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  1. Just after some advice. We have an outstanding bill to YW on a former address. We were initially contacted by Rockford who wanted £50 paying monthly but we told them we can only afford £5. They agreed to this but kept sending letters to us claiming that a repayment plan had not been set up. We have paid this for a few months now. Last month we were contacted by LCS and I replied telling them how we have been paying an agreed sum of £5 to Rockford and that we will continue with this and to provide their banking details for a standing order. In response to this I have received a letter asking me to call them to discuss this. It also says in regards to the call: 'There are a number of reasons for this and may be a simple clarity of details held pertaining to you'. Obviously there are not problems with any of the details they hold. They have my address and that's all they need so this is obviously just to get me to call. My question really relates to the repayment plan I had with Rockford. They weren't at all happy with the set up so this looks to me as though it's been passed on in the hope that LCS can get more money out of us, but good luck to them. So basically is there anything that says LCS should continue with my prior arrangement set up with Rockford? Thanks Lee.
  2. Hi all (again). Needing a lot of advice lately! I am proof that burying your head in the sand is the worst thing you can do Yorkshire Water have a CCJ against me for unpaid water charges. I haven't made any payments against this CCJ. I received a letter dated 01 March advising me that if I didn't contact them within 7 days they would be applying to the High Court for a Writ of Execution. The amount outstanding was £674.96. I called and made an offer of payment £20 every 4 weeks, I gave her my income & expenditure details which showed £20 was what I could afford. She said that the minimum payment she could accept was £75 per 4 week as this was due to the fact that when 2013/2014 water bill is added it is £928.68 and it needs to be cleared within a certain period? Anyway, I made the payment of £20.00 there and then on the phone and she said that I needed to call by Friday (today) and make a payment of £8.68 (which I have done) which would stop the issuing of a High Court Writ. My question is what do I do? I can't afford to pay £75 every 4 weeks but I also really don't relish in the though of HCEO.
  3. Hi,im after a bit of help re:mobility bus pass, i got a 1 yr mobility pass which expires in a few weeks, ive re:applied for it again and was basically asked me the same questions over the phone but got a letter saying they had turned me down,so i am appealing the decission,and have to go to see a physio and been told they will examine my breathing, and walking (distance) and my medical history, im in receipt of dla care low rate, and not entitled to mobility high rate,which would mean i would automatically get a bus pass, basically id like some advice if anyone has actually been to one of these medicals,and what information do i need to take with me etc. thanks
  4. I have sent my first letter off to the Yorkshire bank today. I have been with the Yorkshire bank for aprox 20 years and over that period I must have paid out a lot in charges especialy when the children were younger and money was a bit tight. Does anyone know if I can claim for more than 6 years or is that the maximum time I will keep you informed as to how things are going. regards david
  5. A NEW mental health service for veterans and reserves has been launched in East Yorkshire. Specialist nurses in the region are helping military veterans get help for a range of conditions, including depression, whether they are related to combat or not. The Veterans Outreach Service found many ex-military workers struggled to talk about mental health problems or found it difficult to approach their own GP. Now, Humber NHS Foundation Trust is providing specialist nurses to cover the region, chat to veterans and work with them to get the help they need. http://www.thisishullandeastriding.co.uk/Service-brings-mental-health-care-barracks/story-18088468-detail/story.html
  6. Hi, I took out a loan for £4000 with Yorkshire bank in 2002. I have recently put in a claim for PPI. I have the account number and I know the details of when it was taken out, which branch and roughly when it was repaid. They have come back to me and said as it is older than 6 years they no longer have any details other than the loan number I provided them with so cannot do anything more unless I can provide them with the original loan agreement which I no longer have... ..Is there anything I can do now or is that it? Is it worth going to the financial ombudsman? Thanks
  7. i called in to yorkshire bank last year to ask them to trace the name of the company who i was insured with 3 years ago,but they said the information on they computors get wiped off their systems after 2 years,its really important i get the name of the compay i was insured with,as they have got 8 years no claims bonus of mine,which i need back asap for my car insurance,is there a email address for yorkshire bank? or could you tell me who i can get intouch with to help me find out
