to call them offer an amount each week but thought no ! check out the consumer action group and see what you guys think ? thanks everyone in advance becky x
  10. Hi folks New to the site, this being my first post I have received what looks to be a "trace letter" of sorts from a company called EOS Solutions. The letter claims they are attempting to contact me regarding a "personal matter" after carrying out trace activity provided by the credit bureaus. I do have a few debts, a failed business venture saw to that, so it could very well be a legitimate claim. My concern is that I have never heard of these people before and nowhere in the letter does it say who they are chasing for. I do have 3 repayment plans in place but none of them are with this company. Can anyone recommend a course of action or provide guidance/advice? I appreciate your time and any advice you good people can provide Thank you.
  11. Help!!! Just got a PCN from London Parking Solutions. But the ticket attached to my windscreen is for the wrong car. Is the ticket still valid?
  12. I'm a freelance HGV driver, now self employed but at the time of the alleged offence I was paye with an agency. It was brought to my attention today that I have started paying, through deductions on my invoice, for a parking ticket I allegedly received whilst working. On questioning the agency, it seems that the client I was working for have paid the ticket, and I'm expected to reimburse them, although I am not happy and wish to contest the ticket. Is this possible, considering I am alleged to have been the driver on the day but I am not the vehicles keeper and the fine has been paid? Now, some details. The ticket was issued by Proserve Enforcement Solutions, allegedly at 15:08 on 02/12/13 at BP Service Station, Anzani Avenue, Felixstowe. There is no mention of what offence I am supposed to have committed, bar a mention of the vehicle having breached the landowners terms and conditions by parking/waiting/stopping without due authority or permission. Furthermore the vehicle committed an unauthorised trespass. The charge is £300, or £180 if paid within 14 days. There are cctv stills of the vehicle (44t Artic and trailer) parked at the back of the garage on double yellow lines, these images seem to have no time or date stamp, although the copy I have is photocopied and I have asked the agency to forward the email with clearer images to me so I can check those. For anyone that knows the site, there are circa 16 parking bays for HGV, along with pumps for both car and hgv, with a truckwash on site and small cafe and toilet block. The site can get very busy during the day, and its not unusual to find all the hgv bays taken, which isn't much help when you're close to running out of time and need to take a tacho break, which may have been what happened here. To be honest, I cant remember, and until I can check my digi card and do a printout for the day in question, I won't know. Google maps image of the service station, the red squiggle being where I was parked. The current situation is they allow 2hrs free parking, after which you must pay, and you must park in the marked bays. There are enough signs dotted around the place mentioning this. So, your views please? Can I contest, being that I was the driver but the haulage company have already paid and are looking to recover the money from me. It is mentioned on the notice that the name and address of the driver is unknown, and that the keeper may pay the charge, or pass on the details of the driver for them to contact me, and that they have 28 days of the date of service of the letter to pass on my details or pay the charge or they themselves become legally liable for the charge.
  13. I would be grateful if anyone could give me some advice please: My friend went to B&Q yesterday, parked and went next door to use cashpoint returning to B&Q to make a purchase. When he returned to his car less than 50 minutes in total he had recd a Parking Charge Notice from TPS. It was only then he noticed a guy in the car park photographing cars. On the PCN they have ticked the box "The driver was observed leaving site whilst vehicle remained parked on the premises". I've been down and had a look at signage and it clearly says that you must not leave the site whilst car is parked. Is there any defence he can use not to pay the £90 / £50 charge. Can we ask for proof that they saw him leave the car park and if htey provide photos are they allowed to photograph you without your permission; or can we use the argument that the charge is unreasonable for the potential breach. Any help would be very much appreciated of how we proceed - we haven't done anything yet and my friend has a heart condition and this has really caused him so much anxiety Thank you so much
  14. Hi all. Just wanted to see what these guys are like these days. Do they do court etc? Or do they just send the usual threatograms? My mother has just had an invoice from them for overstaying in a free car park so just need a bit of clarity. Many thanks. DDW
  15. Hi everyone, Today I received a letter from the above company with my name and address on it saying I owe £198 to TalkTalk. I have never taken out a contact with TalkTalk before so I'm confused as to why they're asking me for money. I'm also really careful with my money and only take out contracts if I know I can pay for them and I'm now really worried that this will affect my credit score and being able to apply for things in the future (I'm only 22). My question is, what do I do about this letter? Do I call the company and tell them I've never had a contract with TalkTalk, but won't they want proof? Or do I ignore the letter and anymore that arrive completely? I'm quite worried about it as I've never had to deal with anything like this before any advice would be appreciated!
