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  1. I left Sky last year and re-joined a couple of months after, which saved me roughly 50% of the monthly cost, fixed price for 12 months. I've just had a price increase letter from them - increasing the price by about 10%. Can they do this half way through a fixed price deal which they gave me to win me back?
  2. So in October I called EE to reduce the tariff on my phone. Was advised I have to stay on agreed tariff for 12 months before reducing and to ring after 30th November. I called today to be told that since EE formed you are no longer allowed to reduce your tariff. You can increase at any time but you can never go below the tariff you started on. I was pointed to the T & C's but that just says they don't have to allow you to reduce the tariff. I asked why something that important wasn't written into the conditions and was just told if it's not written in them then you can't do it. EE just state if your on the Orange side then you can drop 1 tariff during the contract but on EE this is no longer allowed. Anyone else come across this problem?
  3. as part of the NHS i will be on strike next week for a 4 hour period. Some of my co-workers are choosing not to strike (as is there right) , but i noticed some staff are working overtime that day . Can there union dismiss them for that ? As in dismiss from the union they are members of .
  4. I was dismissed after a gross misconduct hearing with NHS, I appealed and lost the appeal. I applied under DPA for all information that they held about me. They sent me the same information that I had been given prior to and during the hearing. Due to my profession the disclosing and barring service are involved. A year after my dismissal the DBS sent me papers for me to respond to. The papers were from the NHS; the papers were a copy of the report made by a seniour NHS manager for the gross misconduct hearing. The problem I have is that the statement provided to the DBS by the NHS contains a different account that was provided to me; I have never been presented with this version from the NHS. The DBS version contains information that was taken from a meeting during 2011; however that information was initially recorded as a draft; that draft was recorded as a draft and the information was corrected during 2012 I have found a document (an email) within the DPA information that was written by a very senior NHS manager; that email talks about removing the 2011 comments as she does not want me to know about it. The NHS managers now have two versions of a statement one that was used during the gross misconduct hearing and another provided to the DBS. The one that was used against me during the hearing has no real negative issues, but they decided not to share with me some important elements; they used this against me during the hearing but didn't bother to share so I never had a chance to explain and provide any evidence to dispute. Now the DBS have this other statement I am going round in circles not knowing what to do. Thanks for reading I hope it makes sense
  5. Hi all! I have an employment issue I would need some advice on. I am an experienced architect in London. Several weeks ago I was approached by an recruitment agency on behalf of a small developer in North London who was looking for a senior technical architect. Since I was not happy with my employment at that time I agreed to an interview with the developer. The interview went very well and after one week the developer wanted to meet me again for a second interview. The next day the recruitment agent on behalf of the developer made me an offer with a very attractive pay package and 3 month probation time which i accepted. Consequently I gave my then employer notice in accordance with my contractual notice period. In the weeks to the start of my new position on 28/10/2014 the recruitment agent chased the developer for a contract, which they said they would give to me on the start date, which is quite common in the architectural sector. However the day I took up my new position at the developer the contract was not issued to me. I ask the creative director, who had interviewed and hired me, for the contract and she informed that they normally only set up a contract after the probation time. I was not happy about this at all as you can imagine. However during my first week at their offices it became apparent that there was a fundamental discrepancy between role they had hired me for and role I was actually assigned to. This lead to some disagreement between me and the the creative director regarding the work I was supposed to do. On the end of Tuesday 04/11/2014 the creative director called me into a one on one meeting which I was lead to believe was related to a project I was working on. Without any prior warning she then told me that she does not want me to come back the next day because she thinks I would lack the 'passion' for their work. I was utterly stunned by her announcement but agreed to leave after she confirmed that I will be paid for the 6 days I had worked for them. I must admit that I feel a bit embarrassed about the whole situation and the way I let them treat me. From what I have read on-line they way they dealt with the situation would count as unfair dismissal. I also believe that even without a contract I should be entitled to some kind of notice period. I am now concerned that they might not pay me at all since one week passed already and I have not heard from them. Therefore I would appreciate your advice on what legal procedures there are, if any, to make them pay me for the 6 days I worked for them. Kind regards,
