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  1. Think I might be fighting a losing battle with this one but I'm coming to the end of my contract and checked my phone bill just to see what I pay out. Dont normally check the details I just pay it as I trusted that it was correct Really shocked to see throughout my contract i've been paying insurance which I never agreed to. Contacted Vodafone who said tough as I should have checked the phone bill. They also said I took the insurance out in store. I know I didnt take out this insurance and my query is can anything be done to get a refund? Surely they must have a signed copy of the agreement. Then secondly didnt like the attitude of saying if you dont check your bill then tough. What they're saying they can charge what they want and if you dont notice it then tough Any advice would be appreciated Thanks
  2. Hi there, My Brother In Law has just discovered that his bank had fixed his Mortgage for 5 years at 3.89% without his consent. He has demanded to see the signed document the bank could not produce the signed contract he has been into branch and seen on the computer also that the contract is not signed in the signature box. What should he do in this situation? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  3. I have been made an offer on a loan taken out in 1994 which ended in 2003. It looks like a goodwill offer and also looks a bit "light". They dont give me exact dates of ppi payments looks like it was added at the start of the loan being about £1200. Their offer is £3300. 2 questions: 1) Can I bank their cheque "without prejudice" taking it as a payment on account to mitigate my losses, and argue about the amount later? They havent mentioned acceptance in their letter, just calling it their "offer". 2) I feel that the 8% stat interest should be compounded, not simple. I would be grateful for any help on this. I have downloaded the spreadsheet, taking £1000 as the initial PPI payment from 01/01/1994 gives simple interest of £1,921.92 but if you use standard compound (1+r)^n * £1,000 = (1+0.08(rate)))^23years*£1,000 = £5,871.46 then add on the principal £1k = £6,871.46 why is it simple instead of compound? the fair calculation of loss is the amount foregone each year, which is the interest lost each year and interest on that interest for the following year?
  4. An elderly relative of mine book train and ferry to Ireland via Hollyhead. She got all relative train connections as quoted on tickets when she got to Holyhead the ferry had left without her. The customer service at ferry port said it was train fault. She been in contact with customers services at Irish Ferry port and they also said it not their fault and she is responsible for making it on time to get ferry out she and other passagers had got off train and went to ferry port to find check in had closed. Surely the ferry should not have left without all passengers and train should have infromed them there were passengers on train for ferry. Irish ferries were not concern and said it was her fault for not making it on time. They seem not to want to take any responsibility for passagers once fare been paid. This meant waiting at ferry port for hours and longer on ferry time on ferry 2 hrs extra. Any suggestion go forward with compaint would be appreciated.
  5. I'm in a bit of a pickle and am hoping someone can help me work out how to get around this: I bought my partner an Apple laptop via eBay three years ago. All seemed above board, but I collected in person and the seller insisted I pay cash as they didn't want to risk a Paypal chargeback - fair enough, I thought. At the time, they assured me they would send me a copy of the original Apple sale receipt and I asked several times. The seller then stopped responding to my messages. Not an issue, I thought, since I had the laptop and didn't think the proof of purchase would be an issue. To prevent the laptop being used if stolen, we put a firmware password on the laptop - this is a low-level password that effectively locks the Mac altogether if the hard disk is changed, which makes it very difficult for thieves to use the laptop if they steal it and try to wipe the hard drive. Six months later in 2015, we realised that we had forgotten the password. We took the laptop to Apple and, after e-mailing every bit of correspondence I had had from the eBay sale and with the seller of the laptop, a nice chap at Apple Ireland authorised my local Apple repair shop to reset the firmware password. Thinking we were out of the woods, my partner put a new password on the machine, wrote it down safely in a book, and that was that. Fast forward to two weeks ago, and we have realised that we have once again forgotten the password, and, having moved house, have lost the book. However, this time, Apple have refused to reset the password, because we don't have the original sale receipt for the laptop. Apple have said that, since we don't have the original proof of purchase, we will have to pay around £500 to have a new main board (the logic board) replaced. My instinct in this matter is that, having proven once beyond reasonable doubt that we are the legitimate owners of the laptop, a reasonable person would believe that we are still the rightful owners of the laptop, and Apple should remove the password. If somebody could help, we would be most grateful (in fact, if you can help us get Apple to authorise this password removal, I will send you £50 and a crate of beer/cider/wine/fizzy pop of your choice) Thanks ever so much! Alex
