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  1. Firstly apologies for the length of this i have tried to keep it as short as possible I was sent here by my mum, (She is a moderator on here) she said you may be able to help. I contacted talktalk to get a phoneline and bb put in, They couldnt do it as my only account at the time was a P/O account. So my mum offered to have the account in her name, until i got a bank account. TT were happy to do this and set me up, the install was efficient and speedy and i was very pleased with the service. Fast forward 6 months, I have had to move house, and informed TT of my move, again very speedy with the reconnection date at the new property. At this point I also asked them to send me change of ownership forms as my fiance was moving in with me and was going to set up the direct debit to be paid from his account. Forms were sent, filled in and sent back. I was told it would take 28 days for this to take effect, which would be before the next bill date as the previous one had only just been paid. When the next bill was due, it arrived, in MY MUMS name. I rang them to discuss this and couldnt as it wasnt in my name, even though we already had the account set up so i could discuss it on mums behalf, as due to her ill health i had it set up for all her bills, doctors etc. When the payment came out of my mums bank she rang them, and got told that she couldnt discuss it as the bill was not at her address. this toing and froing went on for days, and finally someone (in england) managed to sort it out and was going to resend the forms and treat it as high priority. I then (stupidly) decided to go with their mobile service as well, and ordered two sim only contracts for me and my fiance, Done with my details and my fiances bank details. All went fine sims arrived no problem, about 2 weeks later they added an option to have a phone as well, so we asked to be upgraded, (same minutes, including a nice shiny new phone, £5 less per month then the contract we were on). Talk talk happily upgraded, again with no questions asked. day before the phones were due to arrive they rang to confirm the delivery address, (my old address) so i corrected them, and also reiterated that we didnt need sim cards as we already had them, and we didnt want new numbers as my fiance is a cab driver and had already given his number to all his customers, Again TT said it was no problem. Phones arrived, all was ok, although they arrived with 2 new sims, TT advised over the phone not to worry just disregard the new sims and carry on with the old ones. Come to bill paying time and i get a very distressed call from my mum saying they have taken the money from her yet again! She rang them and again tehy refused to discuss with her as although it was coming out of her bank they were registered at my address. I then rang them same story, cant discuss with me as its not in my name. In the end my mum told them to disconnect the mobiles, and other services. The CEO's office then rang me and said that if mum disconnected as she didnt order them i would be done for fraud, for taking out a service in my mums name, (although they were the ones that told me to in the first place) and the mobiles were in my name not my mums. We managed to get confirmation from the CEO office that if we emailed the forms over she would deal with them urgently. So i downloaded printed off and signed the forms, rang the CS team for the email address as i had written the email address incorrect and spent 40 mins being sent from pillar to post being told i cant email i have to send it in the post. At one point i was begging them not to pass me onto someone else. In the end i was put on hold for 47 mins, then cut off. There was a break in the hold where i distinctly heard him say to someone else, she is still waiting and then laughter. Finally the following day it all got sorted out and forms were emailed. a week later my fiances phone stops working. So i ring and get told you wanted to disconnect the mobiles, i explained the situation and was told i had ordered the disconnection when i ordered the mobiles, as i needed to use the new sims that were ordered with the phones, Managed to sort out the problem but then found out they had activated one of the sims that we had thrown away. Thought this was strange as you have to activate them over the phone when you use the phone for the first time, and as far as i knew the sims were now cut up in a rubbish tip somewhere. Explained this shouldnt have been done but was told tough you have now entered into a contract as the sim was activated, even though THEY activated them. Finally got through to someone that advised tehy would credit the account to cover for the sim that we werent using. Great or so we thought, when i checked my online bill not only am i paying for a sim that doesnt exist I am also paying £15 for my fiances number as they hadnt changed his call plan to the £10 service. £5 a month isnt a lot but it is when you budget every penny. Managed to get all the kerfuffle sorted out AGAIN and we carried on. Then a week later my fiances phone stops working again, By this point i am on first name terms with the CEO office and decided to ring them, left 3 messages and then when he finally called back i got told off for hassling him as other people have problems too apparently. Expalined that my fiance relies on his phone for work and had lost approx £100 work that day as he had missed a good distance job and lost a few regulars