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  1. This has been bandied about for some time. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2224349/Poor-drivers-priced-motorways-new-road-tax-proposals.html
  2. I parked next to a van (which had been there for approximatly 3 days) at work in the communal car park in a business center. When I got back to my car, the drivers door is beyond repair and is going to cost in the region of £800 to fix. No details where left by the other driver and no one witnessed the incident. My problem with this apart from being hit is that the business center manager tried to get CCTV footage but explained the cameras where pointing at a tree at the time !! the other camera just takes reg plate numbers. Again, not working. Iv contacted the police and as its an offence, it was on private property, they can take action with relevant details,but thats as far as they will go. My insurence explained, yes I can claim but without any details from the other driver, ill be left to pay, my premium will double and I'll lose my no claims of 8 years.... Somthing doesnt click here, any help much appreciated.
  3. Hi....I would apperciate any advice anyone can give on the following.... My partner was driving from our house past a neighbours property during recent inclement weather. Their farm style wooden gate flew out into the entirety of the road and my partner crashed into it demolishing the wooden gate and causing substantial damage to the car. Initial approaches to the home owner (not a farm) have not led to any admitance of liability. At the scene there was a statement by the gate owner that "I'm always telling them to secure the gate", presumably referring to other family members. It is sunday and I am amazed that the (vehicle) insures are not contactable yet. I should add that amazingly it is correct and true that the gate is able (was able!) to open outwards obstructing the entire single track road. Additionally it is probably not relavant, but the road is a Byway (B.O.A.T) Byway open to all traffic. We are just a little unsure about the best way forward as we do not really want to claim on our motoring insurance as we are not at fault. Any advice much appreciated. So far we have only spoken to the neighbour, rung the motor insurer (unavailable) and have obtained a police ref number for what its worth.
  4. I was hit from behind by a van a few months back. I pulled over, and as did he. The guy stepped out of the van and was being very aggressive towards me and so i gave up asking for his details and just left. His van was damaged mostly all around from where i could see (i didn't see the back of it). In my rush and frustration i neglected to get the licence plate - mistake 1. I just thought that the damage was mainly to my car, and obviously it was his fault and he didn't want to pay. I didn't think it was worth getting into an argument about with someone who obviously was not going to be reasonable. A couple of weeks after I had a visit from a police officer asking about it all and wanted to take a statement from me. When we got to the station i explained what had happened and asked him why I had to give a statement. He told me that the van driver had come in to log the accident and told them that I was at fault and that he had a witness. I explained that the damage is on the back of my car as i was hit from behind, and that there was one man in the van when it happened, no one else came to the side of the road when he came out shouting etc... The Police officer said that not reporting the accident is a crime. He understood that it wasn't my intention not to report it but just that i didn't know i could. I didn't think anyone could help with things like that, no one was injured or there wasn't anything to report like an emergency, now I know that i was wrong to think like that - mistake 2. He said not to worry about it and that they are just following procedure and I may hear back but I may not hear any more. I suppose I want to ask if there is anything really to be concerned about here. I have just received a date to go to the magistrates court. I have contacted a solicitor for advice and am awaiting a appointment date and time, I don't know whether i just need to take advice or if i need a lawyer to go with me. Also in the months that have passed I have fixed the back bumper of my car (before the letter came through) as the parking sensors were not working right. I took a number of pictures of the damage on my phone a few days after my car was hit and still have those. Is there anything i should do or think about doing? Sorry i know I sound clueless, I don't really have anyone to ask and have only been driving for 2-3years. It says on the letter that I may get points, a fine and even a ban. I just don't see how someone can lie so much and take it this far via the police, and now to magistrates court. Any help or advice will be appreciated. Thanks.
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