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  1. Hi, I'm a new user here. I don't underestand forums very well, but I am going to tell you what happened me yesterday. First of all, my English is not very well, because I came to England a few months ago. I am from Spain. I'm so humiliated and disgusted with myself but I was caught shoplifting £80 of goods from Primark. I am having bad money problems so I decided to do it. I honestly don't know what went through my mind. When I were about to exit the store, two guards were waiting for me and we went to a dark and close room on the ground floor, and we were there for about 1 hour & half. They asked me for my address, my identity card, and then they called the police. The police man take me a picture and write all my information (date of birth, parents names, my address on Spain...), then he told me the typical movie's phrase ''Everything You Say Can And Will Be Used Against You…'' and I said I'm sorry. Then, we went with his car to my house because he want to prove that I am currently living there. Also I'm absolutely petrified that this will stop me from getting jobs in the future. Do I have a criminal record and will employers be able to see what happened? I'm constantly worrying about this, I am 18. He told me that I would receive a RLP letter in the post, and I am so sad because I do not have a lot of money and I have read that maybe I would have to pay a lot. I have read on this forum a lot that I should ignore the RLP fine, however i would like to know how people on this forum know it. And what would happen if y do not pay the money. I really won't have time to collect so much money!. What is better, ignoring or answering? And do you know how many money should I pay? Every advice much appreciated. Please accept genuine apologies, I am not a bad person. Many thanks.
  2. Hello, I was apprehended by security in primark yesterday after I left the shop. I went back into the detention room and he searched my bag. He brought out the items I hadn't paid for and called the police on me. I really do not have an excuse for this and I am greatly ashamed. I panicked and started crying and apologizing, even agreed to pay the £95, now I don't know how that value came by because I did some exchange and paid some money via my card, I was too distraught to challenge it but that is not even the problem. The security man collected my provisional driver's license, wrote down my details and passed it on to the police men when they arrived. One of the cops went with the security man while the other sat with me. I wouldn't exactly call it an interview, he questioned me gently and went through the things I had which were all baby clothes (I have a 2, month old) I told him I needed to call to make sure my baby was alright but he said I could only do that at the station. I broke down into tears again and he offered to call my mum who was watching my kids and tell her I was with the police but well and fine. I declined this offer cos I didn't want my mum to know anything about what was going on. She would have been very disappointed. The process seemed to be dragging and I told the cop I needed to be home to breastfeeding my baby, he said I would have to go in with them and it was going to take a few hours. I started crying again, he asked if I had ever had a run in with the police and I said no. He said the only help he could offer if my trace came back clean was to call his sergeant and get clearance for him not to take me into the station so I could get home soon. Now, so many little processes were followed by primarily staff, such as refunding my money, giving back my exchange... But they were all a blur as I was in a state by then. The police took my children's date of birth and said they were going to pass it on to ss to make sure they were all right and I could get a visit or not. I refused to do this at first cos they are innocent in all this. Secondly, I was taken into the van and heard him call his sergeant and said something about caution or process on the street, I'm not sure of the exact words. He read me my rights and basically said I won't be taken to court if I pleaded guilty. Which I did. What is this street processing or caution? Will it go on my records for life? 3rd, primark gave me a printout saying I should expect civil recovery. Again what and how will this be handled. Lastly, I was taken home by the police, they wanted to make sure my kids were ok, I requested that they wait in the hallway cos of my mum. He agreed to wait outside the door but held the door open with his feet. I brought them to him and they left. I have been unable to sleep and I've berated myself for this foolish act. What a great price to pay for something so silly. Sorry this is a long post, I wanted to include as much details as I can.
  3. Hi, today I did a very silly thing a took 4 tops from primark which totaled to £15.00 I had the money to pay however the line was long so I put them in my bag and walked out. The security guard caught me and took me to the detention room. Here they took my details such as my name, address and date of birth. As i am 17, they explained that I will be receiving a letter soon which will have a fine on it maybe triple the amount of the items or even more and that i am banned from the shopping centre. I am not sure if any police were involved as only the main security guards were there. They also took a picture of me for the CCTV camera and said that if i enter the shopping centre they will be able to detect my face. I will be allowed back in the shopping centre in 3 months time. I am confused and scared as I havent told my parents and dont want the fine to be large and then failure to pay the fine will result in a criminal record. The security guards stated that if i do not pay, they can contact me (come to my house) and arrest me or take away all my items and result in a criminal record and could possibly lead to courts being involved. I am aware that theft is wrong and will never do this again, but i am also confused and dont know whether to pay or not. Please reply, thank you.
