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  1. Hi there, I recently left a job after only 4 days, as I felt flogging funeral plans to elderly people was taking sales a bit too far and the rejection rate was abysmal. I have not been paid for the 4 days yet however, the usual pay day is the last day of the month which will be Monday. The only pickle I have is that the company never provided me with a proper contract stating my terms etc before I left and I have tried to contact them to make sure my pay will go through properly and have been blanked for the last week or so. I'm just wondering what my rights are here apart from kicking up a fuss on social media + standing outside the office with a sign? Thanks
  2. Hi, Hoping someone could help me, I've had a good read on the forum but can't find anything similar to my case. I joined gym/swimming pool and ended up going fairly regulary for 3 months (in a 12 month contract). The swimming pool kept being closed or out of use when I visited in the evening so after a while I decided to just cancel my DD. I didn't give any notice and am now being asked to pay £300 by Spratt Endicott within 7 days. What should I do? Thanks in advance!
  3. Hello I'll try to keep this simple but would appreciate some thoughts on the matter. 6 years ago I moved in to new property and the agreement was that I paid two months rent upfront half for the first month and the other half for the last month, so when I gave my motive to move out I did not need to pay for that month. For 6 years we kept the house clean n tidy and never gave the landlord reason for concern. To the extent that he never renewed our tenancy agreement. . So in September we told him we were moving out n that the last months (Octobers) rent was paid and we will be out of there by end of October. We moved told him that e were leaving a bed and wardrobe which he welcomed. 2 days ago I receive a letter from an estate agent saying I owe £850 for November rent and tax, money for having to paint the house because children had scribbled writing on a couple of the walls, in 6 years he did not decorate/paint the house for us even though he said he would and for changing locks. All this because we left a couple of boxs and furthermore we didn't return the keys even tho he was on holiday in October and never told us when or where to leave the keys. Trying to charge for clearing out mess which is a lie Really don't know how to approach it I spoke to him and said that I was upset and asked why is a third party getting evolved
  4. I had a 2 day a week job which early in January this year I quit with no notice to employer, i had no contract at all with my employer and no written term's of my job / notice / wage (which I now believe is a legal requirement) since quitting my job I have received 1 envelope from my employer with my last pay slips, I have had no response to my letter to quit and had no P45 sent to me, I have requested my P45 via e-mail again no response, the DWP have asked for my P45 for review of my wife's claim for ESA and PIP is there anything I can do to get a P45 direct from HMRC instead of relying on my ex employer
  5. Hi guys, I was referred here by a colleague because you were helpful to him. I was living with a friend up until recently. He has moved to Australia (15th September he left). Since his departure we have received many letters from various companies, but I have no idea of their names. The envelopes are blank, with nothing but his name and a return PO Box address on them. This morning we received a hand delivered letter, which is the calling card of debt collectors I am lead to believe. Again I don't know the company involved. I have spoken to said housemate about this, and he said that he knows his debts and will telephone them to sort it out, but I have little faith in this. Obviously I do not wish to have debt collectors knocking at our door demanding money/goods/whatever, and I am wondering the best course of action. Thanks.
  6. I'm writing on behalf of my sister in law, she left school at 16 and had a family young. Now several years later with four young girls she has worked hard to get the qualifications to begin her degree. Due to my brother working she has had to place the two youngest children in child care, this child care and degree acceptance was based on (documented) information given by student finance stipulating they would offer financial assistance. After a torrid 6 months of chasing student finance, raising a family and studying full time she has received a letter informing her that they've made an error and she will not receive child care support, compounded by the fact that she is now required to pay back any finance paid previously. This has left her with debt from child care, money to repay, cancellation of her degree and all the other stresses this will bring. The main question here is does she have any cause to claim the money from student finance, as this was arranged on the proviso that they would assist with childcare?
  7. Hi All, I had a business back in 2007 and when it went pear shaped a lot of people helped me out on the basis that I would pay them back when I could. Sadly things have not gone well. Bad to worse really. I have been unable to repay significantly anyone that helped me. That apart, no one except one creditor seems to be worried about it. This guy wants a charging order on my house. I cannot at the moment make any sensible offer of payment and I am concerned that the charging order is the first step to an order for sale. Now there's not that much equity in my home. I could voluntarily grant my eh.. non-combative creditors a second charge collectively in the amount of the equity in the house. My question really is... can this guy get a charging order once there's no equity or can he make other trouble for me if he can't get the charge? Thanks, Bob.
