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  1. Hi there, I hope I am asking this question in the correct section (Admins please change if not) Can someone help me understand section 147 employment rights act 1996 ( in plain english) with regards to what it says about "initiating rights " to claiming redundancy. my partner's job role as been made redundant. There is an interim post on the table ( not very appealing) and also a "voluntary" redundancy package ( which is basically the minimum redundancy package) on the table. My partner is wanting to understand the mortgage protection cover she has in regards to the above "voluntary" redundancy package. The exclusion policy states.... you will not receive monthly benefit for unemployment in the following circumstances: unemployment caused by or resulting from: ii) any wilful act by you;or iii) resignation or voluntary unemployment- for the avoidance of doubt this shall exclude voluntary redundancy where you initiated your right to claim redundancy under section 147 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 time is of the essence as a decision will need to be made early next week.. and this information will have a bearing on the decison Many thanks in advance,
  2. Morning, Long story short (sort of), I bought my wedding suit from Reiss (£500) on the 23rd August. It's the most expensive item I have ever bought by far. The trousers needed altering but I chose to wait for a week or so as I hadn't bought my shoes yet. After doing so, I went into a different Reiss as it was closer to work. I paid £35 to get the trousers altered but at the time was certain the store manager who performed the pinning wasn't listening. Each time I asked a question about how he was pinning them, he sighed or pulled a face. I was stood there sweating in the end. Even later that day I rang up and asked what would happen if they came back and I was unhappy with them and he said "I followed your instructions, it was a simple pinning process".  The thing is, I was asking him for advice, not barking out orders. I’m not a tailor but that’s the con isn’t it, that some of these 'customer service experts' pretend to be. I had to wait a week and then got a call yesterday.  I went to collect them and they now look like they were made for a 6 year old and on the underneath there’s a piece of material that (and I hate the phrase) makes it look like I have a camel toe.  I even took them into an independent tailors and they agreed that there was something strange about the look. Does anybody know my rights here please? I've half gone off the suit now due to this incident. I realise Reiss have a no refund policy but is there any trick I could use? I suppose the best outcome is to hope that they either let me swap it for a different suit or I end up lumbered with a £535 credit note. Thanks for reading (if you do...)
  3. Hi all, I hope that some one can give me some advice on an issue that has arisen with a policy we took out last Oct with EON to cover our boiler. I had the boiler serviced by a local company at the beginning of Oct as it hadn't been done in 18 months due to money being tight. Everything was given a clean bill of health and I have the paperwork and receipt to show this. Then after discussing it we decided to take out some cover at the end of the month and EON were offering a deal of £9.99 a month for the first 12 months. This covers me for an annual service and parts and repairs upto about £500 I think (i'd have to check the small print, I think it actually covers a replacement boiler) This was quite fortunate as a few weeks later in November the heating side stopped working, but we still had hot water. EON sent some one round (from whatever 3rd party contractor they were using) and he diagnosed that the wireless receiver on the boiler had failed and needed replacing. This is a £50 part as I know for a fact, because I had the original mechanical one replaced with a wireless one in 2009. It took them the better part of a month to actually fix the problem, giving me loads of excuses about being able to find the part and so forth... In the end after I gave them an ultimatum (I could have ordered what I needed online myself in minutes and had it delivered within 48hrs) they finally sent some one round with a new receiver and transmitter unit... which is far inferior to the one I had... But I just wanted some heating to work, so put up with the silly new clunky boxy transmitter that came with it. I watched the gas fitter the entire time he was here, all he did was drop the front panel down, remove the old one and fit the new one. He then unscrewed something on the exhaust pipe and tested the emissions. Gave me a bit of paper and left. This was last December. Cut to Sept this year and it's been nearly 12 months since the last service (start of Oct), and I want to book a service for the end of the month. I call up EON, only to be told that it had a service in December 2013.... I can state for absolutely certain that this is not true. I watched what the guy servicing the boiler did, and he stripped it down completely, cleaned it all out and tested everything, emissions, sniff tests... the whole works. They guy repairing it never took any of it apart or did anything other than replace the receiver and check the emissions. They're telling me that I have to wait until Dec for a service, which is actually 14 months since the last one... and more importantly.. 2 months into the next year and 2 months after they double the payments for the cover. Now I shopped around for better buildings and contents insurance, and managed to find cover that included essential boiler servicing and emergency repairs... Eliminating the need for a separate policy. That cover started in August and the only reason we didn't cancel the other cover right away was because we knew they had to service the boiler before the price doubled... That's what we paid for. But now they are trying to screw us out of the service we are due as part of that contract, saying that they fully serviced the boiler last December... Which is an outright lie. The mindless drone in customer services is only capable of saying 'computer says no' So I've been paying for 12 months for a service that they won't do and are lying about having done already. I'm not looking for some long and protracted fight here... I either want them to service it as they are supposed to under the contract or a partial refund of the policy to cover the cost of getting it serviced locally... which is about £60. So... what's my next step?