  6. Concerning the issue of whether we are a casual worker or a an employee there is many criteria to consider for example the time we work for the employer, our skills, whether he employs us only in case of shortage or during peak time or he uses us in the normal running of our business...etc. However I would like to know if the conclusive evidence is not when the P45 has been issued because if it has been issued one year after the start of employment this means that we are now an employee. It is up to the employer to decide if he need us anymore or nor and as a consequence if he send us our P45 or not. If the employer decides because it is not convenient for him not to issue a P45 at the end of each project we could be consider as an employee There is also the issue of HMRC and in order the employer not to pay tax maybe a worker has to work only for a small period of time and not come back for a long time There is also the issue of the difference between temporary employee and a casual worker
  7. I'm sure someone on here can give a straight answer as I am trying to help my granddad who was unfortunately hit by scaffolding that had been put up around his block of flats which is Council owned ( Old peoples properties ) He instructed a solicitor to claim for damages caused due to injuries which included broken arm and was told by the solicitor that he would be covered under a no-fee, no win basis. Would this include a contract between both parties as I assume would be, because the solicitor is now refusing to provide a copy of the contract that my granddad has asked to see. The case is still unsettled.
  8. Wheres my Murdock sky takeover thread gone? Murdock controls this site does he? Explains the policies and practices here.
  9. I had a couple of loans with Egg and Masterloan between 2002 and 2007. There were always two columns when selecting the loan, one with and one without insurance and I always chose the cheaper one, without insurance. So many people seem to think they didn't have PPI and find that they did so I'm wondering if I could be one of them or is it totally impossible?
  10. Hi, My ex came over to see our daughter. My elder daughter lent him her car whilst he was here. It's registered to her and was SORN at the time as she was intending to sell it. My ex got stopped for DUI and the car was taken to a garage. My daughter wasn't told about this at the the but found out 2 weeks later, we went to the garage to retrieve the car only to be told that the police had sold it! Is this possible? Thanks Rebecca
  11. my husband who runs a business that was originally registered at the home address left September 2012 and has had 2 further registered office address on the 9th October 2013 he changed it to my address again and put it and my phone number on his website can I stop this as it was done without my knowledge or permission and we are just about to finalise our divorce and have had no contact the past year I keep getting phone calls for him some of them abusive and letters from banks etc
  12. Hi , nasty taste left in mouth by Samsung. Whilst cooking, i used my S8 as a timer, as per normal. multiple timers set, and running. turned round to check time, and the screen was flashing like mad. A crack was developing before my eyes. A phone call to Samsung sent me to their Romford "customer care" centre where i was told i had dropped it The phone is not yet 2 months old. I was told that screen damage invalidated the warrantee, and also refused a second opinion, as 3 "engineers" had already looked at it. cost of repair is approx £350, after 1.5 months use am i right in thinking that it had a fault inherrent since manufacture, and that should be the route i take? The phone was bought via carphone warehouse, on an EE contract. EE contract appears to state the the phone is owned for the first 6 months by the company i purchased it from, so should it be carphone warehouse i approach with this issue? leaves a really nasty taste in my mouth, i suspect it is CPW that i need to go for, but they have been phenomenal to me over the past 12 years- would be much better if i was able to go directly to Samsung At time of purchase with CPW i also bought a "gear4" protective casing for the phone, and it has lived in it ever since. It was not a cheap case either Please help Kind regards iain