  8. Back in July I bought a ticket at Richmond station (Zone 1-4 travelcard) and travelled into Waterloo I used the ticket to enter the platform (The barriers are 99% in use at the station and always at the time travelled i.e. 17.30). Once I arrived at Waterloo and upon getting to the barriers I realised I no longer had the ticket. I approached the attendant and explained the situation he then instructed me to see the Enforcement officer. Having been once bitten (not enough balance on my oyster on one occasion four years ago) I considered just using my oyster to go through but stupidly thought I would be able to put my point across. Once getting there I was told a) I was liable for a £20 fine b) i had to buy another ticket. I explained that i'd bought the travel card using a credit card and could provide the statement as proof. Since then i have sent an appeal letter into Iracs, accompanied by proof of transaction and the appeal was rejected on the basis it arrived at the office after their deadline (the fact they backdate all of their correspondence a minimum of 7 days makes this a touch ironic). To summerise I replied that I will wait for them to refer it back to SWT and deal with them - I have now received an letter from Capital Resolve threatening a home visit and am debating whether to just pay the £90 fine. At the same time I would hate to give a penny to a bullying debt recovery agency without it absolutely being the best option. Having read a few of the other threads on this site and it would appear much of the advise is to pay the fine that said I have not found a case where a ticket was bought and lost on route. I have approached SWT separately but as expected they have said they cannot discuss any matters of a penalty fare (very quick response time) and I then asked separate to this specific fine - do they have access to a time stamped transaction history at the station? (asked twice - with no response at all) My personal view is that I am not in the wrong at all and would hope once this is referred I can actually put forward my case - equally i don't want to risk a mark on my record if the odds are against me. Any advise or experiences anyone might be able to provide would be greatly received.
  9. aa I've never received a N24 form before, so I have no idea what to do, also I cant seem find anything to do with the N24 we've just received on the site. All we received was 2 sheets of paper, telling us to file within 7 days, & a cryptic accompanying letter sent to our solicitor. I've attached this to the post My main question is what is "an order excluding the Defendants from the property"? Does it mean a lodger ie an excluded tenant? or something else? Is it evicting a commercial tenant? The full paragraph says : " in detail and in numbered paragraphs the background to the dispute and why they are entitled to an order excluding the Defendants from the property" I have no idea what this means ... The accompanying letter to the solicitor said something about varying a residential contract into a commercial contract. I've included the full letter as an attachment. The exact wording about the varying order is: "That the said Assured Shorthold Tenancy bearing the latest date be varied into a business/commercial lease upon registration or obtaining an operating licence with the regulatory board namely Office of Standards for Education Department (OFSTED). " Also is it possible to ask the court to show us the original application or order from the court, so we know what the hell is going on ... The only forms we received said Because this Order has been made by the Court without considering representations from the parties, the parties have the right to apply to have the order set aside, varied or stayed. A party wishing to make an application must send or deliver the application to the court (together with any appropriate fee) to arrive within seven days of service of this Order. The Claimants must file with the Court and serve on each Defendant by 10-12-2015 a signed and dated witness statement which sets out clearly and in detail and in numbered paragraphs the background to the dispute and why they are entitled to an order excluding the Defendants from the property and which contains a declaration ('a statement of truth*) that the contents are true . 3) When the Claimants do this the application will be placed before a circuit judge who will decide without a hearing when it will be heard: 4) If the Claimants do not do this by the date given, the application (but not the Claim will be struck out) Dated 17 November 2015 Again we have no idea whats going on, please help. Thanks
  10. Myself and three other students currently occupy a privately rented property in Southwark, London. The flat is pretty run down and we seem to have been stuck with a landlord who doesn't want to shell out any money despite the fact that we are paying £145 a week each! As soon as we moved in we noticed the washing machine door was bent and didn't catch properly, so we immediately informed the lettings agency who informed the landlord on or behalf that it was damaged, however he declined to have it looked at or repaired. After one initial breakdown that I managed to repair it packed up for good 02/10/15, so I immediately got onto the lettings agency again who informed the landlord that day that the washing machine had totally broken and there was nothing we could do about it. A couple of days later, instead of taking our word for it he sent a repairman round who took one look at it and said it was beyond repair and would have to be replaced, which was communicated to the lettings agency that day. After several more days we had heard nothing more on the situation and with mounting piles of washing I again contacted the lettings agency who said that the landlord was ordering the white goods (the engineer also recommended replacing the freezer) that evening - 12/10/15. After hearing no word from the company for three or four days I emailed them again, to which they replied that they would chase up the landlord. Now finally after weeks of pestering the landlord has finally ordered the goods to be delivered this Sunday (25/10/15). We have gone over three weeks without a washing machine simply because the landlord was too lazy to sort out a replacement despite being given several reminders, and we have had to pick up the cost of that. The house was furnished with white goods as part of our tenancy agreement and it is the landlord's responsibility for their maintenance, would we be entitled to ask for compensation? As essentially the landlord has failed to provide a service that we have been paying a huge amount of money for. All help would be appreciated, Cheers!
