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  1. This is a complicated situation that I have no idea how to deal with. I apologise for the wall of text. I also apologise for the dramatic nature of some parts, it's not something I like discussing, but I suspect some parts may (or may not) be relevant. I was living in an abusive situation, - last August I went away for a few weeks. The house I was living in had been divided and I had padlocks on all my doors in my living areas that I use to protect my stuff. I find out the person who has been abusive to me for 20 years, broke these locks and removed all my belongings. He has dumped them in a single room and has helped himself to my stuff. I have been negotiating to collect my belongings and officially move out (it's a big game to him). It's a tangled, complicated situation and this is a separate issue, but bottom line, I've not been back since last August and have been in limbo. All my possessions are there, including my car. I fear for my safety with this man, I do not want the police/solicitors involved as I do not want him to know where I am now. Because of this, I recently created a mailing address to start the process of redirecting my correspondence and making an official break from there (not least because he has form for messing around with mail that doesn't belong to him). I don't know how but Excel Civil Enforcement found my actual mailing address. I get a letter from them saying I owe £1020.00. I haven't a clue what this is for. The letter is headed with 'notice of enforcement'. It says I owe money to Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service. The enforcement details are “Unpaid fine or compensation imposed on [date – Feb 2016] for Use / keep motor vehicle – fail to comply with o.”. It cuts off so I haven't a clue what “o” is. The only thing I can think of is a parking fine from a few years back in a non council owned car park. Darkly ironic that I got this fine that day because, whilst he was driving he taunted me about how easy it would be for him to take my life. I was screaming to be let out of the car and had a panic attack when he wouldn't let me out. When we parked at the car park, I was in shock. Neither of us paid parking. when that company sent a letter demanding money, I'm pretty sure I followed advice I found on this forum. I wrote to them them for a break down of their costs and a few other things given in the advice that I can't quite remember. They never replied and they stopped the regular correspondence. They would occasionally send a scare tactic once or twice a year. I have no idea if this parking issue relates to the current fine. The large amount suggests to me something he may have done with my car whilst I wasn't there. Though the car is sorn'd, has been off road for a couple of years, and pretty undrive-able. I have no clue what this enforcement is for, I haven't been back in nearly a year. I want to metaphorically take the bull by the horns and deal with this, but honestly, I'm scared. I'm scared anything I do might mean he finds me. I'm scared he's done something I am liable for. Obviously, I know my first course of action is to find out what this is actually for. But I would like some advice on how I should approach this in the first contact. The fact that it seems to have gone to court, I suspect means I don't have much recourse. I'd like to know what my options are and if I can appeal? Thank you.
  2. I have received a 'fine' from excel parking. This is the final reminder, I ignored the first one as i paid for the parking on the day. I know the pay and display was paid as i had a right old moan when i discovered the parking next door was cheaper! Any advice on what to do now?
  3. Hi everyone Back in October 2014 the missis took our little girl to gymnastics and parked in The Walk car park in Ebbw Vale South Wales. She got there about 4.45 and did not get a ticket as the cut off time was 5pm. Obviously she got a parking charge. As she was driving my car the letter came addressed to me from Excel Parking. I ignored it and heard no more until today 28th June 2016. I have tried to attached the letter i have received from BW Legal asking for £154 but i do not have enough posts is there another way i can post the images!. Now is it a good idea to send them a letter at this point of The debt denied letter, useful for sending to debt collectors acting for VCS That i seen in another thread! And would it be best to send a letter or can i email them as i will have a record of the email sent to them. Any help would be great. Many thanks
  4. Hi, On the 18th Jan 15 I pulled into the Excel car park at Stockport as my baby had been sick, I didn't park in a space and i stayed in the car whilst my sister went to get my daughter something to put on while I cleaned her up. I then got a letter in the post from excel saying I owed £100 as had been there more than 15 minutes. I did nothing after taking someone's advise and heard nothing. I received a final notice letter from BW legal this week and I panicked so I called them to try and challenge the fact that it had almost been 18 months. Then I found this site, have i shot myself in the foot by contacting them?
