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  1. Hi I wonder if anyone could help. I had been parking at a Premier Park in Southampton from time to time during the summer whilst on a residential course. Unfortunately my car failed the MOT durng this time and I borrowed a car from a relative. The first time I parked this car in the car park I received a ticket as I mistakenly entered the reg number of my old car (you needed to enter the reg number into the machine when buying the ticket). I appealed to Premier explaining the circumstances (it happened on the day of my final exam when I was also packing up to leave my accommodation and I think I must have been distracted, I paid for parking and provided the ticket etc) but was declined, I then appealed to POPLA who also declined my appeal. I have now received a £100 demand from Premier with a threat to pass to their solicitors. I'd apprecite advice on whether I should just pay up or are there any further avenues I can explore. Many thanks
  2. I pay for my parking monthly via Dash and park at a site managed by NCP. Dash allow multiple vehicles to be registered on their system. I renewed my parking but as we were going to be away for a few days I renewed the July payment on my alternate registration. On return my logged in and changed the vehicle normally parked to primary. Over the course of August I received 3 PCN notices, all challenged and two of which were acknowledged as noting the car actually parked was registered on the account and cancelled; the third not. I raised an appeal through POPLA, which surprise surprise has been refused. The PCN is for £100 vs a £3.70 daily charge for 24 hour parking, and a prepaid sum of £67.40. I made every effort to change the designated vehicle through the party that took my money to pay for the use of parking for the period in question. At no time were both vehicles ever parked at the site simultaneously. The fact that two notices were rescinded in my opinion creates precedence and by that alone makes the refusal of the third unfair. Where do I turn to now? This refusal by their own 'old boys club' is a joke in its self. Any guidance is appreciated I am not familiar with UK county court processes. Many thanks
  3. http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/ http://popla.co.uk/
  4. http://www.thisiswiltshire.co.uk/news/13630865.Westbury_mum_fighting_back_against_incorrect_parking_ticket_at_St_Stephen_s_Place_in_Trowbridge/?ref=rss Would need to see the appeal wording but on face value a quite astonishing judgement by POPLA...
  5. Ok, so we got sent one of these ANPR type tickets from Smart Parking the other month for overstaying at an ASDA car park. I wrote to them appealing ticket and they since have written back with photos of the signage and dismissing my claim. They gave me my POPLA number and so I have begun the appeal to POPLA. Not sure if im missing something here but nowhere on the POPLA website is their anywhere to state why you appealing just some tick boxes and personal data. How does POPLA know my grounds ?
  6. Hi, where does a driver stand if they have appealed using the parking firms own process (which was turned down), which included a request for a POPLA code, but the POPLA reference was never provided?
  7. Interesting reading for London Councils last report. The Lead Adjudicator’s 2015 Annual Report is available here http://www.popla.org.uk/
  8. I paid for parking via mobile and received a penalty notice for non payment. The appeal went to POPLA, and APCOA then agreed in their statement that they had received payment but not my vehicle reg. I stated that I entered my vehicle reg with my payment details. APCOA claimed that they sent me a separate text message asking for vehicle reg. They did not. I did however receive a voice mail from them saying that payment process was complete and I was entitled to park for 24 hours, so I assumed that everything was in order. (APCOA haven't denied this message). POPLA denied my appeal, the assessor stated that I hadn't entered my reg details (even though I disputed this) so payment wasn't valid. What did I pay for if it wasn't parking? I followed exactly the instructions communicated to me and APCOA didn't have any loss of income. I cannot understand the assessors decision.
  9. First POPLA appeal post Beavis. At a site that I have previously won appeal at POPLA on 'GPEOL' and 'no evidence ' , the assessor has upheld the appeal because PE have not provided evidence that they have the authority to issue Parking Charge Notices. They just said they were allowed to... Appeal was simply; Show breakdown of genuine pre estimate of loss. Proof by sight of contract, that PE have lawful authority to issue Parking Charge Notices. That the charge is not punitive.