  11. Nice one. Lets expose these silly people who are supposed fans and admire these nobodies.
  12. Hi. I am very new to all this so I hope I manage the posting process properly. Apologies if not. I couldn't find a thread that followed my variation of this matter so again, apologies if I'm asking Q's that have already been answered. The story thus far: A young relative of mine has use of a car that I am registered keeper of. He picked up a UKPC ticket on 23 June 2015 in a retail park in Leeds, their contention being 'Vehicle owner/driver left the site'. I have so far received 3 letters: 23 July 05-Initial notice to keeper. £100 (up from £65) 7 Aug 05-Final reminder. £100 25 Aug-Debt Recovery Plus. £160 I am expecting more as I'm afraid due to holiday, work & a bit of a 'head in the sand' approach, I have ignored them all. I have checked the available photographic evidence on the UKPC website and can see several pictures of the car with the ticket stuck to windscreen and of the info sign but none that show the ' Vehicle owner/driver left the site'. There is also no mention of CCTV evidence on the letters or that I can see on the website. Should I engage with this process and ask to see their proof, wait for the court summons or carrying on ignoring them? Any advice/experience would gratefully received. Thank you in advance for your time and expertise.
  13. Hi A local developer has received planning approval for a project that will place a side wall less than 3m from several of the properties. It will also build over a public sewer that we have an easement for. The community believes the decision was taken without proper consultation, and ignores rules and guidelines for local planning. In addition it was possibly rushed through to meet the deadline to avoid CIL in July. Due to the council being short staffed, by the time we had an opportunity to explore options with them, the decision had been made and also the time limit has passed for us to request a judicial review. Complaining to the council for an incorrect decision via the ombudsman will only result in a slap on the wrists and fine but won't undo the wrong. The developer has put forward several arguments to support keeping the plan as is, as opposed to a simple modification that will not cost much. The residents feel cornered by a system that is loaded against the people it should be there to protect. Any suggestions welcome.
  14. Hi guys, This isn't my usual post, so please excuse me if I miss out any information. Sometime around 3/4 years ago, my Grandmother had work done which was funded by a council grant to renew her Electrics, Central Heating, Windows, Bathroom, Kitchen, roof and facia boards. Soon after, the work was found to be unsatisfactory. The man at the council who issued the grant to the builders in question stopped responding to our calls and it was just accepted that we'd have to deal with these issues. Time has passed, and we've just not stopped finding faults. About 18 months ago, I wrote to the man from the council, who brushed off my complaint as "Not his problem". Previous to this, his comments were "If you think it's bad now, you obviously didn't see the state of it before", although, I kinda think this is why the council issued the grant to her? So, recently, the hot water tank has ruptured, causing the ceiling in the landing to come down, making the stairs wet and upsetting her Stannah Stair Lift. What do I do? The home insurance won't cover the hot water tank, although they have said that they will stem the leak and deal with the damage resultant from the rupture. How do I go forward with this? The local councillor isn't concerned, the local MP has ignored us and the man at the council is just using our slow actions to his advantage. I am tempted to go into the council offices and create havoc, but I don't want to get into trouble myself. This is having a massively negative effect on my grandmothers quality of life, added to the lightswitches that were left in place but not connected, the double glazed windows that don't open, the leak in the ceiling resulting from the bad roofing job and the new radiators which were charged to the council, but in fact, are the old radiators... What can I do? Any advice accepted gratefully.