  13. trying to sort this out for a neighbour.... a person whom is specifically mentioned in an English will in the regard of: a gift of £30k in respect to a loan they gave the decreased has it appears cleared out all personal items of the deceased as well as many very valuable items that were destined for distribution along with the sale of said property as part of the estate distributed amongst surviving children. my neighbour being one of these. this was discovered when he was escorted to the property by the solicitors/agent to collect 'something' to remember his dad by for the meant time and collect photos etc etc. this person is an executor of the will, but retained a set of keys when they should not have done? and have never been escorted like his son was and his other son that was escorted around at another time too.. the person has returned on numerous occasions since the death until my neighbours visit [we have CCTV evidence!!] and can be seen for want of a different word, rifling the place of anything of worth. to the extent that other than photos, there are NO personal effects of their father left!! even the bedding has gone!! [yes this person and my neighbours deceased dad have lived together many a year] the property was a second home. the solicitors seem non plushed by this....... but surely this cant be legal? your thoughts CAG please
  14. My wife and a friend went to Corfu for a week long soul festival (music not heart and soul). The flights and transfers only were booked through Thomas Cook Airlines, the return flight was at 19.00 with the transfer collection time at 15.45. So they got the transfer to the airport at 15.45 as arranged but when they got to the airport the flight time had been changed to 15.15 so they missed their flight. They spoke to the TC rep who said it was their fault for not checking flight times and they had been sent an Email in Dec 2006 changing the flight times, On returning home she checked her emails and had not had one changing times and also the transfer to the airport had not been notified either. We know of at least 2 other groups with the same problems. They had to pay again for flights at 03.00 and for meals and train tickets back in uk ,also had to miss a days work due to being up all night. Thomas Cook airlines are denying all responsibility and saying it was our job to check they are doing there job as promised by them. What should be my next steps and do they have a leg to stand on?? Tony
  15. Just looking for a home that was built in two days.A house not part of a skyscraper.And 90% more energy friendly and green.Affordable and if so slap them clean on the Brownfield sites now. There is urgent need,that is clear. I will find it.And add it later.90K and can be rented out or sold within weeks. Also will find out about Brownfield sites. Building more homes on brownfield land Consultation proposals https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/398745/Brownfield_Consultation_Paper.pdf And how many empty homes there are,not in use. And who will benefit from those jails George Osborne has his eyes on for selling for housing Speech with video,about 2 minutes that is all for those that may be slightly allergic to George Osborne. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/video/george-osborne-nine-new-prisons-to-replace-victorian-jails/vi-CC8zE3 So perhaps some in the steel industry would be interested in this. I know,those damn Chinese,but fine entrepreneurs as well.Despite having many of our ideas away.And copying them. We should now return the favour perhaps with our steel.They use a lot,like meccano sets. Connect the steel plant to the production area,give no chance for cheap chinese steel to appear. Perfectly legal to do.A small loophole in European Law that is all. And it is time to look after our workers. Chairman Zhang's flatpack skyscrapers A Chinese entrepreneur who took just 19 days to build a 57-storey tower says he has triggered a construction revolution. And his dreams soar far, far higher. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-3cca82c0-af80-4c3a-8a79-84fda5015115 And the video. China builds complete 57 story skyscraper in record 19 days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93HVG3j1phs Even better. In April a company in China claimed to have built 10 detached, single-storey houses within 24 hours, using waste material which was pumped out into layers - and the properties were said to have been created for less than $5,000 (£2,974) each. Four huge printers measuring 105ft (32 metres) long, 33ft (10 metres) wide and 22ft (6.6 metres) tall were used to make the bungalows, China’s Xinhua news agency reported at the time. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2753200/Company-launches-two-bedroom-home-DOWNLOAD-internet-build-yourself.html#ixzz3rZ4YJiwB The answers are here friends,nip off to the council and enlighten them. For those that would consider this idea. Would be in the house and set up for Christmas.I can see you sat by the fire.Christmas tree in the corner,turkey on the table. Will find much more info in the next week.This is just for starters. A lighter look at the problem we know is here. I have run out of time today. Please post how you feel about things. Any info,any additional thoughts and links.From you knowledgeable ones out there.
