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  1. A few weeks ago someone on this forum noticed, when logging in to a DWP website, that they were receiving HTTP redirects to an IP address outside the UK. Unfortunately I can't remember who it was or which thread - sorry folks. Anyhow, the worry was that data was being stored on server farms in the US. Obviously this would be a concern since the nation where the data is physically located would have jurisdiction. I thought the concern to be unfounded - I was fairly sure it would violate the DPA - but hey, Freedom of Information requests don't cost anything and take five minutes to send. So I asked the DWP about it. The short version of their response is that no, data is not stored on servers outside the UK.
  2. Hi Everyone, [goto post 73, details until them are wrong] I’ve found out recently that my mother and her partner took out a 900 pound loan out with Scottish Finance in 2002. Originally paying back 30 pounds a week for 2 – 2 ½ years until her partner died. She then paid either 15, 20, 22 pounds a month ever since. It was passed onto DLC in 2008 and they keep calling her to increase the repayment amount, even though they know, she’s on the basic state pension. I’ve been to the CAB and they gave me a CCA request to send off, and then return to them with the reply. Unfortunately, the local CAB is now in crises and not answering their phones, or taking on any new cases. And I’ve been told it’s going take at least a month to get a return appointment. So I was wondering what to do next, basically. it appears my mother has repaid over 4000 pounds so far in ‘interest’ and the balance is still higher than the original loan. It’s around 1200 pounds. I sent the CCA request to DLC, and received a reply from Hillesden. Inside an envelope with a ‘return to DLC if undelivered’.! Their reply to the CCA says that they are ‘awaiting a copy of your original agreement and statement of account from your original lender…..’. I visited, what was the local office, of London Scottish and found out that they went into liquidation in 2008. And that they had left all their files behind, which the new occupiers (who I spoke to) had to shred and take to the tip. So basically, I think I need to know whether to wait the 21 days that Hillesden would like, which means the letter should hopefully wound arrive just before my new CAB appointment, and taken both letters there. Or should I send them a ‘failure to provide a copy…’ type letter and take all three letters along to CAB. She's not paying any money at the moment so should I send a in dispute letter? Or have they admitted that in the '...not able to enforce..." section. Any info, suggestions, or advice would be really helpful. Thanks, bob
  3. Hi, I'm new on here, hope you can help Some weeks ago I posted my PPI reclaim documents to my bank (NatWest) and a few days later I received a text message from RBS saying, "Thank you for letting us know about your concerns regarding your PPI policy. We will acknowledge receiept in writing within the next 5 working days." This was about 5 weeks ago, since then I've heard nothing. Not received any written acknowledgement, email or any other texts. Is this normal? What should I do now? It seems from the text I received that they have got my documents but since then nothing has been actioned. Should I give them more time or should I chase this up? (who do I speak to?) Hope one of you guys could help me with this. Thanks for your time. Ginger.
  4. Hi all, My apologies if this has been asked a thousand times before - I'm still fairly new to this & am in need of your most helpful advice again. I recently sent a CCA request to Lowells regarding a vanquis CC debt, firstly I got the standard 'we have requested a copy from the OC' letter, then 2 weeks ago received a letter stating that the original agreement no longer exists due to the age of the account, that they would not be contacting me regarding this again & that any detrimental information would be removed from my credit file. Today I have received a computer printed application form with no signatures & a copy of current terms & conditions which they claim satisfies the CCA request. I am now totally confused & as always, would be very grateful if someone could advise me how to reply to them. Thank you in advance
  5. Hello everyone, I am fairly new to this forum. So, I hope i have posted this in the correct place. Advice needed please! I am currently and have been a Lloyds TBS customer since the age of 17 - I am now 50 years young. I wrote a CCA letter to Lloyds TSB and enclosed a cheque for £1.00 and asked them for copies of 3 loan credit agreements which I took out out in 1989, 1997 and 1998 respectively. The 12 days + 2 days has now passed. I do not have any details further details on the loans apart from the loan agreement numbers. I do remember however, that the person issuing the loan insisted I took out insurance - or they implied I would not get the loans etc. My question is - what do I do now? Do I send a SAR letter? Any advice will be appreciated. I know these loans are historic - however, I have only recently remembered I had these and went into a Lloyds branch and asked them to check to see if I had any loans in the past and the person behind the counter albeit begrudgingly looked up the dates and loan numbers. Thank you.
  6. This is a two paragraph extract from a letter sent to a private parking company from a Scottish resident who became fed up with the DCA leters. I note with interest that your most recent correspondence makes specific reference to a Bailiff visiting my home address. This for me will almost certainly be a unique experience as such creatures are as rare in Scotland as one eyed constipated Wilber Beast at a Tesco’s checkout. However as a gesture of goodwill, I am more than happy to provide an adequate provision of nuts and bananas to avoid the risk of starvation during the return journey and the process of repatriation. I also find it to remarkable that I received your correspondence by post at midday today as it had occurred to me earlier in the morning as I watered the vegetable patch and spread manure on the mushrooms that I hadn’t heard from you for some time. Isn’t it amazing how the human mind works?
