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  1. Hi all again, Been awhile since I've been on here, hospitals don't have the best of wifi's. I sent Natwest a SAR for my dad so we can have a look at doing his package account. They sent back a letter not long after asking what information he wanted. I'll upload the letter so everyone can see I'm not sure what to post back. I used the SAR from the library. Thanks Andrew
  2. I opened a NatWest account online I have never paid any money into the account never used the account as the bank wrote to me some time ago about some charge applied to the account So decided should stay with my original bank I did not activate the debit card either Capquest have been blocked by truecall should the bank ring they also will be blocked But their letter states owe £330.85 All of it is charges on charges How is best to deal with this ignore capquest and formal complaint to the bank? Will capquest chance this with court?vwould there be a defence if they did
  3. I have now eventually received SAR details from NatWest but they cannot obtain a copy of the original agreement or any statements between November 1998 to October 2001 (due to inactivity on the account) as closed in June 2008. Is this correct or should I be pushing for them to attempt location from their archives ? I do have most of the statements from April 1999 to October 2001, its just that I was hopefully trying to locate any that I did not have. Also when submitting complaint, shall I enclose any copies of statements that they do not have ? Do I also use the compound interest calculator and if so is the end date, last ppi payment or today ? Cheers
  4. Evening all, I'm new to CAG so please bear with me as I try and explain the issues... I had a Natwest credit card for several years since 23/09/2004. More recently I had some financial issues due to now ex partner etc and I fell behind slightly with payments to the credit card. I have since checked my credit file and noticed that I have a default registered by Natwest on 23/10/2013. Since realising this default was registered, I have been in contact with them to try and remove the default as I had no notice of it been added to my credit file. I requested from them the CCA, which to be fair they sent to me, however they have not sent me a copy of any default notice. Also on the CCA the document was signed in 1985 a year before my birth so I questioned the legitimacy of the agreement. I sent a reply to them with a section 10 notice as I disputed the legality of the CCA they sent me, and they havnt sent me a copy of the default notice they say they had sent. Since this time, iv also become wise that my credit record shows as 1 late payment and then straight into a default....which I think is incorrect? I have just today received another letter from natwest saying they will not be removing the default, as they do not believe the account to be in dispute.. .however I can not see how this can be the case as I am disputing it... Further more they are demanding payments and telling me I have legal standing. My question is: Given their failure to supply me with the default notice or copy to prove it was sent, the recording of the inforation in my opinion incorrectly on my credit file, and the date being incorrect on the credit agreement they sent. ..is it in my interests to pursue this further, and if so, what is the next step, as they refused to my section 10 notice. Any help would be much appreciated Thank you
  5. I decided to send SAR to Natwest / RBS and I have now received a response advising that they have no agreement, ppi policy, statement details etc or even know if any ppi was in place ? I have about 95% of old statements from 1988 - 2001 when it was closed, clearly advising monthly PPI payments and the original Natwest Access Guide. Inside under Creditguard - For your peace of mind section, it clearly states that the premium is charged automatically to your credit card and nothing else about what is or is not covered etc but you have to complete postal coupon (in which is still intact) for further information. Is there a case of miss-selling here on the basis that it was automatically added or would it be refused as non-advised ? Thanks
  6. Hi Guys, I have a business overdraft of £13k. We have been sat at the deep end of it for about 2 years now. However business has started to a bit more profitable and we are slowly starting to eat at it. Natwest usually renews the overdraft every september for a cost of £250. They renewed it last year but because of things being tight back then i stopped taking a wage to help boost cashflow. This meant i couldnt pay my personal unsecured loan i have with natwest. I have a personal guarantee on the overdraft and they have now sent me a letter saying they are only renewing it till march 1st. They want my lastest company accounts which wont be finalised until june and are demanding i start repaying my personal loan as it is linked to my business account. I wasnt under the impression that the two accounts could be linked together. Its a limited company if that makes a difference. They are talking about possibly turning the overdraft into a loan. But they want something sorting or they will turn it over to the debt collection department. I just wanted to get some advice as to how i should proceed. If they remove the overdraft will they persue me for the full amount in one payment which i cant pay. Also can they take my house? or will they try and arrange a payment plan to pay the money back? Im hoping you guys can help me.