  16. Hi first time poster after advice and assurance ! My daughter is a student in Derby and moved into a rented city centre flat in July 2016. There are no parking spaces allocated to the flats but the roads around the area state they are 'pay at machine' or 'permit holders'. She visited the local authority with her tenancy agreement and proof of car ownership and was issued a residents permit, which she was charged for, valid until July 2017. She has parked regularly in these streets without problems 19th Jan 2017 when she received a PCN. She then received a letter dated 20th Jan stating that her flats were not included in the permit area and that the Permit was issued by mistake. She queried this with the Authority and was told on 9th Feb 2017 that her permit was no longer valid and she would be liable for any further PCNs ( they have cancelled the one dated 19th Jan ). However to find an alternative private parking space took time - she eventually secured one on 12th March 2017, in the meantime she received a further four PCNs which we contested and they have refused to cancel. My argument is that they issued the permit - albeit mistakenly - and should either let the permit run to expiry or at least cancel it with sufficient notice to allow suitable alternative arrangements to be made. Our next step is to go to trafficpenaltytribunal.gov any help or advice would be gratefully received !
  17. When we have a question about something that comes into our minds, we can often find the answers just by searching using Google etc. Lets see what answers we can get without an internet search. First question. Why on the same stretch of coastline, can you find one beach that is mostly sandy and within a few miles find one that is mostly pebbles ? E.g parts of Cornwall, Dorset. I don't know the answer, but my guess is that it is to do with underwater geology and general terrain. E.g if you have lots of rocks under the water near a beach, then it will be mostly sand that is deposited on a beach. If you have few rocks under the water so no natural barrier, then the force of the water will deposit larger debris including pebbles onto a beach.
  18. My mother has been a housing association tenant for 12 years. Recently, she has had to come and live with me as she is unable to live independently at the moment. Housing Association found out that she was not living at property for a short while and served Notice to Quit which ran out today. I wrote to the HA saying that I have been let down with removals and explained my situation that I work full time and have caring responsibilities and need more time to arrange something. Just had Housing Officer at my door saying that they have taken possession of the property on the date of expiry of the NTQ and have changed the locks. I said that they cannot go breaking into the property and changing locks without a court order. Housing Association said they have every right. Surely this can't be right, have they performed an illegal eviction. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks jb000
  19. Hi, I paid for a night in a hotel that I booked via hotels.com. The price shown by hotels.com and the paper invoice that I got from the hotel was correct - however I have subsequently checked by card statement and see that a 2% surcharge was applied to the booking. Having checked the hotel listing, and the ts&cs I can see no detail of a 2% credit card surcharge anywhere and have printed out the website details as a permanent record. Where do I stand on this legally? I was under the impression card charges must be clearly stated? Thanks Abe
  20. Hello, I am unable to purchase a ticket at the railway station as the ticket machines are card only and the ticket office is permanently closed. I approached the guard before boarding the train and asked him if I could buy a ticket. He said yes and told me to board. When he came through the train, he told me that the battery on his machine had died, so I would have to buy one when I changed at the next station. When I went to buy a ticket, I was confronted by a member of staff who told me that I would have to pay a penalty fare for travelling without a ticket. I explained how it was not my fault because there were no facilities to buy a ticket at the station and the guard's machine wasn't working, but I was told that it wasn't relevant because it is an offence to travel without a ticket. They took my details and told me that, if I wanted to continue my journey, I would have to pay a penalty fare on top of a full price ticket for my journey, with no railcards allowed. I was told that I could appeal against this. Can somebody help? Am I likely to get my money back? Will I be able to get the extra money I had to pay for the ticket back as well, or will it just be the penalty fare?
