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  1. I seriously need advise on this issue> I parked in a loading bay to pickup an order from a shop at about 20:45hrs, it was a side street off kingsland road. the sign says "loading bay" with a pictures of a man pushing a trolley. I checked the sign because of the time but nothing else was stated on the sign. because of the time of the night, I did not think much of it. I received a PCN notice couple of days later,"penalty charge notice for parking in a loading bay without loading. cctv camera show no loading." I made a representation, on the grounds that the sign does not indicate any restricted time to park or not to park. My representation was rejected: because in the absebce of any times of a sign plate is enforceable at all time. Is this right? should the sign not indicate times even if at all time?
  2. Hi All I am hopping that i may be able to get some advice on how to deal with this Charge Notice. I am a driver who at the moment has restricted mobility, and use a walking aid, i am registered disabled with the DWP however i do not have a BB. I parked this morning in a private car park Managed by UKPC, and did park in a disabled persons bay without a badge (due to restricted mobility) when i got out of the car I did see the parking Attendant, and he saw me, he saw me get out of my car with my walking aid and didn`t say anything ( he was booking a car 3 away from mine). I walked into the, and did what i needed to and came out and saw the charge notice. no sign of the issuing attendant or his car. the advice i seek is this. 1) do i have grounds for appeal 2) what are the points to use in the appeal the sign nearby was around 10ft in the air. (photo attached) the ticket received is barely readable (both sides attached) many thanks for your help Lets
  3. Hi, Today I received a parking ticket for being in a loading bay and the officer didn't see any activity for 20 minutes. I was away from my van, delivering to my place of work. I was asked to wait for some goods so I did. I was away from the van for no more than 25 minutes. When I returned, I had a ticket. I was using the bay for the correct purpose. I have done for the last 3 years and never had a ticket before. I want to appeal but don't know if it's worth it. I have to pay the fine myself so don't want to pay the full amount. I checked the loading 'bay' and found that the road markings saying 'loading bay' are no longer legible on the road as they have virtually worn away. The sign simply says 'loading only', but doesn't specify a time limit. It is my understanding that the road markings have to be clearly visible. They aren't. Do I have a case? Has anyone contested a similar fine? Any help or advice appreciated. Thanks, Louise
  4. Hi All, I've been reading through some threads here tonight and there is some great help available especially from a few knowledgeable and dedicated members. I have seen a post similar to my problem and I was going to follow that to see how it develops but thought I would start a thread to see what any advice would be. I don't want to give a sob story here but in a nutshell my wife has dealt with the loss of a child and an accident resulting in serious injuries that after ten operations she is only just out of a wheelchair and back walking with difficulty and has started driving again, she is now registered disabled. I only mention this to point out that people have real problems in their lives and don't need the hassle from these vultures, this has caused her some real distress, or it did to begin with until I reassured her after reading to her some of the advice on this site. She came home in tears one night (because of our already tight financial situation) because she parked on a retail park in a disabled bay and for whatever reason didn't display a blue badge, she can be a little absent minded sometimes with all she's been through and now has a parking charge notice for £90 or reduced to £50 etc. I believe the advice is now not to ignore but also that blue badges don't apply on private land etc. so can't be enforced, I have seen the bays markings referred to as graffiti, even so I don't condone able bodied people using this as an excuse to park in a disabled bay. I have not yet been to check the signs on the retail park to see the position and size etc. I am having no contact with the company and am now waiting the 28 days for the first letter. I wondered what your thoughts are while I wait for the letter. Thanks, C.T.
  5. Hi guys. I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 and thought it would be a good idea to get the Galaxy Gear (watch) to compliment it. I looked online and looked up the lates model. That was the Galaxy Gear 2. Looked at a few sites and found one that was reasonably priced and available from the Uk at £162.80. I looked at the specs on other websites previously, and seen that the Galaxy Gear 2 has a built in camera (my main reason for getting it), so I ordered it. I recieved it today and noticed that this one has no camera. This is no fault of the seller because in his specs description, there is no mention of a camera. I had read there was a camera from another website. The model I have bought is the SM-R381, but the one I needed is the SM-R380. One number out. I know the returns laws are different for mobile devices, but do I have any chance of returning this. I have opened the box because all the boxes just say 'Galaxy Gear 2', and all look the same. Thanks in advance.