  4. Totally disgusted in 1st claim against my policy in 8 years. Machine broke, called 5.8.14 no engineer until 12.8.14 said I need new drum. lots of calls to Know How and Hoover to be told on the 26.8.14 by Know How that I had been let down on so many points that she requested that my machine be written off (backed by a Manager) more calls to see when I could get a new machine. Then on 28.8.14 engineer phoned to say he was at my house to do repair, I advised him what I had been told by Know How 2 days previous. Now turns out that they have classed me as refusing a repair and write off has been cancelled and engineer now on holiday until 15.9.14 so I will have to wait. I have spent lots of time and money on all these call and I am having to pay to wash a family's washing since 4.8.14. It's like they are on a bonus if the only have to do a repair the glee in his voice was sickening. Never again will I recommed Currys or Mastercare and will avoid a Hoover product at all costs!
  5. I've had a motorbike insurance policy for less than six months, which I paid in full up-front. I've now sold the motorbike, which I'm not replacing, so rang to cancel the insurance. I was hoping for a small refund, but I've been told I need to pay AN ADDITIONAL £15 to cancel the policy (over and above the annual premium I've already paid). Regardless of how this is calculated (and whatever the small print says), this is just madness. If they said "OK, we've cancelled the policy, but you don't get a refund", I'd be disappointed. But to be told I have to pay them extra after using less than 6 months of the policy, means I've vowed never to use Hastings again for any bike or car insurance.
  6. Hi there. I appreciate this is a bit of a unique set of circumstances, if it was straight forward there'd be no need to post here, but I wanted some clarification and advice. I'll try and keep it simple. At 20 years old, I got my first car in October last year, Smartmiles was the cheapest insurance because of the box, however I still wanted to pay monthly due to my working circumstances and financial situation. In June, with only 2 payments to go, my direct debit bounced due to negligence on my part. I became aware of this, and went on to Creation's website (who manage my policy's finance) and paid the money that I was in arrears on there. Unbeknownst to me, paying through the website didn't stop the direct debit from being repeated a few days later, once again putting my account into "arrears" even though I actually only owed the final month, which shouldn't be due until the end of July. Then, due to the direct having bounced twice in a row, I apparently got hit with a £25 charge. However I was not told about said charge, and as such did not pay it. I got the usual letter from Hastings saying my policy would be cancelled in so many days due to my account being in arrears, however when this has happened previously I have called them, paid what I owe, and everything has been fine. Naturally, as I knew I had already paid for June's payment, and July wasn't due yet, I knew my account should not actually be in arrears anymore, and could disregard the letter. Except for the hidden £25 charge that had appeared. That ensured my account was still in arrears, and as such when I hadn't paid it by the 22nd July, my policy was cancelled. First phone call to Hastings, was told they'd ring back the next morning, I never had a phone call but they told me they could not get through to me. Fair enough. Second phone call, spoke to someone who basically told me that the £25 charge being unpaid was the reason my policy was cancelled, and they wouldn't reinstate it. Third phone call, spoke to a lovely lady, and she actually looked upon my situation, my finance account, transaction history, and saw that it was simply a case of computer automation, for example if I had phoned the company to pay, they would know it was paid before the 2nd direct debit went out, therefore I would have had no charge. Human intervention, in other words. She said she's going to have a look at it today, and call me back, which I appreciate, I shall see what she says and go from there. However I still want some advice. I completely understand that it is my responsibility to make sure my DD payments are going through. I get that. What I'm stumped about is being hit with a £25 charge, which I had no notification of, and cannot find any information about on Creation's website. If I had known that it was due, I would have paid it straight away and this would never have happened. As such now, with only 1 month's payment left (£155) I have lost the no claims of my first year, and, for the foreseeable future, whenever I try to get a new quote, I have to declare that I have had a policy cancelled, and so most insurers won't go near me, and the ones that do are easily charging north of £3000 for a 1.0 Saxo at 21 years old. Any advice? If this was a simple case of me missing a DD payment, and it being cancelled for that, I would accept it as my mistake, however the way I see it, it is not completely my fault at all. Thanks folks, apologies for being a bit long winded, it's just slightly complicated.
