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  1. Hi, Been lurking around on these forums for a while getting some advice on how to handle Lowlife Portfolio and their group of companies, but I've just had something odd happen, the title might not explain very well but I've recently received a letter from Lowell in my ongoing fight to get some defaults removed and inside the envelope was a letter addressed to me which is obviously normal but there was also a letter addressed to another person, not even in the same part of the country, now this letter has this persons bank account number on it for two accounts and also full name and address and obviously shows me how much he owes and what for, which is pretty personal stuff really. I'm not quite sure what to do about this, seems pretty irresponsible to be sending out confidential information to the wrong people, I'm wondering if this is possibly grounds to raise some sort of complaint about Lowell or not or should I just ignore it and dispose of the letter? Would be interesting to see if this has happened to anyone else? Don't really want to miss out on a chance to get back at Lowell so thought I best check to see if there is anything I can do. Thanks.
  2. Hi, I have a Very catalogue account which has been with different dcas for the last few months but now appears to be owned by Lowell according to my CR with experian. Hamptons are now sending threat o grams and I was about to send an SAR but wondered after reading some other posts if Very should have informed me that debt is now not theirs? thanks.
  3. Hi, folks. I could do with a little advice / insight if anyone has the time. [NB: Not sure whether this should have been posted here or in the Legal Issues sub-forum, so please move it over if posting there would have been more fruitful.] As per thread subject, I have received a LBA from Fredrickson (acting on behalf of Lowell) regarding an alleged debt to Nationwide. The debt in question does appear on my CRA files, is wholly disputed (by me) and won't be statute barred for approximately one more year. Some background: In 2007 I discovered that my identity had been stolen and that multiple mobile phone contracts had been taken out in my name. Additionally an account was created with an ISP using some or all of my banking details. These companies all set up direct debits which later 'bounced'. I managed to convince the ISP and one of the mobile phone providers over the phone that the contracts were entered into fraudulently. Nationwide were utterly incompetent, however, so I ended up sending them a letter sometime in 2008 stating that I was a very unhappy customer; that I had been a victim of identity fraud; that I was refusing to pay their extortionate fees; and that if they were less than pleased with my refusal to pay they should take me to court. Since then I've heard nothing substantive from Nationwide. I have, however, received 5 or so letters from Lowell offering discounts (a tell-tale sign of things awry, I know). A few years ago I did send a letter to Lowell disputing the alleged debt but I never actually got a human response, so I reacted in kind by ignoring their machine-generated threats. Now, out of the blue, I receive a LBA from Fredrickson. Should I not have received some kind of notice from Lowell that they were lemon-loaning to Fredrickson? It might also be worth pointing out that the Nationwide account in question was opened with them when I was a teenager some 12 or so years ago. Also, I am 100% certain that I didn't receive a Notice of Assignment when Lowell bought the debt. Any help or advice would be appreciated, immensely!
  4. Hi I am a newbie to this forum. I would be very grateful for some advice. After looking at my credit report today - I have noticed that a default notice has been applied to my account through Lowell portfolio. My account is currently placed on hold by Lowell themselves as there is a balance dispute. All of the balance outstanding is consisting of £12 charges. I have to this day, not received any default notices. What I did receive by Shop Direct ( who the account was with) was a notice of assignment dated 30th March 2011 stating it was legally being passed to Lowell on the 14th March 2011. The default date shows the 7th March 2011. The account has been placed on hold with Lowell since April 2011. Not had any calls or correspondence from them. They stated that their resolution department would get back to me and I have been waiting ever since. Lowell state that a default notice was sent on 15th Jan 2011 for a £350.48. The account was in arrears by £257.35. I made payment on 12th Feb for £207.70 bringing balance down to £607.83. Lowell do not have a copy of Default notice as state that Shop Direct sent this. The latter though are not on credit file- only Lowell and showing one month March 2011 with a D. Hoping to go for a Mortgage in the next few months and this is the only thing, that may affect my application. I would be very grateful for any suggestions on how to proceed. Many thanks.
