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  1. ive been battling and trying to clear a paydayuk loan but having no joy and they ownt accept a re-payment plan to suit my reduced hours so ive had no option now but to report my card as 'lost' and default that way. ive tried opening a bank account online but am worrying a new account number wont come in time for me to hand it into work. If i have my wages paid into my partners bank account can the payday loan company get to them? we both bank with rbs. we hold seperate accounts that we have our wages put into and a joint account for bits and bobs of bills. if my wages are paid into my partners seperate account can that be raided?
  2. First post, please dont kill me! Okay so I just checked my inbox whilst having a coffee and choked. Looks like Amazons closed my account! Ive returned quite a few things for LEGIT reasons, such as things failing (and me detailing proof of them not working). Yet, Ive just got an email, and theyve closed accounts of mine that were years old! About four email addresses. Email is below: Ive bought about a million things from them, and most of them still have their 1 Year warranties still rolling. Invoices are still on the account! What do I do? (Not to mention, ive still got Amazon Prime!) and have things that need to be shipped off to them in my hallway. Contacting them was pointless, responded to this blokes email, and nothing. Can anyone help? Lol Thanks, Aman.
  3. Hi, Having yet more travails getting my JSA claim set up and a payment to me sorted. After about 3 weeks and a lot of messing around the benefit delivery centre were due to call me today to arrange a same day payment. When they hadn't by 11am I phoned them and the contact centre told me that, even though they hadn't completed their call back they had sent a FP at 8:55 this morning and it would be in my account by 5pm at the latest. I phoned back at 3pm just to get a second opinion and again it was all confirmed to me, while the bdc hadn't called me they had sent a same day payment. 5pm comes and no payment. I call at 5:10 and get through to someone at 5:50 who confirms a payment has been sent and it should be there. He did notice though that the account the payment was sent to is different to the one I was mentioning... In fact they have sent the payment to the bank account used for my old claim, this bank account being in someone elses name (with me being completely estranged from that person). I know that they have had my new account details because on occasion when I've phoned up they've asked for the last 4 digits of my acc number or my sort code as security and it's been my new (current account). So somehow they've ballsed up and sent the money to somewhere I didn't authorise for this claim. What are my rights with this? They've sent my money to a different person, using details that I gave them last year but from a claim that has been closed for over 10 months. They ignored my new bank details. My housing benefit which I applied for at the same time on the same online form has been paid to my new account so I know it's gone through on the form. If they'd called me as requested I could have confirmed my account details again over the phone. I'm absolutely desperate for the cash now but I have no contact with the person they've paid it to Have I just lost out here?
  4. Hi guys, Seems ages since I have been on here, been very busy over the past 12 months. Need to ask some advice that I probably could of answered myself a year or so ago, but cannot remember. A friend of mine has a default for Nationwide (I believe) but the balance is completely made up of charges. For what I understand their was no credit facilities and she stoped using the account. However a month after she ceased to use it a fee for a returned DD was applied, then fees for unauthorised OD etc. Now the balance is approx £350 Can she be defaulted for a balance made up entirely of charges? Thanks