  6. So this is an unsual one on behalf of my sisters boyfriend. Recently, he left his job because he found better employment elsewhere. The job he was in required a months notice. He advised his employers on the Thursday that he would be leaving on the Friday-not 4 weeks notice, but his new job started the following Monday, and quite frankly, its a fact of life that sometimes your new job means you cant work your notice. Unfortunate, but sometimes unavoidable. He told the secretary, who advised that the boss would not be happy, and indeed he was not. He told the person in question to "f**k off and leave now). So basically, he was instructed to leave the premesis by the boss, who had taken offence. I think my sisters boyfriend was quite expecting them to refuse to pay him, because he hadnt worked his notice. I also think he was prepared to accept that as the price of getting out of a job he didnt like, as he would be getting paid from his new job and wouldnt be any worse off for that month. However it hasnt worked out like that. The previous employer, who has never been the mostpleasant of employers, has sent him a letter demanding around £1000 for a previous incident. A response was written politely declining to pay this money, and since then a letter has been sent by the companies solicitor giving the person in question 7 days to pay, or else face court action. The issue is however, that the £2000 he is requesting, is related to an incident that happened during his employment that bares some detailed description. Prior to Christmas last year, my sisters boyfriend was using a piece of machinery that caused damage to company property. The company said to their employee that he should pay £600 (30% of the repair costs), and they would pay the rest, rather than going through the companies public liability insurance. The alternative was that the company would claim, and they would charge their employee the £2000 excess fee. Naively perhaps, he agreed to this, because it was just before Christmas and didnt want to rock the boat and possibly lose his job. He undoubtedly felt pressured into this and agreed arguably under duress. However, this strikes me as extremely dubious practice by the employer? Surely they have public liability insurance for precisely these kind of accidents, and surely they cannot justifiably demand their employees pay the excesses of their own insurance claims? Regardless, this is what they did, and the full £2000 is apparently what the former employer is rather vindictively demanding back, seemingly out of nothing but spiteful annoyance that he didnt work his notice. If this was to end up in a small claims court, would it stand up? Would my sisters boyfriend have a reasonable case to counter-claim against the company for pressuring him into paying even the £600 when they should have gone through their public liability insurance? How do you suggest he responds to this? Thanks
  7. Hello I am trying to get some advice as I am getting contradictory information all over the place, especially from the police. Sorry if it is a long post. Yesterday 2 bailiffs attended my home in relation to a magistrates fine in the name of my daughter. I answered the door to two rather large chaps, and asked them what they wanted. They said they had a warrant of control and were going to enter the property to take goods. My response was, "no you're not". This went back and forth a little with one of them telling me that under schedule 4 of the Magistrates Court Act 1980 they had authority to force entry if need be. They also told me if I interfered they would call the police and I could be arrested. I asked to see the paperwork and warrant, which was initially refused, but eventually they let me view some of it, with them holding it in their folder. I got my wife to get my daughter out of bed as she was ill and she came downstairs. I left my daughter outside resolving it, as far as I was aware. I was then called by my daughter saying they were still saying they were coming in. My daughter had already spoken to them a week before, they confirmed this, but the person dealing with it on their end had not come back to my daughter about a proposed payment plan, instead they sent these people out. My daughter was in the process of clearing her car out and I was still telling the bailiffs they were not entering, my wife now was standing just outside the door on the doorstep and I was at the threshold. The more aggressive of the two men kept saying he was coming in and I said he wasn't. He said he would call the police and I invited him to do so. I explained that without confirming what power they had or if what they said was valid I was not letting them in to take my property. I did say that if they had to come in then they would only be able to take my daughters belongings and not ours. The more aggressive of the two disagreed, saying he could take everything. I responded saying "not if I provide receipts". He said that he would still take everything and we could argue the matter with the courts. Again I reiterated they were not allowed entry. At this point the quieter of the two forced his foot into the doorway, the more aggressive of the two then turned his back and charged into the doorway in an attempt to gain entry. During this "charge" my wife was thrown against the wall of the house and half dragged into the doorway where she was jammed between two huge men, I was both attempting to get them off my wife and stop them from entering the house. My wife was now screaming in pain, shouting "you're hurting me, I'm stuck", but they kept pushing. Somehow my wife got free and whilst I was still blocking them she called 999. At this point the pushing stopped.. and the bailiffs were now 2 or 3 foot into our hallway. Whilst waiting for the police I blocked the bailiffs further path into my home, believing they had committed an illegal forced entry to attempt a walk in possession. Unbeknown to myself or the bailiffs my wife had during this time gotten my phone and was recording the conversation. The bailiff admitted deliberately turning his back so that he did not touch us, saying that by doing so it did not constitute assault and quite a bit more. My wife was now covered in blood from lacerations caused by the outside