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  1. Dear All I finally sent my ET1 form to tribunal last Feb, and now I have a date for the CMD ( by phone in a week time). I am not sure on how to complete the document they ve sent me. I thought that the issues where described in the ET1 form, i need to complete a document as example the question is : what are the complaints or juridictions raised in the claim ( I am a bit surprised it is already mentionned in the ET1 ( unfair dismisaal, discrimination and other) what is a statuary questionnaire? do i need to answer already to " what the claimant seek by way of remedy? do i need to estimate the value of the claim? e.g 12 months salary for one year a bad treatment , loss of earning etc... ET1 contains a summary of facts and refers to some documents ( e.g grievance, GP assessment of my health etc..) I want to send some documents ( hearing bundles) do I need to agree on the list of document with my former employer ? I am not sure I really understand how to prepare myself for this CMD, do I need a solicitor? I already have been informed that my former employer requested delay as their solicitor is busy. this gives me some time. I am a foreigner so not used to this legal language and rules regards thank you for your help mariachida
  2. Desk Monkeys any more? I noticed some of my posts have been edited to say Desk Jockeys instead. Hardly insult of the year is it? I call the PPC lot far worse in real life What can they do if they are called names? Run to the BPA and whinge or is there an actual chance they could take the site to court for defamation of their (decidedly questionable) character? Wouldn't they have to prove it was aimed at an individual?
  3. My son took out a policy with Octagon by DD in Jan. He duly sent off his No Claim Bonus as asked, he had an accident 3 days ago and has been informed ny Octagon that they never recieved his NCB and therefore his insurance was cancelled! They said that they had sent him 2 texts but when he enquired as to which number they sent it to they actually had a digit wrong, therefore he never recieved the texts. The only post he ever recieved was stating that his DD had been set up succesfully. They also said that they had emailed him but yet AGAIN he recieved nothing to this effect. He is at breaking point. Please can someone shed some light on this. By looking at the thread it seems Octagon are constantly doing this. Also they promised to get back to him within 24 hours and he is still waiting. Surely they are breaching their contract by not replying to him in the stated time.
  4. Hi Please can somebody advise? My partner is the Claimant and we have just received the bundle from the Respondent. It includes an e mail statement from a person who claims to know my partner. The e mail goes like this; From William Williams To The Respondent CC John Johnson Dear Respondent I am writing to you to say lots of nasty words about the Claimant PP John Johnson My questions are; Will a court accept a statement that is NOT written or sent by the person who is supposedly making the allegations? Is a statement likely to be accepted by a court without the person making it or the allegations in it attending the court? We were led to believe that statements were only admissable if the person making it stood up in court and read it out loud. Just to clear any doubts the e mail has come from William William's work e mail address John Johnson is probably William's boss All names are made up.
  5. Hi there everybody, good to see still going strong
  6. Of course, POPLA is not independent of the BPA or of the industry in general. However, one of its effects will be to persuade people of a legitimacy of the private parking industry and of the BPA. It will also make many people feel that maybe a POPLA decision validates or legitimates the original penalty which has been foisted upon the motorist - and that if they lose their "appeal" then they should put their hands up and pay. POPLA is not independent The decisions I have seen are flawed both in their procedure and in their rationale. I would not accept the statistics claimed by the BPA without an agreed independent audit and without knowing more about them anyway. POPLA is not susceptible to enquiries under the FOIA If POPLA is so independent, then why does the BPA publish their news messages for them? HMV may be going down the toilet but His Master's Voice is alive and well!
  7. im appealing and i need my dr to write a good letter to support me. but he's never been very understanding about my mental health and i know he wont give me a good letter. i dont know what to do, as ive had anxiety and depression all my life and dont know what he's wrote in my notes. im worried sick about it all, as i have appointment very soon . so i thought i would go to a different doctor and hope i get a good letter.
  8. Well this is news to me,but according to the Marstons bailiff who I spoke to following being called by a relative after they turned up to execute a MCW it is too late to even challenge. On informing them that I did know about the rules given that I was a site team member of the CAG,the Marstons bailiff went on to say that this site is full of bad advice and wrong advice. I had to think as to whether I had told him CAG or else something which sounds like CAG that I had not yet seen. Here I am taking about a warrant that was passed following a fines order for no TV licence. The person concerned was in hospital for a lenthly period at the time of both the Mags hearing,and the demand to pay the fine. My understanding is that the costs/fine was around 120 quid. Marstons paid a visit when there was no one at home. After being asked to help out,Marstons was advised via their website (screenshot is available) that the person is on ESA benefits does not seek to evade paying the fine but that they should suspend action as notice was being made to the Court seeking time to pay. Yesterday Marstons turned up in a van with 2 bailiffs and a bill in excess of £500 quid. If you are reading Marstons,you have not heard the last of this. The 9 days you have given to pay your charges-will certainly be put to good use.
  9. Yip folks. a lot of people have been ripped off and scammed by Dialarod..... where she is not finished yet..... the director is Charlotte Edney.. she resigned from Dial A rod in april 2012, and has set up boilercover.tv in april. they have now started to call dial a rod customers telling them dial a rod is no more but that they can sign up to them. BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE
  10. Hi everyone, found this site on google & I am amazed at what is on here & how helpful people are & sharing their experinces but also I need help i recieved a parking enfocement notice & i'm looking for information or advice on it as it seems that private companies have the ability to make the rules up or atleast take it to extreme cases of charges. the company in question in Civil Enforcement Ltd. can anyone point me in the right direction of help or advice or should i start a thread in the transport forums. any help/advice is most appreciated Will
  11. Hello 3 weeks ago i phoned ESA to tell them my reason for claiming ESA had changed and alls i was told to do is attend the tribunal and see what they say although i didnt attend due to personal reasons. I started claiming ESA in September due to a back problem which i couldnt even get out of bed because of. I had been going to hospital every week to see a physio to try and get my back problem sorted, my GP advised me not to go to work(i was with an agency) due to my problem as i might make it worse than it already is, my only option was to claim ESA as i was with an agency they wouldnt give me sick pay. I went to the medical and was told i am fit for work so i decided to fight that case and see a tribunal which was the Friday just gone.. but since my problems have changed i have developed anxiety with mild depression due to the fact i miss my job and personal reasons i cannot share. Ive been intouch with ESA to tell them and was only told to attend the tribunal but i couldnt go.. I am currently on 50mg of tramadol which is an anti depressant and i have to see my GP every Friday for a check up but if i cannot leave the house i am sent a home visiting doctor who talks to me for half an hour to make sure i am okay. The only bonus from this is i have had plenty of time to rest my back and appear to be much better on that front with slight niggles every so often but i am still scared if i due hard labor i hurt it again and im back to square one what im trying to say is my claim reason has changed and i dont know where to go from here.. i have spoken to my GP about everything and he says its for the best if i stay away from work and am checked up on every week. My ESA has just been stopped and i think if i phone up and tell them they will just think im making all this up to stay on ESA. I have plenty of proof in medication and hospital discharge letters that i have a problem... And am a bit weary of claiming JSA due to having to go on the bus etc to sign on when i have no idea how i will be feeling that day.. what if i cant make it? Sorry for the big essay but can anyone out there help me? would be much appreciated. thank you.
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