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27934566 as early as next week in the north west area
  8. Hi , my brother took out this cover in the 1990's. Unfortunately he had to claim on it because he was diagnosed with MS. We can not find the original documents, but Barclays have been paying this claim monthly ever since. He thought it paid out until his retirement date , which was 65 when he took the policy out, but of course since then the government has upped the age to 70. Barclays say that the policy will mature in a couple of months, even though he has five years to wait for his pension, which is going to create a financial nightmare for him. Has anyone any knowledge or information they can pass on to us about this insurance please ? I have found info about the current mortgagecare policy which only pays out for a maximum of 2 years.
  9. Hi all I wanted some advice please. I bought Car Insurance with John Lewis in Dec '12 and arranged to pay by Direct Debit. In January the DD failed, I recieved a letter saying the bank had told them it had been cancelled so I called paid over the phone and reset the DD. In Feb the DD failed, I called, and it was suggested that the issue was possibly due to the fact that I have another DD to john lewis on the same date and that was the confusion, I was told to wait, see what happened with the march payment and go from there. In march the DD failed, as the DD date was a weekend I didn't intend to chase the issue until a week had passed as sometimes they payment can be delayed a few days, however 5 days after the DD date I received two letters from John Lewis on the same day, 1 to say the payment had failed and I needed to pay or they would cancel my policy and the 2nd to say - "we cancelled your policy 5 days ago please pay us £135" I called straight away to sort out the problem, and to be honest the woman was really off with me until I broke down (I was hit by a lorry last year and the thought of that happening while id been driving around unbeknown to me uninsured got me in a right state) I paid all the cancellation charges, and purchased a new policy (the price had now increased) I logged a complaint with my bank as I hadn't cancelled these direct debits but each time I was told that the bank had said I had. After a month of investigation it turns out that John Lewis set the mandate up in December for the first payment in March! so each time they asked for payment my bank said no I'm fuming, I suffered PTSD after the accident last year and to be honest I was pretty histerical after my call with John Lewis that night, fortunatley I always insure fully comp and i've had a year of medical treatments that I couldn't have afforded, and still have £4k worth of pescription bills and loss of earnings that I'm trying to claim back to think I could have had an accident that week and not been insured doesn't even bare thinking about. I'm just writing a letter of complaint and I wondered if you think I am being reasonable with the following request: A refund for the £135 the charged me for the cancelled policy (admin fee & legal for the full year!) A refund of the additional £24 this year I'm having to pay on the new policy I had to purchase because they cancelled the original policy A letter confirming that a "cancelled Policy" was down to their incompetance (I've had to declare it to all my other insurance companies) Compensation for the fact that they wrote to tell me my policy had been cancelled and sent it 2nd class meaning I recieved it 5 days after they had cancelled and was driving round uninsured, invalidating my tax disc and breaking the law despite them having my email address (which they send the policy to) and my telephone number Compensation for the inconvience of regular calls with Santander to get updates on their investigation, ringing round all my insures with the embarrasment of telling them I have a cancelled policy on my records and to be honest the state it got me into that night my parents had to come sit with me and i'm 33! so embarrasing Also (sorry!) does anyone know if they can retract the "cancelled policy" note? as I'm going to have to declare that for 5 years Thanks for reading!