wall / doorway to her arm. The police duly arrived and even after telling them what happened, they decided this was "reasonable" force. They were not interested in my partners injuries nor the fact we had a recording of the incident, not even the fact that the bailiffs own camera and recording equipment would have captured the whole thing. Obviously apart from when he deliberately turned his back. They even tried to say my less than 9 stone, 5ft 3 wife hurt herself trying to push two 18+ stone men out of the house. We eventually paid my daughters fine and the bailiffs and police left. A little while later, after the adrenalin wore off, my wifes pain level increased to the point I took her to A&E. After 4 hours and an x-ray for suspected dislocated shoulder and broke ribs we were let go having been told she was suffering from quite substantial soft tissue injuries and some nasty, deep lacerations to her arm, but nothing was broken. Her pain continued to worsen through the night until bedtime. When she removed her top it was found that the bailiff who came in backwards had elbowed her in the ribs as well. We visited the doctors this morning and she has been told it is a very serious injury and would need 6 - 8 weeks rest without any lifting etc... I have since contacted the police again and attempted to push them to further investigate but initially I was told it was not assault, they were doing their job and we prevented them from doing it, so this was "reasonable force". They are now going to "investigate", but my feeling is we are being humoured and there is no intention of any action. Any advice as to where we go next?
  8. Hi, I am renting a flat under Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement. I am not sure my deposit is protected by the landlord. I asked my agent for the same but got no response. I read some where that I can take the landlord to the court. I would like to know whether it is possible to file a case in the court while my tenancy has not ended yet? Thanks
  9. Hi and thanks for any who can help. I raised grievance for bullying, and periodic aggressive attacks on me by secretary (relation to owner). last straw was when the owners "secretary" said she was giving my admin work of home office stuff and staff files to senior care assistant. she is studying her NVQ sorry now QCF level 5. my roles are admin and Activities as per my contact. I have had attacks on me since 2011 but was unable to do grievance until now as 1. did not have employee handbook until 2012. 2. because of aggression 3. changed of matrons' who did not want to deal with my concerns or who were being bullied their selves. The care assistant has been gradually taking over most of my admin work , i have had all good feed back in the past and now, so apart from care assistant just starting her QCF, i dont know why, she relabeling, she's auditing "my" staff files' and even tried to publicly critise.even nurses are asking care staff member to do forms for them, so am unsure what they have been told too. Anyway i raised grievance, yesterday the owner asked to speak to me, she said it;s informal chat , then started asking me questions which relate to the grievance, said i would like you to focus more on activities and anyone can do admin, then said she did not know anything about the grievance/ meeting due next day today... the person who wanted to take the notes is also related but yesterday denied any knowledge of the arranged grievance hearing* when last week he called me over and said the grievance letter it.s no biggee we can sort out, perhaps we can have meeting next thursday or friday i will do a letter I said next friday would be better for me, whilst he walked passed meyesterday he told a staff member that he would not be in tomorrow. So in the end the owner said she would be coming in to the initial hearing. Today 1 hour at 1pm ish before hearing she had bad head and headed off to hospital, i was asked to put meeting back later to 3pm. at 2.46pm she rang , said she was at hospital having blood tests, i asked about our grievance hearing as the home manager who was to take the meeting was on annual leave after today. she said are you in on monday i said yes, she said it's only a grievance , i can do it on monday without the home manager.. so now im worried. firstly she tried to have informal chat in the middle of process, she is the owner and she would be the person who i would need to appeal to after the home manager has done his investigation. Now she wants to hold herself without the home manager being present..she's broke our own employee handbook policies and procedures with regard to grievances. she did ask me if i wanted to do an NVQ, i feel she's trying to sweep under the carpet. what do i do when she calls for an informal chat to deal with a formal grievance monday. grateful for advice, thanks so very much all.
  10. hello everyone. I started a new job a few months ago (service technician). my contract states that I must repay all costs of training including any wages paid and expenses. the first three months were a trial/ probationary period. on my fist week they asked me if I would like to go on a manufacturer specific 3 day course. I said (I have the email) that this course would not be of any benefit to the company and I didn't want to do it. they said they wanted me to do it so I did. anyway within the three month period I decided to leave as I didn't like the job. my notice period was 1 month but the boss asked me to work longer and and also train up another engineer before I leave. I worked 6 weeks notice. now that I have gotten my pay check they have deducted 850pounds for training costs. (cost of course plus wages plus hostel plus expences) can anyone please inform me if they are correct in taking this money. despite the fact that it was a course I didn't want to do isn't it true that on probationary period that no obligations apply? any help I would really appreciate. thank you.