  5. Hi! Firstly i am new here and just looking for a bit of advice, my issue is as follows: Last April (2015) I parked in an Excel car park in Nottingham and bought a ticket and returned within the stated time - not a problem. However, i was sent a PCN by Excel for being parked slightly outside the white line of the bay.. At the time in question there were building works going on in the car park and a lot of builders dust everywhere obscuring things, as well as the ground being very uneven in the bay and tricky to park in. I took the old advice of ignoring this charge as the car park was not full when my car was there and it was not really obstructing another bay and i therefore considered the charge unreasonable. I was passed through the usual debt recovery agencies (Zenith etc..) and the amount owed fluctuated until about October last year when everything went silent. About 3 weeks ago now i have received a new letter from BW Legal stating that the debt has been passed to them and the amount is now £154 including £54 costs. I have continued to ignore but they have somehow now got a hold of my mobile number and keep calling me - i have yet to speak to them though. Obviously it is too late to appeal the charge through the usual avenues but i just wonder what the best course of action is now, i still think the £154 is incredibly disproportionate for what actually occurred and so i do not wish to pay it, however it is a bit of a nuisance having these people chasing me. Any advice welcomed! Thanks
  6. Hi All, Please can you help me out. My father received a letter from excel parking services over a year ago, after investigating them find tonnes of material online including watchdog stating i should ignore the letters, i did. The signage in the car park has not changed in year and is the same as the one in the watchdog video on youtube. Nothing else came through since then. However today i have received a letter from DCBL stating my father now owe £160. The letter reads. Notice of debt recovery Dear ......... Your overdue amount of £100 due to excel parking services limited in relation to an unpaid parking ticket has now been passed to DCBL (direct collection bailiffs limited) to recover the debt on their behalf. a futher £60 administrations and recovery fee has now been accrued therefore the total amount now due is £160.00. To ensure no further action will take place please make a payment ....... On the back of the letter it states. This case is not subject to high court or bailiff action. Do I need to pay or take any action ? As i have seen online this company sometime make the fees over £1000 !!! (Google race-to-600-parking-charge-begins-dcb) As the back said this is not subject to HC or Bailiffs should i do a ccj check just in case. Do I need to pay or take any action ? Do i need to email them a denial of payment ? Thanks all
  7. Hi everyone, We paid to park for two hours at Gosforth Shopping Centre in Newcastle on 28/03/15 , were literally about 4 minutes late back to the car as the little one needed the toilet at the last minute before leaving a party, and caught the Excel Parking Inspector ticketing the car (he refused to let it go, obviously). Got the usual letters which we ignored without acknowledging or appealing (Following outdated advice, our fault I know). We thought they'd given up, recently had a couple of letters from BW Legal demanding £154, the Final Letter threatening county court action, we have to assume at this point they're serious. Not sure about the best course of action here, I've put together a letter to the landowner, any advice would be great on contents or alternatives. The 'each component' section in bold is my own addition to the advice I've picked up through browsing forums, though not sure if it's inadvisable for any reason? 14 June 2016 Dear Sir/Madam, In response to a letter threatening legal action from BW Legal regarding the above reference, dated 6 June 2016, acting on behalf of Excel Parking Services, who claim in turn to be acting on your behalf: I do not believe I owe your company, or Excel Parking Services, any money. Firstly, can you please confirm that you have given authority to Excel Parking Services to act on your behalf in the administration of your car park, and to pursue legal action against your customers, by providing me with a copy of the contract between landowner and client that assigns the right to enter into contracts with the public. If Excel Parking Services are acting on your behalf, before I can consider your demand can you also please provide me with a reference number for the planning permission for Excel Parking Service’s signage and ticket machines at the site in question. Can you also please provide me with a breakdown of the figures you are demanding and an explanation as to how the sum claimed represents your respective administrative costs and/or losses incurred by the claimed infraction. Further, can you please provide an explanation as to why you consider me liable and responsible to pay each component of your claimed costs. Can you please provide me with the above information before any claim is sent to the courts on your behalf, or within 14days, whichever is the sooner. If you can provide me with the requested information, I may be willing to consider your demand. I will send a copy of this letter to Excel Parking Services and BW Legal and await your reply. Yours faithfully,