  10. where to start we bought a fiesta eco 1.6tdi based on advice given by carcraft, initially my wife didnt like the car too much as its a bit barren and obviously a very low spec but she was swayed by promises of 75 mpg and nil road tax. after almost a week of driving and shockingly seeing 50 mpg at most she decided she wasnt going to put up with the lack of goodies and get less mpg than my 2.0 diesel so she returned and advised she wanted to exchange, that was 3 weeks ago, since then we have had lies promises excuses more lies and now have 2 credit agreements with BH for 2 cars one of which is still in the showroom. simple question carcraft have now had almost 4 weeks to resolve this and still no resolution in sight, my wife was literally grilled by both salespeople and an operations manager about the reasons she wanted to exercise her "no quibble" right to swap, in the end she lost it and advised the reason didnt matter but it was her choice. After all this time and 2 official complaints from BH are we within our rights to claim breach of contract as they have failed to exchange in a reasonable timescale? The Micky mouse second finance deal which seems to be a common theme was apparently used as a deposit without our knowledge on the first car and is classed as a personal loan what happens with that if we do in fact return the car under a breach of contract? BH were very interested in that little morsal when we told them about it too
  11. Hello, I foolishly bought a large car yesterday from Carcraft, so today I went back to do the 7 day exchange, however they have told me they have to wait for Black Horse finance to return the money (or something along those lines) and that it could take 2 or 3 days. Now, it's the bank holiday weekend and this puts it at potentially Tuesday or Wednesday next week, i.e. right at the end of my exchange window. I'm wondering whether this "2 or 3 days" to get the finance resorted with Black Horse is normal or whether they are trying to screw me around so that I can't swap cars. The car I have seen to exchange it for is cheaper, and I've told them I will pay the cash to get it instead of taking out another finance policy. They have told me until Black Horse gets sorted, they can't take the car I bought yesterday back nor give me the new one. Is this normal? I messed them around a little bit which I've apologized for but I'm uneasy at whether they are trying to con me out of the exchange in some sort of revenge. I have rung them several times and been assured it's all fine, etc. but obviously they would say that, any third-party advice or the Carcraft Customer Service people that can kind of advise on this would be much appreciated. I also offered to pay a deposit on the new car (it's currently being used as a company car by someone in their showroom), which they said I didn't need to pay.
  12. I had a motorcycle policy on a 125cc with 1 years no claims. In December 2012 I clipped a car on the back left hand side when the driver of the car slammed on whilst going round a roundabout. No parties where injured and the only damage was to my motorcycles brake lever (snapped of) We exchanged details and I contacted my insurer to advise of the incident. They advised don't worry and it would have to go through as an at fault claim and that they would be in contact and also not to speak to the 3rd party if they called. In March 2013 I purchased a 600cc motorcycle and called my insurer to amend my policy to my new bike - no problems. 2 week later I had a voicemail advising me to contact the insurer urgently. I called them asap and was advised that my policy had been cancelled due to false details provided as my no claims was null and void due to the accident. The agent told me they had received a claim from the 3rd parties insurer 6 days prior and because this hadn't been disclosed on the new bike they withdrew the insurance. I disputed this as I had informed the insurance company when the accident had happened straight away and when I insured my new bike it was with the same insurer (change of bike) the only questions I was asked where the reg of the bike and if all my details where the same. so surely they had all the necessary details of my riding history. I am now paying an extortionate premium for my bike insurance with a different provider because of this as i had to disclose that I had insurance withdrawn. Do I have a case to make a complaint to the previous insurance company because I don't feel I did anything wrong I disclosed the accident when it happened and was honest throughout. Many Thanks Max
  13. I received an email from Hastings today (7.5.14) at 12:44pm informing me of the cancellation of my policy on 5.5.14. Attached was a letter giving me a breakdown of chargers which relate to ME cancelling my policy early?? "as discussed". As I had absolutely no idea what this Email/documentation related to or whether in fact it was genuine i quickly contacted Hastings customer service department. I spoke to a lady who could not give me much detail due to the little notes on my account and offered to call me back, which she did. she informed me that the underwriter cancelled my policy due to "Moral Risk" something she nor i knew anything about. She informed me that there was an incident were loud music was being played from my vehicle along with suspect criminal activity (apparently people smoking weed, i dnt smoke myself so i'm pretty ****ed at this! altho there's no notes to say if this was done inside or outside the car) and Hastings were called by a Community Support worker. The Community Support worker did not speak to the owner of the vehicle so decided to contact the insurer?????..... i was not contacted by neither Hastings, the Community Support Worker nor the Police regarding the above matter. on the day in question i allowed my car to be filmed for a short youtube video for some local musicians. The car was driven to the NCP car park in City Centre by myself, it was parked up by me and i allowed some local musicians (whom i know) to film using the car for over an hour or so whilst i visited some shops. i got a call from them advising me that a local community support officer patrolling the area moved them along as there were loud music being played. Fine. I then came back to to the car park, paid for my stay and drove home. I do not understand