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  1. Chances are..they'll send you an application form with varying degrees of unilegibility....examine it very carefully....it will probably be a "cut and paste" job, like the one they sent me....
  2. Have not heard anything from them for nearly 3 years....getting close to "statute barred" territory...
  3. Incidentally, the address at the top of the "assignment" letter allegedly from Halifax is "Credit Operations, PO Box 66, Rosyth KY11 2WG Having checked my previous correspondence, this address would appear to be that of Blair, Oliver & Scott, the well known enigmatic Debt Collection Company, whom in my earlier dealings denied any connection to HBOS...We all know that's a lie, but it would tend to bear out Cabot's lack of accuracy in trying to falsify the assignment letter.#just saying
  4. In 2010 I ceased to be in regular employment and reduced my monthly payment to Halifax (with their entire agreement) to £1 I have been making regular payments from my meagre benefits with no problems, but have today received a letter from Cabot Financial (Europe) Ltd stating they have bought the debt from Halifax.Within their letter was an additional letter bearing the Halifax logo which advises me of this assignment. Bearing in mind former experience with the DCA I am in little doubt that Cabot have a penchant for falsifying documents. The footer to the letter has the hallmarks of a "cut & paste" or a "snip, attach & copy" plus the signature is blurred. In addition, I am bemused as to why Halifax have not contacted me directly in this regard.Can anybody provide me with an independent name and address I can contact at Halifax to confirm that this letter is or is not valid and genuine ?Before taking further action with Cabot, any other advice will be highly appreciated, as obviously at this moment in time I cannot afford to pay any more than the £1 per month, originally agreed with Halifax.
  5. Why can't I post my thread with quotes, paragraphs etc ?
  6. In early March 2012 I made the decision to move my BT line rental to the TalkTalk Essentials package, as I was already a Broadband customer with TalkTalk. My reasons were to save money, obviously, but mainly because I had always received a good Broadband service from TT and I believed that this standard would continue...oops ! The changeover took place on 21st March 2012 and since that time my Broadband service (Internet Access) collapses every time the phone is in use, either incoming or outgoing calls. I add that all I have to do is click the dial tone on my landline phone and the internet goes down. After several exchanges of telephone calls and emails TalkTalk checked my line and found all was okay. They informed me that they can arrange an engineer to call but I would have to pay £49 if he/she found anything wrong on site. I decided against going down this road, as, due to my previous excellent service with different providers, I was confident (and remain so) that connections were correct and my equipment was A-Okay. (I tested the line with different phones and my FAX machine but it always disturbed my Broadband. I also changed microfilters and tried the service with different cables and connections). I informed TalkTalk that I am happy to return my situation as it was prior to this incident, i.e. keep BB with them and use another provider for telephone line rental. ..NO RESPONSE I then informed TT that if I do not hear from them I intend changing my provider for line rental and that due to their product sold to me did not represent what was described and promised any so-called contract between us is null and void....NO RESPONSE I then arranged (21/4/12) with BT to re-establish my line rental. During my conversation with BT the line to my property was checked. I was informed by the BT operative that the line has a status of being an MPF Unbundled Exchange Line..(jargon)...Simply, if I attempted to change line rental provider, I would also lose my Broadband service. (Light Bulb Moment).. It appears clear to me that in some way the status of my line had changed, i.e. if I can have seperate providers at one point, why can't I do so again? ..TalkTalk have obviously "bundled" things together with an inferior product. The BT operative did not pressure me into a purchase at that time. He suggested I discuss the issue with TT prior to making any decision. I immediately sent an email to TT explaining my discoveries and requested their comments...NO RESPONSE In total frustration with TT plus the fact that my BB remains disturbed every time the phone rings and kicks into my voicemail, I decided to go back to BT and buy one of their telephone + Broadband services. Today (rapid response) I have received an email from TalkTalk telling me that they have received a request for disconnection of service and that I may be liable for a fee of £144 to break their contract. I am interested to learn the opinions of other Caggers on this scenario, as I have no intention of paying TT for anything other than the use of my telephone line since 21/3/12 and Broadband service up to the date I transfer to BT..Thanks & apologies for length of this post, but I thought it best to describe every event as it happened.