as they now thought he was unreliable. He apologised but said the phone line had been disconnected and that we would have to wait for a new sim to be sent out to us. I asked for them to just reconnect the number as they had before an was told they couldnt do that (funny was done for me a week before) So after a big row i said well if thats the case just cancel the bloody lot, Mobile, landline and BB as far as i was concerned as soon as my billing period ended i wanted out as they had not provided me with what i was paying for. I very clearly stated over the phone and via email at the same time, that i would not be paying cancellation as it was them that had disconnected the phone not me. I put the phone down in anger, went to ring my mum literally 10 seconds later and my mobile had been disconnected (had been previously told that can take 48 hours - 7 days to disconnect). Emailed the CEO office again, and was told they would not reimburse for lost revenue, as it was a residential account not a business account (fair enough) but that as a "goodwill gesture" they would clear the balances on both accounts. There was no mention of cancellation charges from them, so i assumed I had actually won that argument, fast forward to the end of the month and i get a letter from my bank stating i now have charges due to an unpaid DD from TT for £643.71. Emailed the CEO and was ignored completely, rang him, same thing. Then get another bank letter stating i will be getting charged fro another DD for £12.41, again from TT. Again i ring TT CS and they tell me tough pay it, CEO still ignoring me. tried to log into my TT account and its locked out, finally get in and cant cancel the DD as there is no account information apparently, and the mobile bill is unavailable, had no email from them telling me i was going to have to pay this money, and to add insult to injury they are charing £4.50 for admin fees although it quite clearly stated they would take the money by DD. This month i get another 2 letters from TT for the same 2 amounts, and yet again I am now completely ignored by TT CEO and CS just tell me to pay it as its my own fault, regardless of the email from the CEO office stating my account had been cleared as a goodwill gesture,. Please help!!
  2. Hi All, I was wondering if someone could help or advise me with my problem with TalkTalk. The detail is as under: I recently joined TalkTalk because it was turning out to be cheaper. However TalkTalk have recently advertised on their website that the prices of their packages are going to increase from January 2013. On the TalkTalk forums one member asked the question if they could leave TalkTalk (without any penalty) due to the price increase. One of the OCE replied back that this could be done by calling the cancellation team. ALso if I read clause 16.1 of TalkTalk terms and condition, I am allowed to end the contract if their are any changes in the conditions which are a material disadvantage. On Saturday I called TalkTalk cancellation team and requested a cancellation of my contract. I was put through to the Cancellation team Manager, Rachel, who said that I have to wait for a letter or email notification before I can request cancellation. However when I read clause 16.1 of TalkTalk terms and conditions it is clear they can either inform via website or by contacting me or by both. Which means that I should be given the right to cancel since the notification is there on the website. In my conversation with Rachel I made her aware of this but she insisted that she cannot cancel my account without cancellation charges and instead of cancelling my account escalated my case to the CEO's office saying that I have to wait for upto 7 days to get a reply from them. I believe that this action by Rachel is just a delay tactic because I have 10 days from the date the the notification was put on the website to cancel my contract. The notification was put on the website on 24th October and I have only until 3rd of November to cancel my contract! Can anyone please advise what I can do in this situation? Please help Thanks and Regards Saroash PS Please note since I am a new member I am unable to post links to the refered topic on Talk Talk forums.
  3. Hi all Four weeks ago I signed up to talk talk essentials for broadband and phone. I got notification through the post that my "live date" would be 23rd October 2012. The engineer turned up at 3.30pm and at 5.45pm told me that the job would not be completed that day because he could not find the line. The next morning I was woken at 8.30am by an engineer telling me that my phone line was now active. Great!!.....Or at least I thought!! On plugging in my new phone I heard the tone so obviously thought the line was active. I set up my router as per instructions and thought that was that. I couldn't get connected to the internet nor phone calls. At 8.00pm this evening (24th Oct), someone from talk talk phoned me to tell me that an engineer would be out to install my new phone line!!.. ..I told him that an engineer had already been and installed a new line. The talktalk guy then said that there had been a problem and the engineer would be out on the 19th November 2012!! Now surely this is a breach of contract right? Am I within my rights to now cancel the contract because they have not provided what they said they would within the time they said they would. I just think that if this has happened already, what is further down the line?? Thanks in advance for your help and advice.