  11. Hi, I handed my resignation in on Monday and am required to work 4 weeks notice, My manager has given me a project in which I know I will be unable to see through till the end, Commission is paid upon the final balance paid by the customer, when I doubt I will be working there but all the work will have been completed by myself. I advised today that due to this I thought someone else may be better suited to the task, to which the response was 'we haven't even won the job yet, we will worry about that later' Where do I stand on this? as I feel I am being taken advantage of due to the fact that the commission will be paid after I have left so I probably wont receive it. There is nothin in my contract to outline procedure on commission, Please help me clear this up, many thanks
  12. Hi all. My partner is being made redundant soon. He has worked for the company for over 11 years & has been given the required 11 weeks notice. He suffers from rheumatoid arthritis & the company were aware of this when he was employed. As is the way with this disease, his condition has deteriorated over the years & he has had increasing, but thankfully, short periods of absence, as flare-ups have increased in frequency & intensity. The company have not been unreasonable about this & the company doctor has examined him on several occasions & confirms that he falls within the scope of the Equalities Act & is expected to have more absences than an average employee. This has not prevented action over the years though & he has been on a final written warning for some months now. He has had no absences for anything other than the arthritis for over a year, until 2 days this week with a severe cold/flu. His symptoms are always worse as one of the drugs he takes, compromises his immune system & means that he is more severely affected by relatively minor bugs. Now his manager tells him that as this is not an equalities covered absence, he is being referred for possible further action, which is potential dismissal. Couple of questions. Is it reasonable for the company to take action on just 1 non equalities related absence in over a year & can the company pursue a capability issue to dismissal with only 9 weeks of employment left? Even if they can, would it be wise? I just wonder how a tribunal might look upon this if it came to it. There is a fairly substantial redundancy payment in the balance here & with little likelihood of him holding down a full-time job as a new employee elsewhere, this money will be much needed. Any advice much appreciated.
  13. So what are your thoughts on this. I think it is in very bad tastes and what does it have to do with the ethos of the Commonwealth Games. Not forgetting all those people that had compulsory purchase orders on there properties to make way for buildings need for these games. http://www.theguardian.com/sport/2014/apr/03/glasgow-2014-red-road-flats-demolished-opening-ceremony-commonwealth-games
  14. Hi, hope somebody can help. My husband gave his notice, which was a month, but as he had 8 days holiday left the Employer agreed to take this off his notice. So instead of his final working day being on 10th April his last day was actually 31st March. He got paid his full month's wages on 1st April and has received his P45 (only partially filled in but that is another story!) but has not been paid for the 8 days holiday/notice. Can someone please confirm that we are correct in assuming they have to pay him for the outstanding 8 days? Any help would be brilliant. Thanks in advance.
  15. The team are trying to get the Mortgage rates you are currently paying during Repossession. Could you please post this information to get a snap shot of how the lenders are behaving with interest rates when in arrears?
