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  1. OK guys,a rather unusual one here. I was travelling on a FGW train from Exeter-Cornwall. Just before Plymouth station, the cleaner came through the train asking for any rubbish to be collected. As I hadn't got anything that needed to be taken, I just said No and went back to my book. I turned back in time to see him taking a paper bag out of my holdall which was on the seat next to me and throwing it into the sack. I yelled at him to stop but it was too late-it had been put in there . By then,people were getting up to get up at the station, and he got to the doorway before I could .I managed to get hold of the Train Manager and explained the situation, and was told that there was nothing they could do-once it was in the sack and had been taken off the train,it would be incinerated. 44 Besides some odds and sods, it also had in my wallet with my onward ticket and railcard and about £30 in cash. I've put in a complaint, but I've been told that even though it was their fault, there is nothing they can do unless I can provide proof of purchase for the railcard and proof of what else was in there. It was not just left unguarded, but was actually inside my property sitting next to me when it was taken. What to do next?
  2. This may sound off topic a bit, but I was suspended with pay last weekend for 'breach of staff discount policy' What happened was I was called in by the Duty Manager and told that I was to be suspended with pay pending an investigation about my staff discount. It was relating to the purchase of an laptop and return of a laptop. They had given me the dates at which it had occurred but I didn't remember it at the time. So I just commented as I didn't remember. I came home and thought about what was said, and the dates that the purchase and return were made and then it clicked in my mind. What I think had happened, was that my uncle came into my store to purchase a laptop on the date mentioned, and i had offered my staff discount for the purchase as you would, he is family of course. I was there when the purchase was made, but he had obviously paid for it at the discounted price. Nonetheless, my uncle is happy with the laptop. However, I went to purchase the exact same laptop for my dad's birthday (on the day of his birthday) as it was a good offer from another store but I didn't have my staff discount with me at the time, so i paid the full amount by cash. Low and behold, my dad didn't want the laptop in the end lol. So I ended up returning it back onto my card in the store i work at a few days later at the full price that I paid. Why I put the return back onto my card was because I knew the till wouldn't have the £300-400 at the beginning of the day, so my manager's told me that its ok to return it back onto the customer's card if thats easier for them. I did this well within the 28 day refund policy period and that was the end of it and I threw away the receipt. What I think they are looking into is that the fact that I had returned the the exact same laptop a few weeks later back onto my card, at the full price, thinking that i have 'abused' the staff discount which is not even the case! But as I do not have my receipt, what can i do to defend my case? I was told i was to have a hearing next week. So I don't know how I will be able to prove that I didn't just 'allow my uncle to purchase a laptop at a discount, then I return it at the full price on my card' - cos that's how they see it right?! My uncle still has his receipt, so what can i do? I don't have the one i used to purchase my one any more! Please help. I don't want to get sacked or dismissed or disciplined, I haven't done anything wrong or harmed anyone and its stressing me out that something will happen to me.
  3. This is a question about Health and Safety at work. I for a multinational Cinema and one of the managers is punishing the staff to break our spirits just because he gets in bad moods. My biggest grievance is that where the tickets are sold, there used to be seats for staff to sit down. Our manager has now removed the chairs so we have to stand to serve tickets! This may not sound bad but the tills are at a height to be used sitting down, now the screens and cash draws are too low and staff are getting bad backs. The manager is even making staff who have had keyhole surgery on their knee stand still. We stand when we serve popcorn but we are always moving around so our legs are not under constant stress, on the ticket counter however we have to stand still. We get a break every 4 hours but the layout is not ergonomically correct to stand there for that long. What can I do? Is there a piece of legal information I can present to force him to put the chairs back. We are the only site in the entire company that has no chairs at the ticket stands. Regards, Will
  4. Hi all, My partner works as a nursery nurse in a private childrens nursery. She works 25 hours per week Monday to Friday and finishes at 2pm each day. It states in her contract that she must attend all staff meetings/training sessions, despite all of these being held out of hours after the nursery has closed at 6pm once a month, normally on a Wednesday. None of the staff are paid for these meetings, and people who are not at work at 6pm when the nursery closes are expected to return to work to attend. This is despite some of them living 20 miles away, however it is only a 10 minute drive across town for her, yet this still costs about 3 quids worth of fuel. We have 2 children of primary school age, therefore unless I am home from work at that time (which is rarely) she cannot attend because there is nobody to look after them. Due to her many absenses from these meetings, her boss is now saying that she must attend due to her contract and failure to do so would result in disiplinary action being taken against her. Is this true when she is only contracted to work until 2pm each day? Any advice please? Cheers, MP.
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