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  1. My sister has been told by her employer of a few years that an attachment of earning has been put on her wages. After some investigation and a few phone calls found that it relates to joint job seekers allowance claim she had with her ex in 2012. Her apparently had £16,000 in a savings account that she had no knowledge of but as the main claimant she is liable for the full £7,500. She has been advised to get her ex to write a letter saying she didn't know about the money which he won't do because the money was his dads but his dad is on sickness benefit so put it in his sons name when he was first signed off. Is there anything else she can do? Thanks
  2. A friend of mine.. no , really,... who is currently on JSA believes they are entitled to IS. However whenever they ring the number to make a new claim for IS they are told they need to end their claim for JSA before the claim for IS can even be made. Obviously the problem is that at best, they are going to be without money for several weeks while the claim is processed, at worst their claim for IS will be disallowed and they will lose their JSA and have to reclaim it. I was in the same boat a couple of years ago and I can't remember having to close down the JSA claim, the IS just started and they automatically closed the JSA claim, it's all part of the DWP anyway. Is my friend being correctly advised?
  3. After an accident I had in 89 i was left with real bad problems with head and legs, i was able to get on and do some work but have had many operations since then. in 2006 i managed to get a job with local council but then got transferred under TUPE. my Legs hips and depression started to get worse and in July last year i was made redundant. on 3rd July last year I put a claim in for ESA, since the claim started i have had some 50+ medical appointments, and last December I had an operation to repair a muscle on left hip, this operation has failed and i am unable to walk any distance and i have restricted mobility from waist down, i have to rely on my other half to help me et dressed, i cannot have a shower as i cant stand up in the bath and i need a hand in and out of the bath, i have at least 5 falls a day, this is where knees give way. on 20th October i had my ESA assessment and on Tuesday this week as i was waiting to go i for an MRI scan I had a phone call from DWP to make an appointment for an adviser to ring me to go over my ESA claim. this adviser rang yesterday and the first thing she asked was "has my condition changed since i saw the Dr for the assessment" of which i replied no as there where no changes. i am then told that My ESA would be stopped with immediate effect. i asked why and was told that i am fit enough for work, as i watch telly i can use a remote so i can use one hand, even though my right hand has problems, because i can take a pair of glasses off, i can use my hands of which means i have to work and sign on to JSA. whilst i was talking to this person i was getting distressed and and my other half ended up taking to her..i ended up in a right state and was hyperventilating i have numerous appointments coming up one of which will more than likely be another operation. my main problems are mobility, depression (according to dwp adviser i cant have depression as i am able to drive) memory and speech. any ideas of where or what i can do now. i will be making a formal complaint against the adviser and i will be getting a copy of all telephone calls many thanks Lets
  4. Hello and good evening Can anyone clarify that if I claim JSA will anything be deducted due to the fact that I live with my son age 18 a full time uni student he receives the full student loan. I know students are not counted for HB but will anything be taken off my JSA. Many thx in advance
  5. Hi all. First of all apologies for the long post. I will try to explain this as best I can. As some of you know I am back in employment from 26th October. I don’t mind giving figures as they will help with some of the answers. OK, here goes. · I signed off JSA 23/10 (last payment date 25/10) being paid around 28/10 · I start work on 26/10 with a £17,031 salary (salary date is 23 of each month) · I applied for Working Tax Credits (WTC) as I thought I was entitled · This morning I get a letter from JSA saying my JSA 16/10/15 to 31/03/2016 will be £20.04pw as I have £53.06 coming in. This is irrelevant as my last payment is being processed now. Have JSA (DWP) been liaising with HMRC (WTC) already? · I call HMRC (WTC) this morning and ask for an update – they say I have a payment of £214.60 to me on 11/11 – I think all is well. · HMRC then say we have no salary for you down only my income from JSA which was £3774.00. They then base that until the end of the financial year my income is around £7205 so WTC would only be paid on this if anything at all but he could not say what it would be at this stage. · HMRC then tell me WTC for a single person with no children is only paid if you are on £13,000 or less, however, when I done an on line calculation it says I am entitled to £1384pa Can anyone shed any light on my entitlement, if any? I can manage on my new salary, quite frankly it is double what I had on benefits but the way I think is if I do have entitlement why should I not claim it to help with fares etc. I am very confused as they did not actually have my claim form in front of them but on their system they had my details but only a figure for JSA income not my salary. Thanks all.