  8. I have received a Parking charge Notice from Excel Parking, a copy of which I have As you will see the notice alleges that the driver parked at the Peel Centre, Stockport on the 23/12/2015 and that the issue date for the notice was 06/01/2016, however I did not receive this notice until Monday 25th January. It states that I have 21 days to appeal, is this 21 days from the date of issue or 21 days from receipt of the Notice? If its from the date of the notice I am out of time. I would also appreciate any advice relating to the validity of their demand for money and what my next step is. In case it makes any difference the car was parked in the car park between 20:08 hrs and 21:19 hrs. The car park was badly lit at this time and no-one can recall seeing any signage telling them that it was a pay car park at night otherwise they would have paid. they were not from the area and only travelled there to visit a particular store. Thank you in anticipation of your help
  9. Had a visit from bailiff at 7am this morning, this years council tax!!2015-2016.. didn't let them in and don't intend to, car was outside but in my son's name. ..he asked for log book and insurance...(isn't log book enough proof?)... . Now he has seen those documents would it be illegal for him to attempt to clamp it? If I don't leave them in will it just be sent back to the council and bailiff fees removed? shall i just wait? I asked the council if i could make an arrangement to pay and they said make it with Excel not us ...anything i can do about this? The bailiff threatened to call the police when i wouldn't leave him in, can they do this? I assume the bailiff will try calling again? Thanks
  10. I have been issued with a notice for a car parking charge of £100 (reduced to £60 if paid within 14 days) for staying in an Iceland car park while shopping there. I've been there previously and paid the £1 for up to an hour (which is taken of your shopping bill at the till) but on this occasion I, genuinely, turned up with no change on me for the machine. My thought process at the time was "Well I'll be shopping in Iceand and I'll probably be out within 15 minutes" so I thought it wouldn't be a problem. The store was busier than expected so I was a little longer (24 minutes) having spent £25 in the store. Now, obviously, I'm in the wrong here as I didn't purchase a ticket. From my perspective, I was quite willing to but having no change on me, there was no alternative way to pay (no card machine). However, £100 for 24 minutes stay seems a little excessive to me, given that the purpose of the car park is for Iceland customers, of which, I was one. I no longer have the receipt of my transaction in store but I do have a bank record of the amount being taken from my account, as I paid by debit card. The date of "offence" was 02/11/15 The data of issue of the notice was 26/11/15 However, I only received this notice yesterday 02/12/15. It's a very similar notice that is discussed in the thread "Excel parking services ltd PCN" by "thugusher" dated 06/10/15 (sorry, I'm unable to enter a link to the post) At this point I have not contacted anyone regarding this, thinking I would be better to seek advice first. If anyone is able to offer me advice on what my next steps should be, I'd appreciate it, greatly.
  11. Hi Excel hceo called and left a demand for a PCN from my landlady, she does not live at my address but is abroad...the parking fine was originally 187, they have added 235 on now. What if they call back, what should i do?can they force their way in? Thanks
  12. My wife visited Iceland store and she forgot to buy a ticket. Received today an 'invoice' for £60/£100 as ANPR detected our car for a 37 min stay without a ticket. I am the registered keeper although it was the missus driving. Please any advice to appeal this PCN would be greatly appreciated. I have attached a copy of the pcn
  13. i just had an enforcement /bailiff officer come to my door this morning ,in regards to a parking ticket issued by the council some time ago ,, my wife had got a bit behind with making payments as her memory isn't all that great on this fine , and 2 weeks ago she went into hospital for major brain surgery , and i rang excel civil enforcement to make them aware that my wife would be in hospital for the next week or so , and once shes back home and recovered she would ring them , she can out of hospital YESTERDAY , and low and behold THIS morning an enforcement officer turned up demanding £400 , my wife answered the door , and he told her he would be back on the 28th for full payment , the original payment was £167 , and now its £402 . she explained she had just come out of hospital and and that she was on benefits , and he told her it's not his problem and he left leaving her no documentation to say he had even been !! , i wake up and find out , and i ring excel civil enforcement , and they tell me i need to speak to the enforcement officer as its his job now , and not the actual office who dealt it out , so i ring him , and his attitude is " i don't care" he tells me wife when he comes back on the 28th , with a warrant to enter the property and take goods , can he do that ? because i certainly am not gonna let him through the front door !!