  6. I have uploaded all the files for viewing to my dropbox which can be accessed by the following link. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/30ay5qiynaugl9p/AADand9mVR4yeqIcMqQrbbT7a On 02/05/14 I drove northbound up Southampton Row, and turned left into Bloomsbury Place WC1, and saw a parking place directly on the left hand side. Upon parking the view from my windscreen was a P&D payment box, and next to it a sign. I sat in my car and made payment by phone, following instructions on the sign I was looking at. Upon returning I didn’t even notice I had been given a ticket, was only about half hour later when using my windscreen wipers that I notice the yellow packet sweep across my screen. I my files you can see the Ringo payment, and from the photos I took on going back to the scene, I would have been parked where the black jeep is behind the white car. In the pictures taken by Camden council, yes you can see I am parked in what appears to be a residents bay, however this was not seen from the angle of the driver only the P&D sign next to the tree. There is nothing on that sign to indicate that only the one single bay to the right of the sign was in fact a pay & display bay, but the one to the left was not. I made an initial appeal against the PCN which has been rejected, a copy of their email is included in the files. What puts a further spanner in the works in this particular case is that this is a company car, with the car owned by Alphabet leasing. Their policy when they receive a Notice to Owner is they will pay the charge, and then re-invoice my company + a nice admin charge, then someone will chase me for the full amount. In my experience once a PCN is paid you lose your right to appeal. So not sure how to go about this further complication. So bit of advice would be welcome, if you think I do have a case worth appealing let me know, but again if I have been caught fair and square and is a lack of judgement on my part, also let me know and I’ll just pay learn by experience.
  7. Received a PCN for parking inside a parking bay, when time restriction had expired. we did not realise that there was a different restriction as there was a yellow line inside the parking bay that terminated half way. The parking restriction on the pay meter said parking payable from 9am until 5.30- we parked at 7.50 pm . We parked on the yellow line inside the bay unaware that there was a separate small sign well above the parking bay sign that said no parking 8pm-10pm. we got a ticket at 8.04pm. Is this legal? can they have 2 different signs and two different regulations in the same parking bay? Please can anyone shed some light on this as I pass this place regularly and without fail see the wardens giving tickets at that same place at the same time.
  8. I have a ticket " Parked with one or more wheels on or over a foot path or any part of a road other than a carriageway" I was in the loading bay at the back of a shop with the front of the van partly blocking the pavement . This is a large retail shop so the have to have deliveries from vehicles larger than my transit so this must be an every day problem ? My question is I was loading on the driveway part so is there any leeway ? How can one make a living with everthing is designed to take your money
  9. This is just something I have noticed. On Oxford Street in London, I walked past a new bay that has just been made. It's a bay that goes into the pavement like a loading bay. Now, there is no sign, or markings put on this bay yet. Could someone legally park there for free?
  10. Hello all just been hit with a PCN parked on a loading bay in Camden. i was clocked using the space for around 25 minutes. I was actually unloading. the sign on the bay states: Loading only Mon to Fri 8:30 to 6:30 sat 9:30 to 5:30 how to appeal this and does it make a difference where no time limits are on the sign? Thanks alot
  11. I have a small driveway down a narrow road and in between each driveways along the road there are council parking bays, but a few months ago the council extended one of the bays right next to my bay so that it allows a car to park half way across my driveway !! it really is so difficult now to get in and out of my driveway sometimes impossible, this is not legal is it ? I have called the council and they have said that they will come and have a look, but when they will come is the question as they wont give me a date or time, and when they do finally come out and have a look I will still have to wait for them to make a decision then to get it corrected this could take months knowing the council. Does anyone know if there is any other company that I can contact about this to maybe speed up the process ?
  12. I was driving in the Grove Stratford E15 and pulled over in loading bay, for a short time as the temp guage had shot up so wanted to cool down. I didnt leave the car and drove off less than ten mins later. I later received a London borough of Newham pcn in the post taken by cctv stating i was in the loading bay for 7 mins and no loading was observed, Im wrote back explaining what happened, they said the pcn was still valid because no loading was observed and i sent no evidence to show i had broken down. I was left with the option to appeal further to the adjudicator, however i can still pay the reduced fee of £65 within 21 days before it is doubled. Now have i got grounds to appeal to the adjudicator? Are you allowed to cancell a pcn if you can show you had broken down? I clearly have no documentary evidence that my car had over heated? So how on earth can i show what had happened? i found out later the radiator was low. would the adjudicator accept my version of events without evidence, that i simply can not prove? Would welcome any advice
  13. The missus got done (again), this time parking in a parking bay that previously allowed up to 20 mins free parking for drive-by shopping. She's previously used this bay on numerous occasions without incident, but didn't notice that on this occasion the right to free parking was suspended. I'm sure she's not alone in getting caught out in this way, and yes, she made an assumption based on previous experience, and ignorance of the 'law' is no excuse, etc etc. Based on those considerations, I told her it's unlikely any appeal would succeed. Even so, this looks like a blatant trap specifically designed to catch out the unwary. Any comments from the experts plse? Is it worth bothering, or just put it down to experience (again)?