  15. I received a call from the JC asking me to come down on my usual signing on date but earlier for a meeting what could this be any input please Regards mashmallow
  16. Hi there, I am after some advice as im real confused, please bear with me while i give you some background story. a couple months back (jan) i handed in my notice after finding a new job, we had received a bonus for Christmas which stated it was also for the hard work we had done for 2014. Anyway, after saying they may want the bonus back, i carried on with my day to day duties. No more was said about paying it back. Pay day comes round and everyone gets paid except me. (i have 2 weeks of my notice period left at this point) Being first thing in the morning of pay day i confront the person in charge and they replied that they do indeed want the bonus back and we sit down and sort out how they get it back. I am given a few options like working the next 2 weeks of my notice for free, and ill get my wages owed upto the point of payday. Or if i work 1 week ill get 900 and something. etc.. They said i could pay back 100pound a month back for 10months, i offered 50 for 20 but that wasn’t good enough. The bonus was 1500, but they said they wanted 1000 back as i would have paid tax etc.. and 1000 was a round enough figure. Anyway i ended up walking out as i was basically financially held to ransom. I don’t feel like i should had to pay the bonus back as the letter stated it was for 2014 and it isn’t to influence nor an incentive for 2015 and future years with the company, but said i would pay back 50 over 20 months just to get my wages. I am a bit confused as with the contract side i never got one when i joined and about a year later they were issued to everyone (it is only a small company) and it doesn’t say anything about repayment of monies owed. It is very basic. It also said at the end of the contract that they wanted them back within 7 days signed, or they would take it that we verbally agree to the terms. (another matter – I have been told that verbally agreeing it more law abiding that signing to agree, so unsure if I really had a contract or not) I am owed around 3 weeks wages which I roughly work out just over 1000pound. I did ring Acas but the lady was very unhelpful at the time and got me of the phone with in 15secs. Where do I stand with this? Is it worthwhile pursing with this, i have been told by my new jobs HR dept, that i would have a case. Many thanks for reading.
  17. Hello all from this forum, Lets start back from 2012, on september 2012 I was going to complete 14 year living in this country and for the ones who think I am another foreigner trying to reach the easy life, i can assure you that I have done more to the english elderly than a lot who has bourned here and I am very well documented about that. but the matter is not that yet. Two months before I completed the 14 years life in the UK which would give me the right to apply to the ''leave to remain'' the prime minister, Mr Cameron changed the rules of 14 year to twenty two years, but gave the right for the ones close to complete the 14 years, we need to prove our good character and that we lived in this country 14 years or ''close'' uninterrupted and also be able to pass from the test life in the UK which I done, so with all my homework done and a dossier made by myself explain everything I had done in this country during these 14 years and with all photos you can imagine sustaining my claim, it was a matter of time as it couldn't be any better application as far the home office were concerned, so got all together with the solicitor application and I issued two cheques, one of four hundred something for the solicitors fee and another of nine hundred something for the home office fee, my account had all the funds in it just waiting to the cheques to be presented and one day before the closure for the applications to the home office, I had mine sent by my solicitor. After one month got a letter from the home office confirming the receipt of my application and that I should keep waiting until their decision, by this time I had all the monies laying on my account ready to cover the cheques I issued, and then first come the four hundred something cheque cleared without any problem whatsoever and strangely the home office cheque was taking too long to be presented until after a month I got the letter from Barclays stating they had refused to pay my cheque to protect my money as I didn't have a mandatory signature and making things worst the letter from the home office saying that my cheque bounced and my application was not considerate, it was like the impossible happened, i couldn't breath, I couldn't react to that news and after proving the solicitor it was not my fault we agreed to sent the home office another cheque with a explanatory letter from barclays proving i had enough funds on my account and after a couple of months I had my entire application sent back to the solicitor office still saying that my application it was refused because my cheque bounced and that was their final decision and since then my live become a hell, after spending so much with solicitor and having to move due to the home office threat of deportation and many other events related drove me and my partner to contemplate suicide every single day until now, we are suffering from a very bad depression which make us fell really numb for anything and wanting to die, everyday I think about taking my life, it is so bad that I got phobia to answer and make phone calls and also having depraved sleep. So if anyone could help me with some advice I would really appreciate and please believe me, if I had done nothing for this country I would really leave without a question, but apart of learning to love this country I gave my bit for some guys life which really made a difference on their lives and would again and again if needed. Thank you all SM