  10. Hi I apparently recieved a PCN from Gemini Parking Solutions for parking in an unmarked bay at the London Aqautics Center at the Olympic Park on 27 Feb 2015. There were no prominent signs for parking or penalties in the car park. I was unaware of the PCN till I received a Reminder Notice letter on 28 April 2015 posted to my home address as the registered keeper of the vehicle for a charge of £100 now from £60 if paid within 14 days of the PCN. Stupidly before coming onto this site I appealed to Gemini Parking Solutions supplying my details stating that I was the driver. The PCN was not on my windscreen when I returned to the car it must have blown away as it's quite windy at the center with no buildings nearby. I appealed that I never received a PCN, obviously they rejected my appeal and sent me a image of the PCN on my windscreen (to my surprise!!!) and they claimed that their parking operative noted that the driver ripped up the PCN in front of him!!! - that never happened. They have now sent me a POPLA Appeal form, what should I do now. How should I appeal ? Thank you.
  11. I attended Comer Business And Innovation Centre at North London Business Park managed by Secure A Space Ltd on the 19th of March 2015. On my arrival I attended the facility reception area where the lady on reception instructed and guided me to park in one of parking spaces available which was marked "Staff" and following on instruction given I Parked my car. I was even given a Visitor Parking Permit that I clearly displayed in the Windscreen After finishing and attending my car I realised my had parking ticket The Vehicle Registration on the PCN issued is incorrect however make, model and colour of the car is correct. I appealed this without mentioning my Car Registration on the basis that I parked based on instruction provided by receptionist and that she could be contacted if needed. However my appeal got rejected and I was given option to challenge it with POPLA. I want to ask very Important question: 1) Is this a valid PCN if it has INCORRECT VEHICLE REGISTRATION NUMBER? 2) Can it be enforced if I choose to ignore it? Any help would be highly appreciated
  12. HELP Do you know if: • private parking companies can legally give multiple parking notices to a car in the exact same place (I was away for 5 days) • They can legally charge me for a ticket that was supposedly posted to me - I have not received and it is well over 14 days since they issued it. (the other 4, yes 4 were left on the car) why not put the fifth on the car? • They have rejected the appeal I made for the 4 tickets I had - money expert link to penlatycharge notices and used the template • When I called today they said there was a 5th PCN (which I never received) and that goes up to £100 today as I never appealed it (never received it) • Now I’m wondering about the other 4 – I have up to 18/03/15 to pay the reduced amount • All this is because the housing association never sent letters out in December when they signed a contract to start issuing tickets on 2/2/15 PCN didn’t start issuing tickets until 12/03/15. • The housing association are sticking with the line that the site is a no parking development, since Oct 2012 there has not been any parking enforcement on site so residents parked. I was prepared to pay the £240 this morning and cry after however when they tried to extort a further £60 for a ticket I have never received I thought this cant be right. I can further appeal their decision through POPLA, though the housing association can simply phone them and clear this, they won’t, if I appeal I could potentially be asked to pay the full price of the tickets so £500. I cant afford either option. What do I do? Help
  13. [ATTACH=CONFIG]55583[/ATTACH]Hi all, have been helping a friend of the wife's out with a parking ticket from smart parking. Original notice was for £30 but she only received the letter on the 16th day from the so called over stay, I think I have read correctly that they must write within 14 days. I will confirm the dates if needed, from the time of overstay to the day letter received. Sent an appeal in under those reasons or asking for POPLA code and they sent another notice this time for £70 and ignored the first letter sent via recorded delivery. Sent a 2nd appeal letter again via recorded delivery and this time they have provided the POPLA code. The actual car park is free and I am 100% sure when it first opened as a private parking the maximum stay was 2 hours, This has now been changed to 1.5 hours. The signs I have seen are small and where it stated 2 hours has now been changed to 1.5 hours, about the size of an A4 sheet of paper, if this even matters. Friend over stayed by 26 minutes while shopping at the various shops there. Could do with some help on next step and the POPLA appeal form on what to put down, I have read that the appeal should be arguing the genuine loss of earnings or something along those lines. Any help appreciated George P.S Have enclosed the latest letter as PDF