  7. Dear fellow members, Some advice on the following saga, which has been going on for years, would be appreciated. I'll try and keep the explanation as short as possible. In 2011, I deposited a cheque into my NW account. A few days later, it appeared to have cleared because I had available funds showing in my account, so I withdrew some money. The day after I withdrew money, the cheque bounced, which left my account significantly over my overdraft limit. I speak with Collections and suggest that we speak again in a month's time, by which time, I'd have done some figures and worked out how much I can pay per month, to reduce the balance. They were fine with this. 30 days later, they hadn't called me. 32 days later (only 2 days after the 'we'll have a conversation in a month's time date), I receive a 'Dear John, we have closed your accounts and give you 60 days to repay the balance...' letter. I call NW, to discuss the matter and nobody can discuss the matter with me, because the accounts are now 'closed'. I tried speaking with Customer Services, 2x Collections Departments, Customer Complaints, a Previous NW Business Manager, Business Customer Services etc. Absolutely nobody could discuss the matter with me, despite me trying in vain to discuss it with them. A couple of people gave me a phone number to call, which I did. It was an unmanned voicemail facility and I left a few messages, but obviously, nobody called me back. - I could not believe how hard I was trying to speak with somebody about me paying them money and how much they obviously didn't want it - phenomenal, I couldn't have tried any harder! After banging my head against the brick wall for a few weeks and getting nowhere, I sent a letter (recorded delivery) directly to the then CEO, Stephen Hester. In short, I explained my accounts had been closed, I was trying in vain to set up a plan for repayment, but nobody would speak to me and that I knew this would start having a serious impact on my credit history - so please get your skates on, find some common sense and speak to me so I can pay you! I then received a letter from someone in the CEO's office and opened conversation with him regarding the situation, via letters and phone calls (full conversation notes takes). He fully understood the situation, was sympathetic and seemed to be doing something about the situation. The fact that I had found his direct phone number and was regularly calling him seemed to help. He then passed me onto another internal department, that could deal with a repayment plan and rectify and harm done to my credit history. I spoke to the guy there, who seemed a bit vague because he had to constantly liaise with his boss on the matters. Eventually, I found the direct dial for his boss and also their mobile number and I was in constant communication with them. Now I was in communication with 2 different people in the RBS HQ offices (who seemed contactable, had common sense and enough clout to get things done)and things seemed to be going swimmingly well. I agreed to pay back the balance over 3 months and they agreed to rectify my credit history (because it was their negligence that had effected it). I asked them to put it in writing that they would rectify my credit history, because I didn't want to keep my end of the deal, only for them to renege on theirs'. One of them thought they should check with their legal department, before writing me email confirmation of this. Guess what, their legal department tells them they couldn't do it. I then receive a letter from them saying, you have to pay everything back and we won't rectify your credit history and that this is a ‘Final Response’ from them (in complete contradiction to what we had been discussing for months) Maybe I shouldn't have asked them for it in writing, who knows. What I do know, is that while the whole saga had been going on, my credit history had been left on tatters (shows 2x defaults). Some advice on the best way forward would be appreciated. To pre-empt some questions; - They have not sent me any default notices - The amount of the defaults on my credit files are wrong - Having tallied up all bank charges I have had from them since I opened the accounts + interest, it comes to 2-3 times the amount owed to them - They have not been able to send me any T's&C's, overdraft agreements etc, following my SOR request - My credit history deteriated and went to defaults, whilst they were being negligent in not speaking with me and later on whilst people in HQ were speaking with me and were assuring me that they were dealing with things - I went over the OD limit, purely because they let me draw on a cheque that was showing as cleared I really look forward to some good guidance on the best way forward here and thanks in advance
  8. The FCA handed out the following fines to RBS group in 2014: 27/08/14 - £14,474,000 11/11/14 - £217,000,000 20/11/14 - £42,000,000 Total for all banks is £1,159,709,700 So it looks like the government will be getting it's bailout fee twice over.