  4. TalkTalk remains the most complained about landline and broadband provider, according to UK regulator Ofcom. It has topped the chart since Ofcom began publishing it in October 2010. Complaints about its broadband service often related to line faults while landline quibbles focused on billing and customer service, Ofcom said. For mobiles, Ofcom received the most complaints about 3, while BT Vision was the most complained about pay-TV service. The regulator said that generally complaints were falling, with all broadband and landline providers generating fewer issues between April and June 2012, compared to previous periods. More ...
  5. Hello, We are having problems with Talk Talk. The situation is as follows. 'We' have a contract with TalkTalk at the moment. It is in an imaginary name. My mum's ex-partner has signed up to TalkTalk as Mr [random intial] [mums name and surname]. And pays on direct debit from his own account. Obviously such a Mr does not exist. Every time TalkTalk phones and we answer we explain to them that such a person as they wish to speak to does not exist, but they refuse to speak to me or my mum, they are only interested in a Mr [as we are both female we do not match the criteria]. The problem is that mums ex-partner is planning on moving out. He wanted to cancel the contract but missed the date and it automatically renewed; he then lied to mum and said that he can either cancel the contract or transfer it into her name [and that it would be better for her to start paying the direct debit herself]. Mum said no, and that she wants to change to Orange. Now he says he will cancel the direct debit and TalkTalk will pursue action against mum since she lives at the address of the contract and initially allowed TalkTalk to set up this contract with her ex-partner [since he needed her permission as the house is in her name]. I phoned up TalkTalk to ask them for what will happen if mums ex-partner cancels direct debit, but after waiting I ended up with the wrong customer service got transferred to a person with terrible manners who after asking me for my house number dropped me back into queue without any explanation. I then had to listen to music for over 30 minutes until I eventually gave up. Not sure how much help they would have been as they have previously refused to talk to us, and when we gave them the correct name of the ex-partner they have done nothing about the matter. Can TalkTalk legally demand mum to pay? She never signed anything or paid them, and she is not a Mr. Can we sign up for Orange now while the phone line is still active? which would effectively cancel TalkTalk contract and her ex-partner would get the bill for early termination? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  6. Until today I have always been able to stream movies watch the likes of demand5 without any buffering download large files of about 1gig in about 2hours which just suits my needs. Monday paid my bill over the phone and was asked would I like fibre optic bb which is a lot faster , declined their offer and since that call my speed has been reduced I cant stream movies without it buffering every 11 seconds a 320mb file is still downloading this I started at 9am done all the normal checks swopped modems changed filters use ethernet cable cleared all crap The only conclusion I can come to is that talktalk are making my bb barely usable so I will opt for their mor expesive product. I have also noticed that they have been adding £4.50 per month administration fee,got to find out what thats for. Anyone else having the same reduction in speed since fibre optic was introduced?
  7. In early March 2012 I made the decision to move my BT line rental to the TalkTalk Essentials package, as I was already a Broadband customer with TalkTalk. My reasons were to save money, obviously, but mainly because I had always received a good Broadband service from TT and I believed that this standard would continue...oops ! The changeover took place on 21st March 2012 and since that time my Broadband service (Internet Access) collapses every time the phone is in use, either incoming or outgoing calls. I add that all I have to do is click the dial tone on my landline phone and the internet goes down. After several exchanges of telephone calls and emails TalkTalk checked my line and found all was okay. They informed me that they can arrange an engineer to call but I would have to pay £49 if he/she found anything wrong on site. I decided against going down this road, as, due to my previous excellent service with different providers, I was confident (and remain so) that connections were correct and my equipment was A-Okay. (I tested the line with different phones and my FAX machine but it always disturbed my Broadband. I also changed microfilters and tried the service with different cables and connections). I informed TalkTalk that I am happy to return my situation as it was prior to this incident, i.e. keep BB with them and use another provider for telephone line rental. ..NO RESPONSE I then informed TT that if I do not hear from them I intend changing my provider for line rental and that due to their product sold to me did not represent what was described and promised any so-called contract between us is null and void....NO RESPONSE I then arranged (21/4/12) with BT to re-establish my line rental. During my conversation with BT the line to my property was checked. I was informed by the BT operative that the line has a status of being an MPF Unbundled Exchange Line..(jargon)...Simply, if I attempted to change line rental provider, I would also lose my Broadband service. (Light Bulb Moment).. It appears clear to me that in some way the status of my line had changed, i.e. if I can have seperate providers at one point, why can't I do so again? ..TalkTalk have obviously "bundled" things together with an inferior product. The BT operative did not pressure me into a purchase at that time. He suggested I discuss the issue with TT prior to making any decision. I immediately sent an email to TT explaining my discoveries and requested their comments...NO RESPONSE In total frustration with TT plus the fact that my BB remains disturbed every time the phone rings and kicks into my voicemail, I decided to go back to BT and buy one of their telephone + Broadband services. Today (rapid response) I have received an email from TalkTalk telling me that they have received a request for disconnection of service and that I may be liable for a fee of £144 to break their contract. I am interested to learn the opinions of other Caggers on this scenario, as I have no intention of paying TT for anything other than the use of my telephone line since 21/3/12 and Broadband service up to the date I transfer to BT..Thanks & apologies for length of this post, but I thought it best to describe every event as it happened.