  4. Hi guys, I really need some help. I shopliftted today in Primark they stopped me by the exit and took me to the detention room. took a copy of my driving licence ( I am 18 years old btw) and asked me to confirm my address. They handed me a RLP letter and told me I will get fined by them and a letter will be sent to my address regarding fine information. I am totally scared and I do not want my family finding out. I know what I did was stupid and I will definitely not do this again. I have been upset ever since. They told me the police will not be involved, I will not get a criminal record and that I could enter Primark in 2-3 months, however if it does happen again the Police will be involved. What do I do? I really need some advice, I do not want the letter being sent home. What do I tell my parents? usually they do open the mail and pass it onto us when were home. I have read that I should not pay RLP a penny as they do not have the right to fine me only the court or the police do, but so what should I do? what do I say to them? How many letters will they send? Christaphy, (Please get back to me ASAP - im really scared)
  5. Hi Everyone, Today I got caught taking an item for under £10 from Primark. ( I know what I did was wrong and have been beating myself up about it, do not have a criminal record and have never done anything like that before ). When I got to the exit, I was stopped and taken into a back room with male and female security guards. I said I was sorry and could pay for the item then but they would not let me, they asked me to write my name, address and date of birth on a sheet, which I did. I could not remember the last 2 letters of my postcode (probably from nerves) and told them I couldn't but the rest of the details were correct. They asked for proof of address which I didn't have. They searched all my other bags and asked me to check the clothes pockets I was wearing. They asked me to give them a phone number of someone who could confirm my address, I gave a friends number which the male called outside of the room, he came back and said my friend could not remember my exact address but remembered the road. None of us could get mobile signal in the room, as I tried to get my online banking up to prove my address and couldn't. The male threatened to call the police a number of times but they were not called. I was given a RLP headed letter saying I would receive a fine. Then escorted out. from reading past posts on similar things, I know I shouldn't pay these people. They definitely have no power? Just ignore and say that one liner I have read about? When should I send that after the first letter? I am in a line of work which requires enhanced CRB checks so this would be SO bad for me if anything would show up. Regards, Misery
  6. Hello everyone, and thanks in advance for your help. I'm a bit worried and I thought that maybe you can help me. Today I was in Oxford Street. I went to Primark and bought two tops and a jacket. In the afternoon I met a friend in Stratford and to wait for her I went to Primark again to buy some hangers and socks. While I was in there I decided to buy the same top I bought in the morning for a friend: I took it, tried it on and then left it there because wasn't convinced. When I walked out the store a guard stopped me and told me to follow him. I have been taken to a room with the store director, the guard and another woman. They made me take all the stuff out of ALL the bags I had with me (even boots, h&m and others) and asked for all the receipts. Unfortunately I didn't have the receipt from Primark Oxford Street so they told me that I stole the two tops and the jacket (even if they didn't have the label on because I always cut it off when out of the stores) I had bought in the morning. I tried to tell them that it wasn't true at all, but they didn't listen to me: thay said they had the CCTV and it recorded me taking the top and not putting it back. I said it was a different one and to go check where I left the one I took from their store but they didn't believe me. They also argued that the Forever 21 jumper I had on me was stolen as well and I took it off to show them it was really old. They told me that they were calling the police, that I had to go to jail right away, that I had to spend days in jail waiting for court. They told me that they were going to ban me from England (I'm Italian) forever, that I had to leave the country, that they don't want people like me here, and that Italians are all the same. I started crying like mad... I was desperate because I knew I didn't do anything wrong but they really threatened me and I didn't know what to do, so they called the Westfield security guard who told me to admit everything and just say I was sorry to the director and so I did. They took my passport, they made me write my Italian address and my English address (I used to live in London as a nanny and I'm here visiting the family), they told me that I wasn't going to jail, but that I was banned from Westfield for 3 months and from every Primark forever. I signed the Westfield ban and they took a photo of me. They gave me a RLP paper and told me that I will receive a letter, that I have to pay the fine right away otherwise they will arrest me, even if I'm back in Italy: they will make Italian police arrest me. They asked when I was leaving the country, I said on Friday (I lied: I'll stay here until Monday but I didn't want them to know) and they said that I HAVE TO leave on Friday and that I can't come back because otherwise I will go to court. Then they escorted me out of Westfield. I'm actually coming back in London in September to work for the same family as before, and to work in a school, and I'm so scared... This isn't fair, I don't want to pay for goods they've stolen from me! But what happens if I don't? What should I tell the family and the school? Will I be able to come back here and work? I hope I was clear, I know my English isn't perfect and I'm still so distressed from the situation. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME!
