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  1. Back in July, I moved house (and to a different town and different local authority area at that). I had earlier this year had a large number of PCNs, most of which were succesfully fought and repealed with one outstanding which I paid. As far as I was aware all outstanding matters had been dealt with, and there certainly weren't any new PCNs in the last month or so before leaving, so if there were and the ticket was removed from my car I would have had time for the NTO to arrive before leaving. Today, I've come home to a letter from Equita regarding an unpaid ticket which apparantly has been through the court and a warrant of execution granted. They do not include any PCN number, any reference number for the warrant of execution they apparantly have, the VRN of the car involved, nor are they demanding any specific amount of money, only that I contact them before 'further enforcement proceedings' are started. The usual bailiff threats of a visit from the door and removing goods are not made. In the past I did have some PCNs which ended up with Equita, and this is not like any letter I've seen before, those all demanded a specific amount of money, were properly reference with the PCN and VRN and were much more specific about what would happen if I didn't pay. Also, as I scrapped my car as part of the move I've never had it registered as my new address, nor have I registered on the electoral role so I'm uncertain how they've even found me - my only guess can be they've searched council tax registers for people with the same name (my surname is uncommon) and are fishing to see what response they get. This is also the only letter I've had regarding this alleged ticket at all, so if they or the council knew where I was previously I would have expected correspondance before things got to this stage. A few things I'm wondering Is this likely to be a fishing letter to see if I'll respond or would they actually take action against this address without response from me or something else to confirm that I am the person they are looking for - if they are fishing it's even possible that this has nothing to do with me - my name might be uncommon but there were 2 of us in the phone book at my old town! Can they proceed without some kind of verified proof of where I live? What would be the status of the warrant of execution that already exists? Would that be to levy distress at a specific address (i.e. my old one only) or would it cover anywhere where they know (or believe) me to be? Would 'further enforcement proceedings' mean that they need to go back to court before they can do anything else at a different address? Can I apply to have the court order for the warrant of execution set aside on the grounds that I didn't know I was being taken to court and have had no opportunity to defend myself? If I go down the route of making an out-of-time witness statement on the grounds that I didn't have the opportunity to fight the PCN, accept it and pay a lower fee, or file a witness statement in time is this likely to be succesful (I've never had success with an O-O-T yet, but I've never before had the argument that I didn't live at the address they sent the information to)? Can I find relevant information out without contacting Equita - it's not about avoiding a ticket, it's more that to them all I am is a name with a sum of money attached to it and their greater concern is getting me to pay it, not about whether or not I actually owe it or have grounds to fight it so I don't consider them an impartial body to get information from! How long would Equita wait before taking any further action, to give me an idea of how long I have to sort this out? Any help would be greatfully appreciated!
  2. Hello all, Need advice on how to go about getting info re 2nd Account with Santander. I have had big problems with Santander since they took control of Abbey National...but the biggest problem is recently they asked me if I had a 2nd Account with another person ?? They said it was opened in 1998/9 but has never been used and that it was in my name and one others. I have since been trying to ascertain with whom and failed. When getting my cash book updated, the cashier has commented every time "there's alot of activity on this account" even though I only have got a cashpoint card and cash out money once or twice a week, sometimes not that many times. I questioned this with the Manager, and she was offhand and only offered me a complaint leaflet, when she could've helped question the matter....adding to the suspicion, the cashier mentioned above, looked very worried when the Manager brought my book up to date.... Can anyone advise me on what to do? I'm having alot of difficulty in understanding why an account is still open if it has never been used ? How can I get to access this information to check its not fraudulent ? Many thanks
  3. I was contacted by Buchannan Clark & Wells some weeks ago claiming that I owed two amounts for British Gas at a previous address. The address on the letter isn't an address i have ever resided at nor is the debt one that I owe. This problem seems to have occurred because the address they are claiming that I resided at does exist just down the road from my home, but it is an address that is often the source of confusion because it is very similar. My address has just an extra word to differentiate it. So, I responded with a letter stating that I had no acknowledgement of the debt, nor have I resided at the address and that they should cease contacting me with reference to this debt unless they have proof that the debt is mine. They responded to me and requested proof of my address dating back to the defaulted accounts in question. I sent them a return letter rehashing my previous one and enclosed several Benefit and Council tax decision letters dating back to 2005. I again advised that they cease pursuing me for these unknown accounts. I just want to confirm that I have done the right thing. Is there anything else I can or should do? Thanks again.
