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  1. We purchased the vehicle as advertised with a full service history from NovaFord newport shropshire. The service book was not inspected in the same way as we did through the subsequent investigations and the sales rep continued to push that the vehicle had a full service history and the company personally knew the previous owner, the sales agent used the guise of the company being attached to FORD and they wasn't just a normal garage, we had no reason to not believe what we were being told. What is being disputed is the genuine history of the vehicle as there is no service history being proved prior to your service and the way the vehicle was advertised and subsequently told how well looked after the vehicle was and we wouldn't be able to find another vehicle with this kind of history. This only became apparent when taking out an extended warranty and when the service book was fully inspected it was noted that it had been doctored by NovaFord or the previous owner. As customers we were not fully aware of the fraudulent behaviours of traders or sellers of vehicles hence why we purchased through a reputable company! i assume they had a duty to check the history of the vehicle as would any reputable company? they also continued to dispute that the vehicle had no previous history and it wasn't until they and I investigated that they subsequently acknowledged that the history cannot be now proven. i have rejected the vehicle under the misrepresentation act as we were misled, gave them 10 days to respond and they have replied: "I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 27th June After discussion with Mr Prew, the owner of NovaFord and the gentleman through which you purchased your car, I can now respond The service book was inspected by yourselves prior to purchase and the vehicle has had a comprehensive, manufacturer full service as agreed, prior to delivery to yourselves It is our proposal to honour our gesture of goodwill as previously offered on the Ford Protect warranty scheme, for a 1/2 price 12 month warranty We can also offer a 28 day window. Should you like to go ahead with the warranty, please let me know and I can start the necessary arrangements" i can't beleive they responded in this way!
  2. I bought a 2007 toyota prius last week in west London -the desciption in autotrader included 'service history'. When I examined all the paperwork at home I saw that the last time the car was serviced was at 40,000 miles. The car has 74,000 on the clock. I asked the dealer for my money back because the description was misleading. He refused because there was a service history but not a 'full service history'. Does anyone know if his defence would stand up in court? Thanks for any help
  3. Hi Hope someone can help. Are prospective employers legally entitled to ask if you have ever been declared bankrupt or had civil proceedings taken against you by a creditor? Are you legally obliged to answer? How do they carry out checks? Surely that is private business that you should not be forced to disclose. Thanks in advance for any answers.
  4. I have rare illness / disease that is not easily diagnosed nor accepted as existing by the majority of GPs in the uk ( although it is recognised / has a charity etc ), is there any way then it is possible to find out the number of patients a doctor has - or is currently treating for a specific illness or disease ? ( I like in pretty small town so this is why Im asking ) thanks, mike
  5. I have just been offered a fantastic new job, which I worked hard to get. The only problem s they will require a 5 year checkable work history. Which wouldnt normally be a problem, but I was suspended from a previous job while investigations were being made. It caused me that much stress that I ended up handing my notice in as I really wasnt up to dealing with it at the time. Looking back now I should've seen it through, but its easy now to say that. That was 12 months ago, and I worked there for 5 years, so really that job takes up 4 years of my 5 year checkable history. What do I do?? What will the future employer ask for, is it just to confirm that I worked there or will it be more in depth. I really need advice!
  6. Could you give me any advice on getting a new Bank account when you are the proud owner of a naff credit history. I am retiring and want my pension and other bits and pieces payed in to a simple account with no overdraft and a debit card for cash. I do not want it seized by the Bank I am currently arguing with. I seem to remember some poor soul on this forum having their benefits taken by a Bank to which he or she owed money, and being left destitute. There was also the recent case of a student in the same position. What are my options. kind regards to you all
  7. Hi, I've got one credit card, that had about £125 on it, which I paid off in 2 payments the last one being in January. The other week, after applying for a different type of card I was told I was refused because I had a bad credit history and had £113 outstanding on my card. I phoned my bank (the credit card one) and they said, no problem it was all paid off and that the payment was just taking time to go through. I thought it was stupid, I'd paid at the beginning of January and this was middle of Feb. I was then advised to do a credit reference search, which I did. I was gobsmacked to see that it showed I owed this money and said I'd only made 1 payment of £5 over a, now, 5 month period. It also had a discrepency on the outstanding balance. One month it was over £400 (which I'd never had) and the next it was £113 despite the fact no payment was recorded. I originally complained to the FSO about the 1st payment that hadn't been recorded and the other stuff I've discovered since. The bank made a fuss, I had to screenshot all the stuff and send it to them and they are supposed to be sorting out - when, I honestly don't know. The problem is that I now have a bad credit rating and I don't even owe anyone anything. Any advice because this is driving me crazy?