  5. I have recently received a notice of assignment from Lowell/HBOS in relation to a alleged loan. I had serious debt issues in the past, which resulted in a CCJ - which affected subsequent employment. This happened about 5 and a half years ago. The thought of all this starting again at square one terrifies me. I seem to recall send a request for the credit agreement in relation to this debt years ago - I didnt receive a satisfactory response. I recall an application form being sent - but no agreement. I have read on here that Lowell are quite handy at sending out SD's - this debt is for over 10k so I cant see them doing nothing. Bankruptcy would without doubt result in me losing my job, as I work for a regulated company, and would probably mean the end of my relationship. I am wondering what action to take. Should I send a request for the credit agreement again to stall any action - as I am pretty certain that HBOS do not have it. Any advice will be greatly accepted.
  6. Hiya I could do with a bit of advise with regards to this one... Lowells are chasing me for an old mobile phone account - claiming for an unpaid bill and termination fee. They've been chasing for a while and back in 2011 I asked them for a number of things, including a full breakdown of the debt, information pertaining to the termination fee etc and a copy of my contract. All I've so far been sent is a photocopy of the front page of the unpaid bill and a comment that they arent required to send me a copy of my contract and they quoted that CCA requests do not relate to mobile phones - which I already knew and therefore didn't mention in my original requuest for a copy of my contract. Recently received further correspondence from Lowell stating that is sufficient to prove liability and to give them a ring. a) I obvisouly won't be ringing them b) In my opinion that isn't sufficient to prove liability etc... With it being a mobile contract as opposed to credit card/ loan I'm a little out of my depth here. Doi just respond sticking to my guns statng that their response to my requests was unsatisfactory and that the account is now in serious dispute so they can't sell the debt/ request payment etc? Thanks BSBS.
  7. Hi there Lowell served me with a SD a couple of months back - I missed the deadline so didn't do anything about it and haven't heard from them since. Today I signed up for a credit check and found tht they have done a credit search on the following dates: 19th July - 3 searches 18th June 16th April 20th March 13th March 6th Feb 13th Oct 2011 Are they allowed to do all these searches? What are the expecting to see? Thanks
  8. Hi there Last year I went to court to counter a SD made by Lowell (for those that are searching all my threads this is a different debt to the one that they tried to SD this year!). They failed to turn up and the judgment went in my favour. They then wrote that they were closing the case. However the default is still on my credit file assigned to Lowell. Can I get it removed or should I leave well alone as they have been checking my credit report monthly and may start the SD proceedings for the outstanding debt - although the debt they served me with is not on my credit report? Thanks
  9. Hi everyone, A few months a go I received a letter from Lowell regarding an old Barclays Loan which I defaulted on in 2006 and paid for a few years before having severe financial hardship and was unable to pay. They sold the debt on to a dca and I sent a CCA request which they could not resolve. That was a few years ago. Then a few months ago I received a new letter from lowell asking for payment. Again I sent the initial cca request and followed up with the 2nd letter. They have now come back to me and said that after liasing with Barclays Bank an effort to obtain the document they have been advised that they are no longer available due to the length of time sinse the account was opened. They say they are untertaking an investigation into the account which will remain on hold until an outcome is reached and during this time I will not receive any further correspondence. my question is what does this mean. Last time I requested a CCA the DCA just responded saying that the document could not be found and the debt had been passed back to Barclays. Why this time have they placed it on hold? Or will they just pass back in a few months? What do you think will be there next move? I'm pretty certain that no CCA will ever be found..will they take action without one? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Mark
  10. At the age of 22 a fair few years ago now I was offered a vast amount of credit (32K in total) by many different companies. I know that these debts are mine and tried to deal with them at the time but in all honesty rang up a DCA and she was so rude i told her to swivel and ignored the problem ever since. I have 6 County Court Judgements entered against me but 4 of these are from Severn Trent for relatively small amounts. 1) One is a big one to Barclays bank 12.5 K i've not heard anything from them for years or made a payment to them. Im not sure what to do? I know i need to start chipping away against the debt but if i poke the beast will they try and make me bankrupt? 2) I have recently been approached by Lowell Portfolio regarding 3 debts offering me 75% off of 5k Barclays Loan , 75% off of a Severn Trent bill of £666 which isnt showing on my credit file. I've made a payment for £60 so will only have to pay another 10 weeks for it to be cleared, 25% off a barclays current account of 1208 with an arrangement to pay £40.00 a month off starting next week. The only thing i've had in writing is the offer letters? and they have said verbally they will record it as partially settled any advice? 3) I'm tempted to approach the other companies i owe money to (all of which have sold the debt to debt collection agencies to try and strike up a repayment plan with them? Or would i be better off waiting 6 months when it will be 6 years from the original default. I do want to clear these debts but if i can reduce my cash outlay i'd like to. Thank you Kev
  11. Hi can you help i had debts with credit cards and vodaphone dating back a few years and am now receving letters from both the above companies, constant phone calls and texts asking me for payment, where do I stand legally on this thank you
  12. Hi, I had an additions account (now Very I think) which went to NDR and now with lowell. When it passed to Lowell about £70 of charges had been added because my payments had been late apparently. Can I get these back? Do I need to do the sar letter and if so who do I send it to as I'm not sure who added the charges NDR or Lowell. Thanks.