  6. Good day to you all, I wonder whether any of you kind people assist me with a few questions concerning my pending JSA claim? A little bit of background, I am 46 and until February of this year, I was working. In February, I was lucky enough to receive a small inheritance and as such I left my zero hours job in a call centre (difficult and soul destroying) and moved to another part of the country to live with my partner. Unfortunately, the employment market was not what I expected, and whilst I have not claimed a single penny in assistance, the time is quickly approaching whereby I will have no further option but to consider making a claim for JSA. Just to complicate matters, my partner who works in tourism will shortly be coming to the end of her seasonal contract. My questions are as follows: 1. Will I be successful in a claim for JSA (I have made National Insurance Contributions for 13 out of the last 24 months) 2. I do not posses a P45 (Not received one from previous employer who has now gone out of business) 3. Should the claim be Joint For the sake of clarity, we do not currently care for any children and my savings are below £6000 Thank you for your anticipated assistance.
  7. Morning. If someone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated. My circumstances are this. I have been suffering with depression for years and being out of work made things worse after losing my job and had to start signing on. I was on JSA for a couple of years and whilst on that was initially receiving housing benefit? towards my mortgage (interest only) which was a massive help. I was actively seeking new work and applying etc but the bull**** work programmes drove me mad (literally) with the stupid tasks and courses designed for kindergarden. I ended up turning to alcohol and this obviously made my depression worse. I then signed off over the phone and DWP said that I could move onto ESA (I cant remember what I needed). I declined as I just wanted to get off the phone and felt such a huge relief that I didnt need to worry about being harrassed by A4E and then have been living off my credit cards for the past few months. In short, I am now massively in debt, still out of work, still depressed and up s**t creek without a paddle. Where can I go from here? I need financial support. Im aware I need to get further help for my depression but whilst I have the added worry of being close to getting into a position I am going to lose my home, I need to get this sorted first. What are my options? Obviously I can sign on to JSA and go back to A4E but this has to be the last resort. I am /never/ going to get better while I have to endure that belittlement on a daily basis. Now I'm sure I can register for ESA - but how do I do this. Do I need to goto my doctors first for a sick note or do you register first then prove it later? Because I was on JSA, can I just ring them and ask them to put me on ESA without having to apply for anything or has it been too long now? I cannot emphasise enough that I really struggle with 'people' and waiting. Filling in application forms is fine, but going to interviews and doctors is something I dread and sends my anxiety sky high. And last but not least, my mortgage support stopped last time (from memory you could only have it for 12? months). How long do you need to be off benefits before going back before they will give you the mortgage support again and can this be got on ESA or is that JSA only? Thanks in advance. Mark
  8. I'm really hoping that I'm not still on JSA when I reach my 60th birthday but ..... what happens if you're still unemployed at 60 and female? Are we still considered employable?? Or do we get parked?? Before new limits were set, I'd be retiring at the end of this year and eligible for a state pension. Think I missed the cut-off date by just a few months. Would be really interested if anyone has any thoughts! Impecunious!
  9. Waiting days are days at the start of your claim for Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) for which you are not paid benefit. New rules from 27 October 2014 increase the number of waiting days from three days to seven days if you’re making a new claim for JSA or ESA. This means you won’t get paid for the first seven days of your claim. The increase in the number of waiting days doesn’t affect your entitlement to Housing Benefit during this period. You can still get Housing Benefit as if you’re getting JSA or ESA, even though you’re not being paid it. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/news/jsa-and-esa-waiting-days/
  10. Can back dated claims be appealed? I was offered a job but it fell through can that be a good reason for a back dated job seekers allowance claim
  11. Hi, My husband works full time, I'm a stay at home mum...but now looking for work and have been for the last few months. We do claim tax credits but I don't actually claim a penny for myself as I'm not entitled to anything due to my husband working. I also don't really know anything about the benefits system as before I stayed at home, I always worked. My husband is currently off sick from work. He picked up a full wage on Friday (which is a month in arrears for sick pay) and has been informed that he is not receiving any company sick pay, just SSP and at the end of September will just receive that for the period 9th August to 5th September. Which is going to leave us in a right mess financially. My question is this....due to my husband currently only receiving SSP temporarily, can I claim income based JSA for the weeks he is off sick? As I'm pretty sure if we were both unemployed and receiving benefits, we would be picking up more than he will be getting. Thanks for any advice.
  12. In a nutshell 21 July 2015 - applied for JSA 27 July 2015 - had appointment for JSA - claim accepted I have received letter that I am getting JSA from 27th July with first seven days stopped which is ridicoulous in itself as I now have £40 to last 2 weeks! I thought the claim would start from when I applied onlien on the 21 July and the seven days wait would count from there meaning the most I would lose would be a tenner. Can anyone just confirm that I should be paid from the 21st before I ring the jobcentre and vent my spleen.
