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  1. I've a friend who had an Abbey Nat CC (now Santander) and (we've gone through the SAR process), quite simply, I need some contact details as to who to send a claim to - we used to have these as 'stickys' at the start of each sub-forum; no more??
  2. Hi Can anyone give me some advice please on the following: Last month Santander sent me a letter telling me my balance on my loan was £0 and number of payments remaining 0, i knew my 5 years was up so thought ok loan finished and cancelled the direct debit. About 10 days ago i get a phone call from Santander telling me i have missed a payment and still owe 1 month, i inform them about the letter they sent me, after about 20mins on the phone the person from Santander informs me that the letter was an error and explains the reason why ( baffled me) anyway i tell them i'm not happy that because off an error they made, my credit report will properbly have a missed payment. They inform me they will amend that, but i need to pay the remaining payment, which i agree and tell them it will be in January, they agree and thats it, or so i thought. Got a letter yesterday from Wescott telling me "We confirm acceptance of the special arrangement on the above mentioned account for a single payment of £xxx.xx on the DD/MM/2012". So my question is what the hell is Santander doing passing my details onto a debt collection company when it was their mistake the payment was missed and they admitted that, what action can i take against Santander? Regards CAM
  3. Hi Alll Not sure if posted in correct place but here goes..... The situation Debt Abbey Loan = £2000 (1 year to go ) roughly £116 a month Abbey Credit card = £4000 (paying min each month) roughly £148 amonth (repayment term forever) Cahoot Flexi Loan sold to Santander interest rate gone through roof = £4000 (pay min each month) roughly £148 a month (Repayment term forever) Unfortunately I was made redundant early 2010 and missed 2 months payment on all 3 accounts, however now back in employment and have caught up with all the arrears and back on track. I contacted Abbey to try and consolidate debts so that i had 1 payment per month and a fixed period at which point i'd be clear of debts however they declined as my credit score with expieran showed i'd defaulted even though they acknowledged I was now back on target and at thier own current loan rate's I would be paying 25% less per month and clearing debt in shorter period (see example below). I.e current Santander loan rates Jan 2011 Debt £10.000k, over 3 year repayment period = £309.4 (7.4%) - A saving of over £100 per month in payments and knowing i'd be clear of debt in 3 years. I also approached Barclays bank and they declined again due to my credit score with experian... So any ideas or suggestions most welcome or do i just sit back and carry on as I am? Regards and best wishes to all Jdmave
  4. Following online advice from Santander, I visited my local branch today to add my wife to my current account. It had previously been solely in my name and from inception had a £1000 overdraft. We completed some forms and were informed that the account was now in joint names, and my wife would shortly receive a debit card for the account. I specifically asked if my debit card would be valid, or if a new one would be issued. I was told that my card would function as normal, and nothing concerning the account would change. About half an hour later, I tried to use my Santander debit card for a small purchase in a local shop. There should have been £800+ available credit in the account at this point. My card was declined twice. I returned to my branch to find out what was wrong. They were unable to tell me, but could say that no overdraft was now available on my account. They were also unable to contact the Underwriters who would assess if the overdraft could be re-applied to my account !! After several hours of telephone calls to the Santander Call centre and their complaints dept, I was getting nowhere so emailed the CEO of Santander at ceo@santander.co.uk. Some interesting articles in the Guardian and Daily Mail today re. Santander. It appears that Santander are withdrawing overdrafts either with, or without notice, so anyone with a Santander overdraft needs to be aware of their tactics. Branch have promised to phone me tomorrow, so we'll see !!!