  16. Hi All, I purchase a 32" Tv from Tesco at a very good price just about £159 which is not a misprice by the way until it went out of stock, it was despatched for next day delivery however the TV failed to arrive. Yodel claimed it was left with my neighbor however the neighbor in question is hardly ever at home and I am the one who actually receives parcel for the said neighbor, but I check with the neighbor anyway and it was not there. I was home all day on the said day but I was sure there was no yodel driver about. Tesco are still investigating and I dread them coming back to me asking to refund my payment as I really do want the TV and if buying similar TV else where would definitely cost loads more. Can I insist on another comparable TV or find the tv elsewhere and claim the difference from them?. Item in question here
  17. I raised 4 important issues with the Chief Officer during the redundancy process on procedure and suitable alternative employment but she chose to ignore dealing with them so I followed it up with a grievance during the redundancy process to her boss. The day after i raised the grievance I was made redundant so i put in a second grievance to say i had been unfairly dismissed. I was told that if i raised the grievance before the end of the consultation period and my my notice period which was one week after my dismissal notice letter they should halt proceedings until my issues and grievances were dealt with - is this true? and where will i find the info in print for my ET case. On my termination letter they made a presumption and said they assumed i was going to take redundancy without calling me in for a final consutation meeting, they did not put on my letter the date i was to be made redundant and they did not put i had the right to appeal. 6 weeks after the grievances were raised they said that i had to treat it as an appeal against selection for redundancy but these were never my issues - i was only advised of the change of title 1 working day before the meeting- i saw a free solicitor and had advice from ACAS and everyone said it was a grievance because they were raised prior to me leaving the employment - i am now going to a tribunal and need some advice in writing to back up my claim as ACAS do not keep notes and the free solicitor also doesn't unless you decide to employ their services which i cannot afford. Everyone legal i have spoken to say i have got a good case
  18. Hi guys! This is my first post here, I am asking for advice on weather I would be entitled to an IS underpayment that i know occurred. I was recieving IS on the grounds of being estranged in 2011 after being kicked out of home. I recieve DLA at the middle rate for care and lower rate for mobility. I have a close family friend who looks after me, as I struggle with my ASD in my day to day life and have alot of social anxiety. I cannot go anywhere that is unfamiliar, it just terrifies me! However I am living in my own place, she comes quite often with meals and stuff and to do my washing etc for me. During the time between june - december 2011 i was living in a house on my own, and then moved to a shared house closer to the family friend. When i moved to the shared house i was told I was entitled to the servere disability premium as i lived alone (not counting the sharing of facilities, as i had my own room and my own tenancy agreement) which they gave me. Before i was only recieving the disability premium, not the servere disability premium, however in the first house i did also live alone, and no one was claiming any carer's allowance for me then, so surely i would have also been entitled to that then? Is it possible to apply to have this underpayment paid to me? Or is two years nearly too far gone? It was only recently i found out i should have got it then.. Thanks!
  19. Hello to all, I am new to this site and would appreciate any advice that you may have regarding my legal rights. I put my car through a car wash which included the wheel scrub, I have used this auto wash a few times previously with no problems. On returning home my other half pointed out large circular scratches on the paintwork behind the wheel arch of the front tyres and before the wheel arch of the back tyres (on the sides of my car), 4 sets of scratches in all. This damage appeared to have been caused by the wheel scrub missing the wheels of my car as it went through the wash process. My other half took photos of the damage and we have kept the receipt from the car wash. I wrote to the garage (Murco) advising them of the problem and they wrote back asking me to get 2 repair quotes. Given their response at this point, I thought it was all going to be a straighforward process. I obtained 1 quote from my local garage which seemed reasonable and wrote back asking if they wished to pay this directly or if they wished me to pay and then would recompense me. I heard nothing back and on contacting them again, they just advised me that they were investigating the incident. After waiting a few more days, I wrote to Murco stating that I was unwilling to leave my car in this state and I was going ahead with the repair using the local garage. Once again I asked them how they wished to settle the bill. I did not hear back from the company and went ahead with the repair assuming that they would settle, given that they had asked me for repair quotes. A few days later, I then received a letter advising that they had found nothing wrong with the car wash, denying liability and pointing out their disclaimer notice which states owners take their cars to the car wash at their own risk. I can understand that the garage cannot expect to be held liable for damage that may be caused due to the actions of drivers, but in my case my car was damaged due to the machine not working properly. We have advised Murco that they have until 22nd June to settle my bill (£150 for repair to the paintwork) or I will take further action to recover my money. Can anyone advise me on the likelyhood of any legal claim succeeding? I have been on various sites where owners have suffered damage to spoilers etc and they have been advised that owners have no rights due to the disclaimer notices. However I saw an earlier post on this site in which the person posting suffered the same type of damage. The response given told the poster to keep photos and write to the garage. The poster did not respond to this response so I do not know the outcome, but this response gives me hope that Murco may have some liability in this case. I am not sure what defence Murco would offer apart from tryng to claim that I must have moved my car during the wash process. I turned the engine off when I used the car wash so I know this did not happen, also I would have had to have driven forward and then backwards to have caused the 4 circular scratches that appeared on my car both after and before the wheel arches on the sides of the car. I would be grateful for any advice. Many thanks Sue