  18. Hi, I received a penalty notice as my parking ticket was in the foot well when I returned to my car. Here's the notice & ticket: I then challenged the ticket following an example letter used successfully here (http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?389602-Have-a-local-authority-parking-ticket). This was my challenge description: "I would like to appeal the penalty charge served upon me. Enclosed is a copy of the Pay & Display ticket that I purchased and displayed for inspection. It can clearly be seen that I paid the appropriate fee and that the ticket was valid when the officer inspected my vehicle. Unfortunately, at some point during my absence from the vehicle, the ticket somehow became dislodged from where it had been clearly displayed and fell into the foot well. I accept that your officer could not have known this and acted accordingly. However, now that the ticket has been presented for inspection it is clear that I did not avoid payment of the parking fee or that I had parked beyond time paid for. The only purpose a ticket needs to be displayed is to enable an officer to distinguish between those that have paid for parking and those that have not and those who have exceeded the time paid for. The ticket produced clearly shows that had your officer seen my ticket at the time of inspection that there would be no need to serve a penalty charge notice. The only remaining issue is whether the fact that the ticket was not clearly displayed at the time of inspection warrants the council taking a hard line and upholding the penalty charge. I believe that for the council to take such a stance would be contrary to the advice of the DfT and the Secretary of State. As a valid ticket has been presented for inspection it is clear to any reasonable person that it would not be in the public interest to penalise a person who paid the required fee and did nothing to the detriment of the public interest. I cannot think of a more appropriate situation where paragraph 85 applies than this. I therefore politely request that the council act fairly and proportionately in this matter and exercise their discretion sensibly and reasonably by cancelling this penalty charge. It would be best for all if we can resolve this without the need to seek independent adjudication." I have now received the following response from Hackney: Does anyone have any advice on whether this is worth pursuing - I wouldn't be able to take any time off work, so if that was going to be a requirement for challenging this further, it's not really an option for me. That said, I do feel like this is really unfair and am keen to pursue on principle. Appreciate any help! Many thanks Simon
  19. Hi all some advice needed, last Thursday went to withdraw £350 from my local Barclays at 6am only for the machine to make lots of noise then "Thank You" and the cash draw opened and closed with no cash. The machine then displayed "out of order" so i went along to the next cash point but the £350 had been taken from my account. So at 10am i went into the branch and noticed the cash point was still out of order the cashier told me there was indeed a problem with the cashpoint and the withdrawal should right itself overnight it was not there in the morning so went back in only to be told i should contact my own bank. On doing this i had to answer lots of questions and was then told it would take up to 2 weeks to resolve the matter as they had to contact Barclays and wait for them to reply. Now £350 may be nothing to some but this was my weeks wages and i have bills to pay and shopping to get in my bank say they have to wait for Barclays and Barclays are saying they have to purge ? the cashpoint no one seems to care i have been left with nothing what can i do
  20. Hi, A few months ago I sold my house. It had a charging order attached, worth £2000 ( for a ccj on a credit card). I informed the solicitor that was dealing with the sale and sent them details of who they had to pay, (Nat West). There was enough equity to pay for this. The house sale went through without a hitch but I did notice that the charging order was not itemised on the final sale of house statement that the solicitor sent me. Now, a few months down the line, the solicitor has contacted me to say they made a mistake and did not pay the charging order and can I send them £xxx to clear it. The problem is I can't now pay the full amount. What should I do? I want to clear the debt and am thinking to ask that a payment plan is set up for £xx per month till the debt is paid. Will the bank accept this? And what is the solicitor's role in this now, seeing as they have made the mistake? Should I make a complaint? And what happens to my credit record? Sorry for all the questions!!! Thanks in advance for any advice. Cheers, BAE