  7. I can't express how embarrassed i am right now. Got caught shoplifting in Primark today, to value of roughly £20. Totally out of character, I'm just broke and needed a gift for a friend (NOT a valid excuse at all, i know). Somehow my logic went : Primark is cheap, so morally/legally not so wrong if i take something there! So i was wrong. I was very 'careful', hid a couple shirts under my jacket and went into the changing room to put them in my bag. .They grabbed me when i left the shop. In the detention room i confessed immediately, told them why i did it etc. They copied my PASSPORT and took a photo i've read through loads of forums and seems everybody says just ignore the letters. 1.Does the fact that they have a copy of my passport change anything(as opposed to driving licence etc)? 2.Could it cause any problems for me? 3.Also the letters will be sent to my parents' address and i don't live there; could there be any concequences for my parents? 4.I'm leaving for Morocco next week (for 2 or 3 months) and don't want to stress about this while i'm away!!! 5. Did they record the conversation and could anything i said be used against me? The cctv footage shows exactly what i did and it was obviously intentional and thought through and they know it. Oh the passport is British and i'm 18. Sorry for the long post, i'm just very worried and want everything to be clear. THANK you for your help in advance
  8. Shoplifted in August 2014; goods equal to the value of less than £15 (socks and underwear - desperate times!). Interviewed, photo taken, cried profusely, apologised, goods returned and advised that I would receive a letter from RLP. Yesterday (19.12.14) I received my first letter about the incident (letter dated 15.12.14) from BPO Collections. Exact format I have seen posted in previous threads. Re: Primark Trace and Collect Outstanding liability: £130 BPO Reference: ....... We are instructed to recover the outstanding liability against you, which we understand is not disputed. Could you please contact us within 7 days... etc etc (funnily enough, being the weekend, that leaves just Monday to respond) A County Court Judgment, which remains unsatisfied after 30days etc. Require your immediate payment... etc Payment Options..... Graham Someone Managing Director. My curiosity is regarding not having received any previous letters from RLP and the correspondence coming firstly and directly from BPO. I haven't been able to find this situation in the threads so far. My first thought is to just ignore the letter and if a second one arrives, scribble return to sender on it. I happen to be moving in approx 3 months (though remaining in the UK). I know this situation has been covered more than numerous times on here, however I feel mine has taken a slightly different route. Just seeking confirmation if ignoring is an ok way to deal with BPO in the absence of any RLP. Many thanks in advance for your time and advice!
  9. Hi all, I got into a bit of a scrape with Primark (don't laugh) yesterday (23rd October 2014) when I tried to shoplift a couple of shirts that came up to the cost of £26. I was escorted down to a detention room where I was spoken to and my provisional driving licence was photocopied and after a few words I was given a piece of paper stating what the costs of my anticipated 'fine' from this notorious company called RLP will cover. They saw other shirts that I had purchased from another branch along with the receipt which came to the total of £42.90, but that didn't stop them from telling me to expect a 'fine'. I was told that I should be getting this letter in three weeks. I've been doing a frantic amount of research between yesterday and today and from what I've gathered, they have no legal right to scare me into paying anything and all they make is empty threats. However I'm afraid that they may actually contact Primark again and I was told that I would be taken to court if I don't pay up to this RLP company, not to mention they have me on CCTV. However the goods were recovered before I left the store and they were in perfectly resaleable condition. The police weren't called and I wasn't made to sign anything. No additional details like a telephone number or my parents' contact details or anything were taken and I was allowed to go afterwards. I'm anxious they may also turn up unexpectedly to my house when I'm not there, and I do not want my family to know under any circumstances. I was told by a sympathetic security staff member that if I don't pay this fine immigration officers and border control across the EU will be notified and I will be stopped in airports regarding this, and that this will last for 5 years. I know I'm very much in the wrong and I did something stupid but I seriously don't have the money to spare and I don't want to go to court and risk a criminal record. In addition, in principle alone I believe like many others on here it is wrong to extort money from someone by playing on guilt, particularly as it seems I'm going to pay £137.50 for items that came up to £26 that were recovered in a perfectly resaleable condition, which of course the store will make money from anyway regardless of whether I pay the fine or not. Not to mention it would supposedly be 'covering the costs of past shoplifters'. As my parents are forever adamant on taking and opening my mail and get mad if I get a hold of it I have sent off my application for the Mail Collect service Royal Mail runs, so I can collect my mail from the sorting office without running the risk of them seeing it and getting myself into 100x more **** than I'm already in. I also wanted to know if this would show up on any kind of CRB/enhanced CRB check and do retailers regularly check RLP's so-called 'dishonesty register' when someone applies for a job? If so, how long would I be on there for? I'm 18 and I've never had one despite frantic applying. I definitely don't need this as a further setback. Do I ignore the letter when it comes or do I reply? And if so, how? I'm afraid to leave it but I also don't want to be out of pocket because of greedy capitalism on the part of RLP as I believe there is no basis to do so as the goods were recovered, the police weren't called and RLP is a private company with no legitimate connections to the criminal justice system. This was completely out of character for me and I definitely won't be doing it again. I'd lose my friends if they knew as well which is why I'm here looking for advice on what to do when the letter from RLP comes. I just want this over and done with. Please help!!! Thank you xx