  13. Hi all, I lost my job in 2010, run up debts with Barclays and Barclaycard and now they've sold my debt to Lowell and others. It is a lot of money, but I would like to repay them and get rid of all debts as I have a job now. I owe Lowell £2,415; this was a debt from my Visa Debit, the overdraft was £1,800, so I guess they added some charges. The other debt is for a Barclaycard, £4,581, sold to MKDP LLP, original debt was just below £4,000. Originally I had less credit, £1,500 I think, then as I was in the middle of my job problems Barclaycard sent me letter, I did not ask for it, saying they had increased my credit to £4,000. I had no money and I spent it all. I'm paying my student loan as well and lots of other stuff, I thought I could set up a direct debit with Lowell and MKDP for £25 a month for each, but will they be ok with that? Will they charge interest on the debt if I start paying? Also should I pay all the charges as well or just what I owe? I checked my credit rating on Experian, and it says "Fair", how's that possible? I'm not even registered on Electoral Roll! If anyone can help me out a little with info or directions/links I'd be very grateful.
  14. Hello everyone! I've lurked on here for a while taking in the great advice, but thought i'd get a second opinion on a couple of old debts... Back in my student days I was terrible with money, buried my head in the sand and went off travelling for a few years. I'm back in the UK now and settled, and trying to sort my credit history out. I have 2 old SB debts with Lowell, who keep sending begging letters, one for an old o2 contract (defaulted in 2005) and an Egg CC which dropped off my credit file in May this year. I'm ready to send them SB letters regarding them but my only issue is the last old debt I have, which is also with Lowell. It is for Capital One, having checked my Equifax the dafault date was 2/07/2006, so in a couple of weeks. Reading the advice on here I know a lot of the time the default date can be a few months after the last payment was actually made - so do I send the SB letter to them too?? Their most recent correspondance says it is being transferred to Scotcall from 01/07/12. I've never acknowledged any debts or made any payments to Lowell in the past 6 years (mainly due to being away!) Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  15. just to say thanks to CAG as again i have had another success against lowell financial this time although i am fighting another two cases with them but this morning a letter landed on the mat stating they indeed had failed to notice the debt was statue barred only taken me 4 months to convince them but yaaay me thats 2 in my hat so far this month .. who knows maybe just maybe there'll b a third. ...not counting my chickens just yet. So to everyone who thinks they are alone and that no one could possibly help them please stick with it no matter how tiresome it seems set yourself an hour each week and check through everything u have sent and received and just keep an eye cos before you know it you too could be a happy bunny like me. . well for today anyway lol good luck guys and thanks again CAG
  16. hi this is my first post. recently applied for a mortgage and was knocked back. checked my credit report to find i had a fair score! never had to borrow money from anywhere and only had mobile contracts. turns out i have a red default on my account from 4 years ago with lowell! i remeber paying lowell via the internet as soon as i recieved their letter £119 i emailed them telling them to rectify the default. i received an email stating i defaulted with t mobile not them. i cant remember ever being with t mobile and with it being so long ago how do i find out? also not sure how to boost my credit score im on the electoral role etc. my dream house is slowly slipping through my fingers..... cazzano x
  17. Here's the letter, from here obviously... It's for a Kays catalogue debt - we recieved the last of threatening letters before further action so decided it's time to contact them. Just wondering whether it would be s.77 or s.78 that I write....? Dear Sir/Madam Re:− Account/Reference This letter is a formalrequest pursuant to s.77/78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. I require you toprovide me with a true copy of the credit agreement relating to the aboveaccount, together with any other documentation the Act requires you to provide. I expect you to complyfully and properly with this request, within the statutory time limit. You arereminded that should you fail to comply with my request; the provisions of s.77will apply. If it is your view that youare not the creditor, s.175 of the CCA 1974 applies in the case of a simpleassignment, and places a duty upon you to pass this request to the creditor. Inthe case of an absolute assignment, you are a creditor as defined by s.189. Ifyou contend that you purchased the rights but not the duties of any agreement,you are reminded that s.189 of the Act is clear that an assignment is of bothrights and duties. Your attention is drawn toss.5 (2), 3(b), 6 and 7 of the Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPUTR). I enclose a postal order inthe sum of £1.00, which is the statutory fee. Note that these funds are not tobe used for any other purpose. If you are unable to complyfully and properly with this request, you should confirm this in writing at theearliest opportunity, and certainly within the statutory time limit for compliance,and return the fee. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully,