  9. Hi, just want to say you guys do an amazing job with all the information and advise you give. To cut a long story short, my parents have a property portfolio of a few properties with Natwest bank on a commercial loan. Unfortunately in 2010 we lost my mum, Natwest have wanted to breakdown the contract due to my mothers death and want to increase the interest rate to a much higher rate almost making it impossible to make repayments. Our previous lawyer has managed to delay the case up until now, we havent signed the new contract as of yet, however natwest are pressurising us even more with threats to default our account. We have kept up with payments as stipulated in the initial contract. we have recently spoken to another solicitor (quite expensive lol) who has drafted two letters one to Natwest and one to Vince Cable MP out lining the situation as natwest have taken advantage of our tragic situation and made a business opportunity out of it. I appologise for some lack of informarion as my father was dealing with this but has been stressed and overwhelmed by the situation. I am trying to sort this out the best way possible and would appreciate any help and advise. I feel natwest have morally done wrong and taken advantage of the tragic loss of my mother.
  10. Could anyone point me in the right direction to try and reclaim package fees. We were sold this account to obtain a preferential rate on a loan but have not used the benefits otherwise. We have had the account since about 2000 - can claims go back that far and should I write to NatWest asking for all fees and charges on this account since the account was openend? Many thanks
  11. Hi all, This is my first post here so I apologise in advance if I miss any key points out. I'm looking for some advice with regards to numerous problems I've had with my Professional Training loan I took out with Natwest about five years ago. Bit of Background This has become something of a long story so please bear with me. I took the loan out for £20k, around £30k by the time interest went on (can't remember exact amounts, it was a long time ago) to put me through Law School. About 3 - 4 months after I took the loan out, I found out that NatWest were not going to offer the loan any more and as such the 'graduate specialist' that I had been assigned to help with problems I had was reassigned to another area of the bank, and I was told she could no longer help me, I had to deal with the graduate area of the call centre. Problems 1. As far as I (and my parents, who were in the initial loan meeting with me) can remember, I was told my repayments would be around £150 - £190, and they would confirm this with me in writing nearer the time of my payments commencing, towards the end of my year's loan deferral while I was studying. I put in a call to the call centre around October (loan payments due to start in January) to check the amount as I hadn't heard anything, and was told again £150 or so. I wrote this on the back of a notepad I had as I hadn't had anything in writing from them. First payment for £299 goes out in January. Obviously this is almost double their lower estimate of £150. When I queried this, I was told it was an 'administrative error' and that the lady who had given me the £150 figure had not factored in the interest. When I put in a complaint, I was told that unless I could produce it in writing they would not take my complaint any further. Funnily enough, both times, these figures were given to me verbally, and the only recourse the bank would offer was to increase my overdraft. I have been struggling along but making the £299 payments for the last 4 or so years having decided that I would just get on and manage. 2. This product came with a year's payment holiday while I was studying, with the option of an extra 3 months if I went to a particular Law School (which I did). I initially turned down the extra 3 months on the basis that it would be an incentive to get a job. I got a job straight out of college, but unfortunately had to move out of my rental accommodation on incredibly short notice (landlord sold the house out from under me) which floored my finances around November time (again, repayments officially due to start in January). I went into my local branch and put in the request for the extra 3 months payment holiday I was told I could have. Nobody knew about this, and after lots of to-ing and fro-ing we finally established that, yes, I could apply for it. I went through the paperwork with a lady in the branch and she told me she would submit it and I didn't need to do anything further. I heard nothing further from them, and as stated above my first loan payment went out unexpectedly in January, instead of April as I was expecting. Calling back into the branch, the lady I spoke to there could remember me filling in the paperwork and she said she sent it off, but the admin centre denied all knowledge, claiming to have never received it. Another complaint made and I was told there was nothing they could do, once they had started the loan payments they couldn't delay them again. Again, they offered to increase my overdraft rather than solve the problem. 