how the above can cause my insurance policy to be cancelled. I was not contact by Hastings regarding this "incident" at all. I have not received any correspondence regarding any criminal matter from neither the said Community Support Officer nor the Police. No one was arrested nor charged with any offence during this "incident" I am the only person insured to drive my vehicle. No one was seen driving my vehicle. No one was seen with my car keys. The ignition was not on (i had my keys) I do not think it is fair the way they treated me and my claim. i do not think it is fair that i have been informed 2 days after my policy had been cancelled that it has been cancelled. I have been driving around for 2 days illegally at no fault of my own. The cancellation of my policy is also going to have an effect on my credit scoring which again is not fair.My monthly instalments have always been paid on time every month. I have had no issues with Hastings up until now. I did until now compliment Hastings on how efficient they had always been with me re my renewals ect, their call centre staff have always been so friendly and helpful towards me. i feel completely let down and disgusted with how they have treated me. I need to know how this can be rectified and my policy reinstated? I simply cannot afford to take out another policy with another company and pay hundreds of pounds deposit upfront. has anyone else ever come across this "moral risk" termination? can anyone enlighten me on what it actually means as the advisor's and managers ive spoken to did not have a clue. i'm new to this so sorry for the rant:|
  14. I bought a car from CarCraft on 29th April 2014. Im happy with the car but i now noticed ive been signed up for a Guarantee package costing over £3500.. The document says i can cancel in 30 days but the fiance document says if i cancel i must pay the full cost of loan back to finance company if cancelled within 14 days! What should i do? I want out of this policy!
  15. Hi there, apologies if this isn't the correct forum, and for the longest post in history On Feb 6th this year I took out new insurance policy with CIS. I paid in full immediately and they sent docs via email. All good so far. Then they sent an email requesting proof of the 7 years NCB that I had stated on the application. The email said I must sent this by 27th Feb 2014. Due to work pressure and what-not I didn't send the NCB proof - that was my fault, for sure. However on 24th Feb (3 days before the email deadline) they sent me a mailed letter to my home which said that they would cancel the policy at 23:59 on 5th Feb 2014 if the NCB proof was not presented to them. I received that letter on Mar 4th - I've no idea where it had been since they geenrated it on 24th Feb. I contacted, with haste, my previous insurer who sent my proof to me. I forwarded that proof to CIS at 17:48 on 5th Feb 2014. I thought nothing more about this and went to work, in my car as usual, today. When I got to work I received an email at 09:19 saying that CIS could not process the NCB proof as the policy was inactive and I should contact customer services urgently, which I, of course, did. That conversation did not go so well, as instead of being inactive the policy was cancelled. I asked if they could re-instate the policy - NO. Could I have a new quote - NO. CIS, once they cancel a policy, will not issue another to the same driver?!? Really? So, I asked what can be done. I was told I would have to pay for the privilege of CIS cancelling my policy the princely sum of £50. I objected to the cancellation charge as I had not cancelled the policy, they had. At the time of this discussion I didn't have the letter they had sent me to hand, so wasn't absolutely sure of the precise wording. I then arranged a new insurance policy through a different company - duly notifying them that I did have a previously cancelled policy (the 1st time in my driving history this has ever happened incidentally). They quoted me about £100+ compared with what they had quoted me during my initial insurance hunt in early Feb. Nevertheless, I took the policy and now was legally allowed to drive my car. I went home and read the letter to make sure I understood it correctly - I had. It was a notice of cancellation on the specific date IF the NCB was not delivered to CIS. So, I again called their customer service and was told that they couldn't refund my money for 3-5 working days!!! Are you serious? They happily took ALL my money BEFORE they issue the policy but on the cancellation they prevaricate and say 3-5 days? It takes 2 hours maximum for a CHAPS transfer typically. I then asked to speak with management or someone who can make decisions. I was refused, but the CS rep did speak with his line manager and came back to me to tell me they were offering a 'goodwill' gesture of £15 reduction on the cancellation fee. I asked if this was an acceptance of culpability on their part - NO, this was goodwill. So, CIS have my money. I am now burdened with a "cancelled policy" on my insurance history which I assume will mean that I am considered a higher risk and therefore premiums will be higher in the future. And, I drove my car without insurance (fortunately not calamities occurred) to work thinking I had insurance when I didn't. I spoke with the Insurance Ombudsman today who told me I must give a formal written complaint to CIS and allow them to go through their process to determine what, if anything, they will do to appease me. I sent an email to cis.complaintsATcis.co.uk explaining my experiences with this cancellation. I understand from the ombudsman that I can wait upto 8 weeks for this decision process after which they can intervene and determine an independent decision. So, finally, here's my question. What are my rights here? Can I expect CIS to return my premium money promptly - faster than 3-5 days? Can I expect CIS to completely waive the cancellation charge they applied? Can I hope that CIS will remove the "cancelled policy" flag on their system to allow me to get future insurance without extra costs? And, did CIS give the necessary notification about the cancellation of my policy? That is, informing me at 09:19 when it had been cancelled at midnight the previous day, causing me to drive, unwittingly, without insurance? Any advice or help would be gratefully received.