  5. Had 2 loans a few years ago with Lloyds but have forgot my account numbers. Is there any way I can request these?
  6. Hello, I'm currently in PDL hell... it's been absolutely my own fault as I took out multiple loans and was never convinced I could afford to pay them back and it's come to a head. I've followed the basic PDL advice I found on these pages but one thing concerned me. I've opened a new bank account but it's with the same bank as the other account that my PDL creditors have. Are they able to access these details if I've never given them out? I'm absolutely sick with worry about it. I've cancelled any DD's set up on the account the loans were paid into and I've already defaulted on a couple of them, so I'm starting to get the texts and calls about paying. Thankfully my phone has a blacklist app on it so I'm just ignoring all of them. I'm willing to set up payment plans for them all, I just need to sit down and do it. QQ have been really unhelpful, they were one of the first I tried to sort things with, so I'm not very sure to do. Has anyone found a way of getting more than a 3 month repayment plan? Wonga were great, they accepted my offer of £50 per month and they've not hassled me at all. The other companies I'm dealing with are: Mr Lender QuickQuid Swift Sterling Txt Loan Wage Day Advance Cash Genie *gulp* it's kind of scary seeing them all written down like that, I can't believe I got myself into this mess. If anyone could ease my mind about the new bank account I'd be so grateful. I've got an ISA that I can transfer money in and out of which will do for now, I'm hoping that the PDL companies won't be able to access my new bank account though. Those details are completely secret and I don't intend to EVER apply for a PDL again. Any advice would be much, much, much appreciated - this girl is stressed and worried about sorting things out. Thanks for reading. Jenny
  7. Over the years I've read all of the standard Paypal horror stories and never believed it would happen to me as I've always followed the rules...wrong! A few years ago, my husband joined a government scheme where he was helped to set up an internet business. It didn't pan out as the market was too competitive. This has left us with a fair bit of stock, i.e. new DVD's, games, music CD's, books and other bits and bobs, so I decided to set up a temporary store to sell this stuff very cheaply just to get rid of them, along with a few car boot sales etc. It's only been up for a few weeks, and is not even live as yet as I'm still adding stuff to it. Then I received the dreaded eMail from Paypal: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear ****** , We are hereby notifying you that, after a recent review of your account activity, it has been determined that you are in violation of PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy regarding your sales / offers on http://www.******.com/store/. Therefore, your account has been permanently limited. Per the User Agreement, when PayPal permanently limits an account due to an Acceptable Use Policy violation, we may hold your funds up to 180 days. We will review your account at 30 days from the date of this email, we will calculate our exposure and will release any excess funds to you for withdrawal. If there are any funds remaining in your account at this time, we will review your account every 30 days until either all your funds have been made available to you for withdrawal, or a period of 180 days from the date your account was limited is reached. Please log in to your PayPal account and verify that your account information is accurate, as PayPal cannot be held responsible for incorrect information provided by the account holder. You will need to remove all references to PayPal from your website/s and/or auction/s. This includes not only removing PayPal as a payment option, but also the PayPal logo and/or shopping cart. The PayPal User Agreement states that PayPal, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to limit an account for any violation of the User Agreement, including the Acceptable Use Policy. Under the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments for items that infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy, or any other proprietary right under the laws of any jurisdiction. This includes transactions for counterfeit items or unauthorized replicas or copies of items. The complete Acceptable Use Policy can be found at the following URL: https://cms.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=ua/AcceptableUse_full&locale.x=en_GB To learn more about the Acceptable Use Policy, please refer to our Help Centre page here: https://www.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/helpweb?cmd=_help We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact the PayPal Brand Risk Management Department at euaup@paypal.co.uk. Sincerely, Erkan PayPal, Brand Risk Management -------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1999-2012 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. & Cie, S.C.A. Société en Commandite par Actions Registered Office: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 5ème étage, L-2449 Luxembourg RCS Luxembourg B 118 349 Responses to this email address are not monitored. Please send any additional questions that you may have to euaup@paypal.co.uk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was shocked, mainly as I knew this was a mistake, but partly because they say I can't appeal against this accusation. However, I phoned their support line and spoke to a very nice man called Steve. He informed me that no-one had actually visited my store but it had been 'flagged by the system'. What??? He said he sympathised and would make sure someone visited the store and I would receive an eMail the following day, which I did: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear ****** , Thank you for contacting PayPal with your concern regarding the limitation on your account. We regret to inform you that we cannot overturn the limitation on your account. Due to the violation of PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy, your account has been permanently limited. Please refer to: - Website/s: http://www.******.com The PayPal User Agreement states that PayPal, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to limit an account for any violation of the User Agreement, including the Acceptable Use Policy. Under the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments for items that infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy, or any other proprietary right under the laws of any jurisdiction. This includes transactions for counterfeit items or unauthorized replicas or copies of items. If you have any questions, please contact the PayPal Brand Risk Management Department at euaup@paypal.co.uk. Sincerely, Erkan PayPal, Brand Risk Management -------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1999-2012 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. & Cie, S.C.A. Société en Commandite par Actions Registered Office: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 5ème étage, L-2449 Luxembourg RCS Luxembourg B 118 349 Responses to this email address are not monitored. Please send any additional questions that you may have to euaup@paypal.co.uk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Furious, I phoned again, as this eMail told me absolutely nothing. I spoke to a very unhelpful lady (I forgot to ask her name!) who told me she didn't know anything, but that my eBay store had been flagged as high risk. I tried to tell her I don't have an eBay store, but she kept interrupting and telling me I have! I eventually managed to shout over her to explain it was my own store. Once she understood that, she said there was nothing she could do as my store had been flagged and my account limitation was permanent. When I asked to speak to a supervisor she refused. She also told me that Paypal would never tell me which items supposedly violated their terms. When I asked her if this was fair, as I should have a chance to defend myself, she said that it wasn't a matter of what was fair or not. Charming! The fact that I've been a faithful Paypal customer for years with a good record seemed to cut no ice at all. They are holding on to my money and won't release it. Surely it's wrong to accuse a customer of wrongdoing without even giving them a chance to appeal or defend the accusation? I've also written to them asking which items in particular they are concerned about, but just received the canned rubbish instead of a personal reply. I know of a woman who successfully sued Paypal in a British court, and I was wondering what my legal stand would be regarding this problem? Thanks in advance for any replies.