3. When I took the loan out, I was told it wouldn't affect my ability to get a mortgage as it was classed as a 'Student Debt'. Now my partner and I are trying to buy our first property together, and following a meeting with a mortgage adviser, was told that this loan does indeed count against me and most banks will not touch me as long as that loan is outstanding. I have about six years of repayments left - and we simply cannot wait that long to get a house. Yet another complaint to the bank and I was told this was obviously another 'admin error' from someone who didn't understand the loan fully, and again, if I can produce written evidence they will consider my complaint. Yet again, no written evidence. I am absolutely at the end of my rope with the bank and the 'admin errors' I keep encountering, they don't seem to appreciate that their 'silly mistakes' are causing me huge stress with my finances. Can anyone give me any advice as to where I go from here? Thanks in advance and sorry for the rant
  12. Hi. I'm hoping someone who knows what they are doing can help with some advice, on the next steps I should take in relation to my complaint for mis-sold PPI on a Credit Card with NatWest. I've received a Final Decision letter from RBS which upheld my complaint, and making me an offer in redress. I was a slightly confused as to how they had arrived at the figure, and so contacted them to request a breakdown of their calculations, particularly in relation to the compound interest part. I've attached a word document (Letter From RBS NatWest.doc) which contains the wording I received in response, along with their "breakdown", which to me seems to be of little help in providing clarification. Now that they have finally told me (it wasn't mentioned in the original Final Decision Letter) that they are "guessing" at some of it as they do not hold the data further back than 2001, I'm planning on providing further evidence in the form of some extra statements that I have found for months prior to that date. Whilst not fully completing the picture, hopefully it will help them to come to a more exact calculation. I've also attached a spreadsheet detailing all the amounts that are known, and where there are unknowns (those cells highlighted yellow, for months marked with an 'x' in column A) I've added in a nominal calculated figure to make the sheet work throughout. I'd appreciate it greatly, if someone could take a look at the spreadsheet to firstly check that I've completed it and the compound interest and statutory interest is worked out correct, and if so, then secondly that the numbers that I've added make sense, and are suitable, or if I should do something else to fill in the blanks. Finally, I noticed that on the spreadsheet that the interest stops accruing whenever no monthly payment is made for PPI (I finally got them to cancel it after a long fight earlier this year), and I wondered if someone can just confirm that this is right, or if the interest would continue whilst the credit card is still in force and the whle sorry tale has finished? Thanks in advance for your help.
  13. My problem with NatWest started in October 2013. I saw I was overdrawn by £16K I only have an overdraft limit of £1,600. As it was a weekend I transferred money from my savings account and called them as soon as I could to find out what had gone wrong. The bank told me that my account had not been overdrawn and in fact had a healthy balance - I was confused? When I saw the statement for this time period I saw that for the first time ever in 30 years my statment transaction and processing dates were out of order and in some cases transactions had taken over 8 days to process! I also noticed that the £16K I had transferred from my savings account to my current account to cover the overdrawn balance had in fact been moved back and forth a few times (which I had not done). I knew something had happened but I just could not figure out what? I decided to put my statment transactions into date order and discovered that my account had gone -£16K at the time I had seen it on the screen. I started to complain again. Eventually I was given the following explanations. 1. The moving £16k was probably due to a bank ping back - normally caused by not having enough funds in your account to transfer in the first place. I checked this and at the time my savings account had £40k. But I was not able to continue to complain about this as the bank claimed that interbank account transfers could not be tampered with and that it was either a ping or I had done this. 2. The explanation given by the bank regarding the overdrawn amount I had seen, was that they had no record of my account being overdrawn during this month and my statment showed this. I told them the transaction dates were out of order and they told me that the transaction can only be processed when the merchant claims their money and they were not going to put them into date order. I explained that I had used my debit card to make these transactions and that I had seen the available balance lower by the amount at the same time of the transaction. It was around this time I had a very disturbing piece of information from NATWEST. When you use your debit card and authorise your payment the money leaves your available balance. The merchant then has 6 months to