  16. Worked four years same place the post was senior care assistant private care home. employed as senior care assistant. Applied for new job' had interview all fine so far. new employer ask me when I can start! . I said I would give the months notice as per contract all fine so far. new employer ask them for ref. they have sent her an email saying 'It is our company policy not to give a full reference . Any help please. new employer to me in email Says she don't understand what they mean.by Its our company policy not to give a full reference . new employer says it's a regulated industry you need a full reference. ?
  17. Hi I would like to know thoughts and opinions on where I stand with the recent letter I have received from my employer this week with regard to absence. Sadly during August 2013 I spent 4 days in hospital whilst 200 miles away on business with a further 4 days at home recovering from a kidney infection - (CT scan reveals all is ok last Sunday) I am not usually a sicknote but i would strongly believe that going through a breakup, selling my house and fighting to have decent contact time with my daughter would be a good indication as to why my health has suffered during 2013. Thanks in advance. Dear Barty, Following our recent meeting, i would like to formally state our concerns over the increasing levels of absence seen over the last few calendar quarters. Please see below your absence record which shows the percentage of days you were absent in relation to the percentage of days available per quarter. Sickness % 01/13 to 03/13 = 0.00 Sickness % 04/13 to 06/13 = 4.84 Sickness % 07/13 to 09/13 = 12.31 Sickness % 10/13 to 12/13 = 3.17 In the meeting I explained how the company uses the measure of over 3% days absent against available days over two consecutive quarters as a trigger for investigating further reasons for absence. Then any further individual quarters where absence is over 3% after this if no improvement is seen. Therefore, in our meeting it was concluded your absence levels were above what is acceptable and an improvement was required. I must also inform you that any further instances where cause for concern is noted due to your absence levels being excess of that outlined above could result in disciplinary action. As discussed, I hope things will improve and there will be no further need to discuss this matter again. Yours Xyz
  18. I am a Lorry Driver, and was involved in a collision in the company vehicle and the third party was driving a car on a public road. No damage to the Lorry, considerable bodywork damage to the car and no injuries to any person. Am I required to declare the collision on my own personal car insurance policy ?
  19. hi all .my gripe is with littlewoods catalogue i have been a custommer/agent for over 14 years and these last few years i have never seen a company go so down hill a couple of month ago they took my commission they now call it rewards . (some reward when they can take it back ) because i didnt spend any money with them in a set amount time. .my reason being i didnt want anything plus we still pay littlewoods £26 a month for a pc for 1 off my custommers.. then they sent me a £12 late payment fee ..fair enough but my custommer pays £30 every month and hes had it approx 14-15 month so we should be in at least £50-£60 in front in credit ..no say littlewoods we dont work like that .???? now to top the cake off with icing . another one of my old custommers has sent a faulty microwave back and it was paid in full .. littlewoods sent me a email saying they have credited my acount ..what they did though was not credit my account but took the microwave customers £69.00 off my pc custommers balance . ..ive emailed them untill im blue in the face . .asking at least 7 different custommer service people to please explain to me how i now give the microwave custommer her £69.00 because the pc custommer cant afford to pay his monthly set amount plus £69.00 they have took of his balance. and nor should he have too. .for the sake of my freindship with the microwave owner i have now paid her out of my own pocket ..but im also now £69.00 down because robinhoods will not help me or do anything . .all i can do is wait untill my other custommer pays his pc up then collect his last £69.in about 7-8 months time its disgracefull ive even asked them to retake the money back out of my account and send the microwave refund another way cheque or something i hate these people now
  20. Hi, I am new to this so please bear with me, My husband had a life insurance policy with a mortgage for a property he had . This was taken out in 1987. Unfortunately he had some financial problems and his property was repossessed in 2002. We had completely forgotten about this policy with Pioneer Mutual but have come across it whilst clearing out a cupboard. What we would like to know if anyone can help. Could he chase this policy down and see if he has any claim on it or did it die when the property was repossessed . Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