  8. We bought a Toyota Celica T Sport that failed on the first day of ownership: big end bearing failure. We have an engineer's report and permission to use it. Knowing that the defendant has to prove that the engine was ok when the car was sold, can he use an MOT certificate to do this?
  9. Hi my student account which had an interest free overdraft facility, i didnt make any payments into the account for a about 6 - 8 months, now it has gone into debt collectors. Will the account going to debt collectors cause a default on my credit history ? my question is if paying off the amount with a final settlement amount show up on my credit history as an issue? (The lady on the phone to debt collectors said if i pay off an early settlement with a reduced amount will show up on my credit history Will a default give me any problems when i buy a house in the future? how long does it stay on the credit history. any advice will be much appreciated
  10. hi there, pleas can you tell me how i find all my credit history i have been on experian but that only showed so much thanks
  11. Hi, I was caught last week at a London station just as I checked in with my Oyster card, they asked where I'd travelled from and asked to see a ticket for my whole journey. I admitted I did not have a ticket (I use the Oyster as an extension journey from an overland train)... they proceeded to check my oyster history, take notes, check my record, address etc... and said this is a caution after reading me my rights etc. They said I will receive a letter in the post asking for information and to provide previous overland paper tickets to prove I have bought tickets for the whole journey previously. I think they said it's something like an IG11 caution, whatever that means? and not to ignore the letter and be co-operative. Where do I stand in respect to proving I have bought tickets in the past? what happen's if I cannot provide any paper tickets or bank statements showing a ticket purchase... am I innocent until proven guilty?
  12. Jack101

    My hiStory

    Hello, My first post of heaven knows how many as we enter the Atos phase . . Please bear with me while I do a shortish recap . . . Long ago, age 21 I was in the passenger seat of a car when we stopped from 73mph in 9 inches! One of the cops who worked with the Police accident Investigation Unit (where the data comes from) came to see me in hospital to see how I was, and said by rights we should have been dead - deceleration alone is enought to kill you, and he said he'd never seen anyone get out of a car so badly mangled. Car was bent almost u-shaped and I was trapped by the leg for an hour and a half sitting in a pool of oil and petrol as the lamppost we hit continually showered us in sparks as the fire brigade did their stuff. Sustained compound fractures tib and fib and closed (ish) fracture of medial mallelous (ankle bone shaved off by the tearing metal etc), and severed all major arteries and tendons into the bargain. Ankle pinned with 10 pins, lost 1.75 inched from the leg. 13 months off work. Amazingly, it seemed at the time, I got back to work, and was fine for many a long year until the fatal day when I was crossing a road, misjudged where the kerbstone was and struck my heel down hard. Little by little that started the ball rolling on the deterioration of my health, and is why I eventually ended up here. Now, many years down the line from that time, I have been through many full medicals to attain my Long Term Incap, and Higher Rate DLA. My spine has deteriorated as may be expected. Discs are misplaced (pressing on the nerves) and degenerating at L2 and L3 and also C6 and C7. The middle of the back had recently chimed in, sending me increasingly into spasm which lasts for hours on and means I can't do anything at all - except writhe in agony, and even whe it subsides there's still the permanent pain that no amount of medication can shift - being allergic to morphine-based meds doesn't help either. I can now walk for 30 metres tops before I'm finished. I also suffer chronic pain in my left leg (at the fracture sites), both knees , from ME, and my GP has me down as suffering from Hypertensive disease, amongst other things, like Anxiety, Arthritis in my hands, IBS, needing to pee twenty five times a day due to my internal organs having shifted over time so that they now press on the bladder, etc Enter Atos and their bloody questionairre. I duly filled in every section with as much detail as I could muster told them I could not walk more than 30 metres, and would not be able to attend an assessment at their offices due to this (and lack of access) and listed my upcoming appointments. I totted up my points from the desciptors and came to more than 90. Atos appointment came through for 21st of the month at one of their local offices (actually DWP premises where I went some time back when I was more mobile) , which doesn't have disabled parking, and means a walk of about 150 yards. Rang them to say I couldn't attend so they said 'your GP will have to fax us to say you can't attend, and in the meantime I will put your appointment back a bit' The back a bit appeared on the