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  1. Hi All I just wanted to know what path i should take next with Capital One, as i have just called the recoveries dept and they don't have any record of me? I moved on to a DMP in 2006 and the debt from Capital One was sold to Hillsden Securities in 2008. I have just found out from the people managing my DMP that they have not had an updated balance or correspondence with Hillsden since 12/06/08! I checked my credit file and Hillsden have not reported on there since June'10. I'm obviously now wondering if Capital One even have me listed as a debtor any longer, and that the debt management company are paying Hillsden for no reason. I just wanted to know what is the best step to take next. Many thanks.
  2. Hi all, I'm new to the forum, I hope I get help here. Can someone help me in the solution to my problem. Well, I'm in the company closing Ltd.. I think that I will do everything in accordance with the regulations and procedures. I have been forced to do a little personal reasons, as well as professional, as the loss of several contracts, not having hope for a new one. Unfortunately, my financial situation is dire. I am not able to pay off its obligations in relation to HMRC and also other institutions, such as construction equipment rental. I read your forum and I see that you are helping many people. I hope that I can, and I count on it. the main problem at the moment my present is a commitment to renting equipment. Now, it is 683.87 pounds owed to them. I just received a letter from them that I needed to pay off within 14 days. I have posted to them by signing a contract to open an account, I signed that I will personally corresponded Company Ltd. as liabilities. sent me a letter with a copy of the contract, but it is clear that my signature is the "SIGNATURE OF DIRECTORS", "FULL NAME" and "POSITION" which inscribed Director. These signatures are the annotations in which he writes: "I hereby, personally guarantee payment in Respect of all sums due from my company (The Customer) is brandon hire, together with all ancillary cost Incurred" Does this mean that I am responsible for those private commitments and I have to pay this sum? whether these commitments are also as the director of the company? whether it is still to paid as my personal resposibility? Does this mean that I am responsible for those private commitments and I have to pay this sum? whether these commitments are also as the director of the company? is this still means that it should regulate? I got this letter from them after I sent the message to close down the company, after I sent the forms to Companies House DS1. Friges to give up the case to court, as much I am afraid that I myself privately held accountable for it. Very please with some sort of information about what I should do, how to behave. I'll be very grateful. Yours sincerely Gregor
  3. After recieving a letter from a DCA I sent off a CCA request to them. Today I have recieved a letter from the original creditor who the DCA had sent on my CCA request. Basically in their letter they say the following "Section 78 only applies during the lifetime of the agreement. As the above numbered account has been closed, and the balance paid off in full, there is no longer a regulated agreement between ourselves." Does this mean this is now unenforcable?
  4. Hi folks, Please be patient with me as i am new to all this, firstly i managed to get myself in a pickle when i lost my job, my debts went out of control etc etc and i just ignored the letters from debt collectors. They seemed to just pass them on to different agencies and i lost track of what was what and whose was whose. A couple of weeks ago somebody knocked on my door, didnt say where he was from and handed me a pile of paper, and told me that i knew all about it. It was a firm called BW Legal debt recovery solicitors. Issuing me with a statutory demand and that i should respond within 18 days, otherwise they would seek to make me bankrupt. I left it again as it is all getting on top of me, and seriously depressing me, however i got a letter today asking me to pay £980.00 immediately, then installments of £254.00 per month and if i did not, they would again apply to have me made bankrupt. The debt is just over £3000 in total not to one creditor but different ones, the full amount i owe is for various debts. I have been paying two other debts off and almost finshed paying them, as the creditor took me to court and i agreed a payment plan and have never missed, and like i said i just couldnt keep track of who was who with the rest. Why is this BW Legal simply not taking me to court, where i "Will" agree a payment plan as i cannot afford what they are asking. Is this normal what they are doing, or trying to scare me into paying this money quicker. Please help, as i am desperate. Many thanks.
  5. Hey all Dont know if this is in the wrong place although I couldnt find a suitable thread title. In a nutshell, we done work for a customer (a limited company) and they owe us £140k. Now, its not that they are not paying but rather they cant pay until they sell on the asset that we helped complete. We have a good personal relationship with them and they said do what you need to do as they understand our position. We are being chased by our suppliers now and have one question. We done this work based on a gentlemans agreement. There was no paperwork or contracts or anything like that. Just an agreed set price and thats it. Is there any way that we can start any kind of proceedings against them in order to get our money. ie like seizing the asset that was created? Or will the lack of paperwork work against us?
  6. I know this matter is nothing compared to some on here so I'm not expecting tons of replies but I wondered if anyone had any advice on the following: 5 years ago, I left self employment but was in dispute with a supplier about stock they claimed I owed them. To cut a long story short, they took me to court and I offered a payment of £5 pcm until the debt was cleared. The debt itself was only for £600 or so but the court accepted this and I have been paying this every month since. The creditor has not written to me (the debt is currently around £450) and told me that they "require the monthly payment to be increased to £50 per month, therefore, clearing the balance in 9 months" Should I not be able to do this, they have ever so kindly also send an I/E form that I must submit with all my personal financial information so they can decided how much is fair! I was under the impression that provided I was keeping up with the payments as per the CCJ, they could do absolutely nothing about it other than wait for the debt to clear. Am I wrong in this? can they take such action? If not, can I report them to the courts for trying to do so? Some expert guidance would be really appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
  7. In two weeks I have to go to County Court for questioning, here is the background, sorry in advance it long. My property was repossessed in sep 2006, prior to this I was running a small business and had the property rented out, my business partner pulled out Aug 2005, just prior to this I had taken a secured loan on the property for £15k. So without my business partners support and a downturn in business, I placed the property for sale to pay off loans etc, in Jan 2006, just as I went into arrears. I accepted an offer in Feb 2006, however by Sep 2006 contracts were not exchanged despite two judges recommending that this should happen, it seems the secured loan company messed me around (kept changing their mind on a monthly basis) forcing me into negative equity. Leading to their own solicitor apologising (crying on the phone) for their vindictive behaviour. By this time I had been sleeping on my office floor, and shortly after my ex business partner threw me out of the building so nowhere to trade. Note the property was repossessed on behalf of the original mortgage company not the loan company, the loan company apparently were happy to take their chances that the value of the property had increased to they would get more back than what I had offered. So after 2006 I heard nothing until May 2011 when I had a statement from them which I ignored followed by a letter apologising for sending the statement and their IT dept would investigate, Then a letter in Oct 2011 asking to confirm their database details. Again I ignored this. A few weeks ago I was issued with a county court summons for questioning regarding a debt of £25k with the secured loan company due on the 20th June. I was diagnosed with ME/CFS in 2007 due to events of 2005-2006 etc. and was on income support from 2007 to 2012 but lost my claim for ESA when I was moved to Jobseekers. I live in my mothers rented property and have few possessions left. Also I have 2 other debts £1800 with monument credit card via Capquest which I pay £14 a month. £7300 remaining with Lloyds TSB which I was paying £48 a month, but stopped paying when my debit card expired and had a nasty letter from the debt collection agency dealing with it, so I wrote back wanting to know what accounts the debt related to as believe it or not I had never been informed, Threatened them with trading standards, and they started been nice. I have just received a letter stating that Lloyds TSB have recalled the account from the debt collectors. Has the loan company already issued me a CCJ, should they have issued a notice of proceedings. What could the courts ask me to pay back per month, and would I have to inform them of any changes in my circumstances, and how long would I have to pay it for? Would I be better being bankrupt as this is something I have thought of as I have no credit or mortgage anyway, I could raise the £525 but probably not the cost if these could be waived. I would like some thoughts please on which way to proceed.
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