  21. Google's online site has the policy in which for you to return a faulty device you need to first give them permission to put an 'authorisation' on the value of the replacement device they send to you. This is non-optional. The idea that if the faulty device you return is not deemed under warranty by them they will take the authorised value and you keep the replacement they sent you. I.e you pay for same product twice whether you like it or not. Am I being completely wrong in believing this go against Sales of Good Act? Thanks
  22. Iain Duncan Smith’s plans to force claimants to spend hours a week endlessly searching for jobs on the Universal Jobmatch website* could become a laughing stock after the launch this week of an app which will carry out jobsearch automatically. According to their website, Universal Automation is a “browser extension which will automatically search for jobs on Universal Jobmatch and apply for them. It is the robot that will perform useless job search activities instead of you at a click of a button.” I would love to be a fly on the wall when IDS realises.
  23. I have a Gaget Insurance Policy for the iPhone in our household - this policy was offered by when taking out my household insurance, I asked at time what did it cover, having two older teens wanted to make sure they were included. Situation - just over a week ago my daughter discovered during the day that her phone was missing, she travels on London transport train and underground, she did the "find my phone" but no response. It is not known whether she was pickpocketed (it was in her side jacket pocket with slanted openings) or whether it was lost, if being the latter she would have heard it drop. I contacted the service provider to cancel the phone and then the next day went to local community police station, two older gentlemen on duty, very helpful though one was showing the other one the ropes, explained about phone and they completed the form, I repeatedly mentioned not known if pick pocketed. Send information to insurance company with proof of purchase, proof of bill, proof of police report and completed form. I called later that evening to ask if I get replacement and they reimburse or do they supply. I was told that my claim had been rejected due to the fact that I am not covered for Accidental Loss, I immediately emailed my response that this was not known whether Loss or Theft but the fact is I have cover for Accidental Loss and Theft. I was told that I do not. I have made a complaint to the insurance broker who are "looking into it", I have again received a letter telling me that my appeal is rejected due to the fact that the phone was lost! and that I do not have cover for this and if I believe I have been misadvised by Paragon then take it up with them. Paragon are looking into it - and in the mean time no phone! My Terms & Conditions clearly state both Accidental Loss and Theft.
  24. Hello all, I'm enquiring for a family friend who is concerned about insurance. Whilst I cannot go into specific details of their situation as it is not my place, I am trying to find out the following: Is it possible for a van on a commercial insurance policy to be combined with a car on a standard domestic policy? It is my understanding that these should be separate but I'm having problems confirming this. I have serious concerns that the policy will be invalid but I need to confirm this. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou in advance. EE
  25. Hi, In 1985 we took out a joint life policy with Abbey Life payable of first death value £19,935. We took a partial surrender in 1995 of £900. Over the years because we did not increase the premiums the policy value went down and now stands at £6,987. The reason for this post is to get some advice on what to do with this policy now as we have received a letter from Abbey Life. This letter gives some information about your COVERMASTER Plan which will reach its 28th anniversary on the 25th June 2013. Your COVERMASTER Plan is a unit linked life assurance policy. The current review on this is to drop your current level of Life Cover of £6,987 to £5,994 until your next review. You would normally have the opportunity to replace any reduction in your life cover by taking out a new life assurance plan with us for £993. At present the cost to you of doing this would be below our minimum premium for new plans, so we propose instead to maintain your life cover at the current level until the next review. However you should anticipate a possibly substantial reduction in the level of your life cover at the next review because we are proposing to maintain the sum assured at a higher level than we should until the next review. The premium for this policy was £12 a month when it started it went up to £18 about 15 years ago. What is the best way to go forward with this policy, when we took it out we were told that the initial sum of £19,935 was for life no matter what, do we surrender the policy or make it a paid up one as we are now 65 and 60 years old. I would appreciate any help with this. mamie
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