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  1. Just wondering if anyone has any information really. In February 2009 I split from my then Husband leaving him with the house. As he couldn't afford the mortgage we agreed to sell it. In March 2009 it was put up for sale at £98,000 (still have the paperwork). I paid the mortgage in February and March but then refused to pay anymore as I wasn't living there and couldn't afford to pay it anyway (had rent to pay). Anyway, the ex-husband decided to give the keys back to RBoS in May 2009. They then sold the house for approx. £55,000. Way below market value. The thing that is confusing me is that there is no marker on my credit file to show a VR just an outstanding balance of £16k+. They have never asked me to pay this and I only became aware of it last week when I checked my credit file. Since 2009 I have still been able to obtain credit so it hasn't had a detrimental effect. I thought the mortgage company were supposed to try and sell the property for market value? Or I am just wishful thinking? I'm not looking forward to the day a letter arrives demanding the outstanding balance..... Oh, and I never signed any paperwork saying I agreed to this. The ex did it himself. Shouldn't I have had a say in the matter? Was it even legal for RBoS to agree to the voluntary repossession without even consulting me first?
  2. I am considering vt ing the mazda 6 2.5 years into a 5 year agreement. I have made half the payments. Car is in negative equity 1 they say they will ask me to take the car to an auction house - what is northridge like ln inspections. There is a small dent left over from a bigger dent repair to the wheelarch and a couple of chips to the windscreen on the pax side 2 i have lost one key, they need two. Do i splash 280 quid on a new remote fob or buy a cheaper one off a car key person online? 3 there is a fag burn on the back seat, any idea on cost? 4 can they charge me for high mileage? Done 95k in 2.5 years. Car was a year old when i got it 5 can i negotiate the settlement fig? I recon gross at auction they may get 4k and. I could offer 5k. 7400 is outstanding 6 northridge dont seem bothered about service history - is this normal?
  3. Hi gauys, you helped me a few years ago with a bailiff problem. Now a friend of mine has a problem so I thought of here. Back in 2009 my friend ofered his house for vountary repo and went to court. The Mortage company have now sent the debt for the negative equity to a solictors for collection. As he owes in the region of £40,000 he is considering bankruptcy. Any help and adivice would be gratfully recieved. Thanks in advance, UKP>
  4. Good morning. My better half is currently going through the 'consultation period' for regarding redundancies in her department at a college of further education. During this period they have been told they can request a copy of their 'enhanced' (if choosing to go voluntarily) redundancy package and consider it without prejudice. So, she requested hers, it was sent via email on Monday of this week at 4.30pm and in the email they informed her she must make her decision on whether to take the offer by this Friday! Surely there are rules regarding a 'reasonable' length of time allowed to consider this massive decision? Also, they haven't told her the alternatives - other than to say that "there is probably a job for you in the re-structuring". Again, surely she should be given further information on what that new role will be and under who's leadership and where in the college she will end up BEFORE she can weigh up the choices? It's bad enough that the college is only offering the government statutory reduncancy package let alone adding the above stress to the situation. She's worked there 26 years - doesn't seem to count for much in times like these. Anyway, thanks for any advice/replies given. Stuarto
  5. Hi I really need some advice on this issue - if i deviate from the rules of suspension its immediate dismissal - no discussion - so i'm desperately trying to get clarification i have been suspended from a voluntary organisation but although its been over two weeks i have not had any reason for the suspension - other than information gleaned from those being 'questioned' (now i know what its about i know i didn't do it and it is a 'payback' accusation as the 'young lady' in question has been in repeated serious trouble ans was about to be kicked out) I've been told that during my suspension i cannot quote contact youth members of the organisation not including your own sons and daughters I have tried, in vain, to get some clarification about this statement - as to me it appears to be very open to interpret whichever way they choose to. the problem i have is that many of my relatives are involved in the organisation, my best friends both have children that are involved, my daughters boyfriend is in the unit - the list goes on and on. I see many of the "youth members" when having normal social actives not related in the slightest with the organisation in question. I'm supposed to be going to my dads brothers 70th birthday party on the 22nd october and some will be there as well. Plus he is not likely to get to 71. I have sent email after email trying to get some clarification and the only response i received was a copy and paste of the original letter. And no we are not talking child abuse here, i've been told that there is no way the police would be interested in the accusations. i am supposed to have said something about the young lady in question, someone else is supposed to have repeated it back to her, she has told her parents and they have threatened legal action - hence the knee jerk reaction from the organisation. The other kids that were there during the supposed incident have all been questioned and my daughter who was at the 'questioning' has told me who has made the accusation and when its supposed to have occurred - hence my insistence that it didnt happen (now i know when and who, even if i dont know the what) i know i'm babbling on now but the massive complication in this is that the complainant is my own sister!! my questions are these 1. do i have any way of insisting they answer my queries properly and give proper conditions 2. arent i supposed to have been informed of the allegation detail - even if they do not tell me from whence it came 3. is it unreasonable of them to basically cut off my entire social network and if so is there any thing i can do about it 4. they havent asked any questions of the adults at the incident - is there anything i can do about this 5. should i take legal council in regards to this - as i say police not interested - but i feel like i am hitting my head on a brick wall the night i was accused of this i became ill and was diagnosed with shingles and had to have time off work I'm really naffed off as i've given that child chance after chance to improve her behaviour and stop lying but to no avail. Please help if you can, the other youth kids keep contacting me asking me when i'm coming back and the unit is actually falling to pieces without a leader and its not fair on the other kids, i feel like they are being punished for the actions of one thank you in anticipation sarah
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