  7. Barclays continue to stall, citing a "backlog." I have therefore started to take steps for a major complaint to the ICO, blogs, Which and Watchdog..I require the information from the SAR in order to accurately make a claim for mis-sold PPI. I have been paying this since before December 2001 (earliest statement I still possess), but have no documentation concerning the original impementation of the overdraft. How far back can I claim the premiums paid by me ? Is it just 6 years from current date ?Despite the governments directive, Barclays have not communicated in any way that I may have a claim for mis-sold PPI and based upon the SAR debacle, I am not holding my breath. I prefer to have control of the situation as against wait for the financial provider to awake from their slumber..Any information will be gratefully received..
  8. Many thanks citizenB...I'll keep you posted as to what happens...
  9. I have now heard again from Barclays. During the telephone conversation they upheld my "complaint" and confirmed a credit to my account of £20-00 to cover my "costs" and "inconvenience." I told the lady that the money was not important, only that Barclays as a Financial Provider abide by regulations set out in the Data Protection Act. The lady replied by stating that the 40 day rule is defined as 40 working days, not 40 calendar days...Is this correct? Needless to say, even that deadline had already been breached a while back, as my original SAR letter was sent on 14/12/11 and received by Barclays on 18/12/11. I now need to know the exact procedure for making a complaint to the relevant authority, as it appears that Barclays are just stalling for time and thinking £20-00 will cut the mustard.Thanks for any help.
  10. What a co-incidence !!! I have just put down the phone from Barclays (their call to me) who have informed me that my SAR has been received by their Data Protection team, but they are experiencing a "backlog"....It is apparently, being "dealt with."Certainly proves one thing (my paranoia again)...and that is that the Financial Giants do read the CAG forums...Gonna give it one more week before taking further action..
  11. Thanks for that citizenB..In fact I sent a cheque drawn on my Barclays account for the £10-00 and having checked my statement online, it appears that the cheque has so far, not been presented.Being paranoid, could this be an avoidance ploy from Barclays ?..that is to pretend to have not received the documents in order to avoid taking the required action...Seems odd that the original Registered letter was signed for, yet nothing has come back from them...plus no reply to my follow-up letter..Thanks again..
  12. I've been searching for this answer on the forum, without success, so I'm going to ask the viewers..I sent a SAR to Barclays (my branch) on 14th December 2011, including the £10-00 fee. The letter was sent by 2nd class recorded delivery and I have since checked Royal Mail's Track & Trace online and see that it was signed for on 18th Dec.2011.I have sent a reminder to Barclays by ordinary mail on 5th January 2012.To date I have received nothing back from them.What do I do next ?FYG I have had "overdraft protection insurance" with them for a few years, which I never asked for and never wanted from the outset, but need the SAR records to ensure all my facts are completely right.Thanks
  13. I am assuming when you say "cra" that you mean my credit file, held with Experian and/or others of their ilk ? There is no mention of this debt there, that is why I ask...If there was a default placed on my credit file in 2008 by Halifax I assume it would still appear there, would it not ? That is of course if Halifax had sent me a notice of default prior to allegedly selling the debt to 1st Crapit (never happened)... The earliest entry is in the "Account Information" section of the report (Credit account information showing details of my credit agreements with lenders) is 07/11/2010. There are no defaults and there is no mention of either Halifax or 1st Crud Is it "Game Over" for 1st Crap, as if the Experian report is to be trusted, there was never any default registered on my Credit File by the alleged OC, Halifax ? Regards,
  14. I have checked my credit file via "Credit Expert" and the alleged debt default does not appear on it. However, the information is given as the 12 months activity. If this default was placed on my credit file back in 2008, I assume that it would still be there would it not ?
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