  5. can anyone help please took advice before doing the following rented out our flat on a 12 month rental, having found a house nearer to our work and needing a bigger home. Advised what people do who have no equity is to rent out and get new mortgage, so this was done. the house we were buying was empty and so no chain. Seller wanted quick exchange and as tenents needed quick move we agreed to this. Have a mortgage advisor who was sorting the mortgage on new property and he advised would be no problem. Tenents moved in and we moved in with family and stored our furniture (was supposed to be for 3 weeks). Survey was done, all ok and a mortgage offer sent to us. The mortgage advisor spotted an error, in that the offer stated there were no other mortgages in our names. As this was incorrect he requested an amended offer. The mortgage is with Santander/Abbey. In the meantime we were told to transfer deposit, stamp duty etc to solicitors. They subsequently sent deposit off to Santander who refused it because the solicitors were not on their panel. There has now been another solicitor appointed, although we have not been notified officially and we do not know which solicitor is now holding our deposit. Santander have not issued an amended mortgage offer. The mortgage advisor tells us a new offer should be coming, but every time it doesnt get sent it appears there is a new query which stops Santander from issuing the mortgage offer. This has now gone on for 7 weeks and we are at our wits end. Santander wont speak to us and they say they will only deal with the mortgage advisor. For the last 4 weeks he has been telling us the amended offer is coming but it never does. He tells as they have agreed affordability and the mortgage offer should be coming. We really dont know who to turn to. We cannot move back to our flat, we dont know who is now holding our deposit money, we dont know if we have any legal rights to be advised about the mortgage ourselves. We dont know whether to look for somewhere to rent, if we are being fobbed off and if so who by. We supplied all the correct information to the mortgage advisor, so if there was a problem with the first mortgage offer, it could have been his error or Santanders. Either way do we have any re-dress. Is it usual for an amended mortgage offer or new offer to take so long to be forthcoming. Does anyone have any advice please!
  6. Six weeks ago I applied for a mortgage with santander of 85,000 which was accepted. Valuation was done and all the works in the property requested by santander were fufilled by the owner. We are just about to complete and santander decided to reduce the value of the offer to 80,000. My mortgage adviser was informed by e-mail about this we have no confirmation of this change and nor has my solicitor. Mortgage adviser said santander re-checked my credit and decided to reduce the offer. The thing is there has been absolutely no change in my credit, apart from a 100 pound pay rise. Can they legally do this? I contacted FOS and they don't understand why santander has changed the offer when there hasn't been any changes of circumstances for me or my husband. Anyone could help us????? Thank you.
  7. Long story short - I originally had a 100% mortgage with N&P - then lost my job but repayments were covered by insurance, due to it being a 100% mortgage/account in arrears I was on a higher rate than usual - account then changed to Abbey and then Santander, I have since the Abbey days redone my mortgage every few years but remember the first time it was done a comment being made that I was on a unusually high interest rate - is it possible to ask Santander to review my mortgage account and check that I haven't at some stage been paying the wrong rate of interest
  8. Hi Sent a claim for late payment fees on Debenhams and HOF storecards to Santander . Rather surprisingly they have agreed to refund all the charges in the past 6 years and as a gesture of goodwill added 8% simple interest. They have credited this to my account , which I don't have an issue with as have done some Xmas shopping using the cards. This is their final response. A couple of queries 1. Is it worthwhile complaining to FOS about the interest they have refunded? 2. What is the FOS view and how do they calculate redress ? DO they take the same approach as with credit card PPI 3. Has anyone had a complaint upheld by FOS in relation to refund of late payment fees ? I have searched the Forums and most of the examples involve going to court , which is not something I want to do. In one sense I don't have anything to lose as they have refunded the charges , but what I find strange is that the interest I have claimed is less than the £500 FOS will charge them for investigating this. Regards W
  9. Hi I currently have a bank account with santander and I was overdrawn by £0.06 and now they are charging me over £125.00 is this even legal. Im a student and I have no money at all how should they be allowed to do this to people. can anyone give me some advice please.