doormat next day, and turned out to be 31st of this month, when I had already told them in the questionairre I had another appointment (their appointment was within an hour of my other already arranged one one). Rang them to say I had already told them I had an appointment on that day and wasn't able to attend anyway. Well your GP will have to fax us to say, etc. GP did fax them to say I had another appointment and could not attend etc. Nothing happened. Rang them 24th Dec. Told they had received Doctor's communique, and no action had been taken. My apoint ment was still for 31st at their offices. Gave me another number to ring and 'ask them'. Laid up in bed 25, 26, 27th - thanks Santa! and so couldn't ring until Fri 28th. Woman there was playing hard/soft by turns. There's a taxi arranged for you, but nobody send you confirmation. That's no good I can't walk from wherever he parks. It's too far. Did you accept the 31st appointment? No! I told them I had another appointment that day and couldn't attend as I can't walk that far. Well, how are you getting to your other appointment? By car with my Mum. Well then. They have disabled parking right outside and it's a very small building, so I can just go inside and sit down easily. There's a car park right next door to the centre. And it's a walk of about 150 yards from there to get to your offices. I can't do it. Well when I go into town I park there and its easy. I CAN'T DO IT! I CAN ONLY MANAGE 30 METRES! Well I'm not supposed to, but I'll put your apointment back and you'll have to see your GP again to send up confirmation that you're housebound. I'm not housebound. I can manage 30 metres. It gets me to the car, etc. Then you can go to the assessment. It's a helluva lot more than 30 metres and I CAN'T DO IT!! Oh, okay, well you'll have to see your GP and I'll put it back for you. Today letter arrived dated 28th to say a home visit has not been authorized. However a taxi has been authorized and wil arrive approximately 45 minutes before the appointment time. It finished by saying if you have any problems saturday/sunday ( don't they realize we have problems EVERY DAY!!!)please ring this number. If you wish to send in more evidence from your GP to prove that you are housebound we can look at this and reconsider the decision. However without this evidence your apointment at the centre will still stand. (last sentence in bold print, underlined) . All I can say is I hope they all burn in everlasting hell! Going to get someone to ring for me tomorrow and deliver a few home truths about their responsibilities etc. Can't do it myself as the stress of all this is killing me. Don't they realize what they're doing to us, or do they ?
  13. I have checked my Credit Report and one of my accounts shows 6 years of late payments marked with a 6 for every month. This is a credit card debt that I could not manage to keep up the repayments. Anyhow they accept £50 every month and have frozen interest. I have phoned the credit card company today and they say that the 6 will be applied every month until the debt is paid off - that will take me another 7 years. If they had defaulted me 6 years ago this would have been off my credit file now but the way I'm going it will take me 13 years for it to fall off. Is there anything I can do to resolve the situation. I already think I should just stop paying because all those 6's cant be good for my record. I feel like just as I am about to make the final payment they would probably default the account anyhow. Is it much worse to have a default than all these 6's Thanks
  14. Hi I wonder if anyone can help. I have part exchanged my older car for a newer model. I told the dealer the car has full service history but that the book wasn't stamped. I can't find the receipts for the servicing .. Now after I and the dealer has signed the paperwork, loan agreement and sales invoice is there anything the dealer can do if I don't supply the receipts/service history ?
  15. I would like some advice on my insurers way to settle the claim. I have taken insurance with Towergate wilsons (AXA) and I placed a claim which they have accepted. I signed up for a 3 year disclosure on the applications form for insurance with them and this was accepted. I am claiming for accidental damage and haven't had insurance for about 4 years 8 months before taking any new insurance out, purely as I was based in Cyprus and I could trust the small group of people out there. I had a small mishap getting ready to move to a new unit in Germany and made a claim for about £700 I guess. The claim is progressing but they emailed me for the addresses I had been at for the last 5 years. Now they want the insurers for the last 5 years. I supplied them with the addresses which I shouldn't think I should have done now. Considering I signed and had accepted my application for 3 years, why would they now ask for 5 years. Surely it shouldn’t stand and I should dismiss this as a change of terms. What advice do you have for me, why would they be entitled to ask for the 5 year period now and why would it have any relevance. Thank you.
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