claim their money, HOWEVER, if they do not claim the money within 2 days the funds are returned to your available balance and can be respent. It is down to the customer to ensure they have funds to cover the transaction. I looked in the Terms and conditions and all sales literature I had from Natwest but there was nothing about this. I checked their on line Q & A but this was not explained there either. Natwest told me that it was not in their terms it was a banking process they follow. How can this be right? How can money you have already spent be returned to your available funds without your knowledge? How can you check your account without knowing this key information. I always thought that once you had made the transaction the money was gone. The only way to have the money returned would be if something had gone wrong and the transaction cancelled and/or a claim made to the bank! The Financial Ombudsman said that they had suggested that the bank should inform their customers about this process but could not enforce them to do so only the FCA could do that. They also said that the bank had followed their procedure correctly and there was no case to answer. I said I wanted to see which transactions had been returned and then processed so I could check myself. The FOS said that there is no record of this it is all done by an automated system. I asked how the FOS knew they had folllowed the procedure correctly and got no answer. The FCA told me that they do not take on individual cases. I have lost £16K through this but dont know how or if I can do anything about it! I would like to warn as people about this so people dont find themselves with unwelcome bank charges. I would welcome any advice or help anyone can offer.
  14. Hi everyone, not posted before but looking for some advice. Had to take out a loan 5 years ago for uni and have been paying it off since. I have made some lump sum payments online to reduce the amount etc. However upon calling up natwest today to discuss the possibility of reducing the amount paid each month, they informed me that as i made the payment online, this automatically reduced the term of my loan vs the amount paid per month. I was informed that had i made the payment over the phone i would have been given the option of which one i wanted. Surely this is not permitted, if i had options over the telephone shouldn't i have been made aware of this when making the payment over the internet. I can afford the payments but i would prefer to reduce them as it suits me better. Any advice on this would help. I am about to have a read of the t&c of the loan to see what it says but i can't help but think this is a bit inappropriate to say the least.
  15. I have read some good threads here by Abby and others on OD facility letters. Do people know if banks would be likely to still have the original facility letter from an account opened in the 1980s? Presumably if they had it would be hard copy only - or could they just send you a copy of what they used for all their facility letters at the time, without any indication that it was the actual version you were sent back then? Over such a space of time, how could I know if ALL the facility letters had been sent to me and they hadn't missed one out?
  16. Hi everyone, I would like to claim charges applied to my account more than 6 years ago. I have have looked at the statements in my position and late payment and over the limit charges applied between 200 and 2005 total to about £200. There could be more in the earlier statements but I did put in a request for the refund recently. The account was closed around 2005. Below is the response I got and any help will be appreciated to enable me advance my claim. I really need to get this money back. Dear dot, Thank you for your recent letter regarding credit card charges. Following my review, I am unable to agree with your complaint regarding the charge(s) applied to the above account. Following the publication of the OFT report in April 2006 Royal Bank of Scotland reduced its default charges to £12. Our charges of £12 are in line with the actual and estimated costs of default and with general legal principles outline by the OFT's April 2006 statement. The statute of limitation requires us to look at the six year period prior to the date of your first contact with us. We explained all our charges in writing at account opening, they are set out in the credit card agreement signed by you. This charge(s) reflects costs that arise as a direct result of an account being paid late or exceeding the agreed credit limit. I believe I have resolved your complaint satisfactorily. If you have any extra information that may affect our decision please get in touch. ------ That is what I got in response and would appreciate your input. Thank Dot
  17. I'm a little stuck. Over the last few years I have managed to negotiate settlements and paid off all my debt. I have been trying with Shoosmiths/ Natwest since February this year and getting no where. Two main questions: Can I do a CCA on a Bank Overdraft (I keep seeing conflicting or out of date info) Can I force NatWest to take this in House as Shoosmiths are being jokers. This website has been such a tremendous help for me over the years - Thanks!