  8. I called out BT as our phone line had suddenly become noisy. My daughter had taken the handset and base into her office and used it all day with no problems so we knew it was not the equipment. Despite this when the engineer came out he insisted that it was our phone. We told him it was not and that the line should be investigated further. I have today received a bill for £151.00 which includes an engineer callout charge of £130.00!!!! I am unemployed, just divorced and live on my own currently on benefit and this has emptied my bank account and in fact made me overdrawn which i am not allowed to do. On ringing BT all they did was pass me from one department to another and then put in an enquiry, despite me telling them they had taken the money i need to live on. I now have nothing, and will probably be charged by my bank also for an unauthorised overdraft. :mad2:
  9. Hello, My wife's Smile account has just been closed, denying us access to the overdraft facility. We have recently paid several hundred pounds in from family which was to help get by until I am paid in a few weeks. Since yesterday Smile have firstly said the account would be functioning with a usable o/d until 15th Feb. Then they changed their mind and made the account unusable. We phoned them, explained that we needed to use the facility for a few more weeks and were told this was ok, that the account would be reinstated. Then they shut it off again, saying that was that, they can't let us use the account. I really hope someone has advice on how to handle this.
  10. Hi, I had a lodger about 4 years ago who was from Poland. he got a job here, very nice chap. He moved about after about a year and I haven't heard from him since. I was getting post for him for a while occasionally, but now more worryingly I am getting banking post - e.g. credit cards and bank accounts - for him AND his wife. How do I approach Lloyds bank, for instance - about this? I contacted them a year or two back but they just kept saying as I wasn't the account holder they wouldn't tell me anything - I kept trying to explain I didn't actually want to know anything - just wanted tot ell them that one of these people has never lived here and one did but moved out. Not sure how to deal with it and what the possible implications for me are if these accounts go pear-shaped? Thanks Sam
  11. If the bank issues a formal demand on a joint account does that formal demand have to be made on both parties that are named on the account? or can they go after one party and then move onto another party after exhausting measures with that party? A formal demand was issued to my Father and not to my mother (the demand was made on 6 accounts three of which were joint accounts). I am fighting the case on behalf of my mother as my father disappeared a few years ago leaving her with the debts. Can the bank issue a formal demand on a joint account to only one party? Do you know what laws govern this? Any help would be greatly apperciated! Thank you Alan
  12. Hi All, I have banked with Barclays since 2001 (13 years old) having the same account since then. On Saturday 18th June 2011, I attempted to log in to online banking it said I couldn't log in due to a problem with my debit card. I called the OnLine Banking team, they said there is an issue and put me through to debit card services. They advised to take my ID into the bank, they need it and would sort it. I go into the bank and the Personal Banker (PB) photocopied my ID and apparently got the block removed from my card. 1/2 hour later it still wasen't active, so went back in, the PB had been on the phone since I left as his saw there are blocks on my account related to falcon fraud, I attemped to read the notes he had on screen but said I was not permitted to read this information. I was due to go on holiday the next day, which I did despite not being able to access my money, I called telephone banking Monday (20th) they advised a closure notice was in the post but couldn't release any further information. The PB too called me to say I could withdraw cash at the counter, a letter was in the post. On Thursday (23rd) I recieved two letters, both were automated saying on the 1st July 2011 they will be closing all my accounts, it's not a decision taken lightly but is related to numerous factors from account conduct to a buisness change. But nothing specific, they also said they couldn't give me a specific decision. Firstly as you will see the PB mentioned Falcon Fraud, my research shows them as a card processing fraud detection system. But no mention of this in my letters, staff in branch can't give me answers, I want to complain for answers, also to have data protection release to see the notes etc, they hold on me. Has anyone heard of falcon fraud? I don't know what I'm supposed to have done, use my account wellish had a couple of bank charges for failed dd but nothing major, always in credit? Help basically... thanks guys!