  14. Hi everyone I was parked in a disabled bay at braehead shopping centre Kings Inch road Glasgow G51 4BN .I am a disabled badge holder but my badge had expired.I have now received a letter from Debt Recovery Plus Ltd for a demand for payment for unpaid parking charge of £140.00 .Please help
  15. I received a parking ticket in a visitor bay of an estate as i went to visit a friend who has just moved in. I could not see any thing about a permit when i parked and even check after i saw the ticked. Am so not sure what to do and this is a private estate.
  16. I am a courier on my own and I'm writing because my situation with the fines are clearly damaging my work. The last fine that was received in the category Parking Ticket issued by Civil Enforcement Officer AND SENT BY POST . In Camden Town Council I was sitting inside my van stopped in a bay of "Resident Permit Parking Only" waiting for a customer to deliver some beds when in a while a traffic warden approached and started to pass me a ticket. I wasn't doing anything (loading/unloading) at the moment I thought the officer would never pass me a ticket in this circumstances as I was inside the van and I could move it straight in any moment. Well I thought wrong because after a few minutes she had the ticket in hand ready to give me but when she confronted me with this situation I moved my van out of the place not even giving her chance to take the evidence pictures or giving me in hand the sheet. After one month of this event happened I get the PCN to pay 130 pounds and 4 evidences photos which is not clear that my van appears. Contravention description - Parked in a residents` or shared use parking place or zone without either clearly displaying a valid permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place, or without payment of the parking charge - shared use bay What can I do in this situation ? Thanks in advance
  17. [ATTACH=CONFIG]47225[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47226[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47227[/ATTACH]Hi Guys, Parked up at the bottom of my street in a 2 hour bay on Tuesday night ( I have a Parking Permit, but the street was chocker, as usual ) with every intention of moving it Wednesday morning. Problem was, the bloody car wouldn't start and by the time I had got back from my brother's to move it I had got a damn PCN. My lovely council (Barrow Borough Council) being as compassionate as they are have stated there's no grounds for cancellation. Therefore, I may appeal on road markings, but I am a little confused with the markings. I can't work out whether it is a 1028 or a 1033 bay ?
  18. Sent an informal challenge to council indicating I'd bought a ticket and that the area I was parked in looked like a legitimate area to park in and I was not causing an obstruction. I had to tell 5 other people not to park next to me as I was gathering evidence showing that the floor markings were confusing. My informal challenge was rejected saying that "every bay in this car park is marked by white lines and is numbered using large painted letters". The definition of a parking bay on the Collins online dictionary is "a space in a car park designed to be large enough to park a vehicle in". The space I was parked in was certainly large enough to put 3 small cars, and the floor markings made me think (and many others) that this was a designated space. There were no signs to say otherwise. Residential "bays" on roads are long and thin and not necessarily spaced individually for cars. Do you think I should take this further with an official challenge arguing this point / the lack of signs / or the slightly damaged sign indicating that this is a penalty in the first place? Any help fighting this will be much appreciated. I've never fought these bullies before trying to kick my rice bowl away.
  19. Hi Is it ok for private vehicles to use on street loading bays when loading large boxes in & out of a shop approx 25 feet away ? ...there is no other parking available within a sensible distance. I just got a terrible load of verbal from a taxi driver who said its only for commercial vehicles. If it was ok for me to load/unload from a private vehicle ..his abuse was so intense I would like to complain to the local taxi licensing officer about his behaviour. Thanks Roy
  20. Hi, I bought a x-hose off e-bay. Shortly after the purchase e-bay removed the listing. When I queried why e-bay suggested the item was a fake, In view of this I bought another one elsewhere. I got the 'real' one and compared the two. Other than the packaging it was difficult to see the difference however I now had two hoses!!! E-bay in their wisdom told me to send it back and open a case with the resolution center, which I did. The seller refused to make any contact with e-bay or myself. E-bay asked for proof of postage and delivery, which I provided. They then asked for a copy of the delivery sheet. This proved somewhat problematic and took soem time to come through. While waiting for the delivery sheet I ran out of time and e-bay closed my case. I don't have the hose or my money. E-bay refuse to help any further, I tried e-mailing the seller without success. I'm going to contact trading standards and advise them of these 'dodgy' hose pipes. I am very annoyed with e-bay and without some resolution I am going to close my account, however I would rather get my money back. Thanks for any help Jimbod888.