  10. Cannot belive this I go into Beautiful elegant santander speak to manager and ask for a debit card to buy sundry items (fuel etc) and save me going to a hole in the wall. I say no overdraft. If I don’t have the money the card doesn’t make the payment and I have to go to the cashline I have a separate savings account, . Its always in plenty credit. Never been near the red once. I make transfers from there to top up the visa. The visa debit starts messing up. Does swipe, doesn’t. Go to cashline does work doesn’t work. Shops etc, say the card appears faulty. I go to to my santander branch (Beautiful elegant santander) tell them the cards faulty. They say use it more just to check, I do. More problems. Now I don’t even know whats actually been bought for some items. I cant find my available balance due to card being non operational (in a nice way). They send me a replacement card. By this time I had enough and stop using it. Now I go to my (non overdraft) account, where I was told I could not get into problems..and there is 100 quid of fiver a day charges ratcheting up from the time that card was faulty and I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Of coursee, even it was not faulty its still completely fine. This thing was supposed to make life easier. But no I still have to go to cashlines except now with debit, I need to print out slips calculate available balances which is like some kind of quantum physics of probability due to unpredictable delays in payments being taken, while I got a million other things on my mind. one slight mistake and im on some Beautiful elegant system where they add rolling charges of fiver a day.. these are supposed to make life easier for busy people… It’s a very Beautiful elegant santander system. I have those cheap prepaid debit cards. No money in account, no make pay. Very simple. Can be implemented by some cheap company then Santander can provide it. Their whole thing is setup to trap you out (in a Beautiful elegant santander type way). Their call centres don’t take calls anymore. They wont close the account even though I paid my paltry 20 quid debt and they ratchet up fiver a day. Beautiful elegant santander people. I thought these bankers had been put in their place not just with all the charges (which they were perfectly entitled to do) from years ago, but in general from how they have made the economy Beautiful and elegant. I feel like pouring chanel no 5 and setting rows of flowers with ornate decorations of praise over all their cashpoints and providing free gifts to their staff, especially the staff who organized this system. They will be getting rose flowered petals and a lifetime supply of maplin memory sticks (to give to idiotic customers like me with no brain)
  11. Hi, back in Janurary I opened a paypal account. I noticed for some reason that very small amounts appeared to go through when I didnt have any money in the account. I did some test auctions and bidded on stuff that was about £6000 to see if that went through, then I cancelled the transaction. What I didn't know was that the reason the payments were going through is becuase paypal was placing them as direct debits on my account (something they said they never do), so when they tried to clear, I got stung. £400 in charges and 6months of ignoring default notices later, I find that it has gone on my credit rating ( I negotiated to pay £200 back to Santander, I said their fraud dept. should have called me to ask why a brand new account had over £6k of DD's earmarked. They agreed and we settled on paying back half, seeing as no one lost any money) anyway, I phoned paypal and they said because I used a fake name on the paypal account, they wont speak to me under the data protection act (so nice of them to protect the data of the ficticious(!)) I used my real address and card info, but just a different name on the account. Now they don't want to know. What do I do now? I rang santa back up, but the lady transferred my call to an office that was closed. I want to know how to get this taken off my credit file. I want a new car! For gods sake I am 19 years old. I get screwed over by 2 jerk companies and now I can't borrow anything!:mad2::mad2:
  12. I have taken out a mortgage with santander I have made my first payment and my second payment is due 1 dec 11. However they have wrote to my works to confirm my payslips I submitted at the beginning of the application which do not match as I have changed my name by deed poll so my works have sent them back saying its a mismatch. Santander have not been intouch with me yet. Can they take the mortgage off me ? Please help I am very worried and upset
  13. Does anyone know if Abbey was subscribed to this code in 2006? Thanks Roo http://www.bankingcode.org.uk/pdfdocs/2005codelit/Banking%20Code%20Guidance%20March%202005%20FINAL.pdf
  14. The Santander accounts have in the back of cards that they remain the property of Santander. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 section 2 says (1)A contract of sale of goods is a contract by which the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration, called the price. (2)There may be a contract of sale between one part owner and another. (3)A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional. (4)Where under a contract of sale the property in the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer the contract is called a sale. (5)Where under a contract of sale the transfer of the property in the goods is to take place at a future time or subject to some condition later to be fulfilled the contract is called an agreement to sell. (6)An agreement to sell becomes a sale when the time elapses or the conditions are fulfilled subject to which the property in the goods is to be transferred. But I am unable to tell when the UTCCR's apply and the sales of goods act ends. Its obvious that the card we insert into the ATM machines are subject to the Sale of goods act but when do the UTCCR's end? Is this a new area of action to look at? B
  15. I've had a problem with Santander calling my neighbours regarding an overdraft. Despite several letters to them they didn't stop and it caused me and my neighbours great distress. They claim that I've given my neighbours number as a contact number, which is wholly untrue. I then did a subject Access Request and found that not only do they have my real telephone number, they also have my neighbours listed as being called a dozen times. Also, they say their systems will automatically refill a missing number from the internet - presumably directory enquries as I'm unlisted but my neighbours are not. To summarise: I've got proof that not only were they calling my neighbours knowingly but they actually had my real telephone number and still called them after I'd asked them to stop. The question: To whom can I report them? ICO, CSA anyone else? I wish to make a big deal out of this and I'm not prepared to let them go. I'll spend the next 10 years writing letters and complaints if required.
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