  13. Hi is there a place I can go to for templates for excessive business bank charges for a ltd company (they kept sending me overdrawn and then charging me) they have told me there is over £600 in charges applied to the account, I tried using personal account template letters but they have written back stating that its a business account but i cant find any templates anywhere, please help someone????
  14. Hi CAG, I am having major problems with Vodafone, ever since last July and upgrading my phone to iPhone 4 Vodafone have constantly billed me incorrectly and every month they manage to suspend my phone services, and cancel the Direct Debit that i've set up with them over the phone. My wages get paid on the 1st and I always try and get every bill paid on or around the 1st, every time I phone Vodafone they say they have changed the billing cycling and the money will come out on the 1st of the next month.. My partners phone around the 25 of the month gets a text message saying you're bill is overdue please arrange a payment. What I can't figure out for the life of me is why after almost 10 months of constant phone calls and speaking to different members of the Accounts / Collections team they can not get a simple thing right such as taking the money on the 1st of the month. Last month I actually spoke with a Manage who assured me that everything was sorted. And tonight I have had to phone them again, and asked for a manager and NO ONE called back I am really starting to lose my rag with this situation and may have to cancel my service with Vodafone as this is getting beyond a joke now, and there seems to be no resolution in site I have been a very happy vodafone customer for 7 years and I still have a good 14 months contract left, but I need some help with this.
  15. Hi, Apologies if the info/advice I'm after is elsewhere on the site but I haven't been able to find anything definitive. I have a bank account with Abbey/Santander with defaulted in Feb 2006 as a result of charges applied to the account, I was making replayments prior to this and the settled the account (all through a DCA). I then made a claim for the charges later that year Aug 2006, which has since been stayed; am I correct in thinking that the account wasn't in dispute when the default was applied? If that is the case then what would be the best approach for getting the default removed i.e. can I still go down the default on a disputed account route or would I need to try another way? I have read the post here and it would seem that approach may be out of date. Any advice would be greatly appreciated Many thanks stevieb52
  16. Hi, I had a Cap One card for a few years, got into difficulty and have since been at war with them trying to recover the debt. I'm not sure how enforceable the debt is ? I CCA'd them 16th July 2009, they replied with a blank agreement on the 23rd July 2009. I then sent them a 'failed to respond to my legal request' letter on the 28th August 09 and they came back with a 'true' copy of what they say is the executed agreement but is actually the Application Form with my signature on it. I then wrote on the 30th September 09 again asking for a copy of the credit agreement which bears my signature and never received a response. They passed the debt to Fredrickson International on 16/10/09 and I have been paying them £20 per month since that time, only because I'm totally unsure of where I stand on this! Any advice would be great - thanks
  17. Hi - I have had a current account with the RBS for some years. It has a substantial balance in it at the moment although I will be reducing that fairly soon! Last week I was buying some items on EBay using PayPal and could not get my registered RBS debit card to work. Went to the RBS Digitlal Banking site to find my account was not even listed! Panic! Phoned RBS - at this point it was nearly 11 p.m. in the evening. They referred me to their fraud prevension deparment. For some reason a couple of totally innocent transactions on EBay and a cash withdrawl had tripped their anti-fraud software and frozen my account. I was furious and demanded to know why I was not informed first? Then it seems they phoned my old [now inacctive] phone number despite having up to date information! Tha account was then unblocked but I suffered a panic attack as a result. The stress was bad as I have had a recent heart attack. I did not get to sleep for some hours. Since this I have visited the bank and received the usual appologies "One out of five account blockings are inappropriate like mine." However surely the bank is out of order to have gone ahead with blocking my account without contacting me first? Also, they admitted an error, that my account was not shown at all on their digital banking site. Saying "sorry" is simply not good enough. Has anybody got advice for any action I could take? I intend to remove the majority of the funds from the account shortly in any case. I have asked for them to explain why innocent transactions were seen as being suspect but, of course, no comment. Thanks Greg
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