  13. Hi , i worked part time 16 hrs in a care home as a maintenance man for 9 months up until june this year i worked in the dementia unit , the job was quite stressful and upsetting at times and was made worse by a recently promoted carer/manager anyway we didn't get on and we had argument and she tried to give me a written warning about my attitude , so i walked out , the other managers were very understanding and wanted me to return and sort out the problem but i just couldn't deal with it so i resigned went to see my doctor and I've been on the sick with depression/stress since . i have recently got a questionnaire fit for work thingy and my doctor tells me they will probably say i'm fit to work which is ok because i'm ready to start work , my question is will i be able to claim jsa or whatever it is when i get signed off the sick , i will tell the job centre i left the job because it was making me ill . thanks in advance.
  14. This is driving me around the bend. Following redundancy I registered with the local JobCentrePlus and from December I started claiming JSA (contributions based type) which I thought I had a right to , having been in work for 37 years. They paid the JSA contributions ok, but then Belfast wrote claiming I owed them back two lots of fortnight-payments because my Pension had gone up in April. Odd ! I thought. Yes my NHS pension had gone up but by only £1.90 a month, but where is the right to 6 months payments irrespective of income if they then look at money coming in ? Also I do not think that such an increase would have had that huge impact ! On reflection I remember declaring to the staff of the JobCentrePlus that in March I had started receiving a monthly payment of £300 from the Lyfestyle Protection Policy which I had with the Post Office. Could that money have been taken into consideration and perhaps mistaken as an additional pension or an increase of the original NHS ? I do not know and after two unanswered recorded deliveries to Belfast and two letters from their Debt Recovering office (which are also claiming a fine of £90 from me ) I am getting panicky. I do not want to pay up if then it turns up to be a misinterpretation by the benefits department. MY QUESTION: Can anyone here please confirm to me whether an insurance payment under the ASUS scheme terms can be taken into account for stopping JSA payments ? I really think Belfast might have been mistaking this money for an additional pension or an increase on the originally declared pension. Your advice would be much appreciated as I am running short of time > Thank you Nino
  15. Hi everybody I'm new to CAG as of today,and i just wondered if anybody could give me some advice - or just tell me it's hormones that are making me irrational! I'm reaching my 20th week of pregnancy and I am in receipt of JSA. I usually attend fortnightly sign on appointments and I do all my job searches,check local paper,internet search,ask family and friends etc, to the letter. I have no problem with that, it is my duty to do so as this is the deal, I look for work and the DWP help me out by not letting me starve. I'm homeless and I'm having such difficulty finding somewhere its a joke, I'm sofa surfing and its a massive pain in the buttox,especially with a bump. Last week i was told I'd have to sign on every week. The adviser ( I've never had a regular adviser,just randoms) told me its just something that happens every now and then, and gave me an appointment for this week. I arrive at my appointment early, I'm never late, and this very uninterested told me I look like I'm having problems finding work, so I will have to come in everyday. I wouldn't have a problem with this ,but for a 20 week pregnant woman, with a child off school, ante natal appointments ,looking for a place to live, does everything to find work, I find this so infuriating. Is there anything i can do? They know my circumstances. I've been on JSA since March, and no, I haven't managed to secure any work as yet, but pregnancy waits for no woman and pretty soon no one will want to employ an elephant with flatulence
  16. I've read on the Benefits Handbook that both ET awards and settlements for unfair dismissal are counted as 'earnings' rather than capital. Can anyone clarify what this means in practical terms if you are in receipt of JSA? Earnings refer to a specific period of time when you were being paid, however, this would be a lump sum, hopefully substantial, but paid all in one go, how would the DWP consider these 'earnings'? I always thought it would be regarded as capital and there would be deductions according to the amount, or no benefits paid if over £16k, at least not until balance went down. I'm confused seeing it's regarded as earnings.
  17. Hi, I received a call yesterday stating I had failed my work assessment at ATOS as I hadn't received enough points. The woman on the phone asked me many times and tried to force me to allow her to put me through to claim JSA. When I mentioned appealing she stated I would still need to apply for JSA as I wouldn't receive ESA whilst the appeal is pending. So my question is this the case?, If so this is disgusting. I have failed, appealed previously and won the appeal and had no gap in payments in between.
