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  1. Hi Guys its all over, my payments have come to and end i'm now free! I have had nothing but hell from this company for 3 years. To come to the end is a wonderful feeling. No more phone calls because i'm late paying. No more late fees and being asked to pay the late charge plus 2 weeks.! I look at the tv and stand, and they really are mine, all mine! I was one of the lucky ones, it never broke down during the 3 years. That was a relief because i moved house without telling them 5 months after i took out the agreement. I had no intention of not paying anymore, i simply carried on phoning every week from my new address. Did you know they have no way of knowing you have moved unless they pay you a visit......Then they get a shock When you call the store they ask for your card details and your address. The address of my card changed (but sort code account number the same) but when asked for number of my house and postcode, i gave my old one......Weird but true. No flag on the pc to say what address the card is linked to. You can be anywhere in the country, so long as you still pay, you wont get harrassed i suppose. It goes to show that not everyone that moves house is avoiding paying BH. I could have done a runner, but i hung in there. I wanted to look at my goods and pat myself on the back when payment was made in full. Until the very end. Even then they wanted more money than i expected but i paid it get rid of them. I have accepted that i was one of many paying higher interest rates to cover the people that do stop paying for whatever reason. I will never, ever go back to these people. I cant bear looking at their tv ads, they make it look so simple. Its not. Dont you dare have a family problem come up. Dont dare have a sick child or loose your job. Dont dare to forget whilst cooking the dinner or whatever..... There is NO mercy where they are concerned. They have targets set in their store, they will do whatever it takes to make sure they are met. Good riddance Brighthouse! The only positive thing i have to say is i met ONE member of staff who was genuine
  2. I have one default on y credit file from 5th January 2009 so i know by 5th Jan 2014 it will come to an end but what happens to it, does it just go away, or drop off...or does it go to settled, or satisfied, or do i have to get it removed?
  3. This is likely to be a move we will see from other Councils. It will surely affect those who entered the buy to let market before the credit crunch and find themselves with empty houses as the austerity measures bite. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20634448
  4. My husband and I currently have an interest-only mortgage with Future Mortgages which ends in September 2013. Both of us had good jobs but 2007 I had a bad fall at work and eventually lost my job as I was unable to sit at a computer all day. I am still on Incapacity Benefit and Industrial Accident benefit. In 2008 my husband was made redundant as was told by the Jobcentre that he was wasting his time looking for employment. As my husband had a small private pension he took this early to try to continue paying our bills. As a result of this we were told we did not qualify for any benefits as we had £10 a month too much coming in. Our endowment insurance turned out not to be worth the paper it was written on and due to our lack of finances we were unable to pay it. Our mortgage is now due to be settled with an outstanding amount of £250,000. We believed that we would be able to sell the house and repay the debt with no problem as it was valued at £300,000 two years ago. It is now worth less than the mortgage. We have considered handing the keys back to the mortgage company but do not know what the consequences would be, We could try to sell the house at below its value and still owe the outstanding balance. As we will both be on state pension next year I don't know how we will ever be able to repay this. Any advice would be most welcome.
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2222524/End-road-Transit-500-jobs-iconic-van-Ford-branded-backbone-Britain-wont-anymore.html
  6. Hi all, I am 18 months into a 24 month Vodafone contract, for the last 8-10 months the data service has been a joke and the voice recently has been virtually non-existent. I have of course complained numerous times and get responses varying from the tedious scripted battery out sim card out routine to a apology and £5 credit (only the once) and told to complain as often as I can. As I work in multiple locations I know it is not the phone, I get excellent signal and high speed data in the next town, I also have the knowledge that my employer (district council) has had to ditch vodafone due to the data issues as we use apps on our work phones. Vodafone told my employer that the main mast/node (whatever) is defective and as we only have a population of 53k we will not be getting a fix till 2013 (I am in the process of getting all communications from our office). If I lived in the middle of nowhere it would be understandable but I live slap bang in the middle of Barnstaple in North Devon, when I took out the contract I did not have to stand in the back garden to make and receive calls. I know only have a data service if in direct line of sight and within 500m. The mast itself is on top of the college on top of a hill with good views across the town. Vodafone obviously will not release me from my contract unless I pay £150, they will supply me with a sure signal box if I want (I don't, I use wifi at home and need the data service when out and about). I find this highly frustrating that I have to pay for a service I cannot use (I use about 10-15 mins voice a month and even less txt's) and flatly refuse to pay to end this misery. I have visited the local C.A.B. and have some info, they think I have a case under the sale of goods and services act 1982 but they were unable to find me a letter template to put forward my case. They recommend that I complain to OFCOM, though I know they do not deal with individual complaints, as a Which subscriber I am going to see what advice they can offer as well. I want to try and find a solution without having to take full legal advice and possibly court action, I cannot believe a company can be allowed to supply such a poor service for such a long period of time without any come back on them. As I already mentioned my employer has dropped Vodafone due to the very poor 3G service and are going to supply me with whatever they have to back up my case (my managers personal phone is with vodafone as well and is increasingly frustrated, though he not as heavy data user as myself). Any help will be definitely appreciated as this is now causing me considerable stress on top of trying to recover from ptsd, Thanks, Phill