  16. http://www.commercialmotor.com/latest-news/parking-firm-reported-to-police-by-haulier?cp=FAC-Rssgraffiti-FACEBOOK_%7C_News_CM&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=rssgraffiti&utm_campaign=FACEBOOK_%7C_News_CM
  17. Hi, I was paying these back via step change since November. They still wanted over 900 pounds on an original 200 loan. I left step change thanks to the support of you all on here and today after a few emails they have accepted the original 200 plus one month interest of 72.50 minus what I have already paid. I will pay them 202.50 on Friday and they will mark as settled. Agreed on writing. 2 down, loads to go but there is a light at the end of the tunnel
  18. I have been with Bournes on a debt managment plan for 6 years, have just been told that they are in administration. I have a 'savings pot' of £10k which was to be used to negotiate full and final settlements. Surely as this is my money it is protected, I am being led to believe that I might not get any of it back which will add to my debt problems. Is there any protection please?
  19. i need some advice today I took my downs syndrome brother to the hospital for a operation, i was a bit late as i had to be there for 8.00 am as i was walking in i saw a ticket machine pay and display but it was covered with a plastic sheet my inmediate thought was that they must be installing the machines as i thought it was a free car park , when i returned i had a parking charge of £30 if i pay it within 30 days and £60 if i dont for a company called total parking solutions. i do realize i should of taken more notice but i was under a lot of stress . any idea what i should do now ? as everyone on the net just says ignore but i dont want to make it worse. thanks
  20. My sister took out an IVA a while back with a company called KINGSTON DEBT SOLUTIONS they contacted her she told me about it the other day (first time I heard about it) and I am a bit sceptical about what they have been up to. Hence email to CAG which is an amazing forum and has helped save thousands over the years. 1) They applied for a PPI refund with some of her credit cards but did not inform her or give her the refund, they kept it all. Is this usual practice for IVA's and if they did keep it surely it would go towards paying her debts. 2) They have never sent her a breakdown of where her monthly payments are going -again is that normal practice. 3) She seems to think that she should be finished paying it up they are insisting that she has not but again have not provide statements etc so can she withhold payment until they do so? It all sounds a bit dodgy to me so please please please some advice as she does not know what to do and if she had come to me earlier I could've helped a bit more and also told her to use this forum as it would've saved her a lot of time and money. Thanks in advance Sharon
  21. Good evening, I received a letter today from EOS which I think relates to an unpaid EDF bill from 2 years ago. When I moved into the previous propety I informed EDF that the account holder had changed over to my name. For the 18 months that I lived there I never received a letter addressed to me from EDF only letters to the previous occupier. About 18months ago I gave EDF my new address and said that I would pay the amount outstanding. This was all over the phone and I was told that as it was an old style account it may take up to 6 weeks to receive the bill. A bill never appeared at my new address either. EOS are now sending letters and making numerous phone calls to my mobile number. I've not answered any calls but in concerned I'll have one of their representatives turn up on my doorstep. As no contract was ever signed and when last speaking to EDF on the phone I was willing to pay the bill where do I stand? Any help would be appreciated.
  22. Hi, received a letter from Past Due Credit back in May asking to 'contact them regarding an important matter' contact was made and they then wrote back a few weeks after to say they had closed the case and no one would contact me further. This morning I received another letter from Past Due, claiming the account was back open and to pay the amount by the end of July, que a phone call to a rude advisor and then a manager, who had said that t-mobile by now would have no record of me (the phone contact in question is at least 6 years old) I checked with the CRA where a default has literally been listed in the last few days (I check my credit on a regular basis due to having issues like this in the past) where the defaulted account is listed as 10/2/2009 but at my last address, which I didn't move to until 2010. I can't ever recall having a default notice sent from t-mobile at all, from that time period. I spoke t-mobile who gave me a number for sigma, who past due are working on behalf of. I'm not entirely sure what to do as I am certain I closed the account down but since having no correspondence with t-mobile since the account I'm shocked to have even received this letter, especially as they closed the case to start with! I know I should send t-mobile a SAR - but I'm also confused why the default date has an address I wasn't living at (does this matter?) I know the default only has 7 months until it comes off my credit file so is it worth chasing or leaving? The last thing I want is a CCJ. Thanks for any advice
  23. Hi all, This morning I received a letter from EOS Solutions UK PLC quoting a previous address trying to track me down. The letter requires me to phone them to discuss a personal matter. A google of the company has highlighted several people with issues with this company trying to extort money from them. Ive read they are a debt collection company so I signed up for Experian and checked whether I owe anything but my credit score is 999 with nothing owed. Should I ring them as asked or just ignore the letter and wait? Could they be phishing for details? Thanks for any advice.
  24. Hi all, I'm new here so it's all a bit green to me Any help or advice would be great! I've recieved a letter from EOS on behalf of southern water I googled EOS and a lot of threads came up from this site. I'm confused as to what to do, a lot of replies said ignore the letter from them. Should I ignore it or not??
  25. My other half unaware had parked in a car park to her mates flat, unaware of any signs etc regarding non payment back in February this year.. . Not having a ticket on her car, someone must of taken it off, as they did send proof of it on her car... She hadnt paid the fine back then, now have a letter from BP Collins Solicitors "Letter of demand" for the sum of £150.. Do we have to pay this? Or can we ignore the letter?? They are acting on behalf of Combined Parking Solutions Limited (CPS) Any advice etc would be great and many thanks in advance.... If any other info is needed please ask... Thanks.
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