  14. Hello I parked in a local shopping centre car park and went to the library and shops. The parking was 3 hours for free. I went to leave before this time was up and noticed a new store round the back and went to have a look. The car park seemed to be a separate one so I thought it would be OK and stayed a bit longer. I received a Parking Charge Notice from ParkingEye in the post 2 weeks later saying I had overstayed by 33 minutes and was charged £100 or £60 if paid in 14 days. By the time I received it there were only 7 days left. I sent in an appeal and it was rejected by post which I received yesterday. My appeal was based on the following: (I sent it as the registered keeper and not driver but did not point it out specifically): The car was not improperly parked. I asked for evidence of where the car was between the times mentioned. Inadequate signage. Photos enclosed of the second car park with no signs visible in half of it. Unreasonable and disproportionate terms. £100 is not a realistic prediction of loss. Unethical use of ANPR (an unreasonable and disproportionate response to parking management) as per theInformation Commissioners's Office 2013 Data Protection Code of Practice for CCTV. It's a poor area and the shops there are mostly discount stores.P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }P.western { font-family: "Liberation Serif","Times New Roman",serif; font-size: 12pt; }P.cjk { font-family: "DejaVu Sans"; font-size: 12pt; }P.ctl { font-family: "Lohit Hindi"; font-size: 12pt;* I am aware of my rights under the Citizen's Harassment Act 1997. Any more letters from them will be kept in evidence of harassment. I also sent evidence of purchase from one of the shops in the the form of a till receipt I sent a copy to the local councils and local MP. The MP said "It is difficult for us to give advice on parking fines, but we do believe that it may not be possible to enforce a parking fine when it is given for a parking infringement on private land. We aren’t totally sure about this so can’t definitely say it is the case, but that does seem to be what the situation is." The response from ParkingEye was: "You have provided evidence of purchase. However, please be adivised that this did not meet the discretionary criteria set by the landowner in this case. We are therefore writing to advise you that your recent appeal has been unsuccessful. This is because you have not provided sufficient evidence to show that you did not break the terms and conditions on the signage." The sent the POPLA form and "as a gesture of good will" have further extended the "discount" period another 14 days, half of which are already up because it was dated last week. What should I send to POPLA? Do I have a chance of winning and not going to court? I am feeling a lot of stress right now but have got this far because this seems really wrong!
  15. Hi i'm new to this site.. My friend received a PCN from smart parking for £70 on his car yesterday on his University Campus. The University is free parking at all times with a parking permit. Without a permit you can park from 4:30pm to 9am. You may also may load or unload your car 9am-4:30pm when you usually need a permit. Me and my friend had just been to Tesco and done a big shop. Parking off campus is a nightmare and long walk so he just parked on campus while we unloaded our shopping. When we finished unloading and came back to the car there was a parking ticket on it. We saw the security guard who issued the ticket and he said "oh sorry, its too late to cancel it now for you, you need to talk to smart parking and i'm sure they will be sympathetic and let you off" (i bed to differ) When opening the parking ticket i noticed that it has a spelling mistake (not sure if this makes a difference?), seems to be missing some of the information (is there specific information that must be vacant on the ticket?) and also the University is called "St marys university" but on the ticket its says location is " st marys university college " which is a university in belfast and this one is in london! (also not sure if this makes a difference? ) I have read various other forums and posts stating that they can only charge me for actual losses and since its private land and and free parking where does £70 fit in to that? Should my friend ignore the PCN and await to see if they sent a notice within 14 days ? Or should he set about to write up an appeal stating various arguments ? I have read the following letter sent to them about a PCN should my friend follow the points in this? How strong are they? (it wouldnt let me post a link but its title is "Tcp / smart Parking - send cheque to apologise over speculative invoice debacle!!!! " Also one thing read that wasnt mentioned in that letter was asking for a POPLA code? Im unaware what this is? If someone could give some advice or a process best to follow to avoid this ridiculous charge that would be greatly appreciated ! Especially since students nower days dont have a spare £70 to cough up ! Thanks
  16. I received a PCN notice for stopping on a road that I entered by mistake near to Liverpool Airport. I had no idea that I'd entered a controlled area and was turning around at a junction with an incomplete road once I realized I had taken a wrong turn. I stopped there for 32 seconds according to the notice. Appealed to VCS who obviously rejected it. Appealed to POPLA on grounds that I was at a junction and consistent with highway code/law etc, but to my amazement the appeal was rejected. The video evidence must have shown the road to be clear (apart from some odd looking car with a big camera to my right!). To be quite honest I thought the fine to be so ridiculous that there would be no way they'd reject my appeal. What if any options do I have now?