  20. I've been working for my company for almost 4 months and my probationary period is for 6 months. I know I have been doing a good job as the Marketing Manager as I've managed to increase the Facebook likes from 4000 to 9000 in the time I've been there, by merging the Facebook profile with the page which ultimately attracted more visitors. Our annual show managed to sell more tickets than it has in past years with less performances. I've managed to build two partnerships with other local companies where we will be advertising them and they will advertise us free of charge. I've also paid out of my own money for hotels and taxis if I have worked late and I've paid for things such as nibbles for one of our press nights and the contents of 7 goody-bags that we gave to prize winners of a recent competition we ran. I work late when required and turn up early too. We also had a fatality recently and I was the one who dealt with the press. The company were very appreciative of my help. I was called in to the office yesterday after a complaint had been made following a post I put on my Twitter. My Marketing Officer and I were messing around in the office and took a photo of a teddy bear staring at a topless models on the computer. The complaint was sent to head office by a lady who had been shown it by her daughter. The thing is, I didn't know that there was a upside down business card on the table with the company logo clear as anything when taking the photo. I realised minutes after posting the photo online and removed it straight-away. This was over a month ago and someone has now reported it to my manager. I have reasons to believe that whoever it was that sent the letter was actually someone who I know. For a start, in the letter they mentioned that I worked in Marketing, and who would honestly go out of their way to destroy someone's career that they don't even know? The email they sent to Head Office was quite long and it just seems as though it may of been someone being vindictive who I actually know. They included the photo that I had posted. I was suspended on Thursday and will be having a formal meeting on Monday with my manager to discuss. It's possible I might loose my job. I should of known better before posting the photo and it was just unfortunate that someone found it in the short time it was visible to the public domain. Do you think I will loose my job? How can I fight to keep it? My manager seemed sorry that he had to suspend me as he knows I am a hard worker and he knows I've been doing a good job. The company are furious that I had used company property to get the model's photo up on Google, and that their logo was shown in the image. Also as a manager I should be setting an example to my Marketing Officer. I really don't want to loose my job as I know I've been working so hard. The other day I worked 15 hours and I come in on weekends when required. What can I do?
  21. Hi If someone is on maternity paid then decides to take the remaining maternity leave unpaid what is the consequences for an employer if they terminate your contract without even telling you while you are still legally on maternity allowance? The person in question was due to go back in August 2012 but took their remaining 3 months unpaid making a total of 52 weeks which is allowed. On a discussion with head office they have found that their place of work has informed head office that they will no longer be returning to work and their hours have been given to new employee. Not once have they suggested in anyway that they would not be returning but instead on each call they have made to work they have been ignored and calls not returned. I understand the statuary rights are that you are allowed to return to your job after 52 weeks but what can be done against the employer of they refuse to employ her. She is not part of a union at work. Thanks
  22. Hi Hopefully someone could advise me on whether I can get a CCJ removed/overturned that has just been registered against me whilst appealing a court order. The case is still ongloing against Robinson Way yet my credit file is now showing a CCJ judgment has been listed against me. To me it doesnt seem lawful to have a CCJ listed against me whilst still fighting the case in court. I am at the stage where I am requesting a hearing for the right to appeal. I've already lodged my appeal which initially was denied. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who can offer advice. Many thanks Ian
  23. Hello everybody got some questions if anybody could help.... I am being made redundant next month. My 6 weeks notice is starting next week. My question is: - if I meanwhile find a new job and want to start it in that 6 weeks notice time am I entitled to a full redundancy package from my employer? - how soon do I have to tell them? thanks everybody
  24. Sunday afternoon, the weathers lovely, lets spend the afternoon by the river at Eton. Found a little lane that I was vaguely aware of before. Several areas for parking but all full. Then a godsend, a junction with a footpath where the lane turns sharp left and wide verges. 2 spaces next to a gate into a field, 1 just further up the road, one across from it. 1 car already in situ in the space next to the gate. Double yellow lines but these spaces were well off the road had obviously been used before and crucially apart from a sign to not park in front of the gate, no signs indicating that parking anywhere in this area is an offence.No blockages were made by parking in these spots. Of course subsequently I and 3 other motorists get issued with PCNs. I was inscensed and left my mobile number on the other cars. I have since been contacted by 2 of them who both feel the same way. I was not previously aware that yellow lines apply to a verge (Only by reading previous posts on this site has that become clear and i've been driving 40 yrs) and clearly it is not a commonly known fact, as both other drivers thought the same as me. The geography at this point clearly entices drivers to park here and I suspect Windsor & Maidenhead council make a tidy little sum out of this honey pot. Should there not be an onus on councils to erect signs at these spots to make it clear parking is not allowed. Had there been, I and the others would not have parked here. Is there any point in appealing on these grounds? Your considered opinion would be appreciated.
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