  7. Hi all, haven't posted on here for a while as I did the whole CCA thing which produced no countersigned copies, got the usual harassment letters and phone calls which eventually died down. This was pretty much 3 years ago. Now I have received CCJ letter from a court in Northampton for £9,290. I don't know what to do and am at my wits end. I live in Essex and the thought of going up to Northampton fears me with dread. Can someone please explain what I have to do and my options. By the way I should mention that I received a letter from a company called "Money Save Solutions" at the same time as the CCJ letter offering help with my debt. Should I take them up on their offer? One thing that really worries me is that they offer to protect my home/car etc. Could the court issue baliffs to pay this debt or is it a case of reaching a payment plan? Please help as I am really worried. Many thanks,
  8. I majorly messed up with gas and electric in my student rented house. I'm attending court tomorrow in some desperate plea to set up a repayment plan but I really don't know how likely it is. The problem is that my housing contract says I can't fit prepayment meters or anything. Does anyone know what I can do if the warrant goes ahead and they have to come around and fit one tomorrow?
  9. Please can someone help me? I have been crying all morning and am worried sick. I received a letter this morning from court for a hearing on the 02.08.12 'Claim form for Possession of Property. My mortgage company contacted me at the end of May to re-set up a direct debit. I returned the forms and assumed everything was OK. I called them on Monday to ask why my Direct Debit had not been taken and they said they didnt receive the forms but i now have received a court date so I'm was too late and have to pay my arrears in full else court They are just over £5k and I cannot afford to pay in full. I offered £200.00 a month on top of my monthly mortgage payment of £392.00 but they refused. I asked them to resend the forms again which I received yesterday upon my return from work. I have sent the direct debit form back recorded delivery today. What will happen to me in court? Will I loose my house? I am petrified as I have 7 dogs and m father who is 84 lives with me as I am his full time carer. Please help me.
  10. Try finding this major news in the media, it's been ignored. Details here http://bma.org.uk/news-views-analysis/news/2012/june/scrap-work-capability-assessment-doctors-demand and here http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/bma-demand-immediate-end-to-wcas.html
  11. I Have always paid my CSA i have no problem with supporting my children , however i am in the process of being re assesed , as i earn more i would expect to pay more again i have no problem with this As they have asked for 3 wage slips (one of which that i dont have ) there will inevitably be a delay as i,m told that the new rate will run from when the reassesment was requested approx four weeks at present My question is do i have to pay the arrears of in full or can i be given time to pay in installments if i can pay in installments is there a time limit that it should be paid in eg 6months, a year ,etc Thanks in advance
  12. Hi All, Basically its like this. I work at a military establishment with a woman who is starting to drive me nuts, basically. She has obsessive compulsive disorder - don't get me wrong, I fully respect she has the condition but she's making my working life that much more unbearable. She's even confiding in a work colleague that she went to see a psychologist because she said that I stress her out at work and to hear that second hand from a work colleague was not too pleasant to be honest. I have had a problem with pen chewing and putting things in my mouth, chewing my nails etc. as far back as I can remember and there seems to be no signs of it letting up - despite my best efforts, I find myself relapsing and every now and again, which has become a bit more occasional of late, find a pen or something else in my mouth, be it my fingers for biting my nails or whatever. However whenever I have been at a workstation using the keyboard or been somewhere else and this is usually some while after I have bitten my nails, for example, then she is there cleaning the desk area and I am made to feel like a dirty person - don't get me wrong - I fully respect her condition but I'm being made to feel that I can't even put my hands near my mouth or pick up a pen in fear she's going to put in a complaint and I think that I am going to be on the receiving end of something unpleasant and the fact that she has a mental illness will work against me. Furthermore, she is rather cold toward me in the office and I feel the tensity in the office is going to reach a peak before long. We have been open and honest about our feelings in the office as well. I can't help what I do at the end of the day and as I explained, since I've been a nipper, its been a recurring problem for me. Can someone offer me some advice as to what the best solution is as I will not take kindly to an official complaint from my supervisor as I feel I've done little wrong and am trying hard to work on a problem I've had difficulty in resolving in the past. Regards
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