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  1. hi everyone new to all this eeekkk :scared:
  2. Hello everybody, I keep coming across this forum in Google results, so thought I would join up and share my problem in the hope of receiving some more specific advice. I am being chased by Buchanan Clark & Wells for an £850 debt, due to EE for a phone I didn't ask for, nor did I use. I'm by no means completely innocent in all of this, looking back it could have all been avoided very easily, but I suppose that doesn't change the situation. Here is the story: Around 6 months ago, I was applying for a new phone on EE's website, a £50 a month contract on a shiny new Note 2. I got to the confirmation screen, where they take a pund from your account and then replace it to confirm the account etc. Well, due to my account being overdrawn, they could not do this and the order did not go through. I phoned up the Carphone Waehouse to see what the issue was and was advised to phone up when the account had some funds available to complete the order. Me being as impatient as I am, the next day I nipped into the town centre and got the phone in person from Vodafone, so obviously had no need to complete the order with Carphone Warehouse. The next day I receive an email from Carphone: "You're order is confirmed, it'll be delivered tomorrow!" I think to myself, "hold on, I didn't phone them back to complete the order, why've they sent that?" I call them, explain the situation and get told "Not a problem, return the phone as soon as possible" (Not 14 days or anything specific) Due to me working nights, and sleeping through most days I found it hard to find the time to return the phone, and thought I'd do it next time I'm in the centre. Well, a few weeks passed and I get told I am now outside my 14 days to return the phone as stated in my contract. (A contract I did not confirm or agree to be in, as far as I'm concerned?) So here we are, I fight and fight with Carphone and they are adamant they are within the law and I must now pay £50 a month for a phone I did not ask for. I got pretty distressed with the situation and, to be honest, ignored it hoping it would go away. Well, it hasn't, and now Buchanan Clark & Wells are chasing me for £850. I've done my research on them and they don't look a very nice company. I have spoken to them on the phone once (big mistake, I know now), they now have my number, my current address. I offered to return the phone and they refused saying it wouldn't change anything, so after it being sat unopened for a few months I sold it for £250. I'm happy to pay this to them, and perhaps some more for their troubles, but £850 sounds so much money for what has happened. I have never even used the line they are charging me for. Is there anything I can do? Sorry for the long first post, hopefully there are a few of you who've not fell asleep! Thanks in advance, Olie
  3. Hi, i wanted some advice 3 days ago i was walking around my local supermarket when i got banged in my left hip when i turned round there stood a staff member with a big metal flatbed trolley, i was in alot of pain she apologised she said she had seen me but gathered i would of moved by the time she turned the flatbed trolley, i walked off and stood hoping the pain would subside which it didn't I sought a member of staff telling them what had happened, he advised me to go to customer services, i did while in alot of pain they got a a first aider which took a while to arrive who then took me to the first aid room and applied some ice on the area, a manager came in and took details when they were finished they said i could go, no offer of assitance with helping me with the rest of my shopping, i will also add i had my young son with me, when i got back i emailed asda to complain not just about the staff member who clearly was so much in a rush she took no regard for someone stood there but also the way i was ushered away after. Then this morning i get a letter saying sorry and a £10 gift card!! i went to the doctors who said i need to be on painkillers as its the muscle i have hurt, i am still in pain with this, it is causing me to hardly get any sleep! i can't drive as i am on co codamol, and i am a care giver for my dad so i am having to seek help with this also! Sorry for the rant i am trying to find a way forward, i have suffered enough but i was just glad it wasnt a younger child or elderly person who was in my position and them to send me £10 to be honest is more of an insult. Thanks in advance
  4. Hello to all, Just a small introduction before i make a few posts regarding banking and parking issues
  5. Hello everybody and thanks for letting me join this forum. I represent a charity that has a good reputation and we have found that a company is using our name spuriously to advertise a product we would never approve. This company is hosted by Amazon, and despite writing to Amazon 3 times now and quoting the Trades Descriptions Act 1968, and pointing out that our name and logo are Registered Trademarks, that we did not give the vendor permission to use, the have not yet removed the claim. I am seeking advice please on what to do next
  6. A family member visited us late last year and asked to send a bank card to our address. We agreed, passed it over when it arrived and thought no more of it. Over the last 4 months we've been getting letters in his name; all have been returned to sender, but I Googled the PO Box no on the back of one and it was from a debt collection agency. Last week we had a visit from a bailiff from that same agency, who was fairly reasonable and took it on face value when I showed him proof of ID for myself and my husband, but nobody in our family has a forwarding address for this person; he's gone awol and is living in a camper van in the middle of nowhere. He's run up debts with various companies and plenty of individuals, and has been fraudulently running a camper van hire company, too, and it seems that we're getting all of them attached to our address. It bothers me that the next bailiff to visit may not be so willing to listen; and I've no idea where to go from here. I feel no loyalty to this person since it's happened, so am ok with going to the police if needs be, but I don't want to waste their time if it's not a police issue. Any help would be hugely appreciated.
  7. is there not an ebay customer service contact?