  21. Hi all, Wondering if anyone can help, I parked in a bay that is supposed to be for the businesses in my area and have received a PCN for it. I honestly didn't see the sign as I was going by a map of the controlled areas I was given on the day i bought my permits. I had parked in the exact same spot the afternoon before, then later that night I went back to the car to display a new valid permit. Usually I can manage to park down the ally way where my flat is. I had looked at the other signs and even read a notice on the pole that shows the business permit sign but i didn't look further up! The thing is, none of the businesses bother to use the bays, they all park down the ally ways. Pretty annoyed that i got the ticket as I did have a valid permit, is it worth challenging? I was parked in Edgar Road, chadwell Heath.
  22. hello everyone can someone please help me solve this problem. I got a parking ticket the other day threw the post from my local council saying that id parked in a loading place during restricted hours with out loading. the loading bay is a 10 second walk from a Tesco express I was going too I was only in there for 5 mins the parking ticket states that this was 8:15 at night and it has photos of my car parked there the place in question is a 10 min drive from my house so I went back there too look at the parking restrictions notice and it stated that LOADING ONLY 30 MINS NO RETURN WITHIN 2 HOURS it does not state restricted hours on the sign can I appeal against this or am I going waste my time by doing this. thankyou:|
  23. I have received a ticket for parking in a red boxed loading bay. I was picking up stuff from work with my own private car. The ticket states that the contravention was "parked where prohibited" on a red route. Now, I have requested imagery to make sure that I hadn't exceeded the specified loading time of 20min. I believe TFL have a 5 minute recording period after which they issue the ticket. In my case the time stamp on the imagery covers just about 6 minutes. After I received the requested imagery, I went ahead and contested the PCN on grounds that I was visiting my workplace and was loading within the given time limit. Since TFL responded, that I have to proof that I was loading which normally happens with a proof of delivery note as something similar. As I am not a delivery driver or commercial delivery company, I cannot produce such kind of proof. The actual sign for the loading bay, does not specify that is for commercial vehiles only. However it shows that symbol of a man with a trolley. Does anybody know how to argue against that? Many many thanks in advance.
  24. Hi all, I am in the process of purchasing a property. There is a parking bay outside of the property. It is an event day only bay and was only added in the last couple of months (due to the saracens moving into Copthall stadium) I have been enquiring about applying for a dropped kerb so I can put a driveway in my front garden but to "remove or relocate a parking bay" costs £2000 alone (non refundable and not guaranteed to be successful either!) That is before any of the other fees incurred when dropping the Kerb. I was wondering, since the bay was only recently put there, and is for event day restrictions only, is there any way I can appeal to the council to remove it? It is literally blocking the whole front of my property making it impossible for me to access a driveway if I were to build one. Every other property on my side of the road has a driveway and obviously it must have been a lot easier since the bays were painted. Does anyone know if there is a cheaper way to appeal to the council to remove the bay? Not sure if this makes a difference but the bay is half on the pavement and half on the road as the road is narrow. Many Thanks, QQQ
  25. Afternoon all. On 16th May 2013 I was parked, with the boot open, in a loading/unloading bay. I was exchanging an item from a shop - the item was really heavy (around 45kgs) and the loading/unloading bay was just across the road from the shop. Anyway, whilst I was bringing the item back to my car a traffic warden was writing me out a ticket. I told him I was loading and unloading but he told me I was the wrong type of vehicle (I have a ford mondeo hatchback). He didn't give me the ticket, but walked off. I assumed he had not bothered, but today I got the notice through the post. 1st thing, is this legal. To be honest I didn't read the sign and just assumed that as I was loading/unloading it would be okay. 2nd, when I look at the photo evidence, it does not show my full registration plate. He has missed the last letter (M) from the photo. Any get out in that? (The PCN is fully correct). Many thanks.
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