  8. Has anyone had a problem with this phone company? I recently signed up to a 12 months landline contract with them and found them to be terrible. They started to charge me even before the landline was switched over. Their billing system is (Edit) as it charges you for calls that should be within your talk allowance and calls that you have not made. They also have misleading advertising, comparing their product with BT and TalkTalk, but their anytime call plan only allows 700 minutes of talk time a month, which is not much when this is for landline calls, including those made in the evenings and weekends. BT and TalkTalk do not have a limit on talk time for evening and weekends. They hide this 700 minutes of talk time in their small print under excessive use. I do not agree that 700 minutes a month is excessive use for landline calls (as this only equates to 23 minutes of talk a day, especially when it claims to be an anytime call plan) and so should not be hidden away under the small print in the terms & conditions. Like mobile contracts, where a plan has a call alowance restriction, it should spell this out in the main advert as this is one of the most important feature of the plan.
  9. Hi all It's been a while since I had a consumer issue, but I'm back and I'm stressed! I was lured by the cheap tariffs and agreed over the phone to take out a contract with them. (Phone & Broadband) They asked for a new line fee of £69.99 which I paid using my visa debit card. (This was 14th Sept 2010) Over the next few days I spoke to friends and asked if they had any experience of TT and was horrified at the stories they told me. 4 days after I initially made the verbal agreement, I called them back and cancelled the contract. (This was 18th Sept 2010) TT asked why and I told them that they had a bad reputation for broadband issues (I'm a mature student and broadband is vital to me) They took it well and asked me to call back in 7 days as the £69.99 was held in limbo and it needed to be credited to TT before they could refund it to me. I gave them a little extra time and called back 14 days later (This was 2nd Oct 2010). TT said they couldn't refund that day as the system upgrades being done prevented refunds being made. They asked me to call back on the following monday. I called back on the monday and was told to ring back in 7 days! (This was 4th Oct 2010) I called back again (15th Oct 2010) and was informed that a refund would go into my bank account within 5 days. I kept an eye on my bank account, no payment arrived. I called back today (27th Oct 2010) and spent the best part of 2 hours either on hold or redialling following cut off from an India call centre. I also spoke to Cape Town who were more polite but equally clueless. The british call centres are equally clueless and resorted to just sending me through to depts that couldn't deal with refunds. I had been passed around 7 different depts and 3 different continents. I finally spoke to someone who admitted they had no idea how to put me through to the dept that does refunds, he actually read out the depts he could transfer me to and none of them were relevant. He then suggested that I ring Ofcom! He gave me the number and was very helpful and sympathetic. I spoke to Ofcom who took all the above info, they say I have to write to TT and give them 8 weeks to respond. They also mentioned Otelo (ombudsmen) and the next steps to take if the complaint letter isn't satisfied reasonably. My questions to Caggers are; 1) Can I expect reimbursement for the phone charge to the various 0870 numbers TT gave me to ring? I'm not talking minutes on the phone to them, I'm talking hours! They keep people on hold as long as possible! 2) Can I charge them a reasonable interest for withholding my money with no explanation?
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