  17. First time post and would be grateful for some advice... In September of this year I was issued a PCN for not displaying the correct signage under PPS rules. The car park in question is part of a business park with several tenants, of which ours is one. We have an agreement for 20 or so parking spaces and they are covered with permits, and I have a permit to park one registered car. The signage around the parking areas denoting the T's & C's is clear and unambiguous. I was using my partner's car, not the one which is registered to park here so I was covering the parking with a visitor pass, which is allowed under the rules. However, on the day in question the sign had slipped off the dashboard and under the seat and I did not notice, hence the PCN. The use of my partner's car had been ongoing for some 3 weeks previously and at least 2 weeks since the PCN and I had displayed the visitor pass on every day except when I was issued the PCN. Therefore in my view this is purely a technicality of displaying signage, not that I was not allowed to park here and appealed. On appeal to PPS they unsurprisingly rejected this reasoning saying the rules are the rules, they cannot take mitigating circumstances into account and so on, so I appealed to PoPLA. However, to my surprise they upheld the decision of PPS reiterating the "mitigating circumstances" part and I must pay the £100 in 14 days. It was almost a mirror decision to PPS's. What are PoPLA for if they don't take other circumstances into account? Seems like a rubber stamping process for the parking enforcement companies to me. The 14 day window is fast approaching, so what are my options? I am keen to fight it but am a bit concerned about it going belly up and I end up even more out of pocket.
  18. Hello there, Just today received refusal for my appeal to POPLA. To make it short, I parked at hospital car park when my wife was in labour, ran to the maternity unit. I was given the "permit" that allowed me to stay for 7 days, paying minimal charge every day. There I found I have no change even to pay that minimal charge. Running around hospital, I couldn't find any either, but I felt I was lucky to find that I can pay with my mobile for parking via RingGo, so I assumed that I can pay same minimal charge via mobile, and be happy. How wrong was I... I found a PCN on my windscreen, and in my consequent mail correspondence with CP Plus (parking operator) they refused to consider RingGo equivalent of pay and display ticket. The permit I've got from hospital indeed states that it should be displayed together with pay and display ticket, however RingGo rules displayed on parking site claim that RingGo users are not required to display ticket. Also, I found that hospital has two different forms of the permit, and one clearly states that RingGo is not a valid payment. Mine doesn't have it, and I found that they have another form only during POPLA appeal as I was copied when they provided the evidence. I attach both my permit and the one CP Plus tried to provide as evidence that RingGo is not an option (none of those contain my details, btw). So now, first thing I want to ask the people here - who is right and who is wrong? Am I right assuming that unless it was specified on the permit, and providing that signs on the parking site say that RingGo payment is equivalent of pay and display ticket, I rightfully replaced one way of payment with another? And if so - what do I do now? I'm starting to lose hope for common sense. Just (from moral point of view) can't understand people fining me for shortage of time when my wife was giving birth... OK removed POPLA ruling PDF (have no idea how to edit it), but here's decision text: Reasons for the Assessor’s Determination The Operator issued parking charge notice number 4685352 arising out of the presence at Whipps Cross Hospital, on 14 May 2014, of a vehicle with registration mark [X] for parking without displaying a valid pay and display ticket. It is the Operator’s case that the Appellant’s vehicle was parked at the site without displaying a valid pay and display ticket and this was a breach of the terms and conditions of parking as set out on signage at the site. It is the Appellant’s case that they were given a permit to park for seven days and had to pay for a parking ticket costing £2.50 each day and display this along with the permit in their vehicle. The Appellant states that on the day in question, they did not have change so decided to display their permit and make payment for parking by RingGo. The Appellant was in possession of a concessionary permit which allowed them to park for a reduced fee of £2.50 per day. The Appellant was required to display on their dashboard the permit as well as the ticket from the pay and display machine to show that they had paid £2.50. The permit stated on it “Display clearly on dashboard with a paid car parking ticket” and there is no mention of RingGo. I find that the Appellant breached the terms and conditions of parking by not complying with the terms and conditions as stated on their permit. Although the Appellant had paid by RingGo, this payment was not valid for use in conjunction with the permit they had displayed. The Appellant ought to have paid for parking using the ticket machine and displayed the ticket along with their permit on the dashboard of their vehicle and on this occasion they did not do so. Thanks in advance. [ATTACH=CONFIG]52877[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]52878[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]52880[/ATTACH]
  19. My scheduled date for me appeal to be considered was midweek last week, however I have not yet been notified of an outcome. The parking operator hasn't submitted any evidence for the ticket either. How long do I normally have to wait? and can the operator still submit their paperwork?
