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  1. Oh ok!...Well I suppose I will have to just wait and see Thank u
  2. I would hope the personnel staff can read!! and it wasnt disclosed on my application form/cv....I stated that I wanted a career change.
  3. That's what I'm hoping for, like Trurider has said above, because I left before the investigation was complete, they shouldnt be able to comment on it for defamation reaons. But on the other hand they could say I was suspended
  4. Yeah I could do...its just worrying me as I really need a fresh start!
  5. Thankyou for your reply...can they say I was suspended though?
  6. I have just been offered a fantastic new job, which I worked hard to get. The only problem s they will require a 5 year checkable work history. Which wouldnt normally be a problem, but I was suspended from a previous job while investigations were being made. It caused me that much stress that I ended up handing my notice in as I really wasnt up to dealing with it at the time. Looking back now I should've seen it through, but its easy now to say that. That was 12 months ago, and I worked there for 5 years, so really that job takes up 4 years of my 5 year checkable history. What do I do?? What will the future employer ask for, is it just to confirm that I worked there or will it be more in depth. I really need advice!
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