  10. First of all, and as most people say, I'm really embarassed of what happened but for me has been a lesson that I will never forget. The 25th of september me and a friend of mine were in the Primark of Oxford Street and we decuded to steal a few number of items because everybody told us that was really easy. When we were about to exit the store, two guards were waiting for us and started to shout us. We were obliged to go to a dark and close room on the ground floor, and we were there for ablut 1 hour & half. It was an awful experience. First of all, they started to say that they were going to call the police, and made us to show all of our bags. They started to intimidate and make us feel really bad. They said that we were caught because we acted very nerviously, and that we had a guard spying on us. They asked for our ID, our data and were really worried about where we were living, going to the internet to verify that our residence actually existed. That's because we are french and we are havun an exchange program here, in december we will go back to France (furthermore, they started to say that all french were thieves). In total, I stoled 40£ and my friend 55£, they had a ticket of all the clothes that we tried to steal. After that, the guards were all the time laughing and asking questions as if we had boyfriend. They said that they wanted ti date us someday. I had the worst time of my life, feeling unprotected and coherted of my freedom. They said that they were going to make us a "favour" and not to call the police, and that we were going to receive a letter in 3 weeks. Also, they said that if we decided to not pay the police would be able to knock on our door. Yesterday (18th October) I received a letter asking to pay 260£ in total (my friend and I). They say they require a respone within 21 days from the date of the letter (7th October!!!! I really don't have time to collect so much money!. I don't kow what is the best that we can do. I know the quantity is not disproportionate, but I just don't have the money. My questions are: 1) the fact that I received the letter and not my friend makes me more responsible if I ignore the correspondence? 2) are they going to take me to court if I am in another country at the time? 3) will they use my french address on my ID to continue harrassing me with letter? 4) will it affect to my possibilities to find work in uk? The letter says that probably yes 5) what is beter, ignoring or answering? Thank you in advance for reading it, I hope I can fix this problem soon...
  11. I am extremely ashamed of my actions but on 23rd August 2014 I was caught stealing from Primark (Goods worth around £59). I am 21 years of age. I have never stolen anything and have never been in any trouble with the law. Yesterday I received a letter from RLP and they have asked for ‘A fixed contrition to all the losses is therefore sought in the sum of £130’. The £130 will apparently settle the claim and I have 21 days to pay. I think it is worth explaining the details of the incident: Once I walked out with the goods, a security guard stopped me and asked me to walk with him to the detention rooms downstairs. On arrival another man asked me if I had stolen the items and out of fear and regret; I told the truth about everything. Things got progressively worse. The man asked me about my ethnic background and I told him and he called a third security man into the room saying he was from the same country as me and said ‘Here’s one of your cousins’ to the man. Later another comment ‘Teach your wife a lesson’. This security man was then sent to calculate the cost of the goods. As I had other shopping with me (Matalan and Poundshop) the receipt of these goods were also looked at which was all fine. My Matalan shopping included baby clothes and Poundland shopping had baby wipes which were for my niece who was staying over at my house and the security man said to me ‘your child would be ashamed’. The security guard also had me empty the contents of my handbag which included a novel I was reading and another sarcastic remark was made ‘so beauty and brains, but you still want to steal’. A female security member (of European background) was also present who was taking my details from my provisional license and she made a comment ‘If this happened to me in your country, my hands would have been chopped off’ I am not even from the middle east so making such a remark was uncalled for. On my arrival at the detention room, there was already a girl there who only had one security member in the room with her. My point is that at one time there were probably at least 4-5 security members in the room. My letter from RLP states that I am covering the losses of Primark’s business and their security loss. Security clearly had no reason to have that many people in a small room and all they were doing is bullying, patronising, intimidating and making racial remarks at me! My questions are: Should I be paying RLP the outstand settlement of £130? (I have read many threads saying to not pay RLP a penny but I am very confused as my number one priority is to get them off my back and never have to deal with this again). If I do pay the £130, will RLP be seeking more money from me? (the letter is titles ‘Letter before claim’ so I am wondering if this will follow with another letter asking for more money). If I don’t pay, will debt collectors harass me? Will my credit history or rating be affected? Could I be summoned to court or go to jail? Do you think a visit to Citizens Advice would help? I am extremely stressed out and feel as though this is affecting my everyday life. Please help with any advice and anything I can do moving forward. The experience has left me humiliated and distressed. I would be happy to send a photo of the letter I was sent from RLP to make clearer the settlement issue. I feel like I do not fully understand it. Thanks.