  14. I challenged a PCN against Excel back in April.I sent the appeal to their address registered at Companies house,rather than the P.O. box address.I referred them to the PCn charge I won against them at POPLA back in july last year.PCN canceleld with immediate effect.I purposely left my reg.No on so that if any Excel staff are trolling through,they will see this
  15. Hi Can anybody help, i received a notice to keeper / driver PCN on 19.01.14 for £100.00, for an alleged parking offence at crown point leeds on 13.12.14, parked in a disabled persons parking place without clearly displaying a badge. I was at crown point for 10-15 mins with my dad who has a valid disabled permit but cannot honestly remember if we put it on the dash. I have now received (three days ago) dated 3.3.15 and debt collection letter fro DRP recovery plus ltd asking for £160.00. what do i do any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks denise
  16. Hello to you all, I've turned to this fine site for help on a situation i have found myself in with a company called Excel, and really need the help of someone with some knowledge on this. I was given a parking ticket from Brighton council, whilst parked on a main road, and I completely forgot to pay it. In January of this year, I received a letter from Excel saying I owed them around £160 for non-payment of the fine. I have no issue with this at all. I forgot to pay the fine in time, and so I accept the consequence. And here is where my issues begin. I was away for a few weeks in January, dealing with some family stuff in Spain. I saw the 1st letter from Excel and spoke with them, as their “expected” date for payment was nearing ., and they gave me some extra time to pay. As I’d been out of work since November and not back until this month (injured my wrist and I’m a musician), I realised I wouldn’t have the funds to pay them on the date we agreed. to avoid any further issues or charges, I sent them a letter asking to arrange a way that I can pay them over a few payments. I also explained that the address they have for me is my parent’s address, as that is where the car is registered. I occasionally use one of my parent’s cars as they have an estate car. My parking ticket, so my responsibility. Over a month went past and I heard nothing from them, until a few weeks ago. An “enforcement” agent arrived at my parent’s house, with a "letter of attendance" saying I NOW owe them £387. I’ve been in contact with Excel, but they say they have no record of a letter being received about this issue. I know I sent it recorded delivery, so really annoyed they’re now saying this. Unfortunately, I cannot find the receipt stub I got at the post office to be able to prove that I posted it to them. I feel stupid for not keeping it safer, but as I’m just about to move house, I got rid of a lot of paperwork. My own stupid fault. Like I said, I don’t have any problem whatsoever paying the original £160 fine. I didn’t pay my 1st ticket in time, so it’s my own fault. The issue I have is the extra charges they’ve put on top now, and the fact that my parent’s car could possibly be clamped for non-payment. Sorry for this long message, but thought I’d try explaining as best as I could as I’m a tad worried about this all.
  17. I had driving offence just before Christmas 2014,, was fined by magistrates court amount £500.00 .. I am on benefits ,spoke to clerk of the court on phone requesting £20.00 per week on payment card ,, made 3 payments on card , benefits were taken unlawfully from bank account , had no money to feed daughter or pay bills for 2 weeks ,unable to continue to pay off fine on card. I received an enforcement notice from excel civil enforcement dated 18/02/2015 asking me to contact them before the 28.02/2015, ,,i am on benefits ,I am 30 yrs old benefits each week amount to £110.00 per week , I am a single parent . I rang excel on the 26th of February ,,they told me that the minimum I could pay was £35.00 per week ,despite me informing her I could not afford that much , she said I would have to make 12payments of £35.00 and one single payment of £20.00., ,despite my protests and telling her numerous times I could not afford that amount out of my weekly benefit amount of £110.00 per week shewas insistent that they would not accept anything else , I made an arrangement for the amount of £35.00 per week to be direct debited from my bank account . I made a £20.00 payment , ,but before any of the direct debits could be taken ,my benefit money was unlawfully taken from my account which left me with £4.82 p to live on ..in the meantime ,I contacted the police about money being removed from my account , ,they gave me a crime number ,,I was borrowing money from family land friends for basics ,food ,gas and electric ,dinner money for my 8 year old daughter ,this morning ,27 th March ,,excel bailiffs knocked on my door at 6.30 a.m ,,intending to remove goods ,informed me that he was recording and filming all conversations and what was happening . I asked him If I could call the court office when it opened at 9 oclock to tryand arrange a payment and explain the situation of all monies being taken from my account unlawfully also asked the