  18. HI all I have had a debt with Barclay card for years, I asked Barclay card for a true copy of the agreement and they didn't/couldn't supply it:roll: after that they didn't contact me again up until a few weeks ago when I got a notice of assignment for Lowell I asked lowell for a true copy of the credit agreement right away.... I have had about 4 letters since saying they are looking for it latest of this waste of paper says "if they can't find it they won't contact me again" all well and good BUT have noticed Lowell have already defaulted my credit record can they do this? Barclay card have also been defaulting it since 2009 and have now closed the account in default (sold it to Lowell) but neither have produced this true credit agreement do I have a leg to stand on in getting these defaults deleted?
  19. Hi I had a contract with 3 between march 2005-06 paid it up in full and cancelled the direct debit, I thought that would be the end of it. Fast forward two years and 3 have Lowell chasing me for some ridiculous amount which I ignore due to not owing it. Since 2008 I’ve had a number of companies chasing me and all have given up. Today I received a letter from Provident stating they have acquired the legal rights to the debt, offering me a fresh start loan (for a debt I don’t owe) threatening me in a polite way with one of their doorstep agents. Thing is I know for sure this would be statute barred now but I don’t know whether I should respond in writing after staying silent for over 6 years. I didn’t want to respond in fear of opening the flood gates of phone calls and letters. Should I respond with the doorstep letter, stat barred letter or a combination?
  20. Hi everyone, I really need some help well a couple of days ago I received a whole load of letters from Lowell Financial in regards to Dollar Financial whom are trading as The Money Shop. Around about 2010 I did have a loan with TMS. I was working at the time but became unemployed and I couldn't afford to repay them so came to an arrangement to pay obviously I got the usual threatograms in the post and then heard nothing off them until last month when they have said that the arrears balance was £0.00 this was from Castlebridge Credit Management Services (Inhouse debt collectors). I also emailed them as well to clarify this and they replied back saying I owe nothing (So from my assumption the debt had be written off). Well lo and behold Lowlife Financial have since been sold the debt on and have said that I owe them £305.00 they have also obtained a copy of my credit file from experian and have also slapped me with a default I haven't got any paperwork from TMS to say they were going to be issuing me with a default. My question is where do I go from here I have cca'd Lowell and also sent the letter template in regards to the default documentation, but can they legally chase me for a debt that has been written off? they also ring me on my mobile phone several times a day as well and harass me by letter saying if I dont solve the problem they'll be trying to obtain a CCJ. Could anybody help me please I would be most grateful thank you
  21. I started making payments to Lowell, for debts they have bought, they matched the relevant account numbers/amount owed for the debts i know that i owe, and now they will not stop ringing me, 5 times this week everytime its gone something like this: Lowell: Hello, this is from Lowell, Can i speak to ? Me: Can i ask what this is regarding please? Lowell: Its a Personal Finance Call. Can you confirm Address/Postcode please. Me: I will not give out my personal details over the phone, if you need to contact me please send me a letter. i am very much regretting acknowledging the debt, i thought they wouldn't go away before, now i have started paying they have gotten even worse, i get voice mails and texts and phone calls, no letters since i started paying though, and no confirmation of the status of the account i.e. how much has been payed off. And i have no idea how they got my phone number, i was on pay-as-you-go until Nov 2010 which was well after the debts were sold on, so the banks i had the debts with would not have had this phone number or my current address, and i have had problems in the last with calls from sales people etc. so i only give my number to friends/family & the bank that i am currently with, i have no debts with them. i have also moved house 3 times since Lowell got in contact with me originally. This is driving me crazy how can i make these horrible people leave me alone, i will pay up, i know i owe money, i just want them to stop calling/texting/leaving messages.