  18. Hi everyone, I'm after some advice on my student account. I've been in higher education for a while and have a student account with an overdraft facility. I just graduated this September just gone, from Open University. I had transferred from another university and my graduation date is later than first anticipated. When I first started at the new uni, I had gone into a branch to let them know I had changed unis and asked them what needed to be done. The staff at the branch asked me if I were still and student and I said yes. They said it's fine, so that's how I took it. 2 years later, they've contacted me saying that because I've graduated for a while, my overdraft facility was no longer interest fee. I owe approximately £450 for interest overdraft charges but they're willing to shave a couple of hundred off that if I paid straight away. I spoke to someone from the complaint's department and she insists she believes what I've said as she has no reason not to but she still believes that the charges and interest was applied correctly, which baffled me. They also said they sent me letters, none of which I have received, quite honestly. I am able to pay at the moment, but would rather not for obvious reasons. I just wanted to get a second opinion from people on here to see if I should just pay up and whether it's worth arguing it with the bank. Thanks in advance for your help
  19. Natwest Credit Card. This is a bit long. Sorry But im hoping it will allow more accurate constructive comments and help others in a similar boat. Information posted in Red Font is related to my SAR request. Account History compiled from documentation on hand. Account opened sometime in 2002 Earliest Statement found so far Oct 2002. Out of statements going back more than 6 years I have them all (or at least the transaction lists Temporary Repayment Plan agreed 06/08/2010 due to financial difficulties. This plan allowed me to get back within agreed credit limit. Plan lasted 6 months and was adhered to. FEB 2013 Explained situation (Off work Long term sick with stress and depression) Default Notice Issued March 2013 after missing quite a few payments. Balance at Default 3262.88 Account Terminated 02 April 2013 (Balance 3262.88) Account Passed to Triton 24 July 2013 Interest charged August 2013 Payment demand from Triton (Previous Balance + Interest Charged August 2013) Financial Statement sent offering token payment due to surviving on a deficit. (Family were supporting me) 18 Sep 13 Triton send letter saying Figures do not make sense. 18 Oct 13 Triton say I Must phone them. Reply letter sent with another copy of the statement and reminded them of my depression and anxiety. Also stated that some of my other creditors had accepted the statement. 09 Dec 2013 Triton send me a copy of a letter they allegedly sent 09/Nov which I never received stating they wanted more information on how I could survive with a deficit of X per month 21 Jan 2014 - Threatagram from Green+Co Solicitors claiming I have not been in contact with Natwest/Triton. Reply sent with copies of correspondence and repeat offer of token payment and copy of financial statement. 13/03/14 Moocroft letter saying details passed to them from Natwest to act as collection agent. Replied with a request that they send me proof they have been asked by Natwest to act on their behalf. Reminded them that I sent them copies of my financial statement and also I could not accept phone calls or visits due to my depression and anxiety. 19/03/14 Moorcroft template letter - acknowledging query and suspension 24/03/14 Moorcroft letter - Account placed on hold till 20/4/14. Told that Natwest had advised me that the account had been transferred. (untrue) Replied with CCA request and requested authority/deed of assignment. £1 fee sent as cheque made out on my behalf. Gave them 30 days instead of 12+2 (im still learning at this point. Now I know better) 27/03/14 SAR Request sent to NATWEST for list of defaults charges and late payment etc. Fee sent. 25/04/14 NatWest - Letter saying personal information out of date. On their template they say they need a copy of my signature. I Reply sent 28/04/14 Template, stating they do not require my signature and that they have sent personal information to my address etc etc. Sent copy of council tax bill and a previous letter they sent to me at this address. Also pointed out they had processed my data by forwarding it on to third parties etc. Told them I had now made a complaint to the information commissioner and expected them to fully comply with their obligations as data controller. Complaint Lodged with Information Commissioner via email with all relevant docs attached 28/04/2014. 