  8. My partner and I have been working hard at paying off debt to get his credit rating up so we can get a mortgage before our second child is born. All was going well, we had paid off around 7k in the last six months, cleared all outstanding debt and his rating had shot up to excellent. Then at the beginning of Nov, we got an unexpected water bill for £600. Part of the reason it was unexpected was because over the past year ourwater bills had suggested that we were in credit. Prior to this, around the time I was expecting our first child, we were going through a rough time financially, and we had run up a large bill and had reached the stage where court papers were issued by YW. We managed to raise the money to pay this off before a CCJ was issued forunately and our account was clear. Then, as mentioned, for about a year afterwards our bills seemed to suggest we were in credit. To be honest, this seemed fairly plausible as we do seem to be paying a lot for water, and we never got round to questioning it. Then in November, we got this huge bill so I phoned up to see what was going on. I was told that this was correct and the situation with the other bills was a known problem after accounts had defaulted badly and then been paid off. The girl on the other end of the phone agreed that it was misleading and it was something they were trying to resolve. She then suggested that we could set up a payment plan for the outstanding balance and the bills going forward to all be rolled into one and go out by direct debit. This sounded really reasonable so we paid £200 there and then towards the outstanding balance, and an £80 direct debit which could be adjusted subject to meter readings. Fast forward to today, and my partner has done a routine check of his credit file and found that Yorkshire Water have been entered as a new account and they have filed a year's worth of missed payments. Needless to say this has had a very detrimental effect on his credit rating, dragging it down from excellent to fair and ruining our chances of a mortgage any time soon. Is there anything we can do to resolve this? What would happen if we paid off the balance and cancelled the payment plan, going back to quarterly bills. It just seems that we've worked so hard to pay off so much debt and get in a position to buy a decent house and now because of this we are right back to square one. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
  9. Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone has had success in a PPI claim from the Yorkshire Bank? my husband took out a loan of £3,000 with YB in 2001. He doesn't have any paperwork and the branch he took out the loan with are useless. I have sent a SAR letter to the address given on here with the £10 cheque. Has anyone done this and how long do they take to get back to you? The SAR was sent a couple of weeks ago but the cheque has still not been cashed. Still no letter either. Do YB drag it out as long as possible? Should we be prepared for a long battle? Also any idea what the payment could be around when it's all sorted? He was definitely sold PPI. How do they go about working out the payment? And how does the interest of 8% thing work? What is the 8% from? Sorry about all the questions I just need someone to explain in dummy terms haha. Thanks in advance for your help.
  10. Hi, Been an avid viewer of the forums for some time as it gives fantastic advice... Here's the story anyway... My girlfriend has had a MCOL from yorkshire water for the whole year ( we're not on a meter ). ..because we both started on JSA and couldn't pay it for 2 months as we were waiting for the claim to go through... As we were a couple of months late.. ..( due to just trying to keep the lights on ) they went straight down the court route... Claim is for £265 Solicitors £50 Court Fee £15 Now....i've acknowledged service for her ( it's in her name only as it's her house ).... Now my next step is...i have to fill in the form before the 28 days is up offering how much to pay... Council tax arrears are only taking £3.50 a week ( as we didn't claim until we were really desperate as my work went pete tong ) out of the benefits... So my real questions are... 1) How much do i offer on the form to send to yorkshire water? 2) No way on earth can we pay the whole lot...so looks like she'll get a CCJ...( she's not bothered as she doesn't want credit ). 3) She owns her house outright.......implications.... 4) Generally any other advice you can give... I realise we're going to have to admit the claim....more of a what to do next. ( We're not into the last 14 days yet...first 14 days passing soon ) So advice appreciated...seems very harsh...to kill someones credit...for 6 years..for 2 months...when money has been none existant. Regards, Stormski PS: We haven't got a phone ( and use a friends internet )
  11. Here is the story (numbers are rounded) Yorkshire water billed us for about £600 for year 2012-2013. £300 due in April, £300 due in October. April instalment bill by some reason was not paid. Now they filed money claim for £725, (£600 plus £70 legal fee plus £55 court fee. The same one went to Mrs. Readalot.) Aprently we are whooping 2 month late with the first payment. My actions so far. - Called them and notified them that Mrs. Readalot is not anymore a leaseholder or owner of the property in question (lease was changed long time ago and it is in my name only), they have changed their records accordingly. - Filed acknowledgement of service and defence in name of Mrs Readalot, the defence is along the lines that she is not leaseholder of the property and not liable for the bills. - Filed acknowledgement of service in my name. Now is the most interesting part.. . I called them (call is recorded) tried to negotiate a quick and amicable settlement but they refused to even discuss it and the party line was "you need to file admission form and send it to yorkshire water". Some quotes