  12. Hello everyone, I have already read quite a lot of things here, and I have seen that everyone is trying to help as best as they can, and I was just amazed by that. I'd like to apologize if there are some things that you don't understand, I am french, just trying to do my best. two days ago I stole 3items from Primark in Picadilly with my boyfriend. I know how bad it is, and how I should have thought about that before doing that stupid thing. It was the first time I ever steal and same for my boyfriend. We are both 16. Even though, we bought some stuffs (3items) the security obviously got us. I have the Algerian/dutch nationality so he used to be like 'if you can't talk to me in Arabic, than I will only let your boyfriend leave'. we gave our ID, gave the items that we have stolen, they took a picture, and then he asked us our email address saying that if our parents aren't checking on it, then we're lucky because they won't know about it. No police were called, and as we were alone in England, he let us leave without a 18 year old person. Now, I have different questions: Would it be a letter? Or could it be an email as well? I know that what we've done was so so wrong, and we'll just never do it again. But the thing is, my parents just CANT know at all. I should have think about that before, right. Also I read that we don't have to pay the fine etc, but if we pay it, would they only send one letter? I know that I shouldn't pay for that, but I'd just like to think about something else, because I feel so ashamed and guilty about it even if I deserve it. Thank you to all the people trying to help me, thank you a lot..
  13. Hello to everyone, Thanks for exist and thanks for the support. I don't want stay behind...and i must admit that today i tried to shoplift 2 t-shirts from Primark...why this stupid things? I'm not a thief, i'm just searching a bit of justice in a system that don t protect me...however... I'm not English, RLP found me and bringh me in a small room in the back of the shopping center. They tryed to intimidate me...with a bit of success... They took mine 3 photos, and ID copy. They said to me that i m dishonest and i must pay for what i done and face it. They said to me that they not called the police only for hlep me, but in the same time that if i ll not pay the amount , the police can bringh to me in Prison. The Amuount was 12 pounds or 16 i don t remember....however i read some posts and i appreciate what wrote about ( silverfox1961 ) I would ask a small thing....how can be maximum the fines? Whae i was in the room i saw to them that mine picture was a violation of mine privacy? was correct? Please someone help me, i can t pay a lot of money..... Thanks to everyone and sorry for my english. Turrican
  14. Hey About a month ago me and two others were taken by security guards at Primark in London because of shoplifting. I tried put a pair of sunglasses in my bag for my buddy and the other tried to take clothes for about 20£. The last one didn't know about this but he was prosecuted too. After a moth (today) I got a letter from RLP (as expected) and it tells me I have to pay 218.78£ for the incident, I think the others got the same amount. The sunglasses I had in my bag was fit for resale and all the other clothes was too. Why should I be charged this much? Also, I am from Norway and I live here, can RLP do anything to me other than spamming me with mails? After reading a bit I have found out that the police in England can't do anything to me unless I live in England, and because I live in Norway only the norwegian police can arrest me if it ends like that. I also know that you only get a warning for shoplifting ATTEMPTS here in Norway if you haven't done anything criminal before. I need help here, me and the others have talked about this but I just want to be sure. I am not willing to pay almost 220£ for this.
  15. I went to Primark and in the changing rooms I swapped two little items one £3.00 and the other £5.00. Purely because of financial issues and I did not have a receipt. I was caught by a member of staff and she called security. A female security came and the staff told her what happen. Then she said to me: “we can do this the hard way or the easy way.” This was very aggressive and threatening because I did not do anything serious. She took me to this interrogation room starting talking to me about what I done. I said to her “I am a student going to university next year.” “I am sorry for what I have done; this is the first time I did something like this.” But still no sympathy, she said “what you did was worst then shop lifting.” No it’s not: I just wanted to swap back little items that I bought from Primark months ago that cost higher than the items I tried to swap anyway, £10.00. She wanted my details so she asked me my: name, address, mobile number, DOB and ID. I gave her two ID’s then she made two photocopies of them. Security called the police and later on the police came and took my details and interrogated me without my legal rights to a lawyer at present. The police took a statement from the member of staff who caught me in another room. The police made me sign the interrogation questions paper and then issued me a £90.00 fine. The police also threaten me and treated me like a criminal. One officer said “if you don’t pay the fine we will break through your front door and arrest you,” “then take you to court.” Calling the police in the first place was too much and fine cost too much. There is no sympathy from authority and there never will be for law abiding citizens like me. What was more intriguing security said to me before the police came “your parents do not need to know about this, just pay for the fine.” This is interesting only someone that has something to hide will say this. So I told my mum at home and she was shocked about the fine and police getting involved. She said “This matter is not over and you are not paying for the fine!” Then security escorts me out of the interrogation room and said “you’re not allowed back here for some time.” Then as I was about to leave the store she said “is there anything you would like to say to the staff who caught you?” I said “I don’t know what to say?” She said “I would say sorry if I were you.” This replay was bias and forcing me to say sorry, I didn’t want to say sorry to that member of staff since she started this whole incident. So anyway I had no choice but to say sorry. Then I left the store feeling shock, upset and hungry. I missed my lunch time because of this incident and the interrogation took two hours in one airless room. I need help on what can I do now with the fine? I hope I can reduce the amount or something,please help!