bailiffif he would be prepared to do the same thing arrange payments ,,he said no ,he was there to take the payment in fll ,which amounted to original £470.00plus the compliance fee £55.00 ,plus enforcement fee of £235.00,,. ..told me that if I didn,t pay him the full amount he would get a warrant immediately to remove the goods ,,told him that they were on hp ,he said he would take the only settee I had ,it would be sold for next to nothing and that he would come back for more ,,I tried to make a payment arrangement with him numerous times but he declined each time and stated that only full payment would be accepted he was not prepared to come to any payment arrangement of any kind and that it would be a waste of time ringing the magistrates courts as that they were the ones that had sent him,as he knows what they would say , ,and they woud not be prepared to come to any arrangement as they would only tell me exactly what he had told me i.e. payment in full as he knows how they work .I asked my friend over the phone to pay £301 on his debit card ,I had to pay £100.00 out of my rent money ,then contacted my father over phone who said he would pay the remaining amount £360.00, ,I asked him if he could go to my fathers to fetchthe 360 ,then wait until 9 a.m.for me to contact the court office to speak to them and try to make other payment arrangments and after he picked the money up from my father he could cme back to me to find out what the court had said ,but he said no ,as his vehicle was tracked ..I had to telephone my friend again ,who was in work ,who offered a part payment of £300.00 and then would he come to an arrangement with my self to pay the remaining balance in instalments I could afford ,but the bailiff said a firm no !!..payment mustbe made in full today. .Now I have no money for rent ,for food ,for gas for electric etc;; ..despite me informing the bailiff , I have his name ,of my situation and that my 8 year old daughter was upstairs who would go hungry and cold ..after payments were made by my friend and father ,,he then wroteout on a form a controlled goods agreements ,,Ido not understand why he handed methis controlledgoods form and made me sign it after thedebt had been paid in full ,I am destitute ..please help
  18. Hi all, My boyfriend lived in a shared house in 2008/2009 for which there is a £900 council tax debt. His 'share' was paid by CT benefit/reduction, but I understand he's jointly and severally liable for it. We've contacted his brother (who was a tenant with him) who's willing to pay £3.50/week to the bailiffs for this debt. He's currently on JSA and he's had no contact with the bailiffs yet. We've had letters & visits from bailiffs (Excel) but not communicated with them or let them in. Last letter we received was hand-delivered at end of Feb saying they'll return on 04/03 - but nothing so far. I've recently bought a car and my question is: if his brother (who doesn't live with us) makes a payment plan - will the bailiffs stop visiting us? Or can they accept the payment plan from him, but still take my car too? And are the £310 fees enforceable as they have only visited our address, and not his? The receipt/invoice and V5 are both in my name and I am nothing to do with this CT debt, if this makes a difference to my car's safety... Thanks, Gemma EDIT: It has just occured to me that although the V5 and receipt are in my name, the car was a gift to me so the money will be coming from my boyfriend's bank account. If I need to prove ownership, will the former two documents be sufficient - or will the bailiff need to see a bank statement? And if so will that be enough for them to take the car on the grounds it is jointly owned? Apologies if I am sounding paranoid or jumping the gun...
  19. Hello there, i need help with a notice from Excel parking. About 2 weeks ago i went to Peel centre Stockport , i stayed in car and my wife went into a shop. I was under the impression that as iam staying in car i dont have to buy a parking ticket ( i know its my fault as signs were there). But today i received a parking charge notice of £60 for 40 mins stay by Excel parking. Iam not sure as it looks unfair to slap such a big fine for 40 mins parking. This is my 1st parking fine in 14 years of driving i dont know how to deal with it. Please advise what to do should i make appeal against it or should i ignore this as someone told me that Parking Excel are not allowed to enforce this charge. Thanks a lot.
  20. I have received a hand delivered letter from Excel Civil Enforcement regarding a Non domestic rates arrears from two years ago of £1665.73 including £235 for delivery of the letter. I am living in a kind friends house and dont own anything here. Excel are threatening to apply for a Taking Control of Goods warrant to use 'reasonable force to enter the property'. I called them to explain nothing is mine but they wouldnt acknowledge this at all. I did initially write to the council offering them a small amount every month but they refused my offer. I am not working and cant offer them much but I am extremely worried they will break into my friends house and take their goods. Is this likely? If I move from here I will be homeless.
