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  1. I had my WCA last autumn and scored zero points, when I got the call about my benefits being disallowed on discussion with the DM it became clear that much of what was the report form the WCA was missing and he was able to verify what I was saying after looking at my ESA50 (another peice of evidence that they don't bother looking at the additional information you send and only at what the ATOS HCP says). I was then allowed to stay on ESA in the SG after a reconsideration. Now of course I have recieved a couple of days ago another ESA50 which is way too soon but I knew I would not get much respite after my last ordeal. Anyway I now want to request a copy of my last ESA85 or the ATOS Report from my WCA last time but have I left it too late or can I request it at anytime?
  2. Good Morning I was placed in WRAG and according to the Government disabled people are now being forced into workfare either voluntary or mandatory I'm planning to record these meetings. Was thinking of using my mobile but decided it would be a better sound quality to use a dicta phone, but can't decide which one as there are quite a few to chose from. Have any Caggers used one and which one would you recommend? Thanks
  3. Hi, just a question for those who've had their WCA recorded or requested it. I sent off my ESA50 form last month, and requested on it that if I was called for an assessment that it be recorded, and also requested two weeks notice so I could arrange for an advocate from a local mental health charity to come with me. I got an appointment letter on Saturday for a WCA on 20th September (12 days notice) with no mention of it being recorded. I phoned ATOS who said they had no record of me asking for a recorded assessment. The person I spoke to sent an email (to who I'm not sure) asking for a recorded assessment and cancelled the one on the 20th. She said I might get another appointment through for a non-recorded one, so I would have to ring up again to check when I get another appointment to make sure it's recorded. I got another appointment today for the 21st (that's 10 days notice) again with no mention of recording, so I rang ATOS again. First they tried to transfer me through to someone else, but cut me off. I called again and a different person said they couldn't put me through to "them", but then emailed "them" to ask them to get in touch with me. They couldn't say how long it would take. Anyway, my questions: If recording has been organised for this appointment on the 21st, would it say so in the letter? Secondly, how long should I wait before chasing this up? I spoke to them about an hour ago, and since then I've felt physically sick. I can't cope with this not knowing and need to know what's going on. Can I phone them back and ask them to cancel this appointment if they can't give me an answer about it being recorded? Aside from the way I feel, the longer this goes on for the less likely I am to be able to get an advocate if the appointment on the 21st is recorded and goes ahead. Thirdly is there anyone better to speak to than the number on the letter? Any idea who these people are that they're apparently emailing and if I can get in touch with them instead of the number on the letter? Finally, if I did go on the 21st (or indeed any other date) and there was no recording equipment available can I then demand they cancel it and give me another appointment?
  4. Hi Everyone Apologies if this question has been ask before else where on the forum Can anyone recommend adaptor and software for recording landlines Calls on PC's only Running Windows 7 Thank you in advance for any advice/ links
  5. Hi First off, thanks for all the info you guys provide on here, it's been very useful, in particular the template letters :thumbs: Now though I need some I've sent an SAR off to Natwest to get all details regarding a loan I had with them which had PPI on it, using the SAR request template from here (big thanks to the author ). Yesterday I had a reply from them acknowledging receipt, however it also says that to get recordings/transcripts of phone calls I need to provided them with the date/time of the call along with who I spoke to. This was a few years back - I could give them the month but the exact date, time and persons name I have no chance of finding out. I took the loan over the phone so I need the transcripts/recordings of the calls so, what do I do in this case? Thanks
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