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Greg Dunn

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  1. Hi - I have had a current account with the RBS for some years. It has a substantial balance in it at the moment although I will be reducing that fairly soon! Last week I was buying some items on EBay using PayPal and could not get my registered RBS debit card to work. Went to the RBS Digitlal Banking site to find my account was not even listed! Panic! Phoned RBS - at this point it was nearly 11 p.m. in the evening. They referred me to their fraud prevension deparment. For some reason a couple of totally innocent transactions on EBay and a cash withdrawl had tripped their anti-fraud software and frozen my account. I was furious and demanded to know why I was not informed first? Then it seems they phoned my old [now inacctive] phone number despite having up to date information! Tha account was then unblocked but I suffered a panic attack as a result. The stress was bad as I have had a recent heart attack. I did not get to sleep for some hours. Since this I have visited the bank and received the usual appologies "One out of five account blockings are inappropriate like mine." However surely the bank is out of order to have gone ahead with blocking my account without contacting me first? Also, they admitted an error, that my account was not shown at all on their digital banking site. Saying "sorry" is simply not good enough. Has anybody got advice for any action I could take? I intend to remove the majority of the funds from the account shortly in any case. I have asked for them to explain why innocent transactions were seen as being suspect but, of course, no comment. Thanks Greg
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