  21. Excel have left the BPA to join the IPC. http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/excel-parking-jump-ship-to-independent.html http://www.theipc.info/#!aos-members/cv75 lnteresting signage as well; Correctly issued tickets that are cancelled, attract a £15 fee...
  22. Hi, I'm new to the forum and hope someone could be kind enough to help me out I received a PCN from EXCEL PARKING it carries a £60 fine if paid within 14 days or £100 within 28 days, the letter started like this: Issue Date of Notice: 19/11/2014 Contravention Date: 09/11/2014 Duration of stay: 17 mins This Parking Charge Notice (PCN) is issued to vehicle registration mark ******* for allegedly breaching the car park terms and conditions in the Privately Operated Car Park at The Square Chorlton-Cum-Hardy The alleged Contravention was detected and recorded by Automatic Number Plate Recognition (APNR) cameras at the site on the and the period of parking resulting in the contravention is identified above. The reason for the contravention is: Parked without displaying a valid ticket / permit I replied stating that I tried to pay but the machine wouldn't accept my money, I didn't have a mobile phone to ring the helpline number so left the car park without using it after trying several attempts with different coins from my car. I added that because it was a Sunday the fee was only 50p for the full day, so I added in the envolope a £1 postal order to cover any inconvenience caused, This they have kept even though they reject my appeal! They have replied stating that they reject my appeal, they say I could have used one of the other pay machines (didn't notice any), I could have called the helpline when a phone became available, one wouldn't have came available They say I have to pay or appeal to popla. Anyone got any advise please? EDIT: The appeal reject letter is dated 17 December and includes the POPLA code.
  23. Hi all. A short while ago my dad received a Parking Charge Notice on his windscreen from Excel Parking Ltd. Let me try to setup the scene for you, The car park is split in two as it is attached to a leisure park (Cinema, restaurants, gym, etc). The Blue spaces are free parking, but only for use if you're using the leisure park and not leaving it, and they make up a minority of the spaces available. Next to these are many more white spaces which are pay & display and are for general use, ie - you can leave the leisure park. In fairness to Excel, the signs for this are relatively clear and well displayed. What happened was that my dad parked in one of the Blue spaces, but purchased a Pay & Display ticket, then left the leisure park for around 15-20 minutes. When he returned he had a notice stuck to his windscreen. He sent an appeal letter to Excel Parking, but as you would expect they have rejected it, giving him to 1st October to pay a reduced fine of £60, after which it will be £100. They have included a POPLA reference number, but have stated if the POPLA appeal fails then the full £100 fine will be payable. Now, on the one hand yes he did violate the terms and conditions by parking in a blue space and leaving the leisure park. But on the other hand, Excel have suffered absolutely no financial loss because he purchased a Pay & Display ticket (Excel don't dispute that he bought a ticket, just that he parked in the wrong colour space). One thing I'm not entirely sure on is if Excel have any jurisdiction of the White spaces, or if they are Council run. I can't seem to find information one way or the other online, so I'll have to pop by on the way home from work. I'll also snap a few pictures of the signage to upload. I have scans of the original parking notice, the Pay & Display ticket and the appeal rejection letter which I will post up when I get home, but I just wanted to get initial thoughts and advice on the POPLA appeal process. I'm handling things on behalf of my dad as he works out of the country most of the year and so is currently abroad.
  24. Hello I had a parking ticket from the council and more fees added so was £240 and i agreed to pay £24 pw but missed 4th payment yesterday as changing job and forgot. And now had notice of attendance £500 total bill owed pushed through letterbox. Shall i ring and offer £50 pw , any advice appreciated
  25. Hi Having recently received one of their parking tickets for £60 or £100 if not paid in 14 days i am hoping someone can help with some advice , the car is mine but i wasn't driving , am i obliged by law to tel them who was,and if so do i appeal on the grounds of it being unfair the driver didn't not realize it was a pay and display it was a retail park and he hadnt noticed any signs which suggested he had to pay ,that's not to say they weren't there he may have just not noticed , i do intend to drive over and check the said signs , as it was a retail and he stayed just 16 mins while son went to buy a microwave at one of the shops does he have a leg to stand on over the matter , any help appreciated cheers just to add i wasnt in the car and was in fact at work ,and we do have a receipt from the shop for said microwave .
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