from that conversation: - "Have you received the paperwork from the court yet" - Me: "Yes I have" - "Well you need to fill the admission form and send to ourselves" - "This is the process that you need to follow" .. - Me: "I want to reach a repayment agreement" - "No you cannot do it now, we've reached the court stage" - "You need to fill the paperwork from the court and send it back to US" - You can fill in the court forms with repayment offer and send it to us and we will look into it and if we accept we will add 40£ to your account. - Me: What 40£ are for. - 40£ will be added for the judgement. Then CCJ will be on your record. - Me: "Please do not try to mislead me" - "I am not trying to mislead you. If you not make payment in full within 14 days you will have a CCJ entered onto your account, onto your credit file" ... - Me: "This is wrong, this should not be like that, what you are telling me is not true " - "This is the process" - Me: "You are lying to me, in my face" ... - Me: "All I want is to settle this matter amicably out of court" - "Unfortunately , if you cannot pay the balance within 14 days, because the court paper have been issued, the CCJ will be entered and you need to make an offer of payment via the court papers" ... - "That's the paperwork that you have received, if you do not pay the full balance within 14 days the judgement will be entered and you will have that black mark on your credit file for 6 years" - "Well, it is a lie.." ... - "You need to send us repayment offer.. if we accept the offer there will be 40£ added to your account and confirmation will be send to yourself..." - Me: "But what will happen with the ongoing money claim then?" - "It will go ahead and you will have CCJ on your credit file for 6 years" ... - "Because you cannot pay in full the only way [to deal with this] is to admit on the admission form and send it to us" - Me: "or defend" - "Sorry? " - Me: "I can admit or defend, is it true" - "Can you repeat this please?" - Me: "I can admit the claim or defend the claim" ... - "You do not have to attend court, all you have to do. The court has already been done, the court has already been done without you being there" - Me: "The court has already been done without me being there already?" [ WTF!? ] - Me: "Are you saying the judgement has been entered without me?" - "The judgement has not been entered yet, we need you to fill the paperwork and send it back to us and once it has been received the judgement will be entered" ... - Me: "do you understand that you are intentionally trying to mislead me." - "I am not intentionally trying to mislead you , I am just advising you on what the process is" - Me: "I do not want your legal advise, you are advising me incorrectly, you are lying in my face and only back off when I confront you. And this conversation is being recorded, transcript of this conversation will go to court to show unfair relationship between us and your breach of OFT guidelines and there will be a claim to OFT. I do not want any of that, I just want to settle this matter out of court now and you are telling me that 'no way'" ... - "You have not responded to our letters... It is not until now that the judgement have been entered that you are trying to contact us" - Me: "The judgement have been entered!?" - "Yes. the judgement have been entered. Now. Whether you admit that claim or you defend that claim. That judgement will strill be entered and you will have that mark on your credit file for 6 years. The easiest way to deal with it would be to admit the claim" - Me: "The judgement will be entered!?" - "Yes.The judgement will be entered..." - Me: "You are confusing me. Will be entered or have been entered? Which one is it?" - "the judgement will be entered if you admit the claim. If you didn't admit the claim and send the admission form then the judgement will still be entered by default. So either way, whether you respond to that letter or not you are still going to have a judgement going agains you and CCJ issued on your credit file. The easiest way to deal with would be send us the addmission form and set an arrangement...so CCJ now is unavoidable but if once you pay your balance in full we will send you a letter of satisfaction which you can present to court and your CCJ will be marked as satisfied" - Me: "haha.. this is so much going to OFT guys... this record is going to OFT to show them how you mislead your customers .. you are telling me outright lies, you are telling me outright lies right now! You lied to me on multiply occasion, when I confront you, you back off a little bit and then keep telling me lies. This is ridiculous" - "We sent you letter we made you aware of the situation..." - Me: "and then when I contact you, you bamboozle me with waffle!" .. - Me: "Well I am calling you now trying to reach a settlement of this matter" - "It has got to a point of no return now" - Me: "Point of no return, ha.." .. There is some more of that but other party sounds very tired and I let her go. If you are still here, it seems I will defend the claim potentially arguing "unfair relationship". Also the water bills insane (we have no meter), I will be requesting them to set up a meter which should reduce the charges in half (based on our consumption in previous house) This will make the claimed money wildly inaccurate. Also since one defendant on the claim is obviously no liable, she will be claiming legal fees. Will see if I can settle this matter the day before court for half the price. Any advise and suggestions are very welcome.
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