  18. I have been on ESA for around 3 years, and have in the last few weeks moved to JSA. I received a letter today stating that my JSA claim has been approved and I will be getting £105 a week - £73 JSA and £32 Disability Premium. Is this in addition to DLA? As I also get £86 every 4 weeks, Lower care rate DLA? If its in addition it will be a very nice unexpected present, and will help offset the Council Tax as if I understand the letter that has come from the local council RE Housing Benefit I am no longer entitled to council tax benefit
  19. Community Work Programme issued by JSA outside of 8 week period! Some advice would be really appreciated. Does the 8 week rule still apply? How to refuse the CWP? Where to count the 8 weeks from? After a 2 year period The Work Programme with Ingeus ended (2faced staff/ incompetent /useless), I was referred back to the Job Centre and issued with an appointment to attend in April this year. I was asked by myJSA to sign the My Work Plan (WS1 form) in May. I had to sign weekly for awhile and then back to fortnightly. Yesterday I was handed a letter to attend a Community WorkProgramme (CWP) later this week. I have been back with the JSA as I said since April or counting from May – either way it is past the maximum 8 week period in which they have to either allocate Daily Signing (DSR) or CWP (Community Work Programme). Has this changed? And if this 8 week max still applies how do I go about politely but firmly refusing the CWP without being sanctioned. Also which date am I meant to count the 8 weeks from – April is when I went back to the JSA – May is when I signed the “My Work Plan” – I am making the assumption this is the date of the WPCI interview but am not sure. Worried I will be sanctioned again – and a second sanction would mean months of financial punishment rather than weeks. (the first one was applied because despite having attended every single mandatory appointment Ingeus had given me and not missing any appointments/workshops of which there were many - there was just one I never received notification of in the post andby the time a text message arrived it was too late, I left a message for the advisor which was never passed on – I appealed the sanction and the Decision Maker in all his glory upheld the sanction as “the balance of probability is that the letter was not lost in the post”!!!!!!!)
  20. Do you have to show write down savings on application for contribution based JSA( I know it doesn't affect getting it), but curious. Also, is oine of those letters similar to the housing benefit's green letter come through post? If you live in a shared house people you live with will then know. Also, how people know who is on benefits-e.g. how would you know if your neighbour was on them?
  21. At the moment I am claiming Income based JSA. My Jobcentre has already been switched to Universal Credit (for singles with no children, like me). As long as my claim goes on, I will stay on JSA but I have been told that if I sign off and then sign on again I'll be moved to UC. Does this rule apply between the canonical 3 (or maybe 6) months during which you can rapid-reclaim? I am thinking of spending 2 months abroad as a volunteer but I'm terrified that I will be sent to UC. Thank you for your time.
  22. Hopefully somebody will be able to help me. Background:: My 18 year old son was recently working for a company who made him sign a contract that the first 80 hours were training & that there were training fees of £400 if he was to leave in the first year or they terminated him. Anyhow, the dismissed him after 2 weeks saying they didn't feel he was right for the job (he had worked just short of 80 hours). His wage should have been £355, but he never received 1p due to the training fee deduction (£400). He was previously on JSA (under the Universal Credit umbrella), he informed them when he began the job. He signed back on after losing the job. The company he worked for has sent him his P45 which shows the £355 earnings on it, this has now caused some problems:: DWP have just phoned my son to say they have deducted £150 from his UC/JSA due to his unreported earnings of £355 (which he actually never got as they were held back for training fees). He explained the situation to them on the phone, but they are going from his P45. When he signed back on he explained them he wouldn't physically see any wage due to the training fee. Dates may help: Started the job: 4th May..... Dismissed 18th May.... Signed back on 19th May He received only £95 today due to the deduction is this correct? or should he in fact not have this deduction made due to not physically receiving a penny. (he is paid UC/JSA monthly)
  23. Hi all, For personal reasons I'd like a particular day off next week, however I happen to have a 'Personal Advisor Interview' on that day. Ideally I'd like it moved to another day, and don't mind losing JSA for just 24 hours. Am I right that you can't just suspend it yourself for a day? What acceptable reasons could you give (I suppose I can pull a sickie but I guess you are only allowed X of those per claim). Thanks, JB
  24. Hi there Quick question, one which would be helpful for many others as well. 1. Can someone have a friend with them when they go to the Job center to sign on? EG to act as a witness? 2. What part of the regulations allow this? I am pretty sure the answer is yes, just need the regs to back me up when I go with my friend next. Today he opened his claim and I was refused permission to go up with him.
  25. Hello all, I have been claiming JSA and have been referred to Ingeus just recently so far i have avoided signing any paper work as to not fall into their trap. luckily enough i have now found a job that i am due to start so i need to stop my JSA claim however as i will be paid monthly i would really need the housing benefit 4 week run on for help with rent and c.tax. what is the best route for me to go as i really do not want INGEUS contacting my new employer as it is rather annoying plus i haven't signed anything so dont feel it is fair if they did. can i tell the job centre that i have simply just found a job without giving them the actual details? and give the local council details of my job in order to get the run on or will the council tell the job centre my details and they then pass it on to ingeus? any help is much appreciated. thank you. Dean
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