  16. I was caught shoplifting a £10 top in Primark and was taken back into a room by security where he informed the police. All he did was take my information from my ID card and tell me I will get a RLP letter. I probably took up an hour of the security mans time by waiting for the police and then going through a few things with the police man when he was there. After that I walked to the station with the police man and went into an interview room where he went through a few things. I'm not sure if it was classed as a caution or just a warning but I haven't done anything like this before and I was not asked to pay the £80 fine people have mentioned about. I know I have done wrong and I am over 18 so should know better. I know for certain that I wont be this stupid again. But I wanted advice on this RLP business. I am still awaiting my letter in the post but I have read on a lot of threads that I shouldn't pay. I'm a bit scared by it all and really really don't want this to go any further. Part of me just wants to pay it and get it over with and I am worried that if I ignore the letters I will be taken to court which I definitely do not want to happen, also people have mentioned some Debt collection thing that I'm confused about. I would appreciate any help for my situation.
  17. Hi. I am a student and I'm not english. About one month ago I got stealing from primark with two friends. I am really really really ashamed so I'm not going to tell the sum of the shoplift. Then the police were called and we were brought to the police station where they told us nothing would happen because that was our first time. We weren't asked to pay a fine or caution but they took all our personal information and they said that our criminal record would remain clean. Then my friend received a letter form RLP with an amount of money to pay and we paid it. My question is: what's going to happen next?? Do we have to expect other warnings or letters or something like that?? Will we be taken to court?? I am so scared and so ashamed. I wish I could cancel that day!!! Please help me!! Thank you.
  18. Hello i was wondering if anyone could help me with a similar matter to do with primark. but i have to say this i felt victimized by the manger of this store because it seemed he was watching my every move and looking at me funny. however on the 24th september 2013, i acted stupidly yesterday and took something, that was worth £10.00 i was caught and then taking to the back room where they informed the police and gave me a "notice of intended civil recovery RLPicon" to read. the police came and they did a record of if im known to the police and i wasnt. the police officer then said i dont have a criminal record but stays on their system on what happened and what date it was, i then was to pay a fine of £80 and which i did and the officer wrote down something on the lines of "i .... have been read out my terms and have paid the fine of £80" and i was banned from all primarks but the manager didnt state how long i was banned for. they took the £80 and i was taking out of the shop. what i wanted to know was seeing i paid this fine of £80, will i get a letter from the RLPicon, demanding money or what, as i know its only been a day? and how long is anyone banned for? even i live in the city itself and theres only one primark here and one in cheltenham but rarely go into primark myself. thankyou so much if anyone could advise me or help me.
  19. Help! Help Help? Today I had a very upsetting, emotionally challenging day, felt sick, dizzy and my head was spinning but this is no excuse for what I did and I still don't know why I did it. I was on a Christmas shopping spree with relatives they waited outside whilst I popped in to find a loo before catching a coach to return home. I went into a Primark store and changed a price label on a single item to a lower price, then purchased the item along with several other things collected whilst on route to the till, left the shop but was then stopped just outside by security. I was threatened with Police and was asked to follow them into a back office. My bags were searched but they conceded that it was only the one item and asked why I did it.. .when I said I don't honestly know and if asked a 100 times would still not know the answer they said they didn't know either as the guard who stopped had stood by my side watching everything...... They asked if I had ID and as I carry formal ID, they copied it, said I had nothing to worry about, that my relatives did not need to know, everyone makes mistakes, but then gave me something called RLP notice.. . I asked what this meant, they said they were not Police but a security firm that work on behalf of the store.. .Due to my action the store has the right to recover losses and fine me. I asked how much and they confirmed that they didn't know but approximated what they thought it may be. They then said to me again, don't worry and to have a merry Christmas. ... I'm now scared out of my wits having read all the jargon on the notice. What can I do? I'm so scared and so very ashamed of what I've done. Nobody can punish me as much as I am punishing myself......:Cry:
  20. i was caught in M&S they called the police and the checked my entire bag he found the stuff which i was stolen from M&S .And they are asking for the recepiet of other stuff which was not found. I accepted my fault with guilty and shame. stuff is from other different store. they have told me to sign a Simple Caution because i donot have the photo id because of (Dependent visa). Now i am feeling so rediculous i cannot be able to tell this whole story to my family. I want to know how it will effect to my visa processing. And also i have read on different website that i would get a RLP letter to pay the penality however they have taken back all the stuff with them. want to know getting RLP letter what time it will take because my visa is near around of expiring. I think i stole of about 70-80 pound so how much i would have to pay. Please help me out I caanot be able to resist it. In future i will try not to come in UK because its my Dependent visa for 1 year.i am so ashamed off. i think when i will apply for extension i have to mention this Simple Caution given by police in Visa application which i cannt do bacause of dependency. I have to live here for 3 more months want to know would the police will disturb me any more at my home. The Simple Caution which police has given to me there is 1 clause included: I understand that the simple caution may not preclude a subsequent prosecution and that it will not preclude a civil action by an aggrieved party. If there are any victims as a result of these offence ,they might still take civil action me and the police might give my name and address. This is the reason I am so scared i am new for here in UK.