  22. Hubby received a letter this morning - front cover with HSBC logo on it and back letter from Lowell. It basically states HSBC have sold Lowell a debt etc etc. I have been with hubby 3 years and have never heard of this debt (I open all the mail). I rang him at work and he doesnt remember anything relevant to the amount. The letter states the debt is to HSBC, but not what for (credit card, overdraft....) What do we do? Ignore it?
  23. Don't want to say who yet, but a DCA has been pestering me about an account that the last payment date was 23rd August 2005. Confirmed by the statements they've sent me recently. So can somebody confirm that as i've not paid or acknowledged the debt since then that I can send the stat barred letter on Tuesday. Although i've not moved the OC decided to start writing to me at a relatives address, those letters were returned, then they sold it to a dca who kept writing to the same address all were returned unopened. Early this year they wrote to me at the correct address, I sent the prove it letter. They replied with statements and an application form with no prescribed terms so I said get me an enforceable agreement or get lost! Had a few grovelling letters eg pay 30%. All replies to them have been marked "I do not acknowledge any debt to your company or any company you claim to represent" Also contains PPI and Penalty charges, although not enough to settle the alleged debt. So should I post the letter monday or leave it till Tuesday? Thanks for your help. Jon
  24. I have been having some trouble with a past debt from 3 mobile, I have looked through lots of threads to find out what to do, however most of the advice has gone over my head. The original debt was with 3 mobile 5/6 years ago for a cancelled contract and was sorted with Moorcroft (who I believe are 3's in-house comapny?) This was paid off however some time later I was contacted by red/lowell saying I owed a greater amount of money and they wanted paying. I refused to accept that owed anything, asked them to prove it (which they didn't) and proceeded to ignore the ensuing bombardment of calls and texts. This has gone on for a while, with them at some point finding out my address and then beginning to send lovely letters as well. On the incredibly rare occassions I have decided to speak to them I have asked for proof of the debt which I haven't received and have continued to ignore them. Recently Hamptons came on to the scene and then 10 days ago I received a letter regarding them persuaing a CCj. Whether wisely or not, I emailed them today continuing to deny acceptance of the debt and to ask for proof of both the supposed debt and the supposed charges. The original debt I was believe was for around £80 (paid off) and the current sum is in the region of £370. I was hoping that someone may be able to provide some idiot proof advice (and I mean idiot-proof) to me regarding this matter. Sorry for the long post but thought it best to give as much information as possible. Cheers, Josh
  25. Ive got a debt in dispute with Lowell originally held by Llyods , I have no records of this debt what so ever the debt amount is about 2k. I sent a SAR and then a Debt Dispute as they have still failed to provide any evidence of debt been waiting about 30days, they have just sent a reply now saying ''They have 12 days (which passed FYI) to provide the documentation, after this has passed my account is placed on hold and no collection activities take place until such time as the requested documentation has been provided. That doesnt make sense to me since if the debt is wrong surely thats breach of DPA? Any Advice on what to send back to them? ps I actually made 1 payment towards this the agent on the phone when they rang me was very convincing they have stopped collecting this now though but im worried that this will encourage them to keep hold of this and I want my money back i paid. Thanks
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