  4. Hi Guys, had a loan off Paragon finance in 1998 for £5000, paid it regularly untill my heart condition developed and put me in hospital for several months, had to pack up my well paid managers job and take a lower income job. Negotiated via debt advisors to pay a reduced amount, I was told over the phone that interest had been frozen. This lower payment continued untill 2009 when Paragon wrote to me for the first time to say interest had been added since the inception of the loan and I now owed them £22,345 instead of what I thought which was £1800. Just wondered what your thoughts were on this, I am now on a pension and this amount is just unpayable, any advice will be very much appreciated.
  5. Hi I have had a quite look at the forum and I am guessing I am going to be told to ignore the letters but here goes... I just received a call on my mobile (know idea how they got that!) from Roxburgh, and was told that they were a debt collection agency, and that I owed an outstanding parking ticket fine of £177! Now firstly I had no idea I had any outstanding parking fines with a company called Parking Eye, and I certainly had not received any letters to that effect. AND we bought a parking ticket! It was when I took my children to the cinema, and I even remember buying the parking ticket and being annoyed that infact we could have parked for free if we had gone into the cinema first! I am a little concerned we may have run over our parking by minutes.... Roxburgh stated that there is a letter in the post stating my debt, and that as I am disputing I should contact Parking Eye and tell them what I had told her. She did also say I was not the first person today stating they had not actually received any letters from Parking Eye. Now I cannot find a phone number for Parking Eye and I certainly do not want to email them, so they have my email address. Not really sure what to do, as Roxburgh are a debt collecting agency, and I do not want to be taken to court, or get a CCJ etc. Advice or letter ideas would be very much appreciated.... Claire
  6. Whilst a student and unemployed I ordered some books from Amazon. On Amazon the website retains your card details. I hadn’t used my old account for a while and when I bought the books it asked me did I want to make a payment with the saved card information and I said yes not knowing it had retained my old details. I believed the card to be my student account card, because my other personal account card had been inactive for several months and I know longer used it. During this time I moved and changed address. I didn’t inform my bank because it was one of those things; I never got round to it and in actual fact forgot about the account entirely as I didn’t use it. It was only when I got a letter claiming I owed £700 in overdraft fees did I know anything about it. I complained that this was ridiculous, as my bank account had no money in it when I purchased the books, why was it processed, it should have been denied. How can you possibly pay for something when you have no money in your account? It was explained to me that it was in my contract, please bear in mind I had this account from the age of 12 years old and never signed anything after this age, that I could take money from the bank, when there was no money in my account, and I would receive penalty fares. As I knew nothing about the over-draft penalty the overdraft was allowed to mount up to £700 by which time they then decided to freeze my account. They asked for the money to be re-paid but as a student who was unemployed this was not possible and so I began repaying the money to CLS at £5.00 a month. I’m still repaying this money years later and I wonder is this was legal? To charge £700 in overdraft fees when I had never agreed to have an overdraft in the first place. Thanks
  7. Hi, in 2004 i took out a loan with a loan company and then had a bad health turn and had to leave my job and unable to make payments (last one made by me in 12/2005! The loan company never chased me for the payments so i left it be, then two weeks ago a letter came from county court asking for my defence. I informed the court that the loan was statute barred and waited for the judgement. today i received a letter from the debt collection people stating i made payments in 2008 which they sent me a statement for and the payments have been made by "Lewis Group" to the tune of £2500. What do i do? I never made these payments and never agreed for debt mangement company to manage my debt? can this be right? and is the debt statute barred? can anyone inform me? Thank you
  8. We are on Pension credit and receive £237 per week for the both of us which also takes into account two small private pension payments and a carer's allowance. However in addition the DWP pay us another £212 for some unknown reason? Over the past 5 weeks since the DWP started paying us this extra £212 per week we have phoned in and queried it as we feel we are not entitled to the money. Every week they tell us that we are entitled to the benefit, but cannot explain why we are entitled to the money. It is not a housing and council tax payment as that would be a lot less anyway. We never applied for any other benefit at any time. We have also written to the DWP querying the payment, but it still gets paid into our account and they have sent us nothing in writing. Initially we thought we were entitled to the money and spent it as there were some arrears owed to us by the DWP, however over the past 4 weeks we have now being putting it aside. It is becoming difficult to manage as it all goes into the same account as the Pension Credit and DLA. We are scared of spending it just in case they demand it all back again which will leave us short every week. Can any one advise what we should do as this seems to be an official mistake that no one at the DWP wants to rectify? Thanks.