  21. Please bare with me as this is a long transcript. I owe my council £378.29, but I couldn't make any payment as I recently lost my job. My local council referred the case to the Equita who sent me a "Notice of enforcement" stating that I need to pay 453.29 (Incl. compliance stage fee £75) before 20/02/2017 or contact them to arrange a payment plan else the case will be passed onto bailiffs. I called them on 16/02/2017 and told them that I could pay the money by the end of this month as I recently got a job and so will be paid at the end of this month. I thought we had an agreement as the agent gave me her direct phone number. When I called the agent on 27/02/2017 to make the payment as agreed, she said the case had been passed to a bailiff agent as I'm too late. She put me through to the bailiff agent without letting me explain to her. The bailiff agent stated that he had not received the case yet so asked me to call him in the evening and gave me his number. I called him in the evening, and he stated that he still has not received the case but told me that he would call me tomorrow. I did not get any call from him on 28/02/2017. I called him on 01/03/2017, and he said the case has been assigned to him but busy to talk so he would call me back later, but I did not get any call. I sent him a text on 02/03/2017 asking him to call me when he is ready to talk but no response. On Monday 06/03/2017 he appeared at my house and demanded me to pay. I told him that I called him many times to resolve this issue over the phone to prevent paying the additional "Enforcement stage" fee of £235, but he did not let me speak and demanded the payment else he will take away the goods. I had no other choice but to pay £688.29. I called him today 08/03/2017 to understand why he did not call me back when I was offering to pay the money. He was implying that he did not receive any call from me, but the case is resolved. I also asked why he did not notify me by a call or a letter that he will be visiting my house but did not give me a straight answer. I had recorded all the calls I made to him including when he said that he had not received the case yet and will call me back to implying that he did not receive my calls. Can I make a formal complaint and request a refund of the fees added by the Equita? Please advice.
  22. Hi My husband has had an account with JD Williams for the past 6 years, 4 years ago we experienced difficulties and they accepted interest free payments of £20 per month which we have paid religiously ever since. Last week he received a letter saying the account had been sold to Lowell and that all payments should now be made to them. I have no issue doing that but they have now started calling our landline (my hubby works nights so we could do without that really!) and we don't want to start being harassed when everything's been fine for 4 years. Is there anything we can/should do? My son answered the phone and is now worried sick :-/ Many thanks Maudy
  23. Hello, I have recently received a liability notice from the P.C.P enforcement agency. I was advised by my colleagues that I should ignore a parking ticket that I recieved whilst parked on hospital grounds whilst at work. I got a PCN letter sent to my house addressed to me and ignored that too. Subsequently have now recieved a liability notice which has got me a little twitched. Should I continue to ignore this letter or pay it? I did phone the company who states it is too late to appeal and was advised to email a company that when checked on Google has no links to parking from what I can tell?! This company has nothing to do with parking... I'm so confused??? I don't want to go to court which the letter states will be the next action unless I pay £100 fine?! Can anyone help?
  24. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about longterm parking leaseholds? We have just bought a house which owns a carpark on 999yr lease to a man who lived next door and has died. The lease was refused to be transferred to the new house owner when they moved in a few years ago, yet they park here and have the carpark registered in their name, even though they were denied permission to transfer the lease into their name- is this legal? The lady who lived here before us was elderly and did not drive, she was taken advantage of by the sound of it. Can I cancel a lease to someone who has no lease yet parks on our land? We really just want them to move to a spot nearer their land and have offered to put it in their name, and they agreed before we bought the house. Now we've bought the house, but they have changed their minds and will only move their car park if we move it 1 metre into our backyard- for free! Any ideas? Thanks in advance:-)
  25. The 'Variety' sub I pay Sky to use the Sky+ box for their satellite signal has gone through another price increase and is now near enough £30/month. To say the least, I've had enough of that and want to boot Sky out and switch to using their box with the Free-Sat service. I gather it's possible to get bog standard reception, but there's a problem that you can't record or use catch-up. So what's the solution? Get a new TV with the built in box perhaps? Just wonder if anyone else has been through the same loop. Cheers!
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