  7. tonylawlor

    egg Sar reply

    Just received a reply regarding my SAR requrst from egg card(barclays). It seems i have lots of paperwork which includes statements and computer data stating all correspondence between myself and egg. There does not seems to be any info regarding me sighing up for the eggs card. Seems egg are playing silly games to delay giving info. What's the best step to take?
  8. Hi all. - PCN received on 23/05, ticket expired by 10 min, I was walking to the car but the warden still issued PCN. - challenged by email to the Birmingham City Council. - received reply within time (predictable rejection) but not titled 'Notice of Rejection' and the discount period withdrawn. Only an email with details of PCN. Is this still valid? - can this be dismissed because nowhere states 'NOTICE' on the email? - has anyone been successful challenging PCN on the grounds of 'grace period' or 'time/clock on parking machine incorrect' or similar? I wish to appeal to the Adjudicator on the grounds of " the parking attendant was notprevented from serving the Penalty Charge Notice." Anyone has experience with this kind of appeal? I'd like to share a very good PDF that explains how to challenge and appeal parking tickets here: http://www.patas.gov.uk/tmaadjudicators/default.htm Thank you all.
  9. I have tried to get my default removed by requesting a copy of the default notice on a credit card account that I have just settled in full below is what they have replied. What do I do now and are they right in saying this? I know somebody on this forum will be able to help I really hope somebody can help on this great forum.
  10. I had an interview with Customer Compliance Officer at my place about a week ago. I was really worried and nervous about as I didn't know what it may refer too, I mean I knew it's to check my circumstances but still quite worrying! Any way, lady came and she was really nice and everything but at some point I've realised that this is all about me leaving with another girl and they're checking if we are a couple. We are not a couple, we rent an 3 bed apartment together where each of as has own room, we share kitchen, bathroom and living room, also we use 3rd room as a junk room. Questions she were asking were really awkward and it didn't really felt nice to answer them as it was a bit personal :/ Nevertheless I was doing my best to give honest answers. I got reply just yesterday saying "On the evidence available I have concluded you are living with Miss X Y as a civil partners" and that they passed that decision to the Jobseekers Allowance Changes section. It is mentioned about evidence in the letter with the decision but it doesn't say what evidence. I was never inform before about any evidence to exist, I wasn't told that someone phoned in and told them so.. nothing! So I was really devastated when I received that letter yesterday. And honestly I don't know what to do! We are NOT a couple, we are good friends who can rely on one another! And I'd rather want to live with her than rent a room with a strangers! How can appeal to this if I can?! How can I find out on what evidence a DM based hers/his decision?! Please help! I need to sort this out ASAP as I'm struggling with money and will have huge problem with paying rent, not mentioning getting food......
  11. I submitted a SAR to the NatWest with the £10 postal order but its now been over 40 days and I have received no reply. Is this normal? Can anyone confirm the address I should have sent the SAR to?
  12. If one sends a letter to a DCA querying that a debt is enforceable - no more, no less and asking for the letter to be passed on to the relevant department and the DCA takes exactly 362 days to reply (by second class post) also misquoting legal precedent with obvious intent to confuse/mislead... ...what woud be a reasonable length of time to wait before replying back to them with an appropriate response? My assumption is 362 days by second class post. Or would this be frowned upon by a court?
  13. Hi Everyone, New to CAR today so still finding my way around. Can anyone please point me in the right direction for a template for when a company, in my case Tesco Car Insurance, have failed to respond to SAR. I do know that they have received the request and the cheque has been cashed. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks
  14. Hi Ladies and Gents, well, I sent a claim to Barclaycard regarding a Mastercard and Visa which I took out way back in 1995. One of the cards was closed in 2004, the other in 2005 but I thought I've got nothing to lose by sending a letter, so off I went. I'm lucky that I still have my letters received when I closed these accounts as well as letters from the Insurers. I also have a report from Checkmyfile from a few years back so all my dates for these accounts are in order. I would certainly recommend to everyone on CAG using this and Experian for checking on your debts and outgoings, I've found them invaluable. Anyway, this and my other claims for mis-selling are based on the fact I have a pre-existing medical condition (Diabetes, I'm on Insulin) which I've suffered for 34 years. I've never been asked and its certainly never been put forward that any claim could be rejected due to my condition. I've sent 2 letters to Barclaycard the first request in March giving them the 8 weeks allowed to reply, then in May a second giving a further 2 week both letters sent by Recorded Post and both signed for. Up to now (31st May) I've not had any correspondence from Barclaycard regarding these accounts!! My question is what or who next? Due to the length of time since the accounts were opened and closed would I be best going through the FOS or the FLA who I've been referred to in similar cases? I've not heard too much positive with the FLA they seem pretty toothless from what I've read but then what do I know? Is there another body someone might recommend? I'm fighting on a few fronts at the moment and its refusal after refusal lately but I've started so may as well try and finish. Any suggestions on this one would be appreciated, Theres more to come, Tenmen10
  15. Hi, Would really appreciate some advice. I have a £5000 debt with Capital One which has been passed to Fredrickson International. I requested a CCA in January 2012. The reply I had back was that they were looking into it. In March 2012 I sent the template letter informing them that the account was in dispute as they had not replied to me. I had no further correspondence until last week when a letter arrived informing me that the debt was correct and that I had to pay it. Today I received a letter threatening legal action unless I paid the full debt within 7 days. Next steps?! Thanks.
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