  9. Hi all, Wonder if anyone can offer some advice. I moved into my property in 2007, i had Scottish Power as my electricity supplier and received my bills quarterly until they stopped arriving at the end of 2008. I contacted the electric board to see who my supplier had been changed to and was told N Power. I have since spoke to N Power regarding this and they have denied that they are my supplier. It has now been brought to light that the electric board had give me the supplier of another house with a similar address as my house was a new build. However they cant tell me who my supplier is as my address doesnt show up on their system but all my neighbours address show. Surely if Scottish Power were billing me my address should be there? N Power did however tell me that the meter number i gave them is showing up as being disconnected. I spoke to the Scottish Power Rep on the forums and he supplied me with the date of my last payment, my last meter reading and what i was being charged per unit. So how do i sort this? how do i find out who my supplier is? what happens with the bill from 2009 til now? Thanks.
  10. For more details see this thread. Here's a quick summary: I've been sanctioned, but the reason on the letter is incredibly vague. It just says that I 'cannot be treated as actively seeking work'. After five attempts at trying to find out the reason I finally got told the content of the sanction doubt that was sent to head office in Newcastle, however this is incredibly vague too. It only says that I haven't 'adhered to my job seeker's agreement'. I arranged a reconsideration meeting at my local branch yesterday through Newcastle, which my local branch pretended didn't exist when I attempted to arrange through them, in order to find out the reason for my sanction. However, they kept me waiting for almost an hour, pretending the advisor was busy with another jobseeker and would be unable to see me. The appointment was booked in advance, so they knew they needed to be available at this time and I happen to know the advisor I was supposed to be seeing and the entire time I was there I did not see her speak to another job seeker. JCP are clearly refusing to let me know the reason as they know they don't have a leg to stand on and without me knowing the reason for my sanction doubt I'm unable to get either a reconsideration or appeal against it. Is there another body I can speak to about this in order to get JCP to tell me the reason for my sanction? There's a time limit on the amount of time I have to get a reconsideration and appeal against it, so something needs to be done soon.
  11. I have been looking through my credit report recently and have noticed four defaults registered on there. Two of these from Lowell Portfolio, a third from 123 Debt Solutions and a fourth from 1st Credit Ltd. I have never received any written notification of these defaults and want to know what routes I need to take to dispute the defaults as I am paying back the debts on a monthly basis. Any helpful advice will be gratefully appreciates as always.
  12. I am awaiting the outcome of a ppi refund from welcome but stupidly I went back for more. I have had a couple of loan increases and/or rewrites and now find myself with an outstanding balance of around 30k.i I am currently paying £375 pcm which quite frankly I cannot afford. I have just missed a payment due on 31/12/09 and I just know that the phone calls from the branch manager are going to start tomorrow threatening home visits etc. I do not have anything to pay them with this month. How do I , step-by-step sort this company out? short term and long term. I have already sent letters to the branch saying that I will only deal in writing but as soon as I miss any payment that seems to negate that agreement. I used to pay by debit card on the last day of the month but come the 6th or 7th they would phone me 4 or 5 times to find out when to take the next payment. I have now managed eventually to get their bank details and pay by internet banking. The branch manager told at one point that I had not been given these details by head office(basically calling me a liar) HELP!!!
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