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  1. purely because the issues with the network have been ongoing since Feb/march time when i first started complaining, the hardware issues causing the mast failures have been well documented then with the latest outage lasting a good 20+ days, as the bloke at the top of the tech support chain that i spoke to this morning said, there is no reason at all why i can't terminate my contract free of charge. duly done thank you very much, hello O2 again.
  2. All resolved, they have cancelled my contract with no fee to pay due to network issues in the area.
  3. They have reached a whole new low today, under clause 11b I am going to terminate the contract, over 20 days of unusable service, service back up today. so tonight I phone up, first time i am put on hold for 30 minutes then cut off, next time put on hold for 25 minutes then cut off because the have gone home. There are currently 223 other people at various states of anger, most of us have no complained to the ombudsman as well as the CEO Guy Laurence, some lucky people have already had their contracts terminated. I will try again in the morning, if no luck I will report to trading standards and make an appointment with my MP, he has been aware of this issue since march.
  4. And to further back up my statement that this has been ongoing for about 8 months here is the original article from March also pointing out what i told Lee that this is not going to be fixed this year. Hopefully VF were dull enough to put it into writing when the district council dropped them as provider in the spring as I will be hopefully getting copies of all the correspondence sorted tomorrow. w w w .northdevongazette.co.uk/news/phone_users_vent_frustration_at_vodafone_fault_1_1235318 So back to my original thoughts, how can I get this almighty shower of s**t to release me from my contract under the sale of goods and services act 1982 services is highlighted as this is where the C.A.B. have advised me as the course of action. Is there anyone on these forums that can help or do I have to find some legal help. As the news article points out there is now a very irate facebook group with 219 ****ed off members. I don't want compensation and I don't want my phone unlocking I NEED a service that is reliable 24hrs a day due to recent medical grounds.......I just need help and not the idiotic nonsense I get from ANY Vodafone staff.
  5. As you pointed out the work was carried out, but as you and everyone at vodafone constantly fail to mention or just plainly mislead customers, it did not work and the problems are as bad as ever. As Vf don't seem to believe anything customers say here is a link to the latest news. It seems my post count is too low for a link so I will insert manually. Just add the w w w .thisisnorthdevon.co.uk/Vodafone-signal-problems-continue-North-Devon/story-17176970-detail/story.html
  6. As it stands now, such is the crap service that i can no longer take your phone calls and have to rely on email, a few local action groups have sprung up and the Vodafone forums for EX32 are getting swamped with complaints. Unfortunately the web relations team are as much use as the customer service team, most of whom insist that there is no problem, though they soon backtrack and apologise when they are read the newspaper article where VF admit the issue and say it will be fixed Oct 16th which they did, whereas lee just states there is no update. Here is an update, the mast is now more knackered than ever, the fix lasted the weekend before it crapped out again and is worse than before, an insider (person and company known) inform us that it will be the new year before they can fix this issue. This is now beyond a joke and I think I am left with no option but to take matters further, some lucky few locally have been released from contract (1 with 18 mths to go) so i will now pursue every option available possibly including paying the release fee and taking them to court to recover it. This is so well documented now I think they will have a hard time defending it.
  7. Hi all, I am 18 months into a 24 month Vodafone contract, for the last 8-10 months the data service has been a joke and the voice recently has been virtually non-existent. I have of course complained numerous times and get responses varying from the tedious scripted battery out sim card out routine to a apology and £5 credit (only the once) and told to complain as often as I can. As I work in multiple locations I know it is not the phone, I get excellent signal and high speed data in the next town, I also have the knowledge that my employer (district council) has had to ditch vodafone due to the data issues as we use apps on our work phones. Vodafone told my employer that the main mast/node (whatever) is defective and as we only have a population of 53k we will not be getting a fix till 2013 (I am in the process of getting all communications from our office). If I lived in the middle of nowhere it would be understandable but I live slap bang in the middle of Barnstaple in North Devon, when I took out the contract I did not have to stand in the back garden to make and receive calls. I know only have a data service if in direct line of sight and within 500m. The mast itself is on top of the college on top of a hill with good views across the town. Vodafone obviously will not release me from my contract unless I pay £150, they will supply me with a sure signal box if I want (I don't, I use wifi at home and need the data service when out and about). I find this highly frustrating that I have to pay for a service I cannot use (I use about 10-15 mins voice a month and even less txt's) and flatly refuse to pay to end this misery. I have visited the local C.A.B. and have some info, they think I have a case under the sale of goods and services act 1982 but they were unable to find me a letter template to put forward my case. They recommend that I complain to OFCOM, though I know they do not deal with individual complaints, as a Which subscriber I am going to see what advice they can offer as well. I want to try and find a solution without having to take full legal advice and possibly court action, I cannot believe a company can be allowed to supply such a poor service for such a long period of time without any come back on them. As I already mentioned my employer has dropped Vodafone due to the very poor 3G service and are going to supply me with whatever they have to back up my case (my managers personal phone is with vodafone as well and is increasingly frustrated, though he not as heavy data user as myself). Any help will be definitely appreciated as this is now causing me considerable stress on top of trying to recover from ptsd, Thanks, Phill
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