  21. Im 16 years old, i needed a new shoes for school but my parents didn't give money to me, so i decided to go to primark and steal them. When i walked out with the shoes, security guys told me to come with them, they said that i have to wait for RLP letter and i will have to pay 125-180 pounds for 6pound shoes. What should I do? do I have to pay it? What will happen if i will ignore them?
  22. Hello! Sorry for bringing this up again but after reading most of the threads concerning RLP and your pdf file about CAB there is a certain situation which might not be covered, mine. I'm a international student (from an EU country) in Scotland as my sister's birthday is approaching I decided that I want to go and buy her something. I went to Primark as I know that I can get something good enough at a very decent price. . I saw a nice dress and jacket, both worth around 65 quid (quite a lot for Primark). That's when it strikes me this horrible idea, five finger discount. On my way out I've been stopped, went very quiet in the back room, gave my details, w aited for about an hour until police arrived (police was not involved in most previously cases that I read about), they got my details, address and mobile phone number as well. I did apologize for what I've done and they asked me a couple of questions while they were making fun of me being a student and threatening me that I will go to jail if I don't give him my exact details (had no id on me at that time) They gave me a piece of paper about RLP, while I was waiting for the police to arrive, one of them was writing like a report and the other one went to the till and scanned the items (which were with tags on them), came back with the receipt which remained on their desk. My situation is as fallows: - I'm a student, how is this going to affect me in the future? (the policeman said this will be the end of my studies) - They said that I've been recorded by the CCTV (actually, the male dressed normally that hired to walk about spotted me, that's what I got from their RLP guard and the policemen) - I'm leaving at the address provided only temporarily (for another two weeks) - My parents don't help me so much with the money as they cannot afford (100 quid is a wage for a hole month in my country), usually what I get during the summer from my job is what I have during the year 1) When I'll receive their letter should I reply to them saying that I want no trouble and pay them in 10 quid instalments (less food for me)? Do you predict that they would accept? 2) What is this Enhanced CRB and how's going to affect my future? 3) Should I go to the nearest police station/CAB and discuss this with them? 4) Ignore them and risk to get retained at the airport when I'll go back for Christmas? I'm already disturbed about this hole incident, I feel depressed as I'm here alone and I want to get over it but I don't know were to go and what to do. I feel like I paid my debt for all those horrible feelings, but this does not matter for them, they just want the money. Can't think about anything else. . and I have couple of deadlines for a project and 3 class tests ahead. A little advice is what I need. Thank you very much, for doing this honest job trying to help people like me.
  23. Hello everyone. A month ago, me and my friend stole from primark. I am extremely ashamed of this and was pushed into doing it, although I take full responsibility for my actions. I took a pair of shorts and my friend took about 5 items. As soon as we put a foot out of the door, we were ushered back in by a security guard and taken to a back room. The security guard was rude, bullied us and was basically mocking us. We had all our cards photocopied (my friend had his NI number photocopied amongst other things and I had my university card copied) to which i'm not sure is even allowed. After we had given back the Primark items we had stole, we were told to empty all our bags, and to show receipts for other things we had genuinely purchased during the day. The security guy then told us unless we were able to show a receipt for those items that he would keep them. I had lost the receipt for some cream I had purchased and was told that he was going to keep the cream because I probably stole that too. In the end he gave it back, but I did not find that funny. The police were never called. Anyway, before we were allowed to leave we had to give our address's and was told that we would be fined. Although the security guard rang up both mine and my friends parents, my friend was able to give a fake address to which his mum gave aswell on the phone. Because of this, I have been the only one who has recieved the fine letter. The letter is from RLP stating that they want a fixed amount of £174.39!!! I was dumbfounded when I saw this as I only took some shorts worth about £12. I'm guessing the fee is so high because of what my friend took. Anyway, being scared, I rang RLP up right away telling them I would pay when I get my student loan, but realistically I cannot afford to pay such amount! I then rang them again a few days ago and told them I can only pay half of the amount and that they should contact my friend for the other amount. The woman then said that even if I pay half I will still receive letters demanding the full amount because of dual liability, she said it doesn't matter who pays but someone has to. I was quite angry by this and so just put the phone down. When I told my friend about the fine he didn't seem interested and seems unwilling to pay (although he put me in this predicament!), so I've been running around like a headless chicken thinking of something to do. I've read loads of threads saying not to call RLP, but i've called them twice and said that i'd pay the full amount first of all and then rang again stating i'll pay half, so i'm worried they can use this against me in a court, as now I don't want to pay as i've read RLP are bullies and you do not have to pay them. Can someone please please help me, thank you.