  20. Hi all, When i first got parking charge back in April, i found this site and made use of a company set up to help people with their Parking ticket claims They were very fast to respond and very helpful. I had already appealed to the parking company but they just rejected it and said I could appeal to POPLA but really not worth my time. They did not supply POPLA code. The Claims company contacted them for code but appeal lost due to out of date code - dealt with it, Claims Company got a new code and re-submitted appeal which won. Yay!, all dealt with. Except now, the parking company UK Parking Solutions has sent me a letter demanding payment and threatening Debt Recovery and extra charges. Is this legal given POPLA appeal already won. Does the POPLA appeal verdict hold up in court? Should I just ignore them or do I need to take action? Thanks
  21. I have received a charge notice from an operator of a car park in a large town, at first I was mystified as to why since I did buy a ticket for £2.20. According to the ANPR cameras I was in and out within 30 minutes. Here is my problem - I parked my car in the second bay inside the entrance next to a high top white panel van. I walked round the back of the vehicle and spotted the pay machine on the other side of the entrance through which I had entered, I inserted the fee and the ticket I bought shows the time of purchase 1 minute after the ANPR shows me arriving - so far so good. I shopped and I left in approximately 30 mins. Unfortunately, there are two parking systems in operation, the pay machine I used belongs to a different operator and is used for on street parking (but is physically on the ground adjoining the other operator, albeit with a low barrier around it), the pay machines I should have used and entered my registration into were totally obscured by the large white panel van and I just didn't see them (they are very compact and slim - black in colour and stand side by side). I have only worked this out through looking at Google Street View and spotted it after a few minutes of study. I realize it is an error on my part, I wrote to the company acknowledging what I'd done but they aren't interested and point blank refuse to respond to any of my points. Since I bought a ticket there was never any intent on my part to dodge charges, the ticket clearly ties in with the ANPR evidence it's just that I've used the wrong machine. Does anyone have a view on whether its worth me going through the POPLA route and lose the option to pay the reduced amount? On the day, the car park was almost empty, it wasn't as though I was occupying the only space which another vehicle could have used. I would appreciate a reply even if you agree that I should pay the charges, I have a attached a screen grab with annotations for reference. Thanks for reading this
  22. Hi All, I have been reading through a few threads regarding appealling to POPLA, I am a little unclear about something if someone could clarify? When asking to see sight of the contract between the landowner and the PPC in order to ask how they claim GPEOL, do you ask for this from the PPC to include in your appeal to POPLA or do you ask POPLA to present this information? Cheers.
  23. Hi Guys, To cut a long story short.. I waited in a car park just outside of city centre one evening for '11 minutes' as told by ParkingEye. For a number of reasons, I decided not to leave my car there. There were a number of reasons, which included the appalling state of the car park (I'm disabled, so use crouches to walk slowly), not even sure how much the car park was as it was getting dark, etc. It was an ANPR, so they sent me through a £100 charge. I wrote back, they told me to appeal to POPLA, so i did, and now I have lost that. The main argument is that I parked/waited on the private land and did not adhere to the car park's terms and conditions. The entrance to the car park is directly off main road (where the large signs with all the terms and conditions are, and there are a lot), so there is no way it is even feasible to wait on the main road while I read them - anyway, that's besides the point. I was hoping one of you guys could validate my next steps please.. My understanding is that they can only claim for any loss, so I am probably going to send them a cheque for the minimum 1 hour parking (it's £5.20 or something) for their loss. Is there anything else I should do?
  24. I appealed against an "illegal invoice" as I call them, back in April.Excel parking ,Canal street Nottingham.I asked for loads of documents like who is the landowner, Excels contract with the landowner, a pre estimate of Excels losses etc.They never came up with anything.They also failed to come up with proof of their losses to POPLA. the Reference No. is 2561654014.The assessor was Farah Ahmad, who stated quote:- "It is necessary for the operator to provide an explanation as to how this sum was arrived at as an estimate of the damage which could be caused by the appellants alleged breach.However,the operator has not provided a breakdown of costs under each head of claim.I am unable to see how the parking charge amount has been calculated.In addition,the operator has included "Central Payments Office(CPO) Indirect Overheads".I do not accept that these costs have been incurred as a direct result of the appellants breach.As the operator has not produced a breakdown of costs,I am unable to determine the proportion of these costs in relation to the other heads of claim listed by the operator.On this occasion,I am not satisfied that the operator has discharged the durden.In consideration of all the evidence before me, I find that the operator has failed to prove that the parking charge amount was agenuine pre estimate of loss.Accordingly,this appeal must be allowed".Unquote..............That makes it 33-0 to me.Not all my tickets.I do them for drivers at work, family, friends etc.
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