02/04/14 Moorcroft Letter - Acknowledged CCA request - Returned cheque directed me to original lender. Reply sent 25/04 - Template CCA fail. Reminded them of their duties to refer CCA to creditor. Fee sent again. 28/04/14 Moorcroft Letter - We have not heard form you etc. I Checked delivery information from royal mail and concluded that this was a cross post. Ignored 30/04/14 Moorcroft Letter - Same as 02/04/14 and fee returned. Replying tomorrow 06/04/14 with Account in Dispute template letter and Section 10 Notice. 06/04/14 complaint lodged with FOS for non compliance of CCA request. -------------------------------------------------------------- Closing Balance - £3333.18 From statements and default notices I already have without the SAR Charges Levied £796.00 With Restitution interest applied @ 24.90% Claim = 3220.17 ADD interest payment applied after default notice and after they were told of financial problems of 70.30 Total work in progress = £3301.83 ------------------------------------------------------------ On this one I am tempted to go the court route without going to the FOS in regards to credit card charges. Aim would be to get the amount wiped plus costs incurred in doing so along with default markers removed etc (Am currently unemployed) I might have jumped the gun a bit with the complaints to IC and FOS regarding the SAR fail and fail to comply with CCA but we shall see. Other thing I noticed is that Natwest repeatedly altered my T+Cs such as the cash advance percentage and also the main purchase percentage interest rates. There was no forewarning on any of the statements I have preceding the rate jacking. In fact I never noticed until going through my statements. Despite having 80-90% of all paperwork im not seeing any seperate letters advising of a change in T+C's Im sure they have to give notice under the terms of Consumer Credit Act and draw your attention to your right to discontinue the agreement and pay off the balance at the preceding interest rate. If they failed to do this, do I have further options there? As in force them to return the interest charged above any original interest rate until they complied with notice of variation of terms and conditions. Hmm maybe I should redo the SAR and make it more general and include a CCA request. Thoughts?
  20. Just over a month ago I agreed a settlement amount for my NatWest Credit Card with Moorcroft. It was for 65% (£4054 on a £6237 balance). I got them to send an offer letter, made the payment and got a payment receipt. The other day I receive a call from them saying that they were not authorised to make the offer for that amount and that NatWest have rejected it. They were apparently only allowed to offer 80%. They were pressuring me to take my money back and make new arrangements or pay an extra £900. I said I didn’t want to agree to anything until I have taken advice. They refunded the £4054 payment back into my account anyway. Before the money was even back in my account, they started calling and emailing to get me to set up a new arrangement. Again I told them I am not doing anything until I have taken advice. They insist that 80% is all they can do and that they cannot put any lower offers back to NatWest. I find this incredible - I have settled 5 other accounts and they were all far more generous than this - ranging from 50 - 70%. I also find it incredibly galling that I should have to pay such a large amount extra after already believing the account was settled. The debt is over 7 years old and has fallen off my credit report. I have been making regular payments over the 7 years through a Debt Management company. I’m assuming they can legally cancel the settlement by refunding the money despite me having letters from them saying the account has been settled? Anyone have thoughts or advice on what to do next? I’m thinking of doing a CCA letter.
  21. On reviewing a previous offer details after the recent publicity regarding Banks underpaying claims, I noticed that the attached did not include 8% simple interest. Therefore is the presentation of figures correct considering the account was passed to Natwest internal debt team in October 2005, in which the account is still open and currently still paying an agreed payment plan ? Thanks for looking.