  8. Hi,my name is Sandra and i must say what a realy helpful forum this is. Need a little advice. I returned a falty pair of UGG boats to Cruise Clothes on the 6th of December.I phoned them on the 16th of December,and they acknowledged they have received them,they were indeed falty,and i would receive a full refund within 3 days,payed into my paypal account.No money was payed in.Called them back today.Spoke to a different person.He said he would speak to the girl who told me i would receive a refund when she comes back from her lunch at 4pm.Needless to say no call came,and now know one is picking the phone up to me.I know its early days,but i feel as if i am being given the runaroud.If i dont have a refund in my paypal accont by early next week.What is my next step. Any advice is much appretiated. Regards Sandra
  9. Hi All, Wasn't quite sure where to post so though a general area would suit. I am after some advice as to the best way to approach a lot of debts I have. I have for the last 2 1/2 years been completing a DMP via CCCS but was wondering if there was a better way. The payment I make them is jsut about manageable but leaves nothing left over and is still over 7 years off completion What I was wondering was if I stopped this entirely and had a go at getting them written off. I done this successfully around 8 years ago with some old statute barred debts from when I was a teenager but not really sure if it is feasible for debts I have been paying regularly for the last 5 years, albeit at reduced payment for the last 2 1/2. I dont mind putting the effort in if I stand a realistic chance of getting some of them removed but I would rather avoid spending time on them if there is little or no chance. Any advice gratefully received. Tim
  10. Hello everyone Just after a bit of advice please, my mother fears that her health records have been accessed by a member of our family. Without going into detail there is private information (ony held on file) which was brought up in coversation by this family member who works at a hospital. My mother has not attended this hospital since her toubles 12 years ago. We do not want to make matters worse in the family and accuse this person, so how would we discover if they have indeed been snooping at her files whilst on shift? Thanks all
  11. A few months ago i got a pcn from euro car parks in cardiff. I parked at 7.15 pm and returned at 9.08pm to find a parking ticket placed on windscreen timed at 8.40pm. The notice said i had exceeded maximun stay and that i had been recorded leaving the car park. The car park sign said return within 1 hr 30 mins , penalty if no return within 2 hours. The ticket was placed on my car within the 1hr 30 min window. I received a letter from euro car parks for £60 pound and i then received another letter for £90 advising if i did not pay they would forward my details to debt collection agency. Today i have received a threataning letter fron contro laccount plc stating that i have 5 days to pay £115 otherwise i will face serious legal consequences. They say they will start legal proceedings and apply for county court judgement against me. Please advise if i should continue ignoring these letters. Thank you.
  12. Hello everyone, Myself Steven Brooks. I am new to this forum. I have not found the introduction thread of this forum so, I am giving here my introduction. I want to share my thoughts with all the members of the forum, on the topic about electronics and its uses. If I have done any type of mistake, then forgive me. I wish for your support and cooperation. Thank you, Steven Brooks
  13. Hi guys, I may be asking a question that has been asked many times before but i have come to a dead end and need any help that can be given. I bought a car through Yes Car Credit back in June 2005 and finished paying for it in 2009. I remember when i was signing for the car i was told by the woman that i had to pay payment protection and i could not opt out of it. It was between £25-£35 a month (i can't remember exactly) and would like to try and claim it back. My only problem is that i have moved since paying off the car and have none of the paperwork. I'm also unsure if Yes Car Credit still trade under the same name or if i can claim back this payment protection. If anybody could offer me some advice on where i can get started i would be most grateful. Many thanks, Dave
  14. Hi, we've been browsing this site for a while now and the info and support on here is amazing so we decided to sign up as we are going through some changes with our debts and could really use some advice.... We have had a DMP through CCCS for 2 years now and having seen the levels of advice and info on here decided we would prefer to go it alone (They are paid by the banks so there's some part of me saying they must act in their best interests not ours) We have cancelled our DMP with CCCS and are now in the process of contacting all the creditors (11) to advise we will be managing ourselves. This is a scary moment as I like the comfort of CCCS but as we are in a much better place than when we started it makes sense to go it alone! We have successfully claimed back PPi from LLoyds earlier in the year and have a couple of other claims on going. However my 2 biggest questions at the moment are : When a creditor doesn't accept your original claim that the ppi was mis-sold what is the best way to proceed - my claim is that I didn't think I would be approved for the card if I didn't have the cover - does anyone have a good template letter to respond with?? Also following what others have done on the forum we have offered full and finals against at 10% (cheeky but we thought we'd chance it - all rejected) and requested 4 CCA's from DCA's that have debts transferred from original creditors -- This is where panic begins to set in - where do we go from here Any advice very gratefully received..
  15. Hello I'm hoping someone can offer me some advice. My son left the UK back in 2010, he & his wife left behind a few unsecure debts, student loans & have some how ended up owing tax credits (not sure how they ended up with them as they claimed nothing after they left and have no UK bank account that anyone could have paid them into). After many months of returning letters to who ever they owed money to the phone calls begun from various debt collectors & these are now every day at all hours of the day. I have no intention of telling them where my son & his family are they will not return to the UK ever, but I do really want the calls to stop. I have explained over and over again that my son does not reside in the UK & the calls and threats to come round to recover the debts continue. Can someone please offer some good advice on how I can stop the calls and letters. Just had a call from Rosendales whilst typing my message, lovely way to start the day...
  16. Hello everyone, I have just joined this site today and look forward to reading more and liaising with other people. Hope you are all well and enjoying the weekend so far. D xx
  17. Good Evening. I am new to the forum and would like to hopefully find out more regarding my rights as a consumer. Thank You
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