  24. I have made an error, I know it's wrong and I feel really ashamed. I stole at Primark and HMV and the security caught me. It's the first time they do it. First I went to Primark and I took some clothes (36 pounds), I went out the shop without pay it and nothing happened. After that, I went to HMV and I tried to steal a headphones (30 pounds). In this case, the staff saw me by CCTV and they called to security. They discovered I had stolen in HMV and Primark. They asked me if I had any ID but, in that moment, I only had my credit card. I gave it them and they wrote down my name and I don't know if my credit card number too. They ask me where I'm from and I replied them I'm a EU citizen. And also I'm in UK on holidays for 1 month. They gave me a letter to advise me that I'm banned from entering at HMV, not for Primark. However, they told me I couldn't entry in the commercial centre anymore. I speak a little bit of English and I didn't understand well all what they were saying. I paid with my credit card the clothes in Primark, not the headphones at HMV because they didn't let me do it. The security man went with me until the door and the told me: Don't come here anymore. I was really nervous after this and, returning to my flat, I lost my wallet and, therefore, my credit card. To avoid other people use my credit card, I cancelled it via Internet when I arrived at home. My questions are: 1. What's next? 2. Do I have to pay any fine (I have read about RLP - Retail Loss Prevention)? 3. Where do I have to pay the fine? 4. How are they going to contact me? Remember they only have my name and maybe my credit card number. Moreover, my credit card is out of service. 5. Are they going to send me a letter to my home (in my country, not in UK) with the details? 6. About criminal records. Am I going to have any entry due to my thefts? 7. I hope to work in UK in a near future. Will this affect to my job search? 8. Will they demand me? Will I have to go the courts to solve this? I know stealing is wrong and NEVER AGAIN- I've learned my lesson, believe me I feel so ashamed and guilty, I WILL NEVER SHOPLIFT AGAIN. Please don't share your opinion on what I've done. It was a stupid mistake that I regret. Please, help me with the questions, I'm really worried with this situation and I want to solve it as soon as possible.
  25. Hello all, My daughter was set up by a "friend" who used my daughter's bag to try and take goods from a Primark. My daughter was apprehend outside the store and then taken upstairs - the "friend" had disappeared by that stage. The police were never involved and the store did not pursue the matter any further other than barring her from entering another Primark. The girl who set her up is apparently know for doing this and, whilst my daughter is no saint, she wouldn't shoplift. She was totally up front with us and told us what had happened as she had nothing to hide. I did some reading around and told my daughter to expect a letter from RLP which she did today. It is cloaked in the sort of legalise that DCAs (of whom I have experience of kicking in to touch thanks to CAG!) and really worried her. The letter is headed "Without Prejudice Save as to Costs" We act on behalf of Primark. We are instructed that on 21st November 2011 at our client's premises you committed a wrongful act causing loss to our client. They then go on to say that the staff were diverted from their normal activities etc. etc. for which they are entitled to compensation for. They claim that the costs are considerable but they are willing to accept a fixed amount of £87.50 I can post the whole of the text if needs be. I have a couple of problems with this. As the Police were not involved and the store did not pursue the matter, can they accuse her of committing a wrongful act? Can they really claim this money from her given that there is no evidence whatsoever that any offence was committed? As she is only 16 years old, what is her standing in law? I would like to handle this one for her (she has now realised that they are nothing to really worry about since I showed her some of the highly witty letters that Moorcroft and Roxburgh have sent to me in the past!) Can she write to them and grant me permission to act on her behalf? Any advice on this would be gratefully received. I am also considering pursuing Primark over potential breaches of rules regarding safeguarding. Whilst she was accompanied in the lift upstairs by a female member of staff, she was left alone with two male security guards and was then interviewed by them and felt highly intimidated by them. She was then escorted off the premises by a male security guard with no female member of staff being present when she was taken down in the lift. This has bothered us more than the letter from RLP. Thanks
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