  22. I am not sure if anyone can give me any advice on how I can defend a personal guarantee claim from Natwest? In 2006 the ltd company for which I was a director took out a bridging loan from Natwest for 2 months whilst we waited for funds from a secured loan with a different asset management company. The loan came through within 2 months and the Natwest loan was fully repaid. The asset loan has also since been repaid. However, the guarantee said it exists for perpetuity until the director dies and the bank referred to it as security in a subsequent overdraft facility. It is only cancelled when notice is given. The company then went into difficulty in 2010 and the bank forced the directors to convert this to a repayment loan for the same amount with much higher interest. The bank said they would force the company into liquidation if the directors did not comply. Again they referred to the security of the old guarantee. The company finally went into liquidation in 2013 and the loan went unpaid. The bank is now pursuing me for full payment of the loan. The company assets (including those covered by the original loan) were sold off to pay liquidation fees so the company is well and truly gone. Would a letter to or from the bank stating that the funds had paid off the original loan in 2006 be strong enough to infer we were notifying them that the liability under the original guarantee was being repaid and therefore should be taken as notice of the guarantee? Can I argue that the intent of the original guarantee as delivered as a deed was only for the purpose of securing the original bridging loan even though the guarantee itself was open? Can I argue anything to do with surety? The guarantee was accompanied by papers signing that I was an empowered director to remove a claim that I am a consumer in order to go for unfair contract terms - could I still claim this as they are chasing me personally now and not as a director? The terms are definitively grossly unfair. It was also accompanied by papers saying I waived legal advice. This was the case for the original guarantee but we had no option for the subsequent facilities. Could the fact that the directors were forced into converting the overdraft to a loan somehow invalidate the guarantee? We even wrote to the bank complaining about the bullying at the time as we were disgusted by their behaviour. I am at risk of losing my property as it was mentioned in the subsequent loan that the guarantee was "supported" by the property. I want to defend this but not to run up unnecessary debts in the process. I also don't want to respond hastily and jeopardise any defence I may have had. Please help.
  23. I opened a Natwest account in branch about 8 years ago and was very much guided into getting this account that had a monthly £12 fee. The associated policies were 'sold' as an aside really, just a bonus of that account and I was told that this was a very good account for my credit rating. In any case I had mobile phone insurance and breakdown cover elsewhere and nothing much else applied to me but I didn't know I was paying for insurance policies every month, I thought the £12 a month was what the account cost. a year ago I stopped using the account as such although it was still open and forgot about the £12 fee each month to the effect that when I finally opened some post from them I now owed them nearly £1k in charges due to the fee pushing my account into the red. I managed to clear the £1k, I couldn't face much of a fight with them at this time, I had major surgery in the summer and have spent all this time since recovering. Then I read about these packaged fees and they were unjustly sold. Am I right in thinking I might be able to reclaim these fees?
  24. Hi, hope admin don't mind but I am looking for others like myself who have been screwed over by Natwest/RBS. I moved some of my properties to them and took out a 5 year loan facility with them in 2007 on the understanding that they would renew the loan as long as I was a good customer & paid my dues. I did pay my dues & never missed a payment but after the banking crisis they decided they didn't want to have "buy to let properties" on their books any more & demanded all the money back, including the further loans that I had taken out over a 15 year term. As banks weren't lending at that time I was unable to repay the money so Natwest appointed LPA receivers. This never went to court as they use "the law of property act 1925" a very interesting read if you have time. I have been battling with Natwest ever since & have spent a small fortune on solicitors & barristers. Please see my other posts for the early part of my story. Unfortunately I cant post the rest of my story at the moment but I will as soon as I can. The main thing I need to do is find others like myself so please contact me, we may be able to help each other. Thanks in advance.
  25. Hello all, Today I received a random text saying ' Banks are refunding customers who have paid a monthly fee on packaged accounts' I had no idea what a packaged account was, so I looked it up on the web a lo and behold my Natwest Advantage Gold Account is one of them. I have read through part of this forum and I just wanted to clarify If I may be entitled to any form of refund of charges. Following are some facts: 1- I have had an advantage gold account since 1989 2- I was told that It would be easier to get an overdraft with this account. 3- For years I paid mobile insurance and I never realised it was covered in the package and when I did find out I read that the phone had to be registered with them 4- I have also taken out on numerous occasions travel/holiday insurance which again I had no idea was covered by the account. To be honest with you I since it has been so long ago since I've this account but I remember that my normal account was upgraded to Advantage Gold. I don't ever recall applying for one. Also way back then I don't believe mobile insurance was even included in the package and was introduced many years after when mobiles became prevalent amongst consumers. Am little worried that should I contact my bank they will give me the run-around and I would get disheartened and just give up. Any advice I could get would much appreciated.
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