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  1. Hi there, I was parked on a single yellow line on a sunday not realising it was a CPZ. The car was in my full view and I saw an officer approaching. I ran out and by the time I got to the car I said to him "I don't see any signs?" and he ignored me and started punching in on his machine. I quickly got in the car and proceeded to drive away. He took a picture as I was doing this. I received the PCN in the post and it states that the officer was prevented from giving me the PCN. When I clicked to view the evidence online, there is only one photo of the front of the car (no side angle pictures). The picture could have been taken anywhere - there is no evidence from the picture that this was a CPZ and furthermore you can see me sitting in the drivers seat!! Would I be successful in appealing this? If not, will I still be able to benefit from the reduced rate? Thanks
  2. Hi all, I am in the process of purchasing a property. There is a parking bay outside of the property. It is an event day only bay and was only added in the last couple of months (due to the saracens moving into Copthall stadium) I have been enquiring about applying for a dropped kerb so I can put a driveway in my front garden but to "remove or relocate a parking bay" costs £2000 alone (non refundable and not guaranteed to be successful either!) That is before any of the other fees incurred when dropping the Kerb. I was wondering, since the bay was only recently put there, and is for event day restrictions only, is there any way I can appeal to the council to remove it? It is literally blocking the whole front of my property making it impossible for me to access a driveway if I were to build one. Every other property on my side of the road has a driveway and obviously it must have been a lot easier since the bays were painted. Does anyone know if there is a cheaper way to appeal to the council to remove the bay? Not sure if this makes a difference but the bay is half on the pavement and half on the road as the road is narrow. Many Thanks, QQQ
  3. In terms of the accident.... Two people crossed the road right infront of me (I couldnt have been doing more than 10mph) and I had to slam the breaks.I must have just missed them. However, the car behind went straight into the back of me. The two padestrians obviously did not car about the accident that they had caused and just carried on walking. The guy in the car behind apologised but insisted my car wasn't damaged. I couldnt really see because of the snow but his front bumper clearly was! he gave me his name and numbe and i took down his number plate just incase....haven't reported anything to my insurers though.....someone was in the car with me too so witnessed everything. What a fun evening I had!
  4. Thanks for the replies. i was just trying to get home and it just got to the point where the car was moving sideways I couldnt drive anymore. I parked it where it was, then straghtened up asmuch as possible. Only when I got out I saw the disabled sign (although the bay is completely covered in snow) There was a car parked directly behind me and there was no way I was going to start manouvering the car around (narrow road with cars parked on either side) It is a built up area so..... Problem is, it will take me at least two hours to get back there and if the conditions arent any better anyway i doubt I will be in a position to move it.... I do have RAC assisstance but for obvious reasons I could not get through to them last night...
  5. It took me two hours to get home from there. Didn't take any pictures or leave a note. I'm just so worried it may be there for a few days. I physucally couldn't drive it, it was swinging side to side and would not go up the hill
  6. After being hit by another car and making numerous attempts to get home, being pushed up several roads I finally left my car on side street as it was completely unsafe to drive! After successfully parking my car I realised the sign above where I parked was a disabled bay sign. I couldnt move as my car was skidding all over the place (rear wheel drive cars are awful in the snow i have now learnt!). Can I get a ticket? Is there anything pro active I can do? Thanks in advance.
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