  21. Seperate question totally different issue; how long can a job be left advertised - just curious if no expiry date for applications - I assume can be short or as long as anyone likes; then decisions to be made on who needs to be seen; size of firm take them longer - how long should I wait before I assume not heard; as I know after a while I wouldn't; just trying to get a learning curve here - one for example 3 weeks ago; very small firm so I guess they'll need time to decide, staff sickness before another person decides
  22. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of the legality of this very common practice. I recently booked a holiday at a very popular resort in Turkey where for the summer holiday months you usually have to book up to a year in advance. We have been 3 times previously and are very familiar with the resort and accommodation etc. Just before xmas on the Thomas Cook website it showed (for our party size and dates) the red flashing text, 'only one room remaining'. Fearing I would miss out, I booked. Out of curiosity, I then went back in and entered the same details and sure enough, it was still flashing, 'one room remaining' (same price, same flights etc) allowing me to go through and book. My issue is that the evidently false claim that there was only one room remaining influenced my decision to book at that time, when in theory a better deal may have been available at a later date. These limited availability claims are very common and I suspect we are being mislead into purchasing decisions we would not otherwise make through fear of missing out altogether. Thanks in advance FF
  23. Hi I'm a sole trader, and at the moment I'm busy paying off a council tax debt. The council were round last week doing a load of work next door, making noise from 8 in the morning and stuff, didn't bother to inform me despite the fact this is their legal responsibility. Anyway, the path I share with my neighbour is now a mess, it's not that bad but the guy didn't hose all the detritus off right which has left it in a worse state than it was before. I have been keeping very clean this summer, and now I have to sweep it and hose it again. As a sole trader, if I was to perhaps go out and clean it up, how much would I be in my right to send the council the bill for it?
  24. Hi, I will explain what has happened although screen shots will also help. I had a halifax current account which I got into financial difficulty. Halifax started spiralling bank charges after bank charges and put me into a spiral of debt. I had an agreed overdraft however due to their bank charges went over the agreed overdraft limit. they have applied a default to my account 10 months later (which i have disputed tonight as being too long (over 6 months) with noddle, experian and equifax). During this time they were aware I was under financial hardship and in the end they paid me back over £5K !!!! This then went into that current account cleared all their charges and the very small amount i owed them only £135!!!! After all this I was left with over 3-3.5 k. I want the default removed and ALL the negative entries from june 2009 as since they had to pay me so much back I was in credit with them not in minus. The only reason I got into debt was because of spiralling charges!!!!!! need advice and suggestions how to tackle this, even if it takes me years I will not give up until I win this case even if I need to start court proceedings. See screen shot attached If you need any more info dont hesitate to ask. Sorry for typos and or if I have not explained everything perfectly? Thanks Justme2014 PS: Have gone via the ombudsman and ico about a year ago however failed to come back to them within the 6 months and halifax used that as there final response. I had also requested from Halifax copies of the original agreement to no avail! I have written to their ceo office who reiterated the final response letter from before telling me there not interested. time to take these guys to the cleaners, I may even sue for compensation, not a big fan of Halifax!
  25. Had my first PPC invoice for a few years and my first since the game changed (the last couple I had were in early 2012 which I used to just ignore). I parked at the Red Dragon Centre in Cardiff briefly on September 5th to drop my daughter off at the cinema. As I was only dropping off I stopped in a disabled bay. Came back out of the centre 5 minutes later to find UKCPS's pet Orangutan taking a picture of the front of my car. A few words were exchanged, but to cut a long story short I got in and drove off before he could write the "ticket" out and stick it to my windscreen. The first and only correspondence I've received is the NTK in the post on the 8th October, but by that point it had already risen to £100 from £60. I've already sent my soft appeal back to UKCPS and requested a POPLA code. I know I can already easily challenge and win under GPEOL but I'm curious if the lack